Dick Hamilton's Cadet Days; Or, The Handicap of a Millionaire's Son Part 21

Dick Hamilton's Cadet Days; Or, The Handicap of a Millionaire's Son -

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"That's not right, Ray," murmured Stiver in a low tone. "He's got us out of a hole."

"I don't care! I wish he'd take himself out of this academy. We don't want millionaires here."

Probably most of Dutton's feeling toward d.i.c.k, was due to jealousy, for Ray's father, though wealthy, was far from being as rich as Mr.


d.i.c.k bit his lip, to keep back a sharp reply at the unjust construction put upon his act.

"I shouldn't do anything for him again," whispered Paul.

"Well, I did it for the whole company, as much as for him," replied the young millionaire. "In another minute Colonel Masterly would have heard the row, and there'd been the mischief to pay."

The march was resumed after dinner and academy was reached in time for supper. The cadets were much pleased with their practice "hike," while the officers were complimented on the order they had maintained.

"I guess the colonel would preach a different sort of a sermon if he knew about the corn," remarked Paul, as he and d.i.c.k started for their quarters.

"Well, as long as he doesn't know, there's no harm done."

"My, but I'm tired," announced Paul, as he undressed. "I'm glad we don't have any lessons to-morrow."

"What do we have?"

"Artillery drill. Have you forgotten?"

"That's so. I had. I've got to ride one of the leading horses too. Guess there'll be plenty of excitement."

"Shouldn't wonder. I'm on the gun-carriage, where I reckon I'll be shaken so my liver pin will fall out."

"I'll try not to let it. There go taps. Douse the glim."

The two cadets crawled into bed and were soon asleep.

Artillery drill at the Kentfield academy was as near like the real article as possible. The guns were four-inch field pieces, each drawn by six horses, the two leaders being ridden by cadets, while seven men were on the gun itself, an arrangement somewhat different from that in the regular army. Real ammunition was used in practice, the pieces being directed at target placed against a hill of soft dirt, in which the b.a.l.l.s buried themselves.

The artillery practice began soon after morning inspection. The cadets had all been instructed in how to load, aim and fire the field pieces, and had also had practice in driving the artillery into place. For the first time, however, they were now to indulge in this under the critical eye of an officer from the regular army, who was visiting the academy.

The first part of the drill consisted in firing at targets, before horses were hitched to the guns. The cadets did well at this, the different squads making good scores. d.i.c.k, who was detailed at the breech, had a chance to aim. He thought he sighted perfectly, but when it was fired the ball did not hit the target cleanly. It was the last shot in that particular part of the tactics, and it left d.i.c.k's squad with the lowest record.

"That's all your fault, Hamilton!" cried Captain Dutton angrily. "Why didn't you aim that right? Then we'd have had a chance to make a good score."

"I did aim it right, but the gun must have s.h.i.+fted. Maybe one of the wheels was on a small stone."

"Nonsense. It's your stupidity. You've lost us a good mark."

Dutton angrily slammed the breech-block shut. d.i.c.k gave a start, but stifled the cry of pain that he was ready to give utterance to, for one of his fingers was caught in the breech, and the blood spurted from it, as the angry captain closed the gun.

"Open the breech! Quick!" cried Paul, who had seen what had happened.

"What's that?" asked Dutton, who had turned aside.

d.i.c.k's roommate did not answer. Instead he took hold of the block with both hands, and wrenched it open, releasing our hero, whose white face showed the pain he suffered.

"Sorry I hurt you," said Dutton, calmly. "You shouldn't have had your finger there. I suppose you can't drive now, in the next test."

"I'll drive," said d.i.c.k, grimly, as he bound his handkerchief tightly around his finger, to stop the bleeding. The nail was smashed, and it was very painful.

"Then hurry up, and get the horses. They're ready to begin."

This test was a difficult one. In turn the different gun squads were to approach a certain spot on the gallop. They were to go through a narrow pa.s.sage, indicated by stakes stuck into the ground, and, at the end were to suddenly wheel the gun, fire three shots, and continue on at a gallop to the end of the course. If any of the stakes were touched it counted against the squad, and other points were won or lost by the speed and accuracy of firing.

In spite of his pain d.i.c.k mounted his horse, and was soon ready, with 'Gene Graham, who was to ride the other steed, to start off with the field piece.

A squad from Company B went first. They cleared the stakes nicely, and did good work in wheeling and firing.

"I hope we beat them," murmured Captain Dutton, who was on the gun carriage.

d.i.c.k grimly resolved that if he had anything to do with it they would.

Company C's team came next, and did well, but the off horse struck a stake.

"Don't let that happen, Hamilton," cautioned Captain Dutton, as it came their turn.

d.i.c.k and Graham urged their animals to a gallop, and with a deep rumble the gun followed after them. On and on they went, toward the narrow lane formed by the upright stakes. d.i.c.k's heart was beating hard as he neared them. Would he clear them?

With unerring eye the young millionaire guided his animal, and so did Graham. With folded arms, and almost as stiff as ramrods, the cadets sat on the gun carriage. The leading horses were at the first stakes now, but the real test would come when the wide gun carriage reached them.

"Go on!" yelled d.i.c.k to his horse, a swift pace being most essential in order to keep on a straight course.

d.i.c.k gave a glance back. One wheel seemed about to hit a stake, but he quickly swerved his horse and the danger was averted. They got through without touching, and at a swifter pace than had any of their compet.i.tors. A burst of cheers from the watching cadets, and some visitors, rewarded them.

"Careful now!" cautioned Captain Dutton, as d.i.c.k wheeled his horse about.

Whether the animal was frightened at the cheering, or whether d.i.c.k, because of his injured finger, did not have a proper hold of the reins, was never known but, at that instant, the horse suddenly swerved, turning almost at right angles, and pulling off the course. So quickly was it done that it seemed as if the gun and carriage would upset, injuring several of the lads.

But d.i.c.k was equal to the occasion. Though the strain, which he had to put on the reins hurt his wounded hand very much, he never flinched.

With a steady pull, and a sharp word of command, he swung his horse's head around, and just in time to avoid sending the gun over sideways.

Then, with a smart blow of his hand on the animal's flank d.i.c.k set him to a sharp gallop. Graham's steed, which had been pulled from his stride, regained it, and the horses behind, straightening out of the confusion into which they had been thrown, leaped forward, pulling the rumbling gun after them. Through it all, and in spite of their narrow escape, the cadets on the carriage had not so much as unfolded their arms.

On toward the place where they were to fire d.i.c.k and Graham rushed their horses. A moment later they wheeled them, the cadets leaped down, the gun was unlimbered, a shot rammed home, and the men stood at attention.

"Fire!" cried Captain Dutton.

A puff of white smoke, a sliver of flame and then a deep boom, while a black ball was hurled toward the distant target.

Twice more this was repeated, and then the gun was limbered, or attached to the limber, the forward part of the carriage, and the horses galloped off with it. d.i.c.k's squad had made a perfect score, in spite of the actions of his horse, and the cadets that came after them failed, so Captain Dutton's men won in the test.

But d.i.c.k felt sick and faint from the pain in his finger which had started to bleeding again, because of the strain caused by the reins.

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