Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria Chapter 98

Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria -

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Turning around, a golden furred beast reigned there.
That beast's body standing on 4 legs was elegant and, the fangs peeking out looked ferocious enough to bite apart even rocks.
I had imagined a bear or tiger but, this isn't either of those.


It might've understood my words, it might not have, it cast a sharp glance at me.
I had to half close my eyes due to the air pressure from its tail moving in a menacing way.
And so I noticed.
Nine tailed fox!!

「……Behind me, Saira.」

I softly called out to Saira, frozen in place with her fur standing on end.
While swallowing her saliva, she slowly circled behind my back as directed.
From there I entrusted the Rin-chan on my back to her.
Fight……do I fight?
While it's regrettable I don't have even a little sense that I'll win.
The nine tails observed us with a look that I somehow sensed intelligence from.
The distance between us is around 10 meters I guess.
It's not a distance where I could turn my back and escape.
That's something like telling a beast please attack me so it's out of the question.
I don't have many options.
If I run away, there's nothing except gradually backing away while maintaining visual contact.
If we compare our endurance, while continuing to stare at eachother perhaps I could wait for the other party to lose interest and leave.

「……Saira, let's, slowly back away.」
「Ha, hai desu.」

Fighting isn't realistic.
Slowly, take distance while confronting the other side and back away――then.
Raising a groaning voice, nine tails closed in one step.
Does it have no intention of letting us escape?
……Can't be helped.

「I'll become your opponent for you.」

While conveying a gesture to Saira as she stayed in the rear with as much distance as she could open, I to the contrary took a step forward.
Nature's logic, the strong eat the weak.
Whether that means life or death, it's a fight to the death just as the words imply.
For some reason this forest, absorbs the atmosphere's magic power.
Therefore released magic will vanish and, used magic power won't return.
But, it hasn't absorbed even the magic power stored within this body.
There should be a way to fight.
I picked up a rock fallen at my feet.
facing the nine tails seeming to observe me as always without showing any motion, I threw that with an underhand throw.
This sort of thing, with the amount I wound up to throw it doesn't amount to much.
As the small rock drew a parabola, the nine tails divided its attention.
It's something that can't be ignored irregardless.


I did a full power dash at that point as if crawling on the ground.
I managed the circulation of lightning in my body.
Moving my agility up, I went into nine tails's breast like a bullet.
Pa.s.sing through its front legs, I slid under its stomach.

「s.h.i.+tty beast!!」

I pounded 2 lightning punches into its virtually defenseless stomach.
Without stopping, I continued to roll out and took my distance for the moment.


A tail slowly turning its body, faces toward me as I exit to the other side.
I can't sense any damage.
Looking with a sharp gaze, it seems that its anger has increased though.
……This really isn't a normal animal is it, this.
Since I wouldn't expect a simple animal to dismiss my magic.
What to do.
While I'm fighting with limited energy, I still won't run out of magic power that quickly.

「Behind me!?」

We continued glaring at eachother and, this time nine tails's form vanished without a sound.
Beyond the edge of my vision at the edge of my conscious.
I caught the opponent's claw with indirect vision.


Bending my back enough to be parallel with the ground, I evaded the front leg's side swipe.
This, if it was oneechan her breast would have had an accident!
Fortunately that didn't happen.
Continuing my flip in that manner I planted my hand and jumped backward, righting my posture.
But the opponent closed in to meet me.
I can't grasp his range!
Even fleeing backward is impossible……I must go forward here!
Planting my flowing body, I took aim at the pursuing opponent and rapidly accelerated.
I pa.s.sed by the bewildered nine tails as if I had phased through it.
As if I was paying a transit fee, I struck my palm into its side.
It should have been charged but, was the sensation of pain on level with static electricity I guess?

「Zee, zee……」

I finally returned to a deadlocked confrontation again.
……The stamina consumption in a cross fight is intense isn't it.
Nine tails carefully observed me while I breathed roughly.
I had an abnormally bad feeling.
I want to pound Eclair's Flame into it, before I use up my body's magic power.

――As I was pondering, nine tails' body was suddenly blown away.

It received some sort of attack, from its side.
I rotated my head while dumbfounded.

「I also, this much!」

While Saira nervously breathed heavily, her hands had something readied.


A handgun!
You built a gun, Saira!?

「Mana・Revolver desu nya!」

A magic gun is it!
Certainly, that burst of force was something magical.
Impressive, Saira!
Hasn't that already become, something incredible in terms of battle power!?
However Saira's eyes swam at my heated gaze.

「But……the problem is that the bullets require too much money and, that if it doesn't have magic power put into each and every bullet it can't fire nya……」
「That, that so.」

Don't mind Saira.
Even saying that it isn't practical, I think it's an incredible great invention.
And so like I'd let this chance, get away!
I delivered a follow up attack as, the nine tails stumbled as if it got a good punch.

「Cast release! Flame!!」

The crimson flame engulfed nine tails.
Eclair's flame isn't tepid you know, nine tails!
Since if it's attack power it's above my own!
Wrapped in flame, the nine tails crouched.
I thought I might've brought it down but, the effect really was cut in half.
The magic flame quickly vanished.
……The damage is?

「――It doesn't hurt.」

I was astonished, at the third party's voice that shouldn't be here.
While thinking it was impossible I gazed at the voice's master――nine tails.

「You've come to use something bizarre. My child said a human came falling from the sky so, I wondered what it was.」

The nine tails raised its body like it was bothered.

「An adorable elf magician with, a beastman of my lineage is it? Somehow it doesn't seem to be the case that you have business with me does it.」
「It, it talked.」
「You speak like a fool, elf. I would have you not put me in the same category as those other animals.」

I certainly did think it had intelligent eyes but, this was outside my expectations……
And so I suddenly felt bad.

「A, ano.」
「Nn? What is it?」
「To start with, I'm sorry. I didn't think my words would get through so, I attacked……If you want a heal, I can do that so.」

While stroking the Caster Glove on my left hand, I tried to explain my actions and apologize.

「I, I I, I as well. I am very sorry.」

Saira also lowered her secret weapon the magic gun and, frenetically lowered her head.
With this development I don't know who the random attacker is……
But since I didn't think I could talk to an animal……

「I don't mind, it didn't cause anything significant. I am an immortal divine beast. I won't grow angry over each and every trivial act of human children.」

What a tolerant fox-san!
But nine tailed foxes don't give anything but a rather troublesome image though.
Do I have to reexamine the types of legends that I know and the other world's reality?
Or perhaps……

「Thank you very much.」

But realistically the best option is to avoid combat right now.

「I don't dislike children with proper manners. Furthermore acting as I did was also wrong I suppose, normally when a rat is cornered like that by a cat it'll also bite back, isn't that right?」
「That's, so, isn't it.」

That somehow callous smile gave a sensation like being bathed in cold water.
That ma.s.sive wide open mouth could, swallow a person whole without inconvenience couldn't it.
……Nine tailed fox is it.

「……We, just want to leave this forest. Could you let us through?」
「Is that so then. It's not particularly the case that I was patrolling this forest as my territory. My meddling was because I had time to spare with nothing to do.」

Killing time……
I made a bitter face and, nine tails made a kakaka and smiled like it was fully satisfied.

「Those were rather good movements weren't they? I also acted reflexively but, it really helps that you avoided that.」

With those front legs with sharp claws that seem like this would have become something grotesque had they hit directly, nine tails began scrubbing its face clean.
If that had hit it would have ended with that hit, such a atmosphere.
……You fox.

「Since I've been trained. By ane and s.h.i.+shou for example.」
「O-s.h.i.+shou~? An elf? Your movements, did you learn them from someone?」

As if it had remembered something, nine tails stopped cleaning its face and stared at me.

「Eh? I suppose so, it was fundamentally Till……my s.h.i.+shou, Tillbell・Einshaula.」

Maa I often competed with s.h.i.+on-san though, there's no mistake that my teacher is Till.
I was given unforgiving guidance every day.
Not only magic, even from fundamental things to matters of physical technique.

「Ku, kakakaka! Still alive then, that tiny elf? Indeed indeed.」

Hearing that name, nine tails opened its huge mouth and laughed out.
Frankly it's scary……

「Did you know her?」
「That's right, she's one of the few people I couldn't eat.」

This nine tails, did it fight Till……

「You needn't worry, I don't eat humans now.」

Is that true?

「That really was an enjoyable diversion. Breaking that little one's phantasm, took the full use of my power you know.」
「You broke that!?」

That Cocytus was!?
So there was an existence that could break that……the world is vast.
Maa, it seems like it was a draw though.
But in that case, is this beast that broke the dream of humanity, phantasmal magic, this great youkai nine tails that proclaimed itself to be a divine beast what's incredible or? Is it Till who fought it to a draw that's incredible……

「……For now, I now understand that you're what's called an existence above the clouds.」

Just as stated, that stuff before was just play wasn't it.

「What is this? Do you have considerable admiration for that little one then? Isn't that a rather laudable att.i.tude.」
「Though her looks and personality are like that aren't they.」
「That isn't very specific.」

I have a lot to say nya, Saira fixedly turned her eyes at me.
Stop it Saira, stop with those lukewarm eyes.

「By the way where could this be?」
「You, why did you come here?」
「I was in the sky when I came to so, it's unclear after that.」
「I don't understand but, you're, an airhead aren't you……」
「Somehow you've made quite the statement.」
「Well whatever. To say it in terms of human countries, this is close to As.h.i.+taka I suppose.」
「As.h.i.+taka kingdom?」

Is this our destination?
As 2 people with Saira this has become us going rather far ahead hasn't it.
we don't have a magic stone so as to be able to call from here to the royal capital so, we'll have to contact Ilya from the guild when we arrive in As.h.i.+taka kingdom.

「That's just the place we have business in.」
「Is that so.」

Even Rin-chan clinging to me in her sleep, I gazed while thinking I should pound the map into my head though.
Is this a coincidence?
I looked at Rin-chan as she's held by Saira in her sleep.

「You'll exit the forest if you continue going straight in this manner.」
「Is, that so……」

I don't have anymore magic power so, since the next time something happens I have no way to fight do I.

「Kakaka. As an apology for my play, I'll have my child accompany you while guiding you.」


Along with a high pitch voice, a fluffy fox child came from the bush behind nine tails.
Is that child the animal that was watching us at the beginning.
A small body to an extent that it can't be compared to nine tails, just when I noticed it coil around my feet it went up onto my shoulder.


What is this cuuute!


Just when I noticed the child fox cry softly in my ear, it snuggled against my cheek.
Its golden bodily fur and bushy are no different from nine tails.

「In just that manner it's in such a period of lively curiosity with nothing to fear. I would like it to see various human countries with you.」
「I don't mind but, is that fine with nine tails-san?」
「Isn't it said that adorable children should be sent on a journey? Of course, if something happens I will bite that neck to shreds though I suppose, elf child.」

I got gooseb.u.mps from the suspiciously glinting eyes of nine tails……

「It's okay it's okay! ……I promise.」
「Kyui kyui!」

Fox child, will you become like that in your future?
Let's be careful not to be resented……

In accordance with child fox 『Kyuu』's guidance, we left the forest and was able to enter a plain.
By the way what's called Kyuu is a name we unilaterally attached.
It seems that it has no name to begin with and since nine tails had no name, even when we gave our name we were mildly warned that「Names aren't to be exposed so simply.」.
Small elf and elf child, that's enough to understand, and such.
After that it seems they know by smell.
Smell is well?
But since that's inconvenient, we gave this fox child the name called Kyuu.
The origin is something simple from the nine tails's crying voice.
Maa, this child of nine tails is basically still one tailed though.

「Is Kyuu not hungry?」
「Is tha so~, you're already famished arren'ch you?」

Did I just say something strange?
Saira seems to be watching me with distant eyes, her eyes faced me as if toward a child.

「Saira, do you have some sort of item that we could camp with?」
「If it's sleeping bags I have 2 people's worth nya.」
「That so, then I and Rin-chan will use one together. Since the sun has already set, let's rest here today.」
「Hai desu nya!」

I don't know if we'll reach a town if we hurry ahead and, in that case we should rest early.
I've finished confirming that my magic power has come back since we left the forest and, even if brigands appear I suppose I can do something.
Saira is also used to this sort of thing so, she put down her ruck and adeptly started the preparations for camping at night.


Since her sleeping breath is calm and, she does occasionally wake up and talk with us I don't think there's something major but, in any case she's sleeping a lot.
When I prepared the sleeping bag a bit ago Rin-chan helped out with the night camp until she fell asleep.
I built a fire with small branches that we gathered and, made a lightly flavoured porridge.

「Will Kyuu eat? It's hot so be careful okay.」

Foxes are omnivorous so well, I suppose it's fine.
Preparing something cooled to an extent, I began tearing it apart to eat.

「But why were we in such a place?」

Saira put her bowl in her lap and, murmured while seeming to fall into thought.
Given that this wasn't some sort of natural disaster, this phenomenon wasn't me or Saira.
In that case there is to an extent a person of the sort that knows who caused it to happen.

「To the extent that I want to press Solt-san about the situation.」
「Is it really, like that then nya?」
「I can't make it conclusive yet but, I think Rin-chan's current state, is similar to exhaustion from overuse of magic power.」

If that's the case then, she should recover if she takes it easy so I suppose there's no need to worry though.

「It's worrisome nya……」
「Un, but since we're taking our time and sleeping.」

Furthermore there's still something else that needs to be worried about isn't there.
I turned my eyes to Kyuu as it did its best with the porridge.
That nine tails, just what is it thinking?
But if it's thinking with purely good intentions, I think it's too airheaded……


The gaze fixedly staring at it might have aroused its interest, Kyuu looked up at me.

「Kyui! Kyu kyu!」
「Wa, wai! Heey!」

Having finished eating its meal Kyuu came and wrapped itself around me before I noticed and――

「Wai! Wait wait! That is……! Hey! Why did you enter the s.p.a.ce in my crotch――! Stoo, Kyuu!! Ah――」

……For the nonce, I couldn't think about things too deeply.

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