The Story of the Living Machine Part 4

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==Centrosome.==--Before noticing the activities of the nucleus it will be necessary to mention a third part of the cell. Within the last few years there has been found to be present in most cells an organ which has been called the _centrosome._ This body is shown at Fig. 23, _g_. It is found in the cell substance just outside the nucleus, and commonly appears as an extremely minute rounded dot, so minute that no internal structure has been discerned. It may be no larger than the minute granules or microsomes in the cell, and until recently it entirely escaped the notice of microscopists. It has now, however, been clearly demonstrated as an active part of the cell and entirely distinct from the ordinary microsomes. It stains differently, and, as we shall soon see, it appears to be in most intimate connection with the center of cell life.

In the activities which characterize cell life this centrosome appears to lead the way. From it radiate the forces which control cell activity, and hence this centrosome is sometimes called the dynamic center of the cell. This leads us to the study of cell activity, which discloses to us some of the most extraordinary phenomena which have come to the knowledge of science.

==Function of the Nucleus.==--To understand why it is that the nucleus has taken such a prominent position in modern biological discussion it will be only necessary to notice some of the activities of the cell. Of the four fundamental vital properties of cell life the one which has been most studied and in regard to which most is known is reproduction. This knowledge appears chiefly under two heads, viz., _cell division_ and the _fertilization of the egg_. Every animal and plant begins its life as a simple cell, and the growth of the cell into the adult is simply the division of the original cell into parts accompanied by a differentiation of the parts. The fundamental phenomena of growth and reproduction is thus cell division, and if we can comprehend this process in these simple cells we shall certainly have taken a great step toward the explanation of the mechanics of life. During the last ten years this cell division has been most thoroughly studied, and we have a pretty good knowledge of it so far as its microscopical features are concerned. The following description will outline the general facts of such cell division, and will apply with considerable accuracy to all cases of cell division, although the details may differ not a little.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 27.--This and the following figures show stages in cell division. Fig. 27 shows the resting stage with the chromatin, _cr_, in the form of a network within the nuclear membrane and the centrosome, _ce_, already divided into two.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 28.--The chromatin is broken into threads or chromosomes, _cr._ The centrosomes show radiating fibres.]

==Cell Division or Karyokinesis.==--We will begin with a cell in what is called the resting stage, shown at Fig. 23. Such a cell has a nucleus, with its chromatin, its membrane, and linin, as already described.

Outside the nucleus is the centrosome, or, more commonly, two of them lying close together. If there is only one it soon divides into two, and if it has already two, this is because a single centrosome which the cell originally possessed has already divided into two, as we shall presently see. This cell, in short, is precisely like the typical cell which we have described, except in the possession of two centrosomes.

The first indication of the cell division is shown by the chromatin fibres. During the resting stage this chromatin material may have the form of a thread, or may form a network of fibres (see Fig. 27). But whatever be its form during the resting stage, it a.s.sumes the form of a thread as the cell prepares for division. Almost at once this thread breaks into a number of pieces known as _chromosomes_ (Fig. 28). It is an extremely important fact that the number of these chromosomes in the ordinary cells of any animal or plant is always the same. In other words, in all the cells of the body of animal or plant the chromatin material in the nucleus breaks into the same number of short threads at the time that the cell is preparing to divide. The number is the same for all animals of the same species, and is never departed from. For example, the number in the ox is always sixteen, while the number in the lily is always twenty-four. During this process of the formation of the chromosomes the nucleoli disappear, sometimes being absorbed apparently in the chromosomes, and sometimes being ejected into the cell body, where they disappear. Whether they have anything to do with further changes is not yet known.

The next step in the process of division appears in the region of the centrosomes. Each of the two centrosomes appears to send out from itself delicate radiating fibres into the surrounding cell substance (Fig. 28).

Whether these actually arise from the centrosome or are simply a rearrangement of the fibres in the cell substance is not clear, but at all events the centrosome becomes surrounded by a ma.s.s of radiating fibres which give it a starlike appearance, or, more commonly, the appearance of a double star, since there are two centrosomes close together (Fig. 28). These radiating fibres, whether arising from the centrosomes or not, certainly all centre in these bodies, a fact which indicates that the centrosomes contain the forces which regulate their appearance. Between the two stars or asters a set of fibres can be seen running from one to the other (Fig. 29). These two asters and the centrosomes within them have been spoken of as the dynamic centre of the cell since they appear to control the forces which lead to cell division. In all the changes which follow these asters lead the way. The two asters, with their centrosomes, now move away from each other, always connected by the spindle fibres, and finally come to lie on opposite sides of the nucleus (Figs. 29, 30). When they reach this position they are still surrounded by the radiating fibres, and connected by the spindle fibres. Meantime the membrane around the nucleus has disappeared, and thus the spindle fibres readily penetrate into the nuclear substance (Fig. 30).

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 29.--The centrosomes are separating but are connected by fibres.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 30.--The centrosomes are separate and the equatorial plate of chromosomes, _cr_, is between them.]

During this time the chromosomes have been changing their position.

Whether this change in position is due to forces within themselves, or whether they are moved around pa.s.sively by forces residing in the cell substances, or whether, which is the most probable, they are pulled or pushed around by the spindle fibres which are forcing their way into the nucleus, is not positively known; nor is it, for our purposes, of special importance. At all events, the result is that when the asters have a.s.sumed their position at opposite poles of the nucleus the chromosomes are arranged in a plane pa.s.sing through the middle of the nucleus at equal distances from each aster. It seems certain that they are pulled or pushed into this position by forces radiating from the centrosomes. Fig. 30 shows this central arrangement of the chromosomes, forming what is called the _equatorial plate_.

The next step is the most significant of all. It consists in the splitting of each chromosome into two equal halves. The threads _do not divide in their middle but split lengthwise_, so that there are formed two halves identical in every respect. In this way are produced twice the original number of chromosomes, but all in pairs. The period at which this splitting of the chromosomes occurs is not the same in all cells. It may occur, as described, at about the time the asters have reached the opposite poles of the nucleus, and an equatorial plate is formed. It is not infrequent, however, for it to occur at a period considerably earlier, so that the chromosomes are already divided when they are brought into the equatorial plate.

At some period or other in the cell division this splitting of the chromosomes takes place. The significance of the splitting is especially noteworthy. We shall soon find reason for believing that the chromosomes contain all the hereditary traits which the cell hands down from generation to generation, and indeed that the chromosomes of the egg contain all the traits which the parent hands down to the child. Now, if this chromatin thread consists of a series of units, each representing certain hereditary characters, then it is plain that the division of the thread by splitting will give rise to a double series of threads, each of which has identical characters. Should the division occur _across_ the thread the two halves would be unlike, but taking place as it does by a _longitudinal splitting_ each unit in the thread simply divides in half, and thus the resulting half threads each contain the same number of similar units as the other and the same as possessed by the original undivided chromosome. This sort of splitting thus doubles the number of chromosomes, but produces no differentiation of material.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 31.--Stage showing the two halves of the chromosomes separated from each other.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 32.--Final stage with two nucleii in which the chromosomes have again a.s.sumed the form of a network. The centrosomes have divided preparatory to the next division, and the cell is beginning to divide.]

The next step in the cell division consists in the separation of the two halves of the chromosomes. Each half of each chromosome separates from its fellow, and moves to the opposite end of the nucleus toward the two centrosomes (Fig. 31). Whether they are pulled apart or pushed apart by the spindle fibres is not certain, although it is apparently sure that these fibres from the centrosomes are engaged in the matter. Certain it is that some force exerted from the two centrosomes acts upon the chromosomes, and forces the two halves of each one to opposite ends of the nucleus, where they now collect and form two _new nucleii_, with evidently exactly the same number of chromosomes as the original, and with characters identical to each other and to the original (Fig. 32).

The rest of the cell division now follows rapidly. A part.i.tion grows in through the cell body dividing it into two parts (Fig. 32), the division pa.s.sing through the middle of the spindle. In this division, in some cases at least, the spindle fibres bear a part--a fact which again points to the importance of the centrosomes and the forces which radiate from them. Now the chromosomes in each daughter nucleus unite to form a single thread, or may diffuse through the nucleus to form a network, as in Fig. 32. They now become surrounded by a membrane, so that the new nucleus appears exactly like the original one. The spindle fibres disappear, and the astral fibres may either disappear or remain visible.

The centrosome may apparently in some cases disappear, but more commonly remains beside the daughter nucleii, or it may move into the nucleus.

Eventually it divides into two, the division commonly occurring at once (Fig. 32), but sometimes not until the next cell division is about to begin. Thus the final result shows two cells each with a nucleus and two centrosomes, and this is exactly the same sort of structure with which the process began. (_See Frontispiece_.)

Viewed as a whole, we may make the following general summary of this process. The essential object of this complicated phenomena of _karyokinesis_ is to divide the chromatin into equivalent halves, so that the cells resulting from the cell division shall contain an exactly equivalent chromatin content. For this purpose the chromatic elements collect into threads and split lengthwise. The centrosome, with its fibres, brings about the separation of these two halves. Plainly, we must conclude that the chromatin material is something of extraordinary importance to the cell, and the centrosome is a bit of machinery for controlling its division and thus regulating cell division.

==Fertilization of the Egg.==--This description of cell division will certainly give some idea of the complexity of cell life, but a more marvelous series of changes still takes place during the time when the egg is preparing for development. Inasmuch as this process still further ill.u.s.trates the nature of the cell, and has further a most intimate bearing upon the fundamental problem of heredity, it will be necessary for us to consider it here briefly.

The s.e.xual reproduction of the many-celled animals is always essentially alike. A single one of the body cells is set apart to start the next generation, and this cell, after separating from the body of the animal or plant which produced it, begins to divide, as already shown in Fig.

8, and the many cells which arise from it eventually form the new individual This reproductive cell is the egg. But before its division can begin there occurs in all cases of s.e.xual reproduction a process called fertilization, the essential feature of which is the union of this cell with another commonly from a different individual. While the phenomenon is subject to considerable difference in details, it is essentially as follows:

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 33--An egg showing the cell substance and the nucleus, the latter containing chromosomes in large number and a nucleolus]

The female reproductive cell is called the egg, and it is this cell which divides to form the next generation. Such a cell is shown in Fig.

33. Like other cells it has a cell wall, a cell substance with its linin and fluid portions, a nucleus surrounded by a membrane and containing a reticulum, a nucleolus and chromatic material, and lastly, a centrosome.

Now such an egg is a complete cell, but it is not able to begin the process of division which shall give rise to a new individual until it has united with another cell of quite a different sort and commonly derived from a different individual called the male. Why the egg cell is unable to develop without such union with male cell does not concern us here, but its purpose will be evident as the description proceeds. The egg cell as it comes from the ovary of the female individual is, however, not yet ready for union with the male cell, but must first go through a series of somewhat remarkable changes const.i.tuting what is called _maturation_ of the egg. This phenomenon has such an intimate relation to all problems connected with the cell, that it must be described somewhat in detail. There are considerable differences in the details of the process as it occurs in various animals, but they all agree in the fundamental points. The following is a general description of the process derived from the study of a large variety of animals and plants.

[Ill.u.s.tration Fig. 34.--This and the following figures represent the process of fertilization of an egg. In all figures _cr_ is the chromosomes; _cs_ represents the cell substance (omitted in the following figures); _mc_ is the male reproductive cell lying in contact with the egg; _mn_ is the male nucleus after entering the egg.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 35.--The egg centrosome has divided, and the male cell with its centrosome has entered the egg.]

In the cells of the body of the animal to which this description applies there are four chromosomes This is true of all the cells of the animal except the s.e.xual cells. The eggs arise from the other cells of the body, but during their growth the chromatin splits in such a way that the egg contains double the number of chromosomes, i.e., eight (Fig.

34). If this egg should now unite with the other reproductive cell from the male, the resulting fertilized egg would plainly contain a number of chromosomes larger than that normal for this species of animal. As a result the next generation would have a larger number of chromosomes in each cell than the last generation, since the division of the egg in development is like that already described and always results in producing new cells with the same number of chromosomes as the starting cell. Hence, if the number of chromosomes in the next generation is to be kept equal to that in the last generation, this egg cell must get rid of a part of its chromatin material. This is done by a process shown in Fig. 35. The centrosome divides as in ordinary cell division (Fig. 35), and after rotating on its axis it approaches the surface of the egg (Figs. 36 and 37). The egg now divides (Fig. 38), but the division is of a peculiar kind. Although the chromosomes divide equally the egg itself divides into two very unequal parts, one part still appearing as the egg and the other as a minute protuberance called the polar cell (_pc'_ in Fig. 38). The chromosomes do not split as they do in the cell division already described, but each of these two cells, the egg and the polar body, receives four chromosomes (Fig. 38). The result is that the egg has now the normal number of chromosomes for the ordinary cells of the animal in question. But this is still too many, for the egg is soon to unite with the male cell; and this male cell, as we shall see, is to bring in its own quota of chromosomes. Hence the egg must get rid of still more of its chromatin material. Consequently, the first division is followed by a second (Fig. 39), in which there is again produced a large and a small cell. This division, like the first, occurs without any splitting of the chromosomes, one half of the remaining chromosomes being ejected in this new cell, the second polar cell (_pc"_) leaving the larger cell, the egg, with just one half the number of chromosomes normal for the cells of the animal in question. Meantime the first pole cell has also divided, so that we have now, as shown in Fig. 40, four cells, three small and one large, but each containing one half the normal number of chromosomes. In the example figured, four is the normal number for the cells of the animal. The egg at the beginning of the process contained eight, but has now been reduced to two. In the further history of the egg the smaller cells, called _polar cells_, take no part, since they soon disappear and have nothing to do with the animal which is to result from the further division of the egg. This process of the formation of the polar cells is thus simply a device for getting rid of some of the chromatin material in the egg cell, so that it may unite with a second cell without doubling the normal number of chromosomes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 38--First division complete and first polar cell formed, _pc'_.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 39.--Formation of the second polar cell, _pc"_.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 40.--Completion of the process of extrusion of the chromatic material; _fn_ shows the two chromosomes retained in the egg forming the female p.r.o.nucleus. The centrosome has disappeared.]

Previously to this process the other s.e.xual cell, the _spermatozoon_, or male reproductive cell, has been undergoing a somewhat similar process.

This is also a true cell (Fig. 34, _mc_), although it is of a decidedly smaller size than the egg and of a very different shape. It contains cell substance, a nucleus with chromosomes, and a centrosome, the number of chromosomes, as shown later, being however only half that normal for the ordinary cells of the animals. The study of the development of the spermatozoon shows that it has come from cells which contained the normal number of four, but that this number has been reduced to one half by a process which is equivalent to that which we have just noticed in the egg. Thus it comes about that each of the s.e.xual elements, the egg and the spermatozoon, now contains one half the normal number of chromosomes.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 36--The egg centrosomes have changed their position.

The male cell with its centrosome remains inactive until the stage represented in Fig. 42.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 37--Beginning of the first division for removing superfluous chromosomes.]

Now by some mechanical means these two reproductive cells are brought in contact with each other, shown in Fig. 34, and as soon as they are brought into each other's vicinity the male cell buries its head in the body of the egg. The tail by which it has been moving is cast off, and the head containing the chromosomes and the centrosome enters the egg, forming what is called the male p.r.o.nucleus (Figs. 35-38, _mn_). This entrance of the male cell occurs either before the formation of the polar cells of the egg or afterward. If, however, it takes place before, the male p.r.o.nucleus simply remains dormant in the egg while the polar cells are being protruded, and not until after that process is concluded does it begin again to show signs of activity which result in the cell union.

The further steps in this process appear to be controlled by the centrosome, although it is not quite certain whence this centrosome is derived. Originally, as we have seen, the egg contained a centrosome, and the male cell has also brought a second into the egg (Fig. 35, _ce_). In some cases, and this is true for the worm we are describing, it is certain that the egg centrosome disappears while that of the spermatozoon is retained alone to direct the further activities (Fig.

41). Possibly this may be the case in all eggs, but it is not sure. It is a matter of some little interest to have this settled, for if it should prove true, then it would evidently follow that the machinery for cell division, in the case of s.e.xual reproduction, is derived from the father, although the bulk of the cell comes from the mother, while the chromosomes come from both parents.

In the cases where the process has been most carefully studied, the further changes are as follows: The head of the spermatozoon, after entrance into the egg, lies dormant until the egg has thrown off its polar cells, and thus gotten rid of part of its chromosomes. Close to it lies its centrosomes (Fig. 35, _ce_), and there is thus formed what is known as the _male p.r.o.nucleus_ (Fig. 35-40, _mn_). The remains of the egg nucleus, after having discharged the polar cells, form the _female nucleus_ (Fig. 40, _fn_). The chromatin material, in both the male and female p.r.o.nucleus, soon breaks up into a network in which it is no longer possible to see that each contains two chromosomes (Fig. 41). Now the centrosome, which is beside the male p.r.o.nucleus, shows signs of activity. It becomes surrounded by prominent rays to form an aster (Fig.

41, _ce_), and then it begins to move toward the female p.r.o.nucleus, apparently dragging the male p.r.o.nucleus after it. In this way the centrosome approaches the female p.r.o.nucleus, and thus finally the two nucleii are brought into close proximity. Meantime the chromatin material in each has once more broken up into short threads or chromosomes, and once more we find that each of the nucleii contains two of these bodies (Fig. 42). In the subsequent figures the chromosomes of the male nucleus are lightly shaded, while those of the female are black in order to distinguish them. As these two nucleii finally come together their membranes disappear, and the chromatic material comes to lie freely in the egg, the male and female chromosomes, side by side, but distinct forming the _segmentation nucleus_. The egg plainly now contains once more the number of chromosomes normal for the cells of the animal, but half of them have been derived from each parent. It is very suggestive to find further that the chromosomes in this _fertilized egg_ do not fuse with each other, but remain quite distinct, so that it can be seen that the new nucleus contains chromosomes derived from each parent (Fig. 42). Nor does there appear to be, in the future history of this egg, any actual fusion of the chromatic material, the male and female chromosomes perhaps always remaining distinct.

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 41.--The chromosomes in the male and female p.r.o.nucleii have resolved into a network. The male centrosome begins to show signs of activity.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 42.--The centrosome has divided, and the two p.r.o.nucleii have been brought together. The network in each nucleus has again resolved itself into two chromosomes which are now brought together near the centre of the egg but do not fuse; _mcr_, represents the chromosomes from the male nucleus; _fcr_, the chromosomes from the female nucleus.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 43.--An equatorial plate is formed and each chromosome has split into two halves by longitudinal division.]

[Ill.u.s.tration: FIG. 44.--The halves of the chromosomes have separated to form two nucleii, each with male and female chromosomes. The egg has divided into two cells.]

While this mixture of chromosomes has been taking place the centrosome has divided into two parts, each of which becomes surrounded by an aster and travels to opposite ends of the nucleus (Fig. 42). There now follows a division of the nucleus exactly similar to that which occurs in the normal cell division already described in Figs. 28-34. Each of the chromosomes splits lengthwise (Fig. 43), and one half of each then travels toward each centrosome to form a new nucleus (Fig. 44). Since each of the four chromosomes thus splits, it follows that each of the two daughter nucleii will, of course, contain four chromosomes; two of which have been derived from the male and two from the female parent.

From now the divisions of the egg follow rapidly by the normal process of cell division until from this one egg cell there are eventually derived hundreds of thousands of cells which are gradually moulded into the adult. All of these cells will, of course, contain four chromosomes; and, what is more important, half of the chromosomes will have been derived directly from the male and half from the female parent. Even into adult life, therefore, the cells of the animal probably contain chromatin derived by direct descent from each of its parents.

==The Significance of Fertilization.==--From this process of fertilization a number of conclusions, highly important for our purpose, can be drawn.

In the first place, it is evident that the chromosomes form the part of the cell which contain the hereditary traits handed down from parent to child. This follows from the fact that the chromosomes are the only part of the cell which, in the fertilized egg, is derived from both parents.

Now the offspring can certainly inherit from each parent, and hence the hereditary traits must be a.s.sociated with some part of the cell which is derived from both. But the egg substance is derived from the mother alone; the centrosome, at least in some cases and perhaps in all, is derived only from the father, while the chromosomes are derived from _both_ parents. Hence it follows that the hereditary traits must be particularly a.s.sociated with the chromosomes.

With this understanding we can, at least, in part understand the purpose of fertilization. As we shall see later, it is very necessary in the building of the living machine for each individual to inherit characters from more than one individual. This is necessary to produce the numerous variations which contribute to the construction of the machine. For this purpose there has been developed the process of s.e.xual union of reproductive cells, which introduces into the offspring chromatic material from _two_ parents. But if the two reproductive cells should unite at once the number of chromosomes would be doubled in each generation, and hence be constantly increasing. To prevent this the polar cells are cast out, which reduces the amount of chromatic material. The union of the two p.r.o.nucleii is plainly to produce a nucleus which shall contain chromosomes, and hence hereditary traits from each parent and the subsequent splitting of these chromosomes and the separation of the two halves into daughter nucleii insures that all the nucleii, and hence all cells of the adult, shall possess hereditary traits derived from both parents. Thus it comes that, even in the adult, every body cell is made up of chromosomes from each parent, and may hence inherit characters from each.

The cell of an animal thus consists of three somewhat distinct but active parts--the cell substance, the chromosomes, and the centrosome.

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