Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria Chapter 139

Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria -

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「It's been a while hasn't it, Beltran-sama.」

I straightened out my appearance and, went to the dandy eyepatch-san slave merchant's place.
He also engenders quite the austere look, in his own way, with his masculine face and grown out beard.
Pa.s.sing through the reception room to our standard business discussion, we're conversing while drinking black tea.

「Well I'll be ojousama, it feels like I've seen the leaves turn a thousand times while waiting as I wonder, when next we'll be able to meet.」
「Maa? Surely a personage of Beltran-sama's level, won't get anything out of it even if he accommodates a girl like me?」
「Should I a.s.sume there has not been an occasion for ojousama to look at herself in a mirror? It would require quite the effort for the men of this world to maintain their reason in front of ojousama you know.」
「Fufu, using the fact that you have a good tongue as always? I'm rea.s.sured.」
「What, surely a businessman cannot perform his craft if he isn't tough when the world becomes stormy.」

For the nonce, I did a handshake with the eyepatch ossan who's celebrating our reunion.
Though even the level of a hug would be fine wouldn't it~.

「Is your business going smoothly?」
「With the guys called combat specialists I suppose. Battle slaves sell like they fly out.」
「Since Beltran-sama's business keeps high standards doesn't it. It's a delightful thing.」
「Fu, it's a strange feeling making such gossipy chatter with a tender personage like ojousama in this trade, isn't it.」

Because it's slave trading isn't it.
Ma, since I also don't intend to throw my own principles around?
And since, I met Ilya because of this company?
I fleetingly, turned my gaze toward the Ilya standing by without moving positioned behind me.
There's the same poker face as always.

「Surely you don't want to hear, something like the trivial words of a girl who knows nothing of the world? I also don't want to become that much of an idiot. Furthermore, since this child truly has been useful hasn't she? I intend to understand supply and demand.」

I didn't want to choose words like, been useful, but I suppose this is the place to protect my appearance as her goshujin-sama.

「Smart, also has courage……if ojousama were no one at all, this would be the place to coax you into being my wife regardless of how much effort it too but……I suppose I regret testing you, Fairy of Silver Lightning-dono.」

Fairy of Silver Lightning iss it.
Should I suppose, I've become someone like Till did?

「I still, haven't become anyone you know. Surely that isn't limited to me, everyone is still living while searching for that.」
「Oya? Indirectly, should I suppose it would be acceptable to take that to say you'll become my wife?」

I tried making a deliberately flowery smile even for me.

「I may consider it, if G.o.d-sama gives such guidance.」
「Ojousama, believes in G.o.d then?」
「I'm an atheist, Beltran-sama.」
「Fuhahahaa! A truly amusing personage.」

The fact that I'm here in this form is due to G.o.d-sama's mischief so, I woudn't not say I was hidden by G.o.d but……
But, however far my mind wanders, can I really create the thought path such that it's fine even if I'm embraced by a man……?
It's too scary so, I feel I could even swear to G.o.d that that alone will not be though……
It does feel that way doesn't it?

「Then Beltran-sama, would it be fine even if I went ahead and stated my selfishness again today?」
「Fu, listening to ojousama's selfishness is my current entertainment.」
「Fufu, then Ilya?」
「Yes, my, lady.」

I call out to her and, Ilya offered out parchment.
There is of course paper, in this world but, apparently they use parchment to write down important doc.u.ments.
Eyepatch-san quickly ran his eye over it and, mumbled a fuumu.

「Quite the fortune isn't it. As expected of ojousama.」

He entered a business face with no openings.
As expected.
He's moving his eye quickly to each word and each phrase without overlooking a thing.

「How is it? Could I have your thoughts?」
「You want to buy, my company?」
「It is not such a case that this company is my personal belonging. This is not a matter where I can decide immediately and give a reply.」
「Every moment is important for this. I want to request this of you, to include the role of convincing the people around you, Beltran-sama.」
「Being valued this highly by ojousama, pushes me to the limits of embarra.s.sment but……」

Ton ton, his finger is rhythmically striking his desk.
I suppose this is that he's thinking about bewildering amounts of losses and gains in his head.
Should I make one more push~.

「Beltran-sama, there is nothing here to mean that I want to say I want to administer this company. There is no problem, in asking that the business fundamentally proceeds under the people of the company's advice and council.」

I'm stabbed with a sharp light from his eye.

「Of course, there's no problem with one bite being taken from a delicious fruit though? There is no problem there.」

Since you won't be trusted if you only say things that are convenient to yourself will you.
Since it's natural to have a bite of the profit, I should say this.

「What I want to request from you all is, work as an information broker, logistics……and, further behind that, da~rk stuff. I am thinking I want to have you to take that on and cooperate with us.」
「Fumu, certainly we are not inadept in any of those fields but.」

The maid-sans of my house also have no aspect of their ability to excuse, they're wonderful children who aren't picky in their work but, since the personnel is unavoidably limited you see.
It necessary to consider the future, once we overcome this battle.
It's a necessary evil.

「To me, a person with a way of living while walking the just path feels admirable. But, she's cruel isn't she? The G.o.ddess-sama of fate.」
「I see, rather than a G.o.ddess of ill nature, surely it's more constructive to bet on the G.o.ddess before your eyes. You truly are a deeply interesting personage.」
「Fufu, has Beltran-sama caught a disease or such where you'll die if you don't sweet talk me? Of course, I have no ill intent though.」
「That is good. However G.o.d is?」
「I don't believe in one.」

I give my answer again with a bright smile.
Eyepatch-san also, gives a harsh smile.
U~n, he's not, the atmosphere of a capable man drifts around him.
Maa I, don't dislike do I.
That aspect where he seems unreliable, sort of can't be left alone can it.
Since he's not a bad guy?

「I suppose it's fine. I really don't want to be disliked by ojousama after all.」
「It's fine then?」
「I feel that it's the correct decision, when I see that smile.」
「Thank you very much, Beltran-sama. I'll show something like my smile, at any time free of charge.」
「An exceptional condition isn't that. If you say you won't particularly speak up regarding the direction of management, there should be no problem at all. We've gained a rea.s.suring sponsor. If that is ojousama, there will be nothing but gains for this company.」

To say it in loss and gain this will bring considerable expenses but, since if I look at the long run the benefits are also large for this side aren't they.

「Then, I'm asking for this in a hurry but, what might be necessary for the time being? This is before the official contract so, I wouldn't mind if you were to take this and accept it as a present from us. We'll clear up the urgent business and, you may observe the capabilities of my company.」
「Maa, that is extremely promising. In that case to start with――I shall ask that you maintain our logistics.」


With this, my preparations are complete.
No, I sense that the preparations are lacking no matter how much I do.
But if the bare minimum necessities are complete, what comes next from here is the problem of whether to resolve this or what have you.
I'm on my way back from the negotiations, while looking up into the sky where the sun is still high.
The sky is blue, today as well nothing disturbs great sun-sama.
Only the wheels of humanity, are disturbed.

「I, love rewarding good and punis.h.i.+ng evil.」
「Hai, I am well aware, of ojousama's disposition.」

I proffer conversation, without looking at the Ilya beside me.
The sense of security from her always being at my side for me.

「I feel that the commonwealth cannot be forgiven but, I'm not thinking such a thing as, I won't let a single soldier escape so……Even so if there's no choice but to do that……」

I'm holding my hand, and opening it.

「Surely, I'll be covered in a lot of blood, won't I……」
「Surely it will bring happiness if ojousama does it. We'll be going to Valhalla.」

If that is Ilya's impression, then from the enemy-san's point of view, we'd be simple ma.s.sacrers wouuldn't we.

「It is human to avoid a situation, using the power called words. However, there are often occasions where that cannot be realized. At those times, there's no opening through which to reason about such a thing as good and evil. What there is is the winner and loser, to live or die, there's only that.」

There is nothing of the sort to be thought of at length, while implying that Ilya has the same clear face as always.

「I thought I might just barely make it into heaven up until now but, it might be h.e.l.l after tomorrow.」
「It is alright. The path ojousama follows is, my path. Let me show even the fires of h.e.l.l be received with this body.」
「It's hot you know~, probably. Enough to die.」
「Fufu, after death, I wonder what becomes heat that's enough to die from then? It's a deeply interesting matter.」

The willpower of an unwavering girl is incredible.
In Ilya's case, were I to say it with a smile, she seems like she really would take on even h.e.l.lfire without raising a single groan.
But well, if Ilya comes with me, it feels like anywhere would be home doesn't it.

「By the way ojousama, do you not believe in G.o.d-sama?」
「Believing, not believing.」
「You have a flexible faith don't you.」
「I believe in myself.」
「Then, I will also join the ojousama faith.」
「It seems like it will become an incredibly scary seeming cult group doesn't it.」
「It's already become a group of that sort.」

At what point, did I become the founder of a religion……

「I'm taking a bit of a detour.」
「Hai, ojousama.」

Such a thing as wanting to burn the city surroundings into my eye portends ill but, I don't want to go directly back so, it became a matter of stretching my legs outside the castle walls.
In the meaning called public order, that seems to have degenerated the most.
Since it's a situation where the flow of goods has stopped, I'm concerned with what may have become of how people are living.
Somehow, I'm thinking back to that fried corn.


The city where the two of us walked without anything that was a particular conversation is, quiet and heavy.
……It's the air I sensed in Wilmington.
If things were normal, the outside of the castle walls would overflow with enthusiasm like a market was open every day.
It's the strong peculiar liveliness of life's brilliance, and a culture unlike the orderly city environs and peaceful residences within the walls.
That is currently, showing an expression like a child shrinking her body due to a draft of cold air.
Even if I go as far as where that stand had been put out, that boy's presence isn't here.
Did he evacuate……?
In that case, that way is best.
Kran will definitely choose a siege battle.
Because setting out will be impossible if we're advanced on from north, west and east.
If that comes to pa.s.s then as much as the castle walls will be relied on, everything outside of that will……

「Ilya, the outcome of a siege battle is?」
「Reinforcements arrive. In the case where that doesn't happen, I suppose victory is impossible.」

It is as she said.
Then where will reinforcements come from?
Because it's Kran's matter, I think she's making political negotiations but……

「Having reinforcements come, to make the commonwealth forces invading Wilmington retreat really is best isn't it……」

Thinking realistically.

「Looking at the desperate situation of that country, even if we a.s.sume it avoids the danger before us, calling for reinforcements is most extraordinarily painful but……」

The commonwealth will also antic.i.p.ate that and, I suppose they'll start by invading from Wilmington……
There's no time to spare for dealing with the likes of other countries, I suppose reconstruction comes first but……

「Even in the emotional aspects, I love the people of that country so……if it has to be one or the other, I'll save them.」

It's fine if Kran saves Kran.
I've conveyed my will.
I'm going to Wilmington.

「Yes, my, lady. You shall observe, our loyalty.」
「I know I'm stating the impossible but, would you not harden such a tragic resolve?」

I suppose it certainly will become a battle with our lives on the line.
I stopped my legs, and turned around.
I put a hand, on the cheek of Ilya's poker face.

「Since even so, I will not permit death.」
「Hai……Because with such a thing as leaving ojousama and going ahead, the mind will not be at ease.」
「Mou, what? Like you're holding a child in your hands~」

I go and puff my cheeks like it's intentional and, Ilya broke into a soft expression.

「Because there's worth in living.」
「Ilya, you're finally saying something incredible?」
「Fufu, did I say it?」
「It was like a confession you know?」

Ilya made an elated face and, displayed one closed eye.
It's a secret okay, her fingertip seemed to say that as she brought it to her lips and, it was charming.

「This is a secret but, the truth is that I, am in love with, that which is ojousama.」

Speaking as if she were making idle chat or such, makes me feel that this girl's heart is too strong.
Overcoming embarra.s.sment, she's straightforward to this degree.

「That, so? That is, well, I'm happy……」

But it's embarra.s.sing!

「The ojousama making a red face like that and, standing there while fidgeting is, my favorite.」

I don't understand.
This girl alone, I don't understand……

「Hai, ojousama.」
「I'm giving you a punishment when we get back.」
「Thank you very much.」

I feel that her reply was strange though't it.
As if to obfuscate the face that had turned red, I showed a tsun and, promptly walked off.
From behind, a hidden laugh like she was enjoying herself came following after me though……


「This place is……」

I walk further and, I come across a worn down church.
While weeds have come to sprout where they please on the grounds, the church's symbol, its bell is also gone.
It seems that it's become an abandoned building now.
I caught sight of two human figures there.
Among them one person had, a very familiar face.
She was waving expressionlessly, before I could.
As expected she's fast on the uptake or rather, I suppose she realized it before I could.
Since that girl has eyes that can see farther than anyone.

「Aim, quite a coincidence isn't this.」
「Nn, we meet in an unlikely place.」

Should I suppose Aim comes here often?
Next to her, a child who I'm not used to seeing is with her.
Are those a sister's clothes?
An adorable girl, with a settled atmosphere.

「Nn, I'll introduce you. Rana.」
「Mou Aim, that doesn't become an introduction at all you know.」
「That so?」

Looking at the vibe, they seem to have a familial relations.h.i.+p don't they.

「Ano, good to meet you. I've always been in Aim's care. I have been allowed to act as a sister for the church within the walls, I am called Rana. I'm her childhood friend, who was raised in this monastery along with Aim.」
「Thank you for the etiquette. I am Alice. This is Ilya.」
「I am aware. I am pleased, to have been able to meet with Lightning Fairy-sama. I've always heard your stories from Aim so……ano, has this child, not caused any sort of bother?」

Rather than saying childhood friend, she has an oneesan like sort of impression.

「Nn, don't worry Rana. She lets me eat up to 3 bowls heaped with rice. Master is generous.」
「I, I'm sorry!」

It ended with Ransan lowering her head to me.

「Fufuu, it's alright Ransan. Since beyond that Aim is, doing good work for me.」

Ransan, is as overly serious as she appears isn't she.
It seems like anxieties will pile up when she's with Aim.

「Then, it's fine but……ano, about work……」

……Aah, is that it.
The thing I'm having Aim do isn't just hunting monsters, I'm having her『kill humans』too.
It would be best to, explain myself wouldn't it……I can't obfuscate this.

「Ano……I am……」
「Aah, it's fine! Ano, I don't, have any intention of speaking out about Aim's work. Recently, Aim has returned to a gentle face so, just that makes me feel secure.」

A gentle, face……?
I observe Aim's face which appears to be expressionless in the true sense of the word, unlike the poker faced Ilya.
Under one of her eyes that appears to be hidden asymmetrically by blue hair, there's a small well arranged face that's like it has a noh mask on it.
Sta~~re and I try watching her.

「Nn, do a kiss?」
「You don't change, within this public visibility do you.」

I had a feeling that, the Aim who suddenly raised her thumb is somehow making her triumphant face.
In short, I can't read the subtleties of her emotions to that extent.
As expected of a childhood friend.

「It has been since our time of childhood, since Aim has seemed to be enjoying herself as such so, I'm happy……」
「Is that so, I'm also happy though.」

Ransan is, staring at the church with no bell with narrowed eyes.
Should I suppose a vivid recollection is reflected, beyond that gaze?

「Hai. Thus, just a little, I came to pray. That this happiness, may always continue……going to pray only during troubled times makes me, unqualified as a sister though.」

I don't know, such things as what will come of this battle's course.
I shouldn't spout off with boastful words.
But I might currently, be in a position where I should do that.

「It's alright even if you don't worry. Since we will, show them be driven off.」
「Lightning Fairy-sama……」

It's embarra.s.sing with Ransan in front of me with her hands together, as if making a prayer to G.o.d-sama.

「The people who can evacuate have done so but, since a church like ours that has been entrusted with orphans……it's fine if at least just the children are protected, somehow……」

A person like the holy mother-sama isn't she, Aim's childhood friend.
Somehow, my heart that had been tingling before battle became warm.
I found an objective or rather, should I say I was able to recall something anew.
I, really do want to protect what I can protect.

「Nn, don't worry, Rana. Because master, is the world's strongest. Those guys from the commonwealth, will be scared out of their wits.」
「Don't exaggerate okay, Aim.」

But, that's so isn't it.
It isn't light, this t.i.tle.
In truth, my s.h.i.+shou had a small form and, was a large person't she.

「But, I'll show it be protected.」

Become kotodama, while thinking that I tried praying to the aged church.
Not to G.o.d-sama but, to whoever it was, that Aim and Ransan were seriously praying to.

――Now then, we set out tomorrow.

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