Plays: Lady Frederick, The Explorer, A Man of Honor Part 65

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I must look after my father. I shall go and live near the--prison, so that I can see him whenever it's possible.


You can do that as well if you're my wife.... You have before you a very difficult and trying time. Won't you let me help you?


I couldn't. Heaven knows, I'm grateful to you for offering to marry me on this day of my bitter humiliation. I shall never forget your great kindness. But I must stand alone. I must devote myself to my father.

When he's released I must have a home to bring him to, and I must tend him and care for him. Ah, now he wants me more than ever.


You're very proud.


[_Giving him her hand._] Dear friend, don't think hardly of me. I think I love you as much as it's possible for a woman to love a man.




[_With a smile._] Did you want me to tell you that in so many words? I admire you, and I trust you. I should be very happy if George could grow into so brave and honest a man as you.


They're very modest crumbs with which you want me to be satisfied.


I know in your heart you think I'm right. You would never seek to dissuade me from what I'm convinced is my duty.


Can't I do anything for you at all?

[_She looks at him for a moment intently. She rings the bell._


Yes, you can do me the greatest possible service.


I'm so glad. What is it you mean?


Wait, and I'll tell you. [_The_ BUTLER _enters._] Ask Mr. George to come here, please.


Very well, Miss.

[_He goes out._


I want you to help me.

[GEORGE _comes in._


Yes, Lucy?


I want to give into your charge what I love most in the world....

George, have you thought at all what you're going to do now? I'm afraid you can't go back to Oxford.


No, I don't know what's to become of me. I wish I were dead.


An idea has just come to me. I'm going to ask Mr. Mackenzie to take you with him to Africa. Will you go?


Yes, yes! I'd do anything to get away from England. I daren't face my friends--I'm too ashamed.


Ah, but it's not to hide yourself that I want you to go. Mr. Mackenzie, I daresay you know that we've always been very proud of our name. And now it's hopelessly dishonoured.


Lucy, for G.o.d's sake ...


[_Turning to him._] Now our only hope is in you. You have the opportunity of achieving a great thing. You can bring back the old name to its old honour. Oh, I wish I were a man. I can do nothing but wait and watch. If I could only fill you with my courage and with my ambition! Mr. Mackenzie, you asked if you could do anything for me. You can give George the chance of wiping out the shame of our family.


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