The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805 Part 14

The Journal of a Mission to the Interior of Africa, in the Year 1805 -

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She then threw out all the large pebbles, looking on the ground where she threw them, for fear of throwing out a piece of gold. Having done this, she gave the sand and water a rotatory motion, so as to make a part of the sand and water fly over the brim of the calabash. While she did this with her _right_ hand, with her _left_ she threw out of the centre of the vortex a portion of sand and water at every revolution. She then put in a little fresh water, and as the quant.i.ty of sand was now much diminished, she held the calabash in an oblique direction, and made the sand move slowly round on the line AB, while she constantly agitated it with a quick motion in the direction CD.


I now observed a quant.i.ty of black matter, resembling gunpowder, which she told me was _gold rust_; and before she had moved the sand one quarter round the calabash, she pointed to a yellow speck, and said, _sanoo affilli_, see the gold. On looking attentively I saw a portion of pure gold, and took it out. It would have weighed about _one grain_. The whole of the was.h.i.+ng, from the first putting in of the sand till she shewed me the gold, did not exceed the s.p.a.ce of _two minutes_. I now desired her to take a larger portion. She put in, as nearly as I could guess, about two pounds; and having washed it in the same manner, and nearly in the same time, found no fewer than _twenty-three_ particles; some of them were very small. In both cases I observed that the quant.i.ty of sanoo mira, or _gold rust_, was at least forty times greater than the quant.i.ty of gold. She a.s.sured me that they sometimes found pieces of gold as large as her fist. I could not ascertain the quant.i.ty of gold washed here in one year; but I believe it must be considerable, though they wash only during the beginning and end of the rains. Gold is sold here, and all along our route, by the minkalli: six teelee kissi (a sort of bean, the fruit of a large tree) make one minkalli: the weight of six teelee kissi is exactly [dram] & [scruple]. In Kaarta they use a small bean called jabee kissi, twenty-four of which make one minkalli; a jabee kissi weighs exactly four grains. In Ka.s.son, twelve small tamarind stones make one minkalli, which I believe is the heaviest minkalli in this part of Africa. If gold is purchased with amber, _one bead_ of No. 4 will, in almost all cases, purchase one _teelee kissi_: but it can be purchased with more advantage with beads or scarlet, and still more so with gunpowder. I did not purchase any; but our guide bought a considerable quant.i.ty, and I was present at all his bargain-making.

Went in the afternoon to see a brother of Karfa Taura's; he had a very large collection of Arabic books, and I made him quite happy by adding an Arabic New Testament to the number.

June 12th.--Left Shrondo early in the morning; the sick being unable to walk, I gave them all the horses and spare Travelled slowly along the bottom of the Konkodoo mountains, which are very steep precipices of rock, from eighty to two or three hundred feet high. We reached Dindikoo at noon; at which time it came on a tornado so rapidly, that we were forced to carry our bundles into the huts of the natives; this being the first time the coffle had entered a town since leaving Gambia. As soon as the rain was over, went with Mr. Anderson to see the gold pits which are near this town. The pits are dug exactly in the same manner as at Shrondo; a section of the pit would have this appearance.


The notches in the side of the pit serve as a ladder to descend by. The gravel here is very coa.r.s.e; some round stones larger than a man's head, and a vast number larger than one's fist were lying round the mouths of the pits, which were near twenty in number. Near the pits is a stream of water, and as the banks had been sc.r.a.ped away to wash for gold, I could distinguish a stratum of earth and large stones about ten feet thick, and under this a stratum of two feet of ferruginous pebbles about the size of a pigeon's egg, and a yellow and rusty-coloured sand and earth; under this a stratum of tough white clay. The rusty-coloured sand is that in which the gold is found. Saw plenty of the gold rust.

When I returned from the gold pits, I went with Mr. Scott to go to the top of the hill, which is close to the town. The hill was very steep and rocky. The rocks (like all the hills in Konkodoo) are a coa.r.s.e reddish granite, composed of red feldspar, white quartz, and black shorl; but it differs from any granite I have seen, in having round smooth pebbles, many of them as large as a cannon shot. These pebbles, when broken, are granite, but of a paler colour and closer texture. The day was cool; but after fatiguing ourselves and resting six times, we found that we were only about half way to the top. We were surprised to find the hill cultivated to the very summits; and though the people of Dindikoo were but preparing their fields, the corn on the hill was six inches high. The villages on these mountains are romantic beyond anything I ever saw. They are built in the most delightful glens of the mountains; they have plenty of water and gra.s.s at all seasons; they have cattle enough for their own use, and their superfluous grain purchases all their luxuries; and while the thunder rolls in awful grandeur over their heads, they can look from their tremendous precipices over all that wild and woody plain which extends from the Faleme to the Black River. This plain is in extent, from North to South, about forty miles: the range of hills to the South seem to run in the same direction as those of Konkodoo, viz. from East to West. There are no lions on the hills, though they are very numerous in the plain. In the evening Lieutenant Martyn fell sick of the fever.

June 13th.--Early in the morning departed from Dindikoo. The sick occupied all the horses and spare; and as the number of drivers was thus diminished, we had very hard work to get on. Ten of the loaded and drivers went a different road. Mr. Anderson and Mr. Scott being with them, fired their muskets as soon as they observed that the guide was leading them in a road where were no' foot marks. Answered them; and sent the serjeant to their a.s.sistance. In half an hour they came up, having gone about three miles too much to the right. Reached a village almost deserted about one o'clock, and found the coffle halted by a stream to the east of it. Very uneasy about our situation: half of the people being either sick of the fever or unable to use great exertion, and fatigued in driving the Found, to my great mortification, that the a.s.s which carried the telescope and several other things, was not come up. Mr. Anderson, the serjeant, and our guide rode back about five miles in search of it; but returned at half past three o'clock, without being able to find it. Presented the Dooty of the village with five bars of amber; requesting him, if he heard of it, to send it forward, and I would reward him for it. Put on the loads; and part of the coffle had departed, when one of the Dooty's sons came and told us that he had seen the a.s.s, and brought it to the village. Went to the village, and paid the person who found it twenty bars, and the Dooty ten bars. Mounted the load on my horse, and drove it before me. I did not reach Fankia till seven o'clock; having to walk slow, in order to coax on three sick soldiers who had fallen behind, and were for lying down under every tree they pa.s.sed.

Fankia is a small village, four miles North West from _Binlingalla_.

Here we departed from my former route, and did not touch on it again till we reached the Niger.

Chapter III.

Departure from Fankia--Tambaura mountains, and difficulties in ascending the Pa.s.s--Toombin--Great embarra.s.sments on the road--Serimanna--Fajemmia --Astronomical observations--Increase of the sick--Nealakalla--Ba Lee River--Boontoonkooran--Dooggikotta--Falifing--Losses on the road--Gimbia; inhospitable treatment--Sullo--Face of the country--Secoba --Kronkromo--Pa.s.sage of the Ba Fing--Mode of smelting and working gold --Fatal accident in crossing the Ba Fing--Hippopotami--Deaths and losses on the route--Increase of sickness--Reach Viandry--Koeena--Danger from young lions--Koombandi--Great embarra.s.sments on the road--Fonilla--Ba Woolima River; difficulties in crossing it--Isaaco seized by a crocodile --Boolinkoonbo--Distressing situation of the whole of the party--Reach Serrababoo--Saboseera.


June 14th.--I halted at Fankia, in order to give the sick a little rest, knowing there was a steep hill to ascend near this place. Found myself very sick, having been feverish all night.

Observed mer. alt. Sun, - 159 39 0 ---------- 79 49 0-1/2 0 16 0 ---------- 80 5 30 ---------- Z.D. - 9 55 30 D. - - 23 17 0 ---------- Lat.i.tude - 13 22 30

Bought corn for the, and plenty of fowls for the sick.

June 15th.--Left Fankia: men still very sickly, and some of them slightly delirious. About a mile N.E. of this village is the pa.s.sage in the Tambaura mountains, called Toombinjeena. The ascent is very steep and rocky: the perpendicular of the steepest place would not much exceed three hundred feet. The being heavily loaded, in order to spare as many as possible for the sick, we had much difficulty in getting our loads up this steep. The number of exceeding the drivers, presented a dreadful scene of confusion in this rocky staircase; loaded tumbling over the rocks, sick soldiers unable to walk, black fellows stealing; in fact it certainly was _uphill work_ with us at this place. Having got up all the loads and, set forwards; and about two miles from the steep came to the delightful village of Toombin. On collecting our loads, found that the natives had stolen from us seven pistols, two great coats and one knapsack, besides other small articles.

Sent back the horses for two sick soldiers, who were unable to ride on the horses, and were left at the steep. Pitched the tent, and secured the baggage from the rain.

[Footnote: See Park's Travels, p. 257]

June 16th.--Left Toombin. Just as the people and were gone, the good old schoolmaster whom I mentioned in my former travels came up. He had heard the night before that I was with the party, and had travelled all night to come and see me. As the loads were gone on, I told him I wished him to go forward with me to the place where we should halt; that I might reward him in some degree for his former kindness. Recovered three of the pistols which had been stolen, and one great coat. Set forwards. About a mile to the east of the village found _Hinton_, one of the sick who rode Mr. Anderson's horse, lying under a tree, and the horse grazing at a little distance. Some of the natives had stolen the pistols from the holsters, and robbed my coat case, which was fastened behind the saddle, of a string of coral, all the amber and beads it contained, and one barraloolo. Luckily they did not fancy my pocket s.e.xtant, and artificial horizon, which were in the same place. Put the sick man on the horse and drove it before me; and after holding him on and using every exertion to keep him on the saddle, I found that I was unable to carry him on, and having fatigued myself very much with carrying him forwards about six miles, I was forced to leave him.

About a mile after I left Hinton, I came to two others lying in the shade of a tree. Mounted one on Mr. Anderson's horse, and the other on my own, and drove them before me. Reached the village of Serimanna about half past twelve o'clock: sent back a horse in the cool of the evening for Hinton, and brought him to the village, being obliged to tie him on the horse.

Gave the schoolmaster five bars of scarlet, one barraloolo, ten bars of beads, fourteen of amber, and two dollars, which made him completely happy. I likewise gave him an Arabic New Testament, which he promised to read with attention.

June 17th.--Finding that Hinton was worse, and Sparks delirious, left them to the care of the Dooty of the village; having given him amber and beads sufficient to purchase victuals for them if they lived, and to bury them if they died. If they recovered, he engaged to join them to the first coffle travelling to Gambia. From Serimanna in two hours we reached Fajemmia: this is only a small village, but fortified with a high wall.

The chief, from whom the village has its name, formerly resided at Faramba, to the East of this; but has lately retired here, leaving his people and slaves at Faramba. Fajemmia is the most powerful chief of Konkodoo, and holds under his subjection all the country from Toombin to the Ba Fing.

The customs paid by travellers being always in proportion to the power and mischievous disposition of the chiefs; those paid at Fajemmia are of course very high.

I paid as follows:

Bars Amber 15 Beads 50 Scarlet 20 Amber 35 Amber 14 Barraloolo 15 ---- 149 bars;

a soldier's musket, a pair of handsome pistols, a handsome sword, a great coat, and one hundred gun flints.

Very happy to get so well over the palaver; for he insisted long on having the customs, or four bottles of gunpowder for each a.s.s, which would have distressed us very much; and we could have made but a feeble resistance, being so very sickly. Observed an emersion of Jupiter's first satellite.

June 17th, time by the watch 13 6' 15".

June 18th, alt.i.tudes for the time with artificial horizon.

H. M. S. ' H. M. S. '

6 25 35 19 36 6 27 41 18 43 26 13 19 28 28 19 18 24 26 51 19 5 28 50 18 12

6 29 39 17 49 30 23 17 30 30 48 17 19

Longitude not yet calculated.

June 18th.--Obser. mer. alt. Sun, 159 49 0 ---------- 79 54 0-1/2 0 16 0 ---------- 80 10 0-1/2 ---------- Z.D. - 9 50 0 D. - 23 25 0 ---------- Lat.i.tude 13 35 0 N.

Our palaver with Fajemmia was not finished till the morning of the 19th.

During the 18th, 19th, and 20th I was very sick; and though in general I was able to sit up part of the day, yet I was very weak, and unable to attend to the marketing of corn, milk, and fowls. Mr. Anderson therefore bought these articles, and attended to the cattle, &c. Lieutenant Martyn, the sergeant, corporal, and half the soldiers sick of the fever. Boiled a camp kettle full of strong decoction of cinchona every day since leaving Dindikoo. Purchased three, and hired our guide's people to drive four of our in addition to the two they already drove, making altogether six, for one hundred and twenty bars.

On the 18th, Mr. Anderson and one of the soldiers went back to Serimanna to see the two men left there, and ascertain if they could possibly be carried forward. Returned on the 19th, and reported that they were both alive, but not in a state to be moved, and were themselves anxious to remain where they were, as it afforded them the only chance of recovery.

June 20th.--When we had loaded the, found one of the soldiers (_old Rowe_) unable to ride. Paid ten bars of amber, and measured eighteen days rice for him to one of the best men in the village, who, I have no doubt, will take care of him. Shortly after leaving Fajemmia, it began to thunder, and by the time we had travelled four miles we experienced a smart tornado, which wetted many of the loads, and made the road very muddy and slippery. We reached a village nearly deserted, called Nealakalla, about noon. Here we found that the a.s.s which carried the spare clothing was not come up; and as many of the men were very ill situated, particularly with respect to shoes, I thought it best to send back two of the men a few miles to see if they could find it. Felt rather uneasy about the men, as they did not return at sun-set. Fired several muskets, but heard no answer. The village of Nealakalla is close to the _Ba Lee_ or Honey river, which we found discoloured, but not sensibly swelled. Saw two crocodiles, and an incredible number of large fish.

June 21st.--As the two men had not yet arrived, sent forward the coffle to cross the river: desired Mr. Scott to fire a musket when they had all crossed. Mr. Anderson and myself agreed to stop at Nealakalla till noon, in hopes of hearing something concerning the two men. They arrived about eleven o'clock, having found the a.s.s and load so near Fajemmia, that they had gone there and slept in the same hut with old Rowe, who, they told us, was recovering and very well pleased with his situation. Set forwards; and about a mile to the N.E. of the village crossed the river at a place where its course is interrupted by a bed of whinstone rock, which forms the stream into a number of small cataracts. The people had to carry over all the loads on their heads, and we found them cooking on the East bank of the river, and nearly ready to set forwards. Mr.

Anderson and I stepped across the river from rock to rock without wetting our feet.

As soon as the men had finished their breakfast we set forwards, and about two miles East came to a narrow and deep creek, in which was a stream of muddy water. Crossed this with so much difficulty, that some were for calling it _Vinegar Creek_. About four o'clock pa.s.sed the village of _Boontoonkooran_, delightfully situated at the bottom of a steep and rocky hill. Two miles East of this we halted for the night at the village of _Dooggikotta_; where the cultivation is very extensive, and we had much difficulty in keeping our cattle off the corn.

A tornado during the night.

June 22d.--Halted till near ten o'clock, as there was great appearance of rain. William Roberts, one of the carpenters who had been sick since leaving Fajemmia, declared that he was unable to proceed, and signed a note that he was left by his own consent. Pa.s.sed a small village about four miles to the East, and travelled on the ascent near a river course almost the whole day. We had a fine view of _Kullallie_, a high detached and square rocky hill, which we had seen ever since we left Fajemmia. This hill is quite inaccessible on all sides, and level and green on the top. The natives affirm that there is a lake of water on its summit, and they frequently go round the bottom of the precipices, during the rainy season, and pick up _large turtles_, which have tumbled over the precipice and killed themselves. Saw many very picturesque and rocky hills during the march, and in the evening halted at the village of _Falifing_, which is situated on the summit of the ascent which separates the _Ba lee_ from the _Ba fing_. Lost one a.s.s, and 80lbs. of b.a.l.l.s on the march.

June 23d.--Early in the morning resumed our journey; and after travelling two hours on a level plain, bounded with high rocky precipices on our right and left, we descended slowly towards the East, and shortly came to the village of _Gimbia_, or _Kimbia_. I chanced to be in the rear, bringing on some which had thrown their loads; and when I came up I found all about the village wearing a hostile appearance, the men running from the corn grounds and putting on their quivers, &c. The cause of this tumult was, as usual, the _love of money_. The villagers had heard that the white men were to pa.s.s; that they were very sickly, and unable to make any resistance, or to defend the immense wealth in their possession. Accordingly when part of the coffle had pa.s.sed the village, the people sallied out; and, under pretence that the coffle should not pa.s.s till the Dooty pleased, insisted on turning back the One of them seized the serjeant's horse by the bridle to lead it into the village; but when the serjeant c.o.c.ked his pistol and presented it, he dropped the bridle; others drove away the with their loads, and every thing seemed going into confusion. The soldiers with great coolness loaded their pieces with ball, and fixed their bayonets: on seeing this the villagers hesitated, and the soldiers drove the across the bed of a torrent; and then returned, leaving a sufficient number to guard the

The natives collected themselves under a tree by the gate of the village, where I found the Dooty and Isaaco at very high words. On enquiring the cause of the tumult, Isaaco informed me that the villagers had attempted to take the loads from the I turned to the Dooty, and asked him who were the persons that had dared to make such an attempt. He pointed to about thirty people armed with bows; on which I fell a laughing, and asked him if he really thought that such people could fight; adding, if he had a mind to make the experiment, they need only go up and attempt to take off one of the loads. They seemed by this time to be fully satisfied that they had made a vain attempt; and the Dooty desired me to tell the men to go forward with the As I did not know but perhaps some of the sick might be under the necessity of returning this way, I thought it adviseable to part on friendly terms; and therefore gave the Dooty four bars of amber, and told him that we did not come to make war; but if any person made war on us, we would defend ourselves to the last.

Set forwards, and half a mile to the East descended into a rocky valley: many of the fell in going down the steep. About noon reached _Sullo_, an unwalled village at the bottom of a rocky hill. Shortly after we halted Lieutenant Martyn's horse died. This was a _G.o.d send_ to the people of Sullo, who cut him up as if he had been a bullock, and had almost come to _blows_ about the division of him; so much is horse-flesh esteemed at this place. Numbers of large monkies on the rocks over the town.

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