History of Linn County Iowa Part 13

History of Linn County Iowa -

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Hall, Oliver S., Marion Haas, Wm., Central City *Hollan, Samuel, Cedar Rapids Hollan, Susan, Cedar Rapids *Howard, Paine, Cedar Rapids *John, Mrs. L. J., Mt. Vernon Kemp, Zenophon, Marion *Knapp, John F., Bertram *Lillie, Eulalia L., Marion Mann, Alva, Paralta McKinnie, Lovina, Waubeek Metcalf, H. S., Cedar Rapids Morrison, J. B., Cedar Rapids Parkhurst, Mrs. L. K., Marion Peet, W. R., Viola Rench, Melinda, Center Point Snyder, Sarah A., Bertram


Anderson, Mary E., Palo Birch, Victoria A., Marion Clark, Geo., Covington Clarke, George, Cedar Rapids Combs, Mrs. H. E., Cedar Rapids Cone, Caroline, Marion Cooper, Mrs. Chloe, Marion *Cordes, Mrs. C., Mt. Vernon *Daniels, John J., Bertram *Emmons, Emeline, Bertram Gray, James M., Marion *Harris, Wm. M., Marion Hoffman, John, Lisbon *Johnson, John, Mt. Vernon *Jordan, Chandler, Waubeek Kepler, Chas. W., Mt. Vernon *Kepler, Conrad, Mt. Vernon *Kepler, John W., Mt. Vernon Kershner, F., Ely Knapp, Asa P., Cedar Rapids Lac.o.c.k, Mrs. C. A., Mt. Vernon Miller, C. L., Cedar Rapids *Oxley, James M., Springville Penrose, Lewis, Sh.e.l.lsburg *Pisel, Susanna, Marion Porter, Mrs. R. H., Robins Robertson, P. P., Marion Secrist, Mrs. A. M., Marion Snyder, Sarah A., Bertram Stinger, F. B., Marion *Stinger, Philip, Mt. Vernon Thompson, W. C., Marion Waterhouse, M. J., Coggon


*Becker, Francis, Marion *Beckner, Elizabeth, Marion *Beckner, John, Marion Beckner, Miss Rebecca, Marion *Beall, Elizabeth, Marion *Beall, Sarah J., Cedar Rapids Bice, Mary C., Troy Mills *Black, Isaac, Marion Courtney, Mary A., Marion *Cooper, Joseph, Marion Cooper, Polly P., Marion c.u.mberland, M. E., Alice *Dumont, A. B., Marion *Dumont, Julia A., Marion Fernow, Ann, Marion *Gla.s.s, John P., Cedar Rapids Gray, Sarah M., Marion Hale, Mary S., Cedar Rapids Howard, William, Cedar Rapids Hopkins, A. C., Cedar Rapids Heaton, Peter A., Central City *Leffingwell, Mrs. B., Marion Marshall, L. S., Central City Marshall, Warren S., Central City McKean, Sarah P., Marion McLaughlin,, Marion *McShane, John, Springville Murphy, M. F., Cedar Rapids Nott, Lydia L., Marion *Nuckolls, Susanna, Viola *Ovington, T. S., Marion Ovington, Mrs. T. S., Marion Oxley, Sarah, Marion *Paul, Alexander, Marion Paul, George, Springville Perry, Sarah E., Central City Pugh, John, Troy Mills *Robins, Isabella, Marion Smith, Mary A., Cedar Rapids *Stone, Sarah J., Springville *Stone, Zephny, Springville Wightman, Joanna, Marion


*Albaugh, Daniel, Robins Alexander, Lenora, Marion Baker, Elmira, Marion Beeler, J. M., Marion *Bigger, Francis, Marion *Clark, Sabra G., Mt. Vernon Coffits, John, Cedar Rapids *Daniels, Martha R., Bertram *Daniels, Preston, Marion Daniels, Samuel, Marion Gillette, Charles A., Lisbon *Gott, Willis S., Marion *Guzzle, Daniel, Marion Hein, A. A., Marion Harman, Warren, Cedar Rapids Hart, Geo. B., Viola Hayes, Mrs. L. C., Marion Hayes, J. B., Marion Huffman, James M., Marion Jordan, Geo. L., Springville Keenan, H. G., Marion Martin, Sarah, Center Point McShane, Frank, Springville Minehart, Mrs. John, Central City Palmer, Mary, Marion Sigworth, Mrs. M. P., Anamosa Smyth, Margaret, Mt. Vernon Starbuck, Laura, Marion Stentz, Esther, Paralta *Thomas, James, Lafayette Wood, Wm. W., Viola


Ackley, DeWitt C., Viola Bascom, Lizzie, Lisbon Bennets, Susan, Paralta *Brenneman, A., Marion *Charles, J. F., Cedar Rapids d.i.c.ken, Isaac, Toddville *Ely, John F., Cedar Rapids Floyd, Elizabeth, Lisbon *Gillilan, Elizabeth, Viola *Hoover, Jonathan, Lisbon Hershey, Henry, Lafayette Hurshey, Margaret, Viola *Johnson, S. S., Cedar Rapids Keithley, J. W., Prairieburg Kurtz, C. H., Marion *McMa.n.u.s, Joseph, Palo Miller, Samuel, Robins Moors, Mrs. C., Viola Neidig, Nancy, Mt. Vernon Newton, Geo. W., California Oxley, Perry, Marion Perkins, Elizabeth, Anamosa Ristine, John M., Cedar Rapids Ringer, B. H., Lisbon s.h.i.+elds, Mattie E., Cedar Rapids *Stewart, Wm., Cedar Rapids *Stone, J. D., Springville Torrance, Alexander, Springville *Wickham, S. J., Troy Mills Wickham, Mrs. S. J., Troy Mills


*Adams, Fannie, Lafayette Blair, Elizabeth, Cedar Rapids Blessing, Wm., Cedar Rapids *Busenbark, John, Marion Burch, Leroy, Cedar Rapids Burch, Mrs. M. V., Cedar Rapids Cook, Let.i.ta, Marion Cone, Mrs. John, Marion Clark, W. O., Mt. Vernon *Gla.s.s, I. O., Cedar Rapids *Gray, Mattie Jane, Marion *Granger, Amelia, Marion *Howe, Joseph A., Marion Hazzlerigg, Francis, Viola Hemphill, Barbara, Lafayette Hastings, W., Marion Johnson, William, Cedar Rapids *Jones, Harriett, Springville *Jones, Pierson, Springville Kinley, D. R., Marion Kennedy, C. B., Cedar Rapids Klenknecht, Laura, Mt. Vernon Kurtz, D. H., Cedar Rapids Morrison, Louisa, Cedar Rapids McCleary, Margaret, Marion Oxley, Henry C., Marion *Patmore, Mary J., Mt. Vernon Reynolds, j.a.p, Marion Rickard, W. S., Cedar Rapids Russell, Geo. W., Walker Scott, David, Mt. Vernon Strite, Mary C., Springville *Thomas, Jeremiah, Mt. Vernon *Travis, Daniel, Mt. Vernon *Wallace, D. R., Marion Wallace, John C., Marion *Wilson, John, Marion *Weare, Charles, Cedar Rapids Wilson, Mrs. C. M., Troy Mills


*Anderson, J. S., Cedar Rapids *Bolton, A., Paralta Bryan, Mrs. Louisa, Center Point Clark, Margaret J., Marion *Cooper, Wm., Marion *Dean, Preston S., Marion *Dorwart, David, Cedar Rapids Ford, E. P., Central City *Fullerton, Geo. E., Marion *Gillilan, D. C., Central City Grove, S. N., Marion Hence, Mary, Lafayette Hahn, E., Mt. Vernon James, Mehitable, Viola Jordan, Mrs. E. A., Springville Keyes, A. J., Marion Kyle, Isaac, Mt. Vernon *Kyle, John, Mt. Vernon *Kyle, L. B., Mt. Vernon Langsdale, Wm. I., Center Point Langsdale, Julia A., Center Point *Martin, Almira, St. Paul Milner, Sarah A., Marion Miller, Mrs. C. L., Cedar Rapids McFarland, J. G., Mt. Vernon Null, Mary E., Cedar Rapids *Nugent, J. J., Coggon *Oxley, Wm., Delta, Idaho Parker, Mrs. B. F., Cedar Rapids Qua.s.s, Barbara, Cedar Rapids Qua.s.s, G.o.dfried, Cedar Rapids Shanklin, Mary A., Viola Swan, John P., Marion Taylor, John, Toddville Taylor, M. V., Marion *Vannote, B., Cedar Rapids White, Elizabeth, Springville *White, Hosea, Springville *Wickham, B. P., Marion Wilson, Mrs. Eva, Marion


*Andrews, C. C., Marion *Andrews, Geo. H., Coggon *Alderman, E. B., Riverside, Calif.

Beall, Mrs. James M., Cedar Rapids Beall, Wm. E., Marion *Blessing, Henry, Lisbon Biggs, E. W., Marion *Booze, Geo., Robins *Brown, John, Central City Bressler, A. P., Cedar Rapids *Carbee, John P., Springville Daniels, A. L., Marion Dunn, Amelia, Springville Ellison, Wm. G., Mt. Vernon Enders, Fred, Cedar Rapids Esgate, D. W., Mt. Vernon Evans, Buel, Central City Fitzgerald, Geo., Center Point *Floyd, Martin, Lisbon Furstenmaker, N., Prairieburg *Gardner, Amanda, Marion Goodyear, Anna B., Mt. Vernon Garretson, Mrs. Angela W., Marion *Henderson, Mrs. P. G., Central City Graham, Josiah, Cedar Rapids Holland, I. W., Center Point Hoover, Mary, Lisbon Kramer, Valinda, Marion *Kelsey, J. C., Cedar Rapids Lac.o.c.k, Nira, Martelle Minehart, John, Central City Oxley, J. T., Marion Piper, Martha A., Cedar Rapids Parmenter, Mrs. Lyda, Marion Reinheimer, Jacob, Marion Rollins, Rachel, Viola Rundall, G. W., Viola Scott, James R., Marion *Smith, C. E., Marion Smith, Daniel, Central City Smith, Joseph, Central City Stewart, J. O., Cedar Rapids Stookey, Mary E., Bertram *Taylor, Ernestine, Marion *Wagner, Wm., Central City *Wilson, Dr. E. D., Troy Mills Wilson, Rebecca J., Lafayette Willard, Mary G., Marion


Arnold, Sarah, Cedar Rapids Baker, J. A., Ely Baker, John, Marion *Barnard, Asher, Springville *Berry, Robert, Bertram *Breed, Ira, Martelle *Breed, C. W., Martelle Carbee, Mrs. J. P., Springville Cardis, Christian, Mt. Vernon Clarke, Caroline, Covington Cook, Mary C., Marion *Cook, Wm., Marion c.u.mberland, H. C., Alice *Dunlap, John, Springville Evans, James, Paris Fernow, C. G., Marion Finson, Ida, Central City Fitzgerald, Jas. B., Cedar Rapids Fleming, James, Marion Hale, Mary S., Cedar Rapids Hall, Mrs. Ida, Marion Hall, J. J., Cedar Rapids Hazeltine, E. D., Center Point Hendryxson, F. M., Marion Hill, Mrs. A. T., Cedar Rapids s.h.i.+nn, Joab R., Marion Slife, James, Martelle Smith, Wm. A., Mt. Vernon *Smith, C. G., Springville Smyth, Wm., Cedar Rapids Sprague, Mrs. R. C., Cedar Rapids Stinger, Eliza E., Mt. Vernon Strawn, N. P., Sh.e.l.lsburg Stuart, Geo. W., Cedar Rapids Taylor, Mrs. S. V., Marion *Thompson, H. J., Marion Thompson, Christina, Marion *Torrance, H. F., Mt. Vernon White, John R., Bertram Wilson, R. J., Lafayette Wilson, W. M., Lafayette Wright, George J., Waubeek


*Anderson, G. H., Waubeek Anderson, Gerselda, Waubeek Andrews, Elizabeth, Waubeek Ashlock, G. W., Lafayette Bever, James L., Cedar Rapids *Beechley, Jesse, Mt. Vernon Biggs, E. F., Troy Mills *Bixby, Jesse C., Marion *Black, John, Marion Black, Mrs. John, Marion Bromwell, M. E., Marion Brown, John B., Marion Brown, T. C., Mt. Vernon Brown, F., Prairieburg Burns, Hannah, Robins Buchanan, George, Cedar Rapids *Bunting, Eli, Marion Clark, Francis M., Mt. Vernon Coleman, Martha, Marion Coenen, Sophia, Marion *Cone, Mary A., Marion *Crosby, Alice G., Central City *Dance, L. F., Lafayette *Denny, John Q., Waubeek Denny, Mrs. John Q., Waubeek Dutton, J. Q. A., Marion Evans, Adam, Paris Evans, James, Paris Freeman, John, Paris Gilblaith, John, Fairfax Hall, Mary A., Coggon *Hansell, Hannah, Marion *Hansell, Jos. A., Marion Helbig, F. A., Lafayette Hill, Deborial, Cedar Rapids Hill, James, Cedar Rapids Holloway, John C., Marion Houver, Sadie E., Marion Hogland, P., Center Point Houston, A. P., Coggon *Irish, Joel S., Springville Ives, Lawson L., Marion Keller, John, Cedar Rapids *Kendall, W. J., Marion Lanning, John, Lafayette Legore, John, Cedar Rapids *Legore, James E., Cedar Rapids Leigh, John B., Mt. Vernon Lincoln, Fannie A., Cedar Rapids Listebarger, I. C., Cedar Rapids Listebarger, Maggie, Cedar Rapids McArthur, M. E., Palo *McShane, Jacob, Paralta Miller, Acquilla, Cedar Rapids *Mills, Mahlon, Central City Perkins, Chas. E., Anamosa Paul, Arthur, Springville Pifer, Martha A., Center Point *Reinheimer, Paulina, Marion *Reece, David, Troy Mills Rhoten, John H., Portland Riger, J. C., Lisbon *Rose, R. P., Lisbon Shaver, Margaret, Fairfax Jordan, Geo. E., Marion Knapp, Henry, Bertram Lanning, Margaret J., Lafayette *Long, David P., Paris Mills, Julie L., Central City *Mills, Mrs. Lucy, Central City Manahan, A., Center Point Manahan, Mrs. A., Center Point Maudsley, Mrs. S. M., Cedar Rapids Morse, Mary E., Riverside, Calif.

McShane, Geo., Springville Newlin, Geo., Viola *Nott, B. H., Marion Nott, J. H., Marion *Nott, R. H., Marion Oxley, R. S., Marion Oxley, Margaret, Marion Pletcher, Amos, Marion Paul, Mrs. M. J., Springville Post, Geo. W., Viola *Pollock, John, Springville Rhoten, Rilla, Portland, Ore.

Rundall, S. W., Marion Shanklin, A. T., Waubeek Shanklin, F. M., Viola Sherwood, Jos. B., Viola Smith, Caroline, Marion

[Ill.u.s.tration: JOHN A. KEARNS Came Here in 1853]

[Ill.u.s.tration: A. J. REID Who Came Here in 1852]

[Ill.u.s.tration: C. S. HOWARD Came in 1843]

[Ill.u.s.tration: WILLIAM STICK Came in 1853]

*Smith, Darwin, Marion Smith, Rachel M., Marion Smith, Louisa, Cedar Rapids *Snouffer, J. J., Cedar Rapids Snyder, Marion D., Bertram Tathwell, Josie, Marion Webb, Alice A., Marion Webb, Milas, Marion Webb, Sophia, Marion West, Mrs. J. B., Marion White, Augustus, Cedar Rapids *Whitenack, J. W., Marion Whitenack, Mrs. J., Kenwood Park *Wilson, John, Marion Wilson, Jno. M., Cedar Rapids Young, Lewis, Lisbon


*Anderson, J. S., Cedar Rapids Benedict, L. D., Cedar Rapids Berry, Nancy, Bertram Beechley, N. K., Cedar Rapids *Bishop, Seth, Central City *Bolton, Susan, Paralta Booth, L. G., Marion Breneman, Mrs. S. A., Marion *Brown, W. H., Springville Brown, Mrs. W. H., Springville Bruner, Emma, Cedar Rapids Burt, Mrs. L. W., Cedar Rapids b.u.t.tolph, Edwin, Cedar Rapids Calvert, Amanda J., Springville Certain, Wilson, Marion *Cornell, J. D., Springville Cory, Abel L., Marion *Cory, Daniel M., Marion Cory, Samuel E., Cedar Rapids Coulter, John, Cedar Rapids Crawford, Geo. E., Cedar Rapids Crogan, Thomas, Cedar Rapids Crowl, Jacob, Marion Dixon, Mrs. Harriett, Cedar Rapids Evans, Hattie, Central City Fawley, Hannah, Springville Fawley, Samuel, Springville *Fitzgarrald, W. F., Marion Fleming, Julia, Alburnett Floyd, Jacob, Center Point *Forsythe, H. M., Cedar Rapids Forsythe, Mrs. H. M., Cedar Rapids Goudy, Mrs. L. A., Marion Goldsberry, W. N., Central City *Graul, Daniel, Lisbon *Harris, Richard, Marion *Hayden, Z. L., Cedar Rapids *Henderson, J. W., Cedar Rapids Hendrickson, F. M., Center Point Hall, O. S., Marion Hunter, Harriet E., Marion Johnston, Mary, Mt. Vernon *Kearns, John A., Springville Kyle, W. H., Mt. Vernon King, Wm., Cedar Rapids Lamson, Eva, Marion Lathrop, Virgil A., Marion *Lockhart, Robert, Cedar Rapids Lord, Clara, Fairfax Marsh, Harriett, Robins *McAfee, D. T., Marion *Mentz, Michael, Cedar Rapids Mentzer, Samuel, Center Point Metcalf, Mrs. C. P., Cedar Rapids Mohler, Mary S., Lafayette Moreland, John, Central City McCrelles, Z., Central City Myers, W. H., Cedar Rapids Oliphant, Permelia, Toddville Oxley, Marshall, Marion Pennington, J. M., Alburnette Phelps, Sarah B., Covington Rickard, C., Cedar Rapids Ring, W. C., Center Point Schultz, Chas., Marion Scott, T. W., Marion *Smith, John T., Cedar Rapids Smith, Dr. J. H., Cedar Rapids Smyth, Jay J., Marion *Stark, Laurance, Marion *Stentz, Peter A., Springville Stick, Wm., Lafayette Stockberger, John R., Marion Thompson, Wm. G., Marion Thoring, Samuel, Bertram Treat, Mrs. D. J., Marion *Wagner, Geo., Toddville Ware, Mary E., Coggon Weed, Egbert, Marion *White, Crawford, Marion Whitenack, Sarah J., Marion *Wilson, Polly, Marion White, James F., Alburnette White, N. J., Marion Wilson, John H., Marion *Yount, Broxton, Mt. Vernon


Adams, Margaret, Marion *Armstrong, W. B., Marion Austin, Wm. A., Marion Bartleson, J. M., Center Point Bauman, Simon H., Mt. Vernon Bombardner, Mrs. C., Cedar Rapids Beach, B. F., Mt. Vernon Bedell, Elwood T., Springville Bice, Isaac, Troy Mills Bice, James, West Prairie *Bishop, Henry O., Waubeek *Blackmar, Augustus, Marion Blodgett, Simpson, Central City *Braska, Louise, Marion Braska, C. W., Marion *Busby, Geo., Marion Busby, B. C., Marion Butcher, A. P., Paralta Cadwell, Edwin, Cedar Rapids *Cadwell, Mary, Covington Cairns, W. A., Ely *Camburn, J. H., Cedar Rapids Caraway, John S., Bertram Carlin, Geo. W., Cedar Rapids Carpenter, Mary A., Cedar Rapids *Carsner, Mathias, Marion *Conklin, Chauncey, Prairieburg Cornell, Amy, Springville Cory, James, Robins Cutler, Eva G., Central City *Davis, Geo. A., Jr., Central City *Davis, J. C., Marion Davis, Jas. H., Central City Dawley, Darius, Cedar Rapids Dawley, John, Marshalltown *DeWitt, J. V., Martelle Edgerly, Geo. C., Central City Elrod, Jonathan, Marion Ellis, Martha, Cedar Rapids Ellis, Levi, Springville Fay, H. H., Troy Mills Fitzgerrald, Mary A., Cedar Rapids *Floyd, Geo. W., Marion *Ford, B. S., Marion Ford, Margaret, Marion Fowler, S. J., Marion Goodlove, W. H., Marion *Goldsberry, Mrs. A. M., Marion Groll, Geo. F., Marion *Gitch.e.l.l, Chas. G., Waubeek Heaton, Mary A., Central City Heaton, Olive, Cedar Rapids *Heaton, Samuel, Cedar Rapids Henderson, Henry, Coggon Henderson, P. G., Central City *Hess, Abraham, Marion *Heer, Mary, Marion *Hollis, Elizabeth C., Marion Huston, Chas. A., Waubeek Huston, James M., Waubeek Johnson, Wm., Marion *Jones, Wm., Marion Kaiser, John L., Marion Kennedy, C. B., Marion Kennedy, Mrs. C. B., Marion Kimball, Emma J., Springville Kinkead, Alexander, Springville *Kleinknecht, Geo., Mt. Vernon Klumph, V. G., Marion Knowlton, Fred, Seattle, Wash.

Knickerbocker, W. B., Cedar Rapids *Lac.o.c.k, Joab, Mt. Vernon Lac.o.c.k, Wm. A., Martelle *Lillie, Mary, Marion Lord, Clara, Fairfax Lord, Lydia, Cedar Rapids Lord, Robert, Cedar Rapids Lutz, John E., Kenwood Manson, Dwight, Marion *Marshall, S. H., Viola *Marshall, Mrs. S. H., Viola *Martin, F. M., Center Point Mason, Edwin R., Marion McIntyre, Z., Mound City, Kans.

McKay, John M., Cedar Rapids *McFarlin, J. J., Mt. Vernon McLord, Maggie, Central City Melton, Nancy, Marion Melton, P. T., Marion *Moody, Philip, Cedar Rapids Mentzer, B. F., Marion Mentzer, Mrs. B. F., Marion *Mentzer, C. C., Marion Miles, L. W., Marion *Miles, Geo., Robins Moles, Robert M., Paris *Myers, J. V., Mt. Vernon Neff, M. K., Mt. Vernon Nye, John W., Cedar Rapids Odell, Lewis H., Mt. Vernon Oxley, Mrs. H. C., Marion Palmer, H. G., Marion Parr, Geo., Cedar Rapids *Pearson, Geo., Springville Pearson, Hanna K., Springville Pearson, Mary, Springville Pearson, O. J., Springville *Pearson, Thomas, Springville *Pearson, Wm., Springville Pearson, Margaret A., Viola *Penn, Rebecca T., Viola Penn, R. R., Viola *Penn, S. J., Central City Penn, Wm. B., Central City Platner, Henry C., Mt. Vernon Plumly, Chas. O., Waubeek *Reece, Henry, Troy Mills Reece, Lucia, Troy Mills Rhoten, Chas. W., Viola Rich, Allie, Marion *Richard, D. H., Cedar Rapids Riley, Allie, Marion *Ross, James G., Marion *Reynolds, J. W., Center Point Rogers, Mary C., Cedar Rapids Runkle, Abraham, Lisbon Runkle, A. J., Cedar Rapids *Samson, E. L., Marion *Samson, Catherine, Marion *Scott, J. B., Marion *Scott, Mary E., Marion Secrist, Alice, Marion *Simpson, S., Marion Sawyer, Ebner, Central City Sheets, Geo. W., Palo Smith, John, Cedar Rapids Smith, S. G., Cedar Rapids Swollom, M., Solon Snyder, Elias, Cedar Rapids Snyder, Michael, Mt. Vernon *Snyder, Thos. G., Robins Stentz, Peter, Paralta *Staddon, James, Marion Stratford, John, Palo Strite, Levi, Anamosa *Stowe, Leonard, Marion Swan, Emma, Marion Taylor, D. C., Central City *Thomas, O. E., Cedar Rapids Treat, Garry, Marion *Vance, Willis, Cedar Rapids Walser, John, Marion Weeks, W. H., Coggon Whitcomb, Mary E., Marion Withers, Caroline, Marion *Williams, Mrs. M. C., Marion Wilson, Thomas R., Waterloo *Wiggin, Geo. W., Waubeek *Wink, Samuel, Lisbon Wilson, Wm., Lafayette Winsor, James R., Walker *Yearick, Dr. S. W., Cedar Rapids


Adams, A., Lafayette Adams, Hudson, Marion *Ashlock, Geo. W., Center Point Ashlock, J. M., Center Point Ashlock, Margaret J., Center Point Ba.s.set, Thomas, Cedar Rapids Beall, Della N., Marion *Becks, John, Marion *Beatty, Andrew, Mt. Vernon Bever, Rachel F., Viola Beechley, N. K., Cedar Rapids Biggs, E. J., Troy Mills Bigsby, Mary A., Marion Black, Mrs. John, Marion Blodgett, Austin, Central City Blodgett, Maria L., Central City Blodgett, Sarah F., Waubeek Bowdish, Sarah F., Waubeek Brown, W. L., Viola *Buck, Daniel, Cedar Rapids Burch.e.l.l, Sarah M., Marion *Burtis, Wm., Marion Burroughs, N. E., Marion Busenbark, Alfred, Marion *Burtis, Elizabeth B., Paris *b.u.mgardner, Geo., Cedar Rapids Cain, Sallie, Palo Cain, S. W., Palo Chambers, Mrs. J. M., Cedar Rapids *Collin, Henry A., Mt. Vernon Cone, Sarah E., Marion *Cook, Geo., Marion Cook, Mrs. Geo., Marion Crosby, A. T., Central City Davis, L. L., Cedar Rapids Davis, Minnie C., Marion Dean, Rachel M., Marion *Dix, A. W., Coggon *Dix, Sylva.n.u.s, Coggon *Dunn, Pheobe C., Marion *Dunn, Wm., Marion *Elrod, Kate, Marion *Ellsberry, Z. V., Marion Emmons, Wm., Marion *Elrod, F. M., Bertram Evans, Adam, Paris Evans, E. H., Marion *Fairchilds, J. H., Coggon Finson, Lee R., Central City Ford, Frank, Central City Glover, Agnes, Marion Glover, Wm. C., Marion *Granger, Earl, Marion *Gray, Martha J., Marion Grant, John, Marion Gray, S. E., Marion Goodyear, A. E., Mt. Vernon *Hahn, Elias S., Lisbon *Harkness, Margaret, Marion Hale, E. S., Cedar Rapids *Hale, Josiah, Cedar Rapids Hale, John P., Cedar Rapids *Hawk, John, Marion Helbig, Fred A., Lafayette Hayden, Elma Jane, Bertram Henry, Lizzie, Robins *Houver, Sadie C., Marion Hunter, W. H., Cedar Rapids Inks, Mrs. L. A., Mt. Vernon Inks, M. L., Mt. Vernon Ives, John J., Marion *Jackson, J. W., Springville Jeffries, A., Troy Mills Jeffries, Elizabeth, Troy Mills Johnson, James, Cedar Rapids Kearn, Joseph, Marion Kettering, A., Marion Kinkead, Geo., Springville Kinkead, Mary J., Springville Knapp, Henry J., Bertram Lewis, T. J., Cedar Rapids Lamson, Wm. H., Marion Lewis, Chas., Orange City Lilly, Joseph, Cedar Rapids Marshall, Lucretia, Central City Martin, Rilla H., Troy Mills Martin, Thos. C., Robins Mason, F. P., Toddville McFarland, Wm., Mt. Vernon McDowle, W. K., Cedar Rapids McKean, Allen B., Marion Milner, Wm. T., Marion Mills, Sylvester N., Marion Mitch.e.l.l, Mrs. Eliza, Marion Moorhead, James, Marion *Moorhead, Joseph, Marion *Myers, John A., Lisbon Morrow, L. E., Marion Newlin, Geo., Viola Neff, A. G., Mt. Vernon North, G., Mt. Vernon *Oakley, M. M., Marion Oakley, Susan M., Marion Oxley, John C., Troy Mills Oxley, Marguerite, Marion *Parmenter, M., Marion Parmenter, S. A., Marion Paul, Mrs. Alex, Marion Patmore, Henry, Marion *Pfeiffer, Christopher, Marion Potter, Mary A., Marion Petty, Chas. H., Mt. Vernon Porter, H. G., Central City Potter, Charlotte, Walker Potter, J. B., Marion Ray, John H., Palo Robins, J. D., Robins Rogers, Mary C., Cedar Rapids Schafer, Jacob, Fairfax Schultz, Henry, Marion Sisam, Henry, Walker Smith, Martha G., Cedar Rapids Smith, Milo P., Cedar Rapids Smith, Rebecca, Central City *Smith, Robert, Mt. Vernon Smyth, Robert, Marion *Snyder, A., Center Point Stark, Andrew, Cedar Rapids Stark, Mary, Cedar Rapids *Stephens, Louisa, Chicago *Stookey, Levi S., Marion *Sutzin, Elizabeth, Marion *Sutzin, Henry, Marion Tordoff, Geo., Marion *Tomlinson, Joe, Cedar Rapids Van Fossen, J. R., Marion *Vosburg, Eva, Marion Ware, E. L., Coggon Webb, Alice A., Marion Whitcomb, Calvin, Marion *Whitenack, Joseph, Marion Whitenack, Mary J., Marion *Whitney, Joseph, Prairieburg Wiggins, James, Waubeek *Wilson, John, Marion Wilson, L. L., Center Point *Willis, A. L., Coggon *Winsor, F. E., Marion Winter, Stillman L., Marion Winans, H. W., Springville *Yost, C. A., Center Point Yost, F. M., Center Point Young, Louis, Minneapolis Young, Mrs. J. B., Minneapolis *Young, S. K., Mt. Vernon *Yuill, James, Cedar Rapids


*Alexander, Anna A., Marion *Ayers, Lyman M., Cedar Rapids *Allen, M. B., Marion Bailey, Anna C., Springville Barrett, T. M., Waubeek Barry, W. H., Bertram Beach, Lucy, Mt. Vernon Berryhill, Kate M., Marion Bishop, Louise, Waubeek Blackford, John, Marion Boudinot, E. V., Western College *Bowman, Benjamin, Marion Bowman, Eliza, Marion Bowdish, I. P., Waubeek Bowdish, J. W., Des Moines Bowdish, Sarah A., Waubeek


[Ill.u.s.tration: FRANKLIN BLOCK AND RESIDENCE OF P. W. EARLE First Brick House in Cedar Rapids]

[Ill.u.s.tration: THE LISTEBARGER CABIN, CEDAR RAPIDS Showing Semi-Centennial Exercises in 1906]

Bowdish, S. L., Waubeek Bowdish, S. L., Central City Booze, Leander, Cedar Rapids Brown, R. C., Marion Brock, R. G., Cedar Rapids Brundt, Rosalia, Waubeek Bunting, M. E., Marion Bunting, C., Marion Busby, Cora C., Marion *Byram, Seth, Paris Cottle, Eliza, Marion *Cronk, J. T., Marion *Davis, Wm. C., Martelle Dawson, Daniel K., Marion *Dingman, D. A., Cedar Rapids Dripps, Geo., Martelle *Elliott, J. J., Marion Elliott, M. L., Grand Rapids, Mich.

Elsberry, Sarah J., Marion *Emberson, Andrew, Marion *Emberson, John, Marion *English, Josie P., Waubeek Etzel, Levi, Alburnette Everhart, S. S., Mt. Vernon Fordyce, C., Cedar Rapids Fordyce, Kate, Cedar Rapids Gibson, B. W., Marion Gibson, James, Springville *Gibson, J. K., Marion *Gibson, Lewis, Marion *Gill, Jacob A., Marion *Gilchrist, C., Walker *Giffen, James D., Marion *Giffen, Thomas M., Marion *Giffen, Wm. M., Central City Gooley, Mrs. F. E., Central City *Grauel, John, Marion Halstead, W. C., Prairieburg Harvey, Mrs. A., Cedar Rapids *Hatch, E. K., Central City *Hays, J. D., Palo Hoentz, Philip, Marion Howe, M. W., Marion Huffman, James M., Marion *Huffman, Mrs. J. M., Marion Johnson, O. S., Springville Jones, Mrs. L. E., Marion Jones, Mrs. M. B., Marion Knickerbocker, E. H., Fairfax Kerns, Valentine, Paralta *Kettering, J. H., Lisbon *Kinkead, James, Springville Kelsey, H. M., Cedar Rapids *Kirkpatrick, James, Mt. Vernon Kramer, W. S., Marion Lake, Mrs. E., Marion Leonard, John, Kenwood *Lapham, H. M., Cedar Rapids Lentz, Lucia A., Cedar Rapids Lillie, Ida L., Marion Lord, Thomas, Fairfax *Lyons, Amos, Alburnette *Mack, Mrs. W. B., Cedar Rapids Maier, Jacob, Lafayette *Marshall, Alex S., Marion Martin, Electa, Marion Mason, Mary E., Marion *Mathes, Anna, Marion *Mathes, Ben, Marion McCalley, Luncinda, Marion *McConahy, F. A., Marion McCalley, Marshall, Marion McKean, E. W., Marion McKean, Mrs. General, Marion McKean, Phebe L., Marion *McKeel, A. M., Fairfax *Mefford, Sarah, Cedar Rapids Meeker, Henry, Central City Meeker, Henry R., Central City Miner, Samuel, Cedar Rapids Mobey, F. B., Palo Moles, John D., Central City Moore, C. R., Viola Moore, Wm., Viola Moore, Wm. K., Springville Nash, Isaac, Springville Newlin, H. N., Viola *Needles, Geo. H., Kenwood *Null, J. M., Cedar Rapids *Owen, Luther P., Marion Owen, Rachel, Waubeek Parkhurst, Mary E., Marion Perkins, Mary C., Marion Pearson, L. H., Viola Pherrin, M. C., Springville Pherrin, Will H., Springville Platner, Henry C., Mt. Vernon Plummer, Talbert, Marion Post, M. C., Viola *Rahn, B. G., Marion *Rahn, Rebecca, Marion *Rathbun, Nelson, Marion Reichard, Ben R., Marion *Reichard, J. G., Marion Richard, Emma T., Cedar Rapids Robertson, Frank B., Viola *Rogers, W. H., Covington *Runkle, Adam, Lisbon Sanborn, J. W., Center Point *Schrimper, Fred, Cedar Rapids Schadle, Jacob, Springville Schadle, Mrs. Jacob, Springville Scott, H. A., Marion *Shakespear, A. B., Springville Schantz, Geo. W., Cedar Rapids *Shaver, I. H., Cedar Rapids Smith, A. W., Cedar Rapids Smith, Henry B., Cedar Rapids Spencer, Ellen J., Cedar Rapids Stilson, Luther, Cedar Rapids Stilson, Eleanor, Cedar Rapids Stinger, Harriet, Marion Stinson, E. B., Marion Tanner, T. C., Palo Taylor, E. P., Marion Thomas, James, Marion Thomas, Wm. A., Cedar Rapids Thompson, Augusta, Martelle Thompson, Geo., Mt. Vernon *Thompson, Geo. W., Mt. Vernon Thorn, Wm. A., Cedar Rapids Travis, Mrs. R. J., Marion Usher, J. P., Cedar Rapids *Wallace, Leroy, Cedar Rapids Ware, A. J., Coggon *Waterhouse, Henry S., Coggon Webb, S., Center Point Winsor, H. C., Walker Wright, Charles, Paralta Wynn, Geo. W., Cedar Rapids Wood, Chas. C., Paralta


Atwood, John E., Troy Mills Barrett, Philip, Central City Bennett, Clara Waubeek Berry, Almanda R., Bertram Bowdish, Laura E., Waubeek Burnett, A. C., Alburnett *Carpenter, Nancy M., Marion Davis, A. F., Central City Davis, H. E., Central City Chesmore, Mrs. E. E., Coggon *Gritman, John F., Springville Gritman, J. C., Springville Gritman, Hannah B., Springville Henderson, Hannah, Coggon Henderson, Geo., Cedar Rapids h.e.l.ler, Chas., Lisbon *Hickey, John, Marion Ingham, E. A., Marion Kirkpatrick, R., Mt. Vernon *Leach, A. P., Marion *Leach, Harriet, Marion Listerbarger, Frank, Marion Lutz, George, Kenwood Manahan, E. G., Kenwood Mentzer, Geo. W., Robins Mentzer, S. W., Robins Mentzer, B. W., Robins Marshall, C. H., Marion Newman, C. R., Cedar Rapids Patterson, U. L., Central City Pearsole, C., Walker Phelps, H. H., Covington Phillips, F. M., Coggon Powers, Mary E., Paris *Rawlins, Samuel, Viola Richards, Mrs. E., Cedar Rapids Robbins, Anna, Martelle *Robinson, John, Marion Rundall, J. C., Viola *Simkins, Allen G., Marion Simkins, James T., Marion Snyder, Jacob, Alburnette *Snyder, Martha, Mt. Vernon Stoneking, J. R., Marion Stoneking, T. C., Marion Ubel, F., Cedar Rapids Vaughn, Elizabeth P., Marion Vaughn, L. P., Marion *Warner, E. A., Waubeek Warner, Laura, Waubeek Webb, Chas., Center Point White, Editha, Marion Whitney, G. F., Prairieburg Withers, Frank B., Marion Williams, T. T., Marion Wilson, DeWitt C., Viola Witter, F. E., Mt. Vernon


Bromwell, J. E., Marion *Brubaker, Hattie A., Cedar Rapids Chrisman, Mary J., Alburnett *Coenen, Joseph, Marion Collin, Alonzo, Mt. Vernon Grauel, Sarah, Marion Gibson, J. W., Marion Good, Henry, Kenwood Kemp, E. L., Marion Lake, C. S., Marion *Love, J. S., Springville *Mack, Walter B., Cedar Rapids *McKean, J. B., Marion Minehart, L. E., Central City Moore, Jos., Cedar Rapids Rudolph, S. L., Cedar Rapids Strite, Mrs. Mary E., Springville Stoneking, M. E., Marion Ware, Milo L., Coggon Whitenack, E. P., Robins


Blakely, I. M., Paris Breed, M., Des Moines Cline, Isaac, Anamosa Fleming, Wm., Alburnett Forest, R. D., Central City Greer, Annetta, Marion *Hood, John B., Waubeek King, Mary A., Cedar Rapids McCorkle, C. A., Toddville Owens, Carl N., Marion *Vanlst, M., Toddville Vanote, M., Toddville Vaughn, Laura, Marion *Wilson, Jas. B., Marion West, I. N., Mt. Vernon Yount, D. W., Marion


Applegate, W. H., Marion Cline, M. M., Olin Cline, E. B., Springville Dows, Col. W. G., Cedar Rapids Everhart, Ida E., Mt. Vernon Johnson, I. V., Marion Knapp, J. W., Marion *Lillie, Geo. A., Marion Mann, Mrs. Alice, Springville Mann, Lucy, Springville Matheny, T., Toddville O'Herron, Mrs. Maggie, Marion Parker, Emma Murray, Marion *Secrist, Chas. V., Marion Seaton, B. F., Marion


*Burns, Abbie, Central City *Burnside, Geo. W., Coggon *Freisinger, D., Marion Garnett, J. C., Marion *Hollis, C. M., Marion Hartley, S. H., Cedar Rapids McDowle, E. E., Cedar Rapids Kinknead, Margaret, Springville Petticord, Sarah, Mt. Vernon Scott, Ed M., Cedar Rapids Secrist, Albert M., Marion *Secrist, Susan B., Marion Tathwell, E. E., Cedar Rapids Thomas, Mary J., Marion Winter, W. S., Marion


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