Quotations from the PG Collected Works of Gilbert Parker Part 1

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Quotations From Gilbert Parker.

by Widger.

[Quotations from the PG Collected Works of Gilbert Parker].

by David Widger.

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by G. Parker, v1 [GP#02][gp02w10.txt]6074

Awkward for your friends and gratifying to your enemies Carrying with him the warm atmosphere of a good woman's love Freedom is the first essential of the artistic mind I was born insolent Knowing that his face would never be turned from me Likenesses between the perfectly human and the perfectly animal Longed to touch, oftener than they did, the hands of children Meditation is the enemy of action My excuses were making bad infernally worse Nothing so good as courage, nothing so base as the s.h.i.+fting eye She wasn't young, but she seemed so The Barracks of the Free The G.o.ds made last to humble the pride of men--there was rum The soul of goodness in things evil Time is the test, and Time will have its way with me Where I should never hear the voice of the social Thou must

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by G. Parker, v2 [GP#03][gp03w10.txt]6075

Delicate revenge which hath its hour with every man Good is often an occasion more than a condition He does not love Pierre; but he does not pretend to love him It is not Justice that fills the gaols, but Law It is not much to kill or to die--that is in the game Men and women are unwittingly their own executioners Noise is not battle She was beginning to understand that evil is not absolute The Government cherish the Injin much in these days

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by G. Parker, v3 [GP#04][gp04w10.txt]6076

At first--and at the last--he was kind Courage; without which, men are as the standing straw Evil is half-accidental, half-natural Fascinating colour which makes evil appear to be good Had the luck together, all kinds and all weathers Hunger for happiness is robbery If one remembers, why should the other forget Instinct for detecting veracity, having practised on both sides Mothers always forgive The higher we go the faster we live The Injin speaks the truth, perhaps--eye of red man multipies The world is not so bad as is claimed for it Whatever has been was a dream; whatever is now is real You do not shout dinner till you have your knife in the loaf

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by G. Parker, v4 [GP#05][gp05w10.txt]6077

Irishmen have gifts for only two things--words and women More idle than wicked Reconciling the preacher and the sinner, as many another has

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by G. Parker, v5 [GP#06][gp06w10.txt]6078

An inner sorrow is a consuming fire Philosophy which could separate the petty from the prodigious Remember your own sins before you charge others

PIERRE AND HIS PEOPLE, by Parker, Complete [GP#07][gp07w10.txt]6079

An inner sorrow is a consuming fire At first--and at the last--he was kind Awkward for your friends and gratifying to your enemies Carrying with him the warm atmosphere of a good woman's love Courage; without which, men are as the standing straw Delicate revenge which hath its hour with every man Evil is half-accidental, half-natural Fascinating colour which makes evil appear to be good Freedom is the first essential of the artistic mind Good is often an occasion more than a condition Had the luck together, all kinds and all weathers He does not love Pierre; but he does not pretend to love him Hunger for happiness is robbery I was born insolent If one remembers, why should the other forget Instinct for detecting veracity, having practised on both sides Irishmen have gifts for only two things--words and women It is not Justice that fills the gaols, but Law It is not much to kill or to die--that is in the game Knowing that his face would never be turned from me Likenesses between the perfectly human and the perfectly animal Longed to touch, oftener than they did, the hands of children Meditation is the enemy of action Men and women are unwittingly their own executioners More idle than wicked Mothers always forgive My excuses were making bad infernally worse Noise is not battle Nothing so good as courage, nothing so base as the s.h.i.+fting eye Philosophy which could separate the petty from the prodigious Reconciling the preacher and the sinner, as many another has Remember your own sins before you charge others She was beginning to understand that evil is not absolute She wasn't young, but she seemed so The soul of goodness in things evil The Injin speaks the truth, perhaps--eye of red man multipies The Government cherish the Injin much in these days The G.o.ds made last to humble the pride of men--there was rum The higher we go the faster we live The Barracks of the Free The world is not so bad as is claimed for it Time is the test, and Time will have its way with me Whatever has been was a dream; whatever is now is real Where I should never hear the voice of the social Thou must You do not shout dinner till you have your knife in the loaf

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by G. Parker, v1 [GP#08][gp08w10.txt]6080

A human life he held to be a trifle in the big sum of time Fear of one's own wife is the worst fear in the world He never saw an insult unless he intended to avenge it Liars all men may be, but that's wid wimmin or landlords Men are like dogs--they wors.h.i.+p him who beats them She valued what others found useless Women are half saints, half fools

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by G. Parker, v2 [GP#09][gp09w10.txt]6081

Bad turns good sometimes, when you know the how How can you judge the facts if you don't know the feeling?

Put the matter on your own hearthstone

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by G. Parker, v3 [GP#10][gp10w10.txt]6082

Advantage to live where nothing was required of her but truth Don't be too honest Every shot that kills ricochets Not good to have one thing in the head all the time Remember the sorrow of thine own wife Secret of life: to keep your own commandments She had not suffered that sickness, social artifice Some people are rough with the poor--and proud They whose tragedy lies in the capacity to suffer greatly Think with the minds of twelve men, and the heart of one woman Youth hungers for the vanities

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by G. Parker, v4 [GP#11][gp11w10.txt]6083

Have you ever felt the hand of your own child in yours Memory is man's greatest friend and worst enemy Solitude fixes our hearts immovably on things When a man laugh in the sun and think nothing of evil

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by G. Parker, v5 [GP#12][gp12w10.txt]6084

All humour in him had a strain of the sardonic In her heart she never can defy the world as does a man Some wise men are fools, one way or another

ROMANY OF THE SNOWS, by Parker, Complete [GP#13][gp13w10.txt]6085

A human life he held to be a trifle in the big sum of time Advantage to live where nothing was required of her but truth All humour in him had a strain of the sardonic Bad turns good sometimes, when you know the how Don't be too honest Every shot that kills ricochets Fear of one's own wife is the worst fear in the world Have you ever felt the hand of your own child in yours He never saw an insult unless he intended to avenge it How can you judge the facts if you don't know the feeling?

In her heart she never can defy the world as does a man Liars all men may be, but that's wid wimmin or landlords Memory is man's greatest friend and worst enemy Men are like dogs--they wors.h.i.+p him who beats them Not good to have one thing in the head all the time Put the matter on your own hearthstone Remember the sorrow of thine own wife Secret of life: to keep your own commandments She valued what others found useless She had not suffered that sickness, social artifice Solitude fixes our hearts immovably on things Some people are rough with the poor--and proud Some wise men are fools, one way or another They whose tragedy lies in the capacity to suffer greatly Think with the minds of twelve men, and the heart of one woman When a man laugh in the sun and think nothing of evil Women are half saints, half fools Youth hungers for the vanities

NORTHERN LIGHTS, by G. Parker, v1 [GP#14][gp14w10.txt]6086

Even bad company's better than no company at all Future of those who will not see, because to see is to suffer I like when I like, and I like a lot when I like It ain't for us to say what we're goin' to be, not always Things in life git stronger than we are We don't live in months and years, but just in minutes

NORTHERN LIGHTS, by G. Parker, v2 [GP#15][gp15w10.txt]6087

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