From Farm to Fortune Part 20

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When Nat came back from lunch he was introduced to Harry Bray, and Hamilton Dart brought forth several packages of old bills and letters and also a couple of cheap blank books.

"I want these things sorted out," said he. "Enter all names in the books, and file them away according to date."

This seemed easy work, and both of the young clerks said they understood what was wanted. Then Hamilton Dart put on his hat and left the office.

"I won't be back this afternoon," he said. "Lock up at five o'clock, and you, Bray, can take the key."

"Yes, sir," answered Harry Bray.

"This isn't very hard," was Nat's comment, when he was left alone with his fellow clerk.

"It is about as easy a job as I ever struck," answered Harry Bray.

"It's queer there are no customers coming in," said Nat, an hour later.

"Mr. Dart must do most of his business outside."

"A good many brokers do, Nat. They have to hustle for business or they don't get any."

The afternoon pa.s.sed, and at the proper time Nat left the office and went home.

"You've certainly struck a soft snap," said d.i.c.k, when the country boy had related his experience. "Wish I could strike a snap like that."

"Perhaps you will some day," answered Nat. "Come, I'll give you a lesson in writing and figures to-night," and he did. d.i.c.k was a bright scholar, so it proved a pleasure more than a task to teach him.

Promptly on time the following morning, Nat went to the office. At the door he met Harry Bray, who had just come in from his home on Staten Island. They opened up the office together, one doing the sweeping and the other the dusting.

"In most places like this, the office boy or the janitor does such work," said Harry.

"I don't mind it in the least," answered Nat.

"Oh, neither do I."

They began on their work where they had left off, and about an hour later their employer put in an appearance.

"Hard at it, eh?" he said, cheerily. "That's the way I like to see things move. Nat, I want you to go to the post office again."

"Yes, sir."

In a few minutes our hero had departed, and then Hamilton Dart turned to Harry Bray.

"Bray, here is an important doc.u.ment to deliver to a party living near Central Park," said he. "Deliver it, and get a receipt."

"I will, sir," answered Harry Bray, and in a minute more he, too, was gone.

An hour later there was a knock on the door, and the sick man, who had called the day before, came in.

"Is that situation still open?" he questioned, anxiously.

"Why do you ask?" demanded Hamilton Dart, abruptly.

"I was going to say that I borrowed that money from my sister."

"Oh! Have you it with you?"

"Yes, sir."

"Then, if you wish the job, you can take it right now. Another man is coming to see me about it in an hour."

"I'll take the job," said Oliver Ripple, quickly, and brought forth his money. Hamilton Dart took it, and gave his usual receipt.

"What interest do I get on this?" asked the new clerk, anxiously.

"Six per cent."

"Thank you. I told my sister I thought as much. She had the money in the bank, but that only paid her three per cent. Six per cent. will be twice as good."

"You may come to work to-morrow morning at nine," said Hamilton Dart.

"I'll go to work to-day, if you say so, Mr. Dart."

"No, my other clerks can take care of the work to-day. Both of them are now out on errands."

When Oliver Ripple was gone, Hamilton Dart smiled broadly to himself.

"Three of them," he murmured. "That's not so bad, after all. I wonder if that chap who was to come at half-past ten will show up?"

When Nat left the post office he found no letters for Samuel Barrows.

"Mr. Dart will be disappointed again," he thought. "But it is not my fault."

The afternoon pa.s.sed quietly. Only one man called at the office, and when he found Hamilton Dart was not in he disappeared immediately.

That evening Nat gave d.i.c.k another lesson, for which the newsboy was very grateful.

"No wonder you got that job," said d.i.c.k. "You can figure like lightning, and write fine, too."

"I don't have to figure much at the office."

"How do you like your boss?"

"I haven't really seen enough of him to make up my mind."

"He must be full of business."

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