Canute the Great Part 31

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RAMSAY, J.H., _The Foundations of England_. 2 vols. London, 1898.

RAOUL GLABER, _Les cinq livres de ses histoires_, ed. M. Prou. Paris, 1886. (Collection de Textes, No. I.)

_Saga Book of the Viking Club_, vi., part i. London. January, 1909.

_Saga Olafs Konungs ens Helga_. Edited by P.A. Munch and C.R. Unger.

Christiania, 1853. The so-called "Historical Saga" of Saint Olaf.

ST. JOHN, JAMES A., _History of the Four Conquests of England_. 2 vols.

London, 1862. Extremely uncritical.

SAXO GRAMMATICUS, _Gesta Danorum_, ed. A. Holder. Strasburg, 1886.

SCHuCK, HENRIK, _Studier i nordisk Litteratur- och Religions-historia._ 2 vols. Stockholm, 1904.

SNORRE. See Sturlason.

_Sproglige og historiske Afhandlinger viede Sophus Bugges Minde._ Christiania, 1908. Historical and philological essays by various authors. Cited as Afhandlinger, etc.

STEENSTRUP, JOHANNES C.H.R., et al., _Danmarks Riges Historie_. 6 vols.

Copenhagen, 1896-1906. The great co-operative history of Denmark. Vol.

i. is by Steenstrup.

----_Normannerne_. 4 vols. Copenhagen, 1876-1882. (See Foreword.)

----_Venderne og de Danske for Valdemar den Stores Tid_. Copenhagen, 1900. A study of Danish expansion on the south Baltic

STEPHENS, GEORGE, _The Old-Northern Runic Monuments of Scandinavia and England_. 4 vols. London and Copenhagen, 1866-1901. Of great value for the inscriptions that the author has collected and reproduced; the interpretations, however, are not always reliable. Vol. iv. is by S.O.M.

Soderberg and J.S.F. Stephens.

STUBBS, WILLIAM, _Registrum Sacrum Anglicanum_. Oxford, 1897.

STURLASON, SNORRE, _Heimskringla: Noregs Konunga Sogur_, ed. Finnur Jonsson. 4 vols. Copenhagen, 1893-1901. Samfundet til Udgivelse af Gammel Nordisk Litteratur. Cited as Snorre. This is the chief source of information as to Canute's ambitions for empire in the North.

SVENO AGGONIS, _Historia Legum Castrensium Regis Canuti Magni_, ed.

Jacob Langebek. Copenhagen, 1774. (Script. Rer. Danic., iii.)

TARANGER, A., _Den angelsaksiske Kirkes Indflydelse paa den norske_.

Christiania, 1890. (Norske Historiske Forening.)

TURNER, SHARON, _History of the Anglo-Saxons_. 3 vols. London, 1823.

VITALIS, ORDERICUS, _Historia Ecclesiastica_, ed. Auguste le Prevost. 5 vols. Paris, 1838-1855. (Societe de l'Histoire de France.)

Wharton, Henry (editor), _Anglia Sacra_. 2 vols. London, 1691.

WIMMER, LUDVIG F.A., _De danske Runemindesmaerker_. 4 vols. Copenhagen, 1895-1908.

----_Die Runenschrift_. ubersetzt von Dr. F. Holthausen. Berlin, 1887.

WIPO, _Vita Chuonradi Regis_. Hanover, 1854. (Mon. Ger. Hist., Scriptores, xi.)

WORCESTER, FLORENCE OF, _Chronicon ex Chronicis_, ed. Benjamin Thorpe. 2 vols. London, 1848-1849. (Eng. Hist. Soc.)

WORSAAE, J.J.A., _Minder out de Danske og Nordmaendene i England, Skotland, og Irland_. Copenhagen, 1851. Translation: _An Account of the Danes and Norwegians in England, Scotland, and Ireland_. London, 1852.

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