The Violet Book Part 6

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Where violets hide, Where star-flowers strew the rivulet's side, And blue-birds, in the misty spring, Of cloudless skies and summer sing.


Here the first violets Perhaps will bud unseen, And a dove, maybe, Return to nestle here.


In winter, when the garden-plots were bare, And deep winds piloted the shriven snow, He saw its gleaming in the cottage fire, While, with a book of botany on his knee, He sat and hunger'd for a breath of spring.

Here beds of roses sweetened all the page; Here lilies whiter than the falling snow Crept gleaming softly from the printed lines; Here dewy violets sparkled till the book Dazzled his eyes with rays of misty blue.


Die blauen Veilchen der Aengelein, Die rothen Rosen der w.a.n.gelein, Die weissen Lilien der Handchen klein, Die bluhen und bluhen noch immerfort, Und nur das Herzchen ist verdorrt.


Again has come the springtime With the crocus' golden bloom, With the smell of the fresh-turned earth mould And the violet's perfume.


Under the green hedges, after the snow, There do the dear little violets grow, Hiding their modest and beautiful heads Under the hawthorne in soft, mossy beds.


A duller sense than mine should feel The stir in nature's warming soul; It makes the shouting bluebirds reel, And bursts the violet's twisted scroll.


I see Thee in the distant blue, But in the violet's dell of dew, Behold, I breathe and touch Thee, too.


Spring sat dejected in a sheltered nook And sighed because of the long-lingering snow, And prayed that warm, life-giving winds might blow; When at her feet there grew, with trembling look, A violet that whispered: "I forsook My cell to comfort thee and still thy woe."

Then, filled with hope, Spring said: "I now shall go And greet each hill and vale and winding brook."

Where'er she went, earth blessed her with its flowers: Arbutus, columbines, anemones, And sunny marigolds that deck the wet Lowlands. But in the soothing moonlit hours, When dreaming 'neath the blossom-laden trees, She holds with loving hands the violet.


Ein kleines blau Veilchen Stand eben erst ein Weilchen Unten im Thal am Bach; Da dacht' es einmal nach Und sprach: "Da.s.s ich hier unten bluh'

Lohnt sich kaum der Muh'; Muss mich uberall bucken Und drucken.

Ei," spricht' es, "hier ist's schon, Aber alles kann man doch nicht sehen; So ein Berg Ist doch nur ein Schwerz; Auf der Alp da droben, Das war, eher zu loben: Da mocht' ich wohl sein, Da guckt' ich bis in Himmel hinein."



O violet, blue-eyed violet, Scented with sweetest breath!



Up from the sweet South comes the lingering May, Sets the first wind-flower trembling on its stem; Scatters her violets with lavish hands, White, blue and amber.


The vales shall laugh in flowers, the woods Grow misty-green with leafing buds, And violets and wind-flowers sway Against the throbbing heart of May.


When springtime comes, Primrose and violet haunt the mossy bank.


Rosy and white on the wanton breeze The petals fall from the apple-trees, And under the hedge where the shade lies wet Are children, picking the violet.


The same sweet sounds are in my ear My early childhood loved to hear.

The violet there, in soft May dew, Comes up, as modest and as true.


Farewell to thee, France! but when Liberty rallies Once more in thy regions, remember me then-- The violet still grows in the depths of thy valleys, Though withered, thy tears will unfold it again.


Where the rose doth wear her blushes Like a garment, and the fair And modest violets sit together, Weaving, in mild May weather, Purples out of dew and air Fit for any queen to wear.


Hear the rain whisper, "Dear violet, come!"


On every sunny hillock spread, The pale primrose lifts her head; Rich with sweets, the western gale Sweeps along the cowslip'd dale; Every bank, with violets gay, Smiles to welcome in the May.


The air was soft and fresh and sweet; The slopes in spring's new verdure lay, And wet with dew-drops at my feet Bloomed the young violets of May.


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