Myths of Greece and Rome Part 32

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La-od-a-mi'a. Wife of Protesilaus; dies of grief, 316, 317.

La-om'e-don. King of Troy; employs Neptune and Apollo to build walls, 151, 152; significance, 386.

Lap'i-thae. People who dwelt in Thessaly and fought the Centaurs, 230, 260; Ixion, king of, 169; Pirithous, king of, 259.

La'ra. Wife of Mercury; mother of the two Lares, 203.

La'res. Two tutelary divinities of ancient Roman households, 203; saved by Anchises, 362.

Lat'in. Names of days in, 207.

Lat'ins. People of Latinus and AEneas, 377; AEneas fights, 375.

La-ti'nus. King of Latium, 372; welcomes and then wars against AEneas, 373, 374, 376; AEneas makes peace with, 377.

La'ti-um. Province of Italy, ruled by Latinus, 377; AEneas comes to, 372.

Lat'mus. Mountain in Asia Minor, where Endymion lies asleep, 97; significance, 388, 392, 394.

La-to'na. Same as Leto; wife of Jupiter; mother of Apollo and Diana, 61, 62; boast of, 93; significance, 396.

Lau'sus. Hero slain by AEneas during wars against the Rutules, 376.

La-vin'i-a. Daughter of Latinus, 372, 373; AEneas' second wife, 376, 377.

Le-an'der. Youth of Abydus; Hero's lover, who swam the h.e.l.lespont, 111-117.

Le-ar'chus. Son of Athamas and Ino; slain by his father, 174.

Le'da. Mother of Castor and Pollux, Helen and Clytaemnestra, 311; significance, 394.

Le'laps. The tireless hunting dog given by Procris to Cephalus, 70.

Lem'nos. Island in the Grecian Archipelago; Vulcan landed there, 144; Philoctetes on, 330.

Ler'na. Marsh where the Hydra lay concealed, 220.

Le'the. River of forgetfulness, which separated the Elysian Fields from Hades, 161, 163, 208, 210.

Le'to. Same as Latona; mother of Apollo and Diana, 61; significance, 386, 388, 392, 394.

Leu-co'the-a. Same as Ino, Athamas' wife; sea G.o.ddess, 174; Ulysses rescued by, 355.

Li'ber. Same as Bacchus, G.o.d of wine and revelry, 174.

Lib-er-a'li-a. Festivals in honor of Liber, or Bacchus, held in the autumn, 182.

Lib'y-a. Ancient name of Africa; coast upon which AEneas landed, 48, 366.

Li'chas. Bearer of the Nessus robe; slain by Hercules, 236-238.

Light. Same as AEther, 13.

Lip'a-ri Islands. Same as AEolian Islands, where Ulysses landed, 213.

Little Bear. Arcas changed into the constellation of the, 52.

Lo'tis. Nymph changed into a lotus blossom, 299.

Lo-toph'a-gi. People whose food was the lotus; the Lotus-eaters, 338.

Love. Same as Eros, Cupid, etc., 13; Psyche courted by, 124-127.

Loves. Attendants of Venus, 148.

Lower Regions. Visited by AEneas, 372.

Lu'nae. Same as Diana, 207.

Lyc'i-a. Land ruled by Iobates, who sends Bellerophon to slay the Chimaera, 291, 295.

Lyc-o-me'des. King of Scyros; treacherously slays Theseus, 262; shelters Achilles, 314, 315.

Ly'cus. Antiope's second husband; slain by Amphion and Zethus, 80-82.

Lyd'i-a. Kingdom of Midas, in Asia Minor, 177, 230.

Lyn'ceus. Husband of Hypermnestra, who spared his life, 166.

Lyn'cus. King of Scythia; changed into a lynx by Ceres, 196.

Ly'ra. Orpheus' lute; placed in heavens as a constellation, 80.

Ma-cha'on. Celebrated leech; son of AEsculapius, 64; Philoctetes healed by, 331.

Ma'ia. G.o.ddess of the plains; mother of Mercury, 131; significance, 399.

Ma'nes. Tutelary divinities of Roman households, with the Lares and Penates, 203.

Mar-pes'sa. Daughter of Evenus; marries Idas, 155.

Mars. Same as Ares; son of Jupiter and Juno, 52; G.o.d of war, 138-143; Venus courted by, 106-108; day of, 207; descendants of, 377; significance, 400.

Mar'sy-as. 1. Shepherd who enters into compet.i.tion with Apollo, 73, 74. 2. Name of river, 74.

Mar'ti-us, Cam'pus. Roman exercising grounds, 143.

Mat-ro-na'li-a. Festivals in honor of Juno, in Rome, 54.

Me-de'a. Daughter of AEetes, 268, 269; wife of Jason, 271, 273, 274; wife of AEgeus, 252, 253; significance, 392.

Me'di-a. Country in Asia Minor, where Medea took refuge, 253.

Med-i-ter-ra'ne-an. Sea dividing world in two, 15.

Me-du'sa. Gorgon slain by Perseus, whose hair was turned into snakes, 242-249; Neptune marries, 154; Pegasus, offspring of, 294; significance, 391.

Me-gae'ra. One of the Furies, Eumenides, or Erinnyes, 163.

Meg'a-ra. First wife of Hercules, whose three children he burns in his madness, 219; significance, 390.

Me-le-a'ger. Son of Oeneus and Althaea; leader of Calydonian Hunt, 275, 276; significance, 392.

Me'li-an Nymphs. Nymphs who nursed Jupiter in infancy, 21.

Mel-pom'e-ne. One of the Muses; presides over tragedy, 88.

Mem'phis. Town in Egypt, founded by Epaphus, 136.

Men-e-la'us. King of Sparta; husband of Helen of Troy, 310-314; Paris fights, 320; return of, 335; Telemachus visits, 357; significance, 394.

Men'e-ti-us. One of the four sons of Iapetus and Clymene, 25.

Men'tor. Name a.s.sumed by Minerva to act as a guide for Telemachus, 357, 358.

Mer-cu-ra'li-a. Festivals in honor of Mercury, the messenger G.o.d, 137.

Mer'cu-ry. Same as Hermes; son of Jupiter and Maia, 131-137; Pandora guided by, 29, 31; Jupiter's ally, 43; Adonis guided by, 108; Mars delivered by, 139; Bacchus guarded by, 174; Proserpina guided by, 195; Lara loved by, 203; day of, 207; leader of dreams, 210; Perseus helped by, 243; Pan, son of, 300; Protesilaus guided by, 317; Priam led by, 329; Ulysses aided by, 349, 354; AEneas aided by, 369; significance, 385, 386, 399, 400.

Mer'o-pe. Daughter of Oenopion; promised bride of Orion, 99.

Met-a-nei'ra. Wife of Celeus, king of Eleusis; mother of Triptolemus, 188.

Me'tis. Daughter of Ocea.n.u.s; gives a potion to Cronus, 22.

Me'tus. Attendant of Mars; G.o.d of war and strife, 138.

Me-zen'ti-us. Father of Lausus; slain by AEneas, 376.

Mi'das. King of Lydia, 74, 75; changed all he touched to gold, 177-179.

Mi-la'ni-on. Same as Hippomenes; husband of Atalanta, 278.

Mi'lo. Island where statue of Venus was found, 130.

Mi-ner'va. Same as Athene, G.o.ddess of wisdom; daughter of Jupiter, 55-60; man given soul by, 27; flute of, 73; Vulcan wooes, 147; contest of Neptune and, 152; Medusa punished by, 242; Perseus aided by, 243; gift to, 249; Argo built by, 266; Bellerophon helped by, 292; Juno and Venus dispute with, 306-308; Ulysses aided by, 354-358; significance, 395, 396.

Min-er-va'li-a. Festivals in honor of Minerva, in Rome, 60.

Mi'nos. 1. King of Crete, 223; father of Ariadne and Phaedra, 253, 256. 2. Son of Jupiter and Europa; judge in Hades, 45, 163.

Min'o-taur. Monster which Minos kept in the Labyrinth, 253-257; significance, 391, 401.

Mne-mos'y-ne. A t.i.tanide, 17, 22; G.o.ddess of memory; wife of Jupiter; mother of the Muses, 88.

Moe'rae. The Fates, or Parcae, who spin, twist, and cut the thread of life, 165.

Mor'pheus. Prime minister of Somnus, G.o.d of sleep, 208, 212.

Mors. Same as Thanatos, G.o.d of death, 208-212, 213.

Mo-sych'lus. Mountain in Lemnos, where Vulcan fell from heaven, 144.

Mu-sag'e-tes. Apollo's name when he led the choir of the Muses, 88.

Mu'ses, the Nine. Daughters of Jupiter and Mnemosyne, 73-75, 88-90; mount of the, 294.

My-ce'nae. Favorite city of Juno, with Sparta and Argos, 52; Perseus exchanges Argos for, 249.

Myr'mi-dons. Achilles' followers; led by Patroclus, 324, 325; significance, 395.

Mys'ter-ies. Religious rites celebrated in honor of the G.o.d of Wine, 182.

Myths. Fabulous tales, 378-401.

Na-i'a-des. Fountain nymphs subject to Neptune, 297, 298.

Na-pae'ae. Valley nymphs, who looked after the flocks also, 297.

Nar-cis'sus. Youth loved by Echo; enamored with his own image, 118-120.

Nau-sic'a-a. Daughter of Alcinous and Arete; befriends Ulysses, 355.

Nax'os. Island visited by Theseus and Bacchus, 179, 257; significance, 391.

Nec'tar. Beverage of the G.o.ds, poured out by Hebe and Ganymede, 41, 84.

Ne'leus. Son of Neptune; brother of Pelias, 154.

Ne'me-a. Forest in Greece, devastated by a lion slain by Hercules, 220.

Ne'me-an Games. Games in honor of Jupiter and Hercules, 239.

Ne'me-an Lion. Monster slain by Hercules, 220.

Nem'e-sis. G.o.ddess of vengeance, 163; pursues Orestes, 336.

Ne-op-tol'e-mus. Same as Pyrrhus; Achilles' son; slays Priam, 361.

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