Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria Chapter 94

Alice Tale in Phantasmagoria -

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「Sacrament is connected to the commonwealth.」

After the two of us moved to my room, I grasped what Kran began to speak of at the edge of my conscious.
With warm sunlight s.h.i.+ning in on the windowside sofa it's very comfortable.
The sofa is also a high quality item so, I'm enveloped in a sensation that's almost like I'm floating in the air.
……I'm sleepy.

「Haii, I'm not sleeping.」

At Kran's call as she sits next to me on the sofa, my conscious was awakened.

「If you sleep soon after eating, you will become a cow.」
「I'll be careful.」

But wanting to sleep after eating is a physiological phenomenon isn't it.
People have to endure various things don't they.

「Be that as it may Kran, can you not distance your head from matters of work?」

I raised a slightly worried voice and, Kran made a troubled face.

「Do you dislike women who cannot understand how to use on and off?」
「Such a thing isn't the case, though it does make me worry.」
「Thank you very much. Also Alice, I am being pampered by you. Being able to speak of the things that I want to speak freely about, for women of my sort the country's matters float into their head.」
「Un, then it can't be helped.」

Forcibly trying to forget about things of concern causes the opposite effect I suppose.
You can't leisurely rest with that.

「I am grateful.」
「It's fine you know, but, didn't you say that Sacrament is neutral?」
「I did think that but, if that is the case then I cannot reach an explanation for Sacrament's provocation.」

The visibly transparent lie called a bandit disturbance, that huh……

「The result was that there was not major damage to either faction but, that is reasoning from the result.」

As stated.
We were one step away from a great tragedy developing into an international problem.
On that note as I a.s.sume even just that was a huge problem, Marisan didn't want the problem to be blown out of proportion so she's handling it well.
Be that as it may if Till hadn't been in that place, what would have come of it……

「What I do not know is, why did Sacrament attempt that……self destructive selfish thing though.」

To say that there were few casualties, it was a sudden combative conduct by transgressing on foreign
They caused something obvious in being criticized by Wilmington.
Even so the soldiers that might have been turned to ash by that Star Flare were, on Sacrament's side for the most part.
That could be said to be what makes the problem complicated.

「Accusing Wilmington with a groundless charge of ma.s.s slaughter, is something that reduces international trust――Thinking in that sort of easy manner gives a failing score does it not.」

That's bad, it was a failing score……
Even though I didn't say anything, Kran looked at me and smiled slightly.

「Because of that conduct, I sense their connection with the commonwealth. Maria thinks the same.」
「Marisan as well……」

If that person and Kran say it's so then, isn't that plenty enough to believe it even without proof.

「But why?」

At that question, Kran looked at me after facing her gaze toward a closed door further down the hallway.
From there she beckoned me with her hand, as if to bring me closer.


I approached Kran with a meekly obedient face.
Seeing her fluffy long eyelashes from the side brought out her allure.
Along with the mole under her left eye, Kran's eye region gives a strong impression.
It's very beautiful――and thinking that, my cheek was kissed.
In the blink of an eye, Kran came as such to stroke my cheek.
And so with a kind smile, her gaze faced not me but outside the window.
It was almost as if caressing a cat that approached her while she was in the middle of some sort of work.
……What is the meaning of this behavior?

「It somehow seems that crimson princess-kun, did not receive very good treatment in her own country did she.」

Allowing Kran to act as she pleases for now, I drew close and thought.

「That is……」

Demon eye is it……
That power has currently, been entrusted to me.
Even if they try to use Eclair, as long as I'm here something like last time won't happen.
In short the wording is poor but, there isn't much value in using the current individual Eclair.
……No, she is extremely cute though isn't she?
And if I'm their target then the value in using her is extreme though isn't it.
And she's cute though isn't she!

「There are various things.」
「Kusu, eei, I am sure that is so. And so along with that unfortunate handling, crimson princess was used like a sacrificial p.a.w.n.」

Kran continued with a small voice.
What, is there a spy or such in this mansion?

「The problem is, the sort of matter of what sort of result they desired.」

Sacrament……the result that that creepy man desired……?

「This is a conjecture but.」

Kran paused for a beat and, her gaze became sharp.

「Without dirtying his own hand, he wanted a large amount of people to die.」

Without dirtying his own hand, death……

「That is……!」
「It seems there is something you remember? Alice.」

……There is.


That red eyed ane-disciple comes to mind.
Remembering back to having my back taken easily, I naturally s.h.i.+vered.

「Eei, that girl desired souls. I really do not think just anyone could do such a thing.」
「……Does that imply that Libra has underground connections?」

Commonwealth, Austia, furthermore……even Sacrament?

「I do not believe it is a good move to give them too much time, if they are doing some sort of experiment.」
「Even, even if you say such a thing! For war to come from us――mugugu!?」

Being surprised I ended up raising a loud voice, my mouth was sealed by Kran.
I'm sorry……
Conveying my intent to repent with my gaze, I was quickly released.

「Clear out falling embers in advance. I, do not believe that to be a bad thing.」

In truth I don't understand what that bothersome ane-disciple is doing but……
The one thing I can say is, regarding overlooking Libra's scheme as it is, that's the sort thing where even without addressing the risks I can imagine there's no choice.
Since modern law has the principle of presumption of innocence, I feel that preemptive attacks are radical though……

「As I am a person entrusted with the country, I must consider the worst case.」
「Alice, if there is something happening in the kingdom that could drag you into it please flee to the princ.i.p.ality. Surely Maria would handle it well afterwards.」

Kran expressed a soft smile.

「――I respectfully decline.」

I answered decisively here.

「If Libra comes, I will bring this to a close.」
「But, it will be troubling if you lose yourself again.」

Kran seemingly purposefully, held the base of my neck and looked at it.
There's no longer a mark there.
But thinking back to that vibrant sensation, I knew that my face was heated.

「That, that difference in true power has gone away. I won't have my back taken simply anymore!」
「That is doubtful.」

That doubt is reasonable.
That person is strong.
It's frustrating but, leaving that one point there's no room for doubt.

「……Fufu, how-ever! That girl's opponent will not be me but, my teacher! There's no problem at all!」

Loudly announcing that, Kran gave me a cold gaze as a present……

「――Oi, that idiot disciple over there.」

And so knocking on an open door from the rooms behind me, my teacher's voice called me.
With her hair still down, and furthermore in a slovenly negligee form……

「Aah, in front of a guest……that's embarra.s.sing.」
「Like I know. More importantly as I am going out, you should help with the arrangements.」
「……I'm told that but?」

I asked the guest sitting next to me.

「I do not mind you know.」
「Good grief.」

Leaving the arrangements for each and every thing around her to her attendant (me?) and the like is like a n.o.ble but, in regards to Till it feels like a child throwing a tantrum.

「n.o.ble young daughter, I am going to your house.」

Her face was like a pigeon that ate a peashooter.
She was taken by surprise to an extent that was rare for Kran.

「I'm going to check on Romus's state and such――」

Till set out from the balcony so as to visit Kran's grandfather.
I returned to the room after seeing her off and, Kran and Eclair were sitting on the windowside sofa.
……What sort of situation is this?

「Do intrude, Alice.」
「Ah, hai.」

I thought that friends.h.i.+p had finally budded while I wasn't observing them but, such a thing hadn't happened.

「Alice, saa, come over here.」

Kran made a thumping sound hitting the seat beside her where I had been sitting.

「Alice, it's open over here.」

Eclair pointed out the sofa next to her in the same manner.


I had thought that they were getting along but, such a thing hadn't happened……
It's a s.p.a.cious L shaped sofa but, of course the two weren't sitting next to eachother.
This is well, since it's a normal thing it's not related to whether they're getting along well or poorly.
Then where should the third person sit?
I ignored the opinions of those two without hesitation and, sat on the corner of the L shape.
It's hard to sit on you know.

「Fufu, Alice is shy so it is of no use is it.」
「She was surely looking out for you, since it'd be pitiable wouldn't it.」

Is okay if I go back already?

「It appears that Eclair-sama, knows about Alice in her own way.」
「Eei, enough that I won't lose to someone like you right.」

Having nothing for me to do, I started folding origami with a memo paper left on the table.

「There was a time when you were worried enough about my self to run through a battlefield wasn't there, Alice?」
「Ah, hai.」

I forgot the method of folding but, maybe I'll somehow fold a fitting crane or such.

「About Eclair, there was a time when you bravely volunteered yourself to protect me wasn't there, Alice?」
「Ah, that's right isn't it.」

That's right, instead of folding a crane let's fold a rose, I'll do that.
It's the same as folding a crane until halfway through so, I'll switch from there.
Somehow ignoring both sides as their dispute continued, I intently folded a rose.
picking the direct center and turning it as if to twist in the end, the shape is arranged……finished!
Nn~, well done isn't it!


After tasting my sense of accomplishment the next instant, both my arms were taken by both of the people who were nestling up to me.
Thi, this is……!

「So, sof……t」

That's no good that's no good……!
This sort of……!

「A, ano……! You two……or rather Kran especially, my arm is……」
「It is touching.」

That such a dream like situation could exist within this world……!

「Tsu! Alice! Please come over here!」

Rather than my arm, Eclair embraced my head.
It's pure black in front of my eyes but, this dream like sensation as if from a marshmallow is without mistake……her breast!

「How is it Alice?」

……This might be good.
Aah, I wonder why are girls so soft, warm and good smelling?
It's a divine mystery.

「Kusukusu, that is an unseemly face, Alice. Looking at it is pleasing as can be.」
「……That sort of aspect of yours where you have plenty of resources to spare doesn't sit well with me you know.」
「Eclair never has anything in reserve――nooーtsu!!!」

It changed from a dreamland to intense pain!
My head, my heads being crushed!!
No more, violence!

「Fufu, this is truly amusing.」

No intention to save meー!
Kran's intent to save me, is basically nil!

「……Even though it would have been nice if you were a more detestable person.」
「For that, I have no excuse.」

But I want you to wait a little.
While you people are partway through establis.h.i.+ng some sort of mood of mutual understanding, I kind of seem like I'm going to die?
I can't breath?

「――tsu! ――tsu!?」
「Wai, nnn……wait Alice, be quiet for now!」

No no, but there's already circ.u.mstances such that that's impossible by now!
Sticking my hand out and resisting, I put an eagle grip on two dreams with a good enough size to envelope me.

「Ann, mou……since it can't be helped.」

Eclair's sweet nasal voice captivated my brain.
What a thing, is this the peach blossom spring?
……That's not it!
At this rate I'll be done in by b.r.e.a.s.t.s――!?

「Fufu, Eclair-sama? I am aware that your position is something difficult.」
「However the country's future, if you consider the members of the people, is it not so that you should do the things that should be done?」
「Are you telling me to……take down grandfather?」
「I am not saying that. Do what should be done, that is what Eclair-sama herself feels is right, it has a meaning of doing that which you feel that you want to do. Whatever other person it may be, to be giving orders to you is to be using the wrong gate.」


「You are also, strong aren't you……」
「No? I am just used to putting forward a strong front.」
「Fun, since empty bravery becomes bravery, seeing that through is also a splendid strength.」


「Eclair-sama is just as Alice says isn't she.」
「What is, that?」
「Very, very wonderful.」
「Naa, fu, funn! Isn't that stupid? Just by talking a little, what are you saying you understand!」


「That is also so I suppose――for that reason, I want to become more familiar with Eclair-sama.」
「……Eclair is fine you know, I don't like stiff formalities――Krancesca.」


「……I am happy, Eclair.」
「Fufu, then――is it about time when it would be fine to let go of Alice, Eclair? It has become a big deal you know, fufufu.」
「Ah, aah. That was wrong of me wasn't it Alice, forcing you to stay quiet this entire time.」

Even though I should have been being enveloped by dreamland and invited to the heaven, that heaven suddenly went far away.
……What is this, air is delicious?
Even though I've taken air lightly up until now, odorless air is also a great thing isn't it……

「Alice……? Alice!?」
「It is okay, Eclair. I have learned the method to handle this sort of occasion.」

I received the sensation of being layed down in a soft place.
What, was I doing?
I came to, within a vague conscious.


For some reason, Kran's face was right in front of my eyes.
And so I somehow seemed to have been resting on the sofa.

「What sort of situation……?」
「This is artificial respiration, Alice――」

Kran's vibrant lips descended toward me as such.
Alongside that her tongue came forcing itself in.
Licking my gums, sucking my tongue, trampling upon my inner mouth even while doing this.

「Wai, wait! Isn't she already awake!?」

Eclair is raising her voice from just beside me.

「Ha, nn……chu.」

the overly pa.s.sionate artificial respiration ended and, Kran separated her body from mine with dyed cheeks.

「Fuu……it seems that she somehow safely awoke. The artificial respiration was a success then.」

……Let's ignore the sort of conversation of how I was awake from the start.
Before that if that's artificial respiration then, wouldn't that make the artificial respiration throughout the world no control then?
Glaring at Kran as she charmingly smiles while playing dumb――

「Alice you――」

From my side, this time Eclair grabbed my collar and raised my body.
Her adorable sharp eyes were slightly teary.


Just what did I do!?

「Getting along is a good thing is it not, fufu.」

The princess-sama going on like that smiled like it was someone else's problem.
Seeing that I became convinced.
Aah, this child really is black hearted――

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