Rod of the Lone Patrol Part 39

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"Glad to meet yez all," the captain exclaimed, as he gave the hand of each a hearty grip. "It isn't every day our parish is so honoured.

Now, what about dinner? Yez must be hungry by this time."

"We are about to go back to the steamer," the secretary replied. "They have made ready for us there."

"Dinner on the steamer!" the captain cried in surprise. "Whoever heard of sich a thing at an outin' like this. Now, look here, I want yez to be my guests to-day, at a real out-of-doors meal. Yez kin eat on a steamer at any time. Will yez come? Everything is ready."

"But what about the dinner on the boat?" the Governor enquired.

"Oh, I'll send one of the scouts to tell them that ye're invited elsewhere. Will that do?"

"I shall be delighted to go with you, and I know that my friends will, too. It is very kind of you to ask us."

Calling to Rod, who was not far off, the captain sent him at once to the steamer. Then bidding the men to follow him, he left the sh.o.r.e, crossed the field, and entered the forest at the back of the grand-stand. Here a trail led off to the left, and after a few minutes' walk they came to a little brook gurgling down through the forest. Tall trees formed an arch over the water, birds twittered and sang, while a squirrel high up on a branch scolded noisily at the intruders. A few rods along the brook brought into view a spot under the shade of a large maple tree. As the three strangers looked, their eyes opened wide with surprise, for there before them was a tempting repast spread upon a fair white linen cloth.

"Sit down, gentlemen," the captain ordered, "while I make tea."

"This is great!" the Governor exclaimed, as he seated himself upon the ground, and leaned back against the bole of the tree.

"It certainly is," the Judge a.s.sented. "It reminds me of my boyhood days. This is good of you," and he turned to the captain, "to take all this trouble for us."

"It's only a pleasure, I a.s.sure yez," the captain returned. "Much nicer than the steamer, eh? Fall to, now. Ye'll find them trout rather good. Caught them myself in the brook. Betsey'll be right pleased if ye'll try her biscuit and pie. She was afraid they wouldn't be good. Have some tea, sir?" and he held the tea-pot over the Governor's cup. "Not too strong, eh? That's good. Ye'll find cream and sugar right there. Help yerselves, now, and don't be backward."

"Well, that's the best meal I've had in a long time," the Senator remarked, as he finished, and drew forth his cigar case and pa.s.sed it around. "You didn't do all this yourself, did you, captain?"

"Should say not," was the reply. "Betsey, that's my woman, did the cookin', but Miss Royanna helped me fix things up here. It was her idea, not mine."

"Miss Royanna, did you say?" the Governor queried. "It seems to me I've heard that name before."

"Sure ye have. She's the great singer. Anna Royanna, she's generally called. She's livin' with us fer awhile. Greatest woman out."

"Strange," the Governor mused. Then he shot a swift glance toward the secretary, but that young man was staring hard at the captain.

"There is certainly some tone to all this," and the Judge gave a hearty laugh. "We little expected to have our dinner served by such a noted person, and to be waited upon by a worthy sea-captain, did we, sir?"

and he turned toward the Governor.

But the latter had risen to his feet, as if suddenly aroused by some pressing engagement.

"Come," he ordered, "let's get back. It's time for the Review to begin. The scouts will be getting impatient."

It took them but a few minutes to return to the grand-stand where Parson Dan was waiting to receive them. He and the Governor were old friends, and hearty was the greeting between the two. Then the call was sounded, summoning the scouts. Soon they were lined up according to troops before the stand, where the officials were already seated, with the clergyman by their side. They invited Captain Josh to a seat on the platform, but he refused, saying that he preferred to remain with his boys.

After the band had played a couple of inspiring national airs, the speeches began. They were not long, but full of interest, dealing with the scout movement. The Senator spoke first, and was followed by the Judge. Parson Dan was asked to say a few words, but he declined, saying that the boys wanted to hear the Governor, and not a prosy old parson.

When the Governor at last arose, he was greeted with great cheers. All the people had crowded as close as possible, so as not to miss a word of the address of the prominent man who had come into their midst.

Near the platform stood Anna Royanna. The speeches mattered very little to her, for it was Rod's face she was watching. She noted the eager interested look in his eyes, and his erect bearing as he stood at attention at the head of his patrol. How few the Hillcrest scouts were compared with the others, and a slight smile lightened the woman's face as she thought of the surprise which perhaps was in store for them.

The Governor at first complimented the scouts upon their neat smart appearance, and what an excellent thing the movement was. He then referred to the prize which had been offered a year before, and that the time had at last arrived when it was to be awarded. At these words the a.s.sembled troops stood straighter than ever, eager and intense to hear the name of the successful troop.

"I have the list before me," the Governor continued, as he arranged his, "and I consider it a very creditable one indeed, showing most plainly how active the scouts have been. The committee has gone most carefully over the reports received, and has examined the bank-books accompanying them. I wish that I had time to read to you the many and ingenious ways in which the different troops have raised their money, and I sincerely wish that all could win the prize.

According to this list there is one troop which leads all the others, having earned the sum of two hundred and fifty dollars. The account of how this was raised is splendid, and by the rules laid down, that troop has won the prize."

Here the Governor paused, and a breathless stillness reigned as all waited to hear the name of the fortunate troop.

"I understand, however," the speaker slowly continued, "that there is only one troop present which did not send in a report of its doings during the last year. This, perhaps, seems strange to you, and I have good reason to ask the scout-master of that troop to step forward and give some explanation. I would really do so if I did not have the full information myself, and before presenting the prize, I am going to tell you something about that troop."

Then in a few words he told what the delinquent troop had done; how they had raised almost four hundred dollars, and how they had done it.

He next told about the sick girl, and that the scouts of this troop had freely given every cent of the money they had earned to send her to a specialist in New York. There was a strong note of pathos in the Governor's voice as he mentioned the sick girl and the act of loving sacrifice on the part of the troop. He was a master of speech, and his words thrilled the hearts of his listeners.

"You now know," he said in conclusion, "why that troop has made no report. The prize was within their grasp. They had to decide between it and the life of a sick girl. They chose the n.o.bler course, and so they are not the winners to-day. I wanted you to know this before we go any further. I shall now proceed to present the flag, and I ask troop number seven to step forward."

At once thirty scouts advanced, gave the full salute, and stood at attention. When the Governor stepped to the front of the platform and held forth the written order for the bugle band, the scoutmaster refused to take it.

"We cannot accept it, sir," he simply said. "It doesn't belong to us, but to that troop which did so much for the sick girl."

The Governor was about to reply, when he was checked by an outburst of wild enthusiastic cheers. The scouts could restrain themselves no longer. With the greatest difficulty they had remained silent as the Governor told about what had been done for an invalid girl. But now this generous act on the part of troop seven following immediately after, was more than they could stand. They cheered at the top of their voices, and threw their hats high into the air. It was some time before order could be restored, for all were talking at once, notwithstanding the frantic efforts of the scoutmasters to restrain them.

"Do you really wish to give up all claim to the prize?" the Governor asked troop seven, as soon as he could get a hearing.

"We do," came as one from the thirty boys. "We cannot accept it."

"Is that the wish of the other troops?" the Governor asked.

The only answer was another outburst of cheering, if anything, more vehement than before. Scarcely had they finished, when Captain Josh strode rapidly forward, and confronted the Governor.

"We can't allow it," he shouted. "It's not right." He could say no more, for another deafening uproar forbade further speech.

"It is no use for you to refuse, captain," the Governor told him, when peace was once more restored. "The troops won't let you speak. Bring your scouts up here."

For a few seconds the captain hesitated. Then he wheeled, and ordered his troop to advance. Reaching the platform, the men there shook hands with each one of them. No one could say a word, for again the troops had let loose. The band struck up the air of "For They Are Jolly Good Fellows," and soon the a.s.sembled troops were singing the words for all they were worth.

To Rod the whole thing seemed like some wonderful dream. He could not remember anything the Governor said after that. He only heard the captain giving the order for them to leave the stand. When they were dismissed, they were surrounded by such a crowd anxious to shake hands with them that the boys, and even the captain, were more bewildered than ever. Rod was finally rescued by Anna Royanna, who placed her arm about his shoulder and led him away. This loving act, and the look of pride in her eyes, spoke louder than many words. That she was pleased was to him a greater reward than all the wild cheering of the scouts.



It took the Hillcrest troop a long time to get settled down after the excitement of the Review. Whenever they met at Headquarters they could do nothing but discuss everything that had taken place. For awhile they were greatly puzzled as to how the Lieutenant-Governor had learned so much about them. At last it leaked out that Anna Royanna had supplied the information.

"I hope you do not mind," she said to the captain, when he asked her point blank if the rumour was true.

"No, not at all," was the reply. "But I wish to goodness ye'd given us a little warnin'. It was as great a surprise as when that bear charged me up the brook. I wasn't expectin' it."

"Oh, I hope it was not as bad as that," was the laughing response, for the singer had heard all about the adventure with the bear.

"Not hardly as bad, Miss. But the scouts are all upset. When not playin' baseball, they are talkin' about what happened at the Review, till I'm almost discouraged."

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