The History of the Inquisition of Spain from the Time of its Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand Part 45

The History of the Inquisition of Spain from the Time of its Establishment to the Reign of Ferdinand -

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Number of persons condemned during the eleven years of his administration. Burnt, 2536. Effigies, 1368. Penances, 47,263. Total, 51,163.

1518 to 1524. _Fourth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Adrian. Number of tribunals in the peninsula, the same as under his predecessor. Burnt, 1344. Effigies, 662. Penances, 26,214. Total, 28,230.

1524 to 1539. _Fifth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Manrique. For each year of this administration, I calculate that in each of the tribunals 10 were burnt, 5 in effigy, and 50 subjected to penances; total, 65.

There were thirteen tribunals in the peninsula, and two in the adjacent isles. According to the preceding calculation, we find that during the fifteen years of the administration of Manrique, there were, Burnt, 2250. Effigies, 1120. Penances, 11,250. Total, 14,625.

1539 to 1545. _Sixth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Tabera. His administration may be considered as having lasted seven years. For the fifteen tribunals during that period, I calculate, Burnt, 840. Effigies, 420. Penances, 4200. Total, 5460.

_Seventh inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Loaisa was appointed in 1546, and died in the same year; the time of his administration may be said to be twelve months. In the fifteen tribunals, Burnt, 120. Effigies, 60.

Penances, 600. Total, 780.

_Eighth inquisitor-general._ Don Ferdinand Valdes, Archbishop of Seville. Twenty years in the fifteen tribunals, Burnt, 2400. Effigies, 1200. Penances, 12,000. Total, 19,600.

_Ninth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Espinosa, six years. Burnt, 720.

Effigies, 360. Penances, 3600. Total, 4680.

_Tenth inquisitor-general._ Don Pedro de Cordova, Ponce de Leon, succeeded in 1572, and died in January, 1573, before he could enter on his office.

_Eleventh inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Quiroga, twenty-two years.

Another tribunal was established in Galicia. In the sixteen tribunals were Burnt, 2816. Effigies, 1408. Penances, 14,080. Total, 18,304.

_Twelfth inquisitor-general._ Don Jerome Manrique de Lara, Bishop of Carthagena and Avila, one year. Total for the sixteen Inquisitions, Burnt, 180. Effigies, 64. Penances, 640. Total, 832.

_Thirteenth inquisitor-general._ Don Pedro de Porto-Carrero, Bishop of Cuenca, three years. Burnt, 184. Effigies, 92. Penances, 1920. Total, 2196.

_Fourteenth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Guevara, three years. Burnt, 240. Effigies, 96. Penances, 1728. Total, 2064.

_Fifteenth inquisitor-general._ Don Juan de Zuniga, Bishop of Carthagena, one year. Burnt, 84. Effigies, 32. Penances, 576. Total, 688.

_Sixteenth inquisitor-general._ Don Juan Bautista de Acebedo, Archbishop _in partibus infidelium_, five years. Burnt, 400. Effigies, 116.

Penances, 2880. Total, 3440.

_Seventeenth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Sandoval y Roxas, eleven years. Burnt, 880. Effigies, 352. Penances, 6336. Total, 7568.

_Eighteenth inquisitor-general._ Don Fray Louis de Aliaga, two years.

Burnt, 240. Effigies, 96. Penances, 1728. Total, 2064.

_Nineteenth inquisitor-general._ Don Andres Pacheco, four years. Burnt, 200. Effigies, 128. Penances, 1280. Total, 1664.

_Twentieth inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Mendoza, six years. Burnt, 384.

Effigies, 192. Penances, 1920. Total, 2496.

_Twenty-first inquisitor-general._ Don Fray Antonio de Sotomayor, Archbishop _in partibus infidelium_, eleven years. Burnt, 704. Effigies, 352. Penances, 3520. Total, 4576.

_Twenty-second inquisitor-general._ Don Diego de Arce y Reynosa, Bishop of Placencia, twenty-three years. Burnt, 1472. Effigies, 736. Penances, 7360. Total, 9568.

_Twenty-third inquisitor-general._ Cardinal d'Aragon. Dismissed before he entered on his office.

_Twenty-fourth inquisitor-general._ Don Juan Everard Nitardo, three years. Burnt, 144. Effigies, 48. Penances, 576. Total, 768.

_Twenty-fifth inquisitor-general._ Don Diego Sarmiento de Valladares, twenty-six years. Burnt, 1248. Effigies, 416. Penances, 4992. Total, 6656.

_Twenty-sixth inquisitor-general._ Don Juan Thomas Rocaberti, Archbishop of Valencia, five years. Burnt, 240. Effigies, 80. Penances, 960. Total, 1280.

_Twenty-seventh inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Aguilar. Died before he entered on his office.

_Twenty-eighth inquisitor-general._ Don Balthazar Mendoza y Sandoval, Bishop of Segovia, five years. Burnt, 240. Effigies, 80. Penances, 960.

Total, 1280.

_Twenty-ninth inquisitor-general._ Don Vidal Marin, Bishop of Ceuta, four years. Seventeen tribunals. Burnt, 136. Effigies, 68. Penances, 816. Total, 1020.

_Thirtieth inquisitor-general._ Don Antonio Ibanez de la Riva Herrera, Archbishop of Saragossa, two years. Burnt, 68. Effigies, 34. Penances, 408. Total, 510.

_Thirty-first inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Judice, six years. Burnt, 204. Effigies, 102. Penances, 1224. Total, 1530.

_Thirty-second inquisitor-general._ Don Joseph Molines, Auditor de Rote at Rome, two years. Burnt, 68. Effigies, 34. Penances, 408. Total, 510.

_Thirty-third inquisitor-general._ Don Juan de Arzamendi. Died before he entered on the office.

_Thirty-fourth inquisitor-general._ Don Diego de Astorga y Cespedes, Bishop of Barcelona, two years. Burnt, 68. Effigies, 34. Penances, 408.

Total, 510.

_Thirty-fifth inquisitor-general._ Don Juan de Camargo, Bishop of Pampluna, thirteen years. Burnt, 442. Effigies, 221. Penances, 2652.

Total, 3315.

_Thirty-sixth inquisitor-general._ Don Andres de Orbe y Larreategui, Archbishop of Valencia, seven years. Burnt, 238. Effigies, 119.

Penances, 1428. Total, 1785.

_Thirty-seventh inquisitor-general._ Don Manuel Isidro Manrique de Lara, Archbishop of Santiago, four years. Burnt, 336. Effigies, 68. Penances, 816. Total, 1020.

_Thirty-eighth inquisitor-general._ Don Francisco Perez de Prado y Cuesta, Bishop of Teruel. He was confirmed by the Pope in 1746; I do not know the exact term of his administration, but I have fixed it in 1757, before the death of Ferdinand VI., who appointed his successor. Burnt, 10. Effigies, 5. Penances, 107. Total, 122.

_Thirty-ninth inquisitor-general._ Don Manuel Quintano Bonifaz, Archbishop of Pharsala, seventeen years. Burnt, 2. Penances, 10 in public, a greater number in private.

_Fortieth inquisitor-general._ Don Philip Bertran, Bishop of Salamanca, nine years. Two were burnt every year of this administration, six condemned to public, and a great number to private penances[85].

_Forty-first inquisitor-general._ Don Augustin Rubin de Cevallos, Bishop of Jaen, nine years. Fourteen condemned to public penances, and a considerable number condemned intra muros.

_Forty-second inquisitor-general._ Don Manuel Abad y la Sierra, Archbishop of Selimbria, two years. Sixteen individuals condemned to public, a greater number to private penances.

_Forty-third inquisitor-general._ Cardinal Lorenzana, three years.

Public penances, 14. A very great number condemned to private penances.

One effigy was burnt at Cuenca.

_Forty-fourth inquisitor-general._ Don Ramon Joseph de Arce, Archbishop of Saragossa, eleven years. Twenty individuals were condemned to public, and a very considerable number to private penances. The Curate of Esco was condemned to the flames, but the grand-inquisitor and the Supreme Council would not permit the sentence to be executed.

Number of persons who were condemned and perished in the flames - - 31,912 Effigies burnt - - - - - 17,659 Condemned to severe penances - - 291,450 --------- 341,021


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