Socialism and Democracy in Europe Part 41

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(As revised under the authority of the Newport Conference, 1910)


I. _Affiliation._

1. The Labor Party is a Federation consisting of Trade Unions, Trades Councils, Socialist Societies, and Local Labor Parties.

2. A Local Labor Party in any const.i.tuency is eligible for affiliation, provided it accepts the Const.i.tution and policy of the Party, and that there is no affiliated Trades Council covering the const.i.tuency, or that, if there be such Council, it has been consulted in the first instance.

3. Co-operative Societies are also eligible.

4. A National Organization of Women, accepting the basis of this Const.i.tution, and the policy of the Party, and formed for the purpose of a.s.sisting the Party, shall be eligible for affiliation as though it were a Trades Council.

II. _Object._

To secure the election of Candidates to Parliament and organize and maintain a Parliamentary Labor Party, with its own whips and policy.

III. _Candidates and Members._

1. Candidates and Members must accept this Const.i.tution; agree to abide by the decisions of the Parliamentary Party in carrying out the aims of this Const.i.tution; appear before their const.i.tuencies under the t.i.tle of Labor Candidates only; abstain strictly from identifying themselves with or promoting the interests of any Parliamentary Party not affiliated, or its Candidates; and they must not oppose any Candidate recognized by the National Executive of the Party.

2. Candidates must undertake to join the Parliamentary Labor Party, if elected.

IV. _Candidatures._

1. A Candidate must be promoted by an affiliated Society which makes itself responsible for his election expenses.

2. A Candidate must be selected for a const.i.tuency by a regularly convened Labor Party Conference in the const.i.tuency. [The Hull Conference accepted the following as the interpretation of what a "Regularly Convened Labor Party Conference" is:--All branches of affiliated organizations within a const.i.tuency or divided borough covered by a proposal to run a Labor Candidate must be invited to send delegates to the Conference, and the local organization responsible for calling the Conference may, if it thinks fit, invite representatives from branches of organizations not affiliated but eligible for affiliation.]

3. Before a Candidate can be regarded as adopted for a const.i.tuency, his candidature must be sanctioned by the National Executive; and where at the time of a by-election no Candidate has been so sanctioned, the National Executive shall have power to withhold its sanction.

V. _The National Executive._

The National Executive shall consist of fifteen members, eleven representing the Trade Unions, one the Trades Councils, Women's Organizations, and Local Labor Parties, and three the Socialist Societies, and shall be elected by ballot at the Annual Conference by their respective sections.

VI. _Duties of the National Executive._

The National Executive Committee shall

1. Appoint a Chairman, Vice-Chairman, and Treasurer, and shall transact the general business of the Party;

2. Issue a list of its Candidates from time to time, and recommend them for the support of the electors;

3. Report to the affiliated organization concerned any Labor Member, Candidate, or Chief Official who opposes a Candidate of the Party, or who acts contrary to the spirit of the Const.i.tution;

4. And its members shall strictly abstain from identifying themselves with or promoting the interests of any Parliamentary Party not affiliated, or its Candidates.

VII. _The Secretary._

The Secretary shall be elected by the Annual Conference, and shall be under the direction of the National Executive.

VIII. _Affiliation Fees and Delegates._

1. Trade Unions and Socialist Societies shall pay 15s. per annum for every thousand members or fraction thereof, and may send to the Annual Conference one delegate for each thousand members.

2. Trades Councils and Local Labor Parties with 5,000 members or under shall be affiliated on an annual payment of 15s.; similar organizations with a members.h.i.+p of over 5,000 shall pay 1 10s., the former Councils to be ent.i.tled to send one delegate with one vote to the Annual Conference, the latter to be ent.i.tled to send two delegates and have two votes.

3. In addition to these payments a delegate's fee to the Annual Conference may be charged.

IX. _Annual Conference._

The National Executive shall convene a Conference of its affiliated Societies in the month of January each year.

Notice of resolutions for the Conference and all amendments to the Const.i.tution shall be sent to the Secretary by November 1st, and shall be forthwith forwarded to all affiliated organizations.

Notice of amendments and nominations for Secretary and National Executive shall be sent to the Secretary by December 15th, and shall be printed on the Agenda.

X. _Voting at Annual Conference._

There shall be issued to affiliated Societies represented at the Annual Conference voting cards as follows:

1. Trade Unions and Socialist Societies shall receive one voting card for each thousand members, or fraction thereof paid for.

2. Trades Councils and Local Labor Parties shall receive one card for each delegate they are ent.i.tled to send.

Any delegate may claim to have a vote taken by card.


I. _Object._

To a.s.sist in paying the election expenses of Candidates adopted in accordance with this Const.i.tution, in maintaining them when elected; and to provide the salary and expenses of a National Party Agent.

II. _Amount of Contribution._

1. Affiliated Societies, except Trades Councils, and Local Labor Parties shall pay a contribution to this fund at the rate of 2d. per member per annum, not later than the last day of each financial year.

2. On all matters affecting the financial side of the Parliamentary Fund only contributing Societies shall be allowed to vote at the Annual Conference.

III. _Trustees._

The National Executive of the Party shall, from its number, select three to act as Trustees, any two of whom, with the Secretary, shall sign checks.

IV. _Expenditure._

1. _Maintenance._--All Members elected under this Const.i.tution shall be paid from the Fund equal sums not to exceed 200 per annum, provided that this payment shall only be made to Members whose Candidatures have been promoted by one or more Societies which have contributed to this Fund; provided further that no payment from this Fund shall be made to a Member or Candidate of any Society which has not contributed to this Fund for one year, and that any Society over three months in arrears shall forfeit all claim to the Fund on behalf of its Members or Candidates, for twelve months from the date of payment.

2. _Returning Officers' Expenses._--Twenty-five per cent. of the Returning Officers' net expenses shall be paid to the Candidates, subject to the provisions of the preceding clause, so long as the total sum so expended does not exceed twenty-five per cent. of the Fund.

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