The Girl from Sunset Ranch Part 25

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She took a Fourth Avenue car and got out only a block from her uncle's house. As she hurried through the side street and came to the Madison Avenue corner, she came face-to-face with Flossie, coming home from school with a pile of books under her arm.

Flossie looked quite startled when she saw her cousin. Her eyes grew wide and she swept the natty looking, if cheaply-dressed Western girl, with an appreciative glance.

"Goodness me! What fine feathers!" she cried. "You've been loading up with new clothes--eh? Say, I like that dress."

"Better than the caliker one?" asked Helen, slily.

"You're not so foolish as to believe I liked _that_," returned Flossie, coolly. "I told Belle and Hortense that you weren't as dense as they seemed to think you."

"Thanks!" said Helen, drily.

"But that dress is just in the mode," repeated Flossie, with some admiration.

"Your father's kindness enabled me to get it," said Helen, briefly.

"Humph!" said Flossie, frankly. "I guess it didn't cost you much, then."

Helen did not reply to this comment; but as she turned to go down to the bas.e.m.e.nt door, Flossie caught her by the arm.

"Don't you do that!" she exclaimed. "Belle can be pretty mean sometimes.

You come in at the front door with me."

"No," said Helen, smiling. "You come in at the area door with _me_. It's easier, anyway. There's a maid just opening it."

So the two girls entered the house together. They were late to lunch--indeed, Helen did not wish any; but she did not care to explain why she was not hungry.

"What's the matter with you, Flossie?" demanded Hortense. "We've done eating, Belle and I. And if you wish your meals here, Helen, please get here on time for them."

"You mind your own business!" cried Flossie, suddenly taking up the cudgels for her cousin as well as herself. "You aren't the boss, Hortense!

I got kept after school, anyway. And cook can make something hot for me and Helen."

"You _need_ to be kept after school--from the kind of English you use,"

sniffed her sister.

"I don't care! I hate the old studies!" declared Flossie, slamming her books down upon the table. "I don't see why I have to go to school at all.

I'm going to ask Pa to take me out. I need a rest."

Which was very likely true, for Miss Flossie was out almost every night to some party, or to the theater, or at some place which kept her up very late. She had no time for study, and therefore was behind in all her That day she had been censured for it at school--and when they took a girl to task for falling behind in studies at _that_ school, she was very far behind, indeed!

Flossie grumbled about her hard lot all through luncheon. Helen kept her company; then, when it was over, she slipped up to her own room with her bundles. Both Hortense and Belle had taken a good look at her, however, and they plainly approved of her appearance.

"She's not such a dowdy as she seemed," whispered Hortense to the oldest sister.

"No," admitted Belle. "But that's an awful cheap dress she bought."

"I guess she didn't have much to spend," laughed Hortense. "Pa wasn't likely to be very liberal. It puzzles me why he should have kept her here at all."

"He says it is his duty," scoffed Belle. "Now, you know Pa! He never was so worried about duty before; was he?"

These girls, brought up as they were, steeped in selfishness and seeing their father likewise so selfish, had no respect for their parent. Nor could this be wondered at.

Going up to her room that afternoon Helen met Mrs. Olstrom coming down.

The housekeeper started when she saw the young girl, and drew back. But Helen had already seen the great tray of dishes the housekeeper carried.

And she wondered.

Who took their meals up on this top floor? The maids who slept here were all accounted for. She had seen them about the house. And Gregson, too. Of course Mr. Lawdor and Mrs. Olstrom had their own rooms below.

Then who could it be who was being served on this upper floor? Helen was more than a little curious. The sounds she had heard the night before dove-tailed in her mind with these soiled dishes on the tray.

She was almost tempted to walk through the long corridor in which she thought she had heard the scurrying footsteps pa.s.s the night before. Yet, suppose she was caught by Mrs. Olstrom--or by anybody else--peering about the house?

"_That_ wouldn't be very nice," mused the girl.

"Because these people think I am rude and untaught, is no reason why I should display any _real_ rudeness."

She was very curious, however; the thought of the tray-load of dishes remained in her mind all day.

At dinner that night even Mr. Starkweather gave Helen a glance of approval when she appeared in her new frock.

"Ahem!" he said. "I see you have taken my advice, Helen. We none of us can afford to forget what is due to custom. You are much more presentable."

"Thank you, Uncle Starkweather," replied Helen, demurely. "But out our way we say: 'Fine feathers don't make fine birds.'"

"You needn't fret," giggled Flossie. "Your feather's aren't a bit too fine."

But Flossie's eyes were red, and she plainly had been crying.

"I _hate_ the old books!" she said, suddenly. "Pa, why do I have to go to school any more?"

"Because I am determined you shall, young lady," said Mr. Starkweather, firmly. "We all have to learn."

"Hortense doesn't go."

"But you are not Hortense's age," returned her father, coolly. "Remember that. And I must have better reports of your conduct in school than have reached me lately," he added.

Flossie sulked over the rest of her dinner. Helen, going up slowly to her room later, saw the door of her youngest cousin's room open, and glancing in, beheld Flossie with her head on her book, crying hard.

Each of these girls had a beautiful room of her own. Flossie's was decorated in pink, with chintz hangings, a lovely bed, bookshelves, a desk of inlaid wood, and everything to delight the eye and taste of any girl.

Beside the common room Helen occupied, this of Flossie's was a fairy palace.

But Helen was naturally tender-hearted. She could not bear to see the younger girl crying. She ventured to step inside the door and whisper:


Up came the other's head, her face flushed and wet and her brow a-scowl.

"What do _you_ want?" she demanded, quickly.

"Nothing. Unless I can help you. And if so, _that_ is what I want," said the ranch girl, softly.

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