Temptation: Satisfaction Part 8

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"Hmmm, I like the sound of those two words." I did once, too.

"Bryce, I need to give Dorothy the flowers I bought her." He smiled a cheeky smile and carried me towards reception. "You can put me down now."


I tutted. Dorothy was sitting in reception and smiled brightly as he carried me in.

"Mr. Clark, Alexis, to what do I owe the pleasure of this visit?"

"Mr. Clark you are going to have to put me down so I can get them." He surrendered and lowered me to my feet. I reached into the bag hanging off his arm, and pulled out the posy.

"Dorothy, these are for you. I just wanted to say thank you for helping me organise the picnic and cleaning it up." I handed her the bunch of flowers.

"Oh, thank you. It was a pleasure. But I didn't clean it up, dear." Oh you didn't? Then who did? The ever-so-tardy light bulb went off in my head. I spun round to catch Bryce smirking away.

"Well, thank you for all your help, I appreciate it." She nodded, and Bryce scooped me up again.

"Good evening, Dorothy, Alexis and I have some business to attend to." Bryce Edward Clark, she doesn't need to know that. She smiled and blushed as he carried me back out the door.

"You cleaned it up, didn't you, that morning when I was asleep?"

"Yes, Hunny. I did. It was the least I could do," he answered with a smile.

"Thank you, for what you do." I kissed his cheek. "Bryce, what am I going to do when we get back to Melbourne?"

He opened our door once again with his elbow and foot. He really was getting quite good at it. "You are going to face the truth, Alexis." Gently, he placed me down on the bed and undid my shoes, then rubbed the sole of my foot. At first, I wanted to flinch, but my feet were so sore, and his rubbing actions were quite soothing.

"The truth hurts like h.e.l.l, Bryce."

"It always does, my love." He removed his shoes and socks, and crawled up next to me. We both lay propped up on our elbows looking at each other. "It is how you overcome the truth, Hunny. That is what really matters. Yes, it hurts like h.e.l.l, but it's how you look at the situation, and how you deal with it; that's what will heal the hurt in the end." He touched my face. "You are going to hear things that will wound you deeply, but remember not all things are black and white." I looked at him confused. It sounded like he was trying to defend Rick.

"Are you defending him?"

"Who Rick? No not at all, I'm just trying to prepare you, in the hope it softens the blow."

"Oh, I don't think you can soften the blow of your husband cheating on you." His eyes dropped and he left the room. "I'll be fine, Mr. Clark. I have you." He came back moments later with a Scotch and a Gin and Squash.

"Yes you do, and don't ever forget it." He held up his gla.s.s. "Cheers to the best three days of my life."

"Cheers, to the rest of our lives." We clinked and both took a drink. Bryce didn't stop, so I continued too. It soon became a race to see who could finish first. Of course he won. I swallowed my last drop and handed him the gla.s.s, then moved closer to him and softly pulled him into a kiss. I didn't want clothes tearing, wall b.u.mping, or legs wrapped around his waist. I just wanted to hold him, kiss him, and make love to him tenderly and slowly. I think he understood my needs, because he caressed my face ever so gently as we kissed.

I got up on my knees and unb.u.t.toned his s.h.i.+rt, deliberately taking my time. I slid it off his shoulders as I ran my hands along them, and guiding it off completely. His biceps were invitingly luscious, so I pressed my lips to them, and tasted his warm skin. I moved my mouth to his shoulder, then to his neck, until I was at his mouth again. Our tongues gently stroked one another's, over and over, it was so nice. He reached to my side and unzipped my dress, helping me out of it. I unbuckled his pants as he kissed my shoulder and neck. He stood up to allow them to fall from him, then removed his underwear exposing his glorious erection, an erection I would never get sick of. I smiled at him. I wanted him to know I appreciated his body and what he did with it.

He moved toward me, then kissed me again. I unclipped my bra for him as he slowly pulled down my G-string, kissing the insides of my legs as he did. No words were spoken between us. There didn't need to be-we were saying all we needed with each touch and kiss we gave one another. We made love in that night-real love-soft love-sensual love-pure and lasting love. It was our last night at Outback Hideaway and we wanted to make the most of it.


I felt slightly dejected during our flight home. We'd had such a wonderful time at Uluru that it saddened me to leave, I wished I could just collect the kids and go right back to our perfectly little tee-pee for ever. If anything, though, I was a realist, so I knew I had to return to my life in Melbourne and face it head on whether I liked it or not. It didn't change the fact I was dreading it though.

While in the air, I'd received a call from my insurance company informing me that my car was now fixed. The repair shop was not far from the airport, so Danny dropped me off so I could pick up my car. Bryce had offered to stay with me, but I a.s.sured him I'd be fine and that he should return to the penthouse. I told him I wouldn't be long and blew him a kiss as the limo pulled away. Seeing my car looking healthy again filled me with happiness. Don't get me wrong, I had more than enjoyed driving the Porsche, it's just that my Ford Territory was familiar, and I'd missed it.

I decided I would quickly stop in at home on my way back to the hotel. Rick would still be at work, so I could collect my mail and grab a few things from there that I needed. I parked a couple of houses away, just in case for some unknown reason he had been there. I'd seen this sort of precautionary covert thing on TV before, and it seemed like a good idea. Either that or I was a completely paranoid. Alexis, you will have to face him soon. I knew facing him was inevitable, it's just I still wasn't ready. Would I ever be?

There was no sight of him when I walked inside, however, the feeling I got when I entered was not what it normally was. For starters, the kids weren't there, which automatically took away that sense of homeliness, and secondly, the house was in a terrible mess. There were dishes in the sink, clothes on the bedroom floor, and remnants of a broken picture of us on our honeymoon on the kitchen table. I shook my head. This wasn't like Rick. He had always been relatively neat and tidy, and although he had a temper at times, I was the one out of the two of us who would throw something in anger, not him.

I picked up the broken picture which resembled my broken heart. What went wrong? What did I do, or not do, that would make him actually have s.e.x with another woman while we were married? Maybe it was because I was heavier back then? I don't f.u.c.king know. If he had been tempted by Claire, fine, I got that, but why not just break it off or tell me sooner or...f.u.c.k! I threw the frame across the room. It hit the wall and smashed into pieces on the floor. I went through the letters that had been thrown on the bench: bills, bank statements and more bills. I figured he would see to them, he always had. Being a mortgage broker sort of earned him the role of handling our finances, and as far as I was aware he did a good job of it. I never had the reason to worry about any of it. I quickly grabbed some extra clothes, not that I didn't have more than enough back at Bryce's apartment, because I did. I guess I just wanted some items of my own that were familiar to me, like my slippers for instance. I had secretly pined over them the last few days. I also grabbed my hair brush and contraceptive pill box. I didn't want to dawdle or hang around any longer, just in case he came home early, so I hopped into the car and drove back to the hotel.

I pulled into the bas.e.m.e.nt car park. Bryce was there before I had even closed the door. "What took you so long? I've been worried."

"I went home to get a few things." He looked ashen. "Don't worry, Rick wasn't there. I knew he wouldn't be. He doesn't normally finish work till 4 p.m." This seemed to relieve him a little.

"You should have told me you were going home, I would've come with you," he said slightly annoyed.

"I didn't think of it until after I'd collected my car. Anyway, I have to face Rick on my own."

"No, you don't."

"Yes, I do. Thank you for the concern and for wanting to be my knight in s.h.i.+ning armour, but this is between Rick and me."

"I know, Alexis, it's just I don't want you to see him, not until..." He stopped.

"Not until what, Bryce?"

He put his hands in his pockets. "Not until you are prepared." Prepared? I'll never be prepared really. I put my hands on the sides of his arms.

"That's sweet, but I'll never be prepared to hear the details of when my husband decided a young s.l.u.t was more satisfying than his loving wife."

He dropped to his knees and put his hands on my hips. "n.o.body is more satisfying than you my love. n.o.body." He pressed his face into my abdomen, just below my belly b.u.t.ton. I had on a short white cotton slip dress. He sucked in a large deep breath through his nose, clenching his fingers as he did. Instantly, I recognised his hunger for me. I had felt this need many times before, one of those times being in this very garage.

I put my hands in his hair as he began kissing my stomach through the cotton dress, triggering that wonderful tingling feeling in the very spot he was kissing me on. He started to scrunch up my dress with his hands, making me grip his hair in antic.i.p.ation of what I knew was coming. I helped him lift it over my head until I was standing before him in my underwear and brown leather sandals. He looked at me and gritted his teeth, repeating what he had just said. "n.o.body is more satisfying than you, Alexis. n.o.body." He scooped me up and took me over to the Charger. "I believe we have some unfinished business here." Oh f.u.c.k, yes we do, Bring it on.

"That we do, Mr. Clark." I smiled at him, allowing him to see the excitement that now covered my face. He placed me down on the bonnet, the very spot where I had nearly succ.u.mbed to him weeks ago. I leaned back and propped myself up on my elbows.

"Ms. Summers, you have no idea how much I have thought about the last time you were sitting here. How much I wanted to taste you there and then." I wanted you to taste me, too. I want you to taste me now.

"Well, Mr. Clark, I suggest you stop thinking and start tasting." The look in his eyes told me he was going to rip my lace knickers-it's what he does-so, I didn't argue when he tore through them like a hot knife through b.u.t.ter. Oh, s.h.i.+t, that was even s.e.xier than the last time. He placed both his hands on the bonnet of the car, and hovered over me with his greedy eyes set on one target. I put my foot up on his chest stopping him, staring hot and wanting into his hungry eyes. I did it because I wanted to remember the very look on his face, the look that told me I was everything he ever wanted. But I could tell the suspense as to when I was going to lift my foot, was adding to his already increasing urge, so I lifted it, and watched his head disappear between my legs. His first touch always sent my body into a frenzy, and forcing my head back in sheer pleasure. Oh, f.u.c.k, he is extraordinarily good with his tongue. I gripped the bonnet with both hands, but my fingers were moist with perspiration and slipped slightly on the glossy purple finish of the Charger. My mouth was open, letting moans of delight escape as his tongue went up and down, increasing my wetness. I watched him lift his head, and his eyes meet mine. They were so s.e.xy and alluring, and I could read them like a book. Right now they were saying, ayou belong at the tip of my tongue' and mine were replying with, aI know'. He trailed his tongue up over my c.l.i.toris again, then continued to trail it up across my caesarean scar, and over my abdomen, until his very delicious tongue was in my mouth. I pushed myself up from my elbows, so that I could reach and unbuckle his jeans. I ripped at his underwear, and to my delight they tore with ease. Ha, good work, Alexis.

His mouth fell open in surprise. "We may have to go underwear shopping soon."

"Yes we may." I agreed, as I guided him in. And as always he fit me like a glove. The sensation I felt, at his mercy, was wonderful, but it was the look in his eyes, as always, that tipped me over the edge.

"Hunny, I can't get enough of you."

I breathed heavily as he moved in and out of me. "Good, I don't want you to." He lifted me up and walked over to the Bel Air, placing me down on its bonnet. "Oh, on the Chev as well, Mr. Clark?" I asked, greedily.

He mouthed my neck. "I'll do you on all of them if you like?" The excitement spread across my face as I looked around the garage. There were a lot of cars in here. f.u.c.k, that's a lot of s.e.x.

"Even the Aston and Reventon?" Surely not. One slight dent and there's fifty thousand dollars in repairs just there.

"Especially those two." He put me down.

"No you can't, I would cringe thinking we'd do damage."

"Yes we can." His devilish glint appeared, but I was one step ahead of him and I took off. I managed to get behind the Lexus, giggling as I paused.

"No, Bryce. You'll seriously do damage."

His devilish grin grew wider. I ran behind the Ferrari, looking at him through the windows on the opposite side. I noticed the beige interior and imagined his bare a.r.s.e on it. Alexis, snap out of it! You are in the middle of being hunted down.

"Alexis, I will always beat you on foot."

"Ah, but could you beat me on four wheels?" I shot him the challenge.

"We'll have to find out, my love."

"Yes, we will." I took off towards the McLaren and he caught me, pinning my back up against the golden orange door panel. He spread my arms out across the windows as he kissed my neck and chest, then lifted my leg so he could penetrate me once again. I placed my arms around his neck and my hands in his hair.

"I love you, Bryce."

"I know, Hunny." Then lifting me completely, he walked over to the lowline Reventon, and placed me down so that I was sitting on the roof. The roof, f.u.c.k!

"What are you doing?"

"Shhh, my love."

I hesitantly moved back. I felt like I was on thin ice-one move and the roof would crack or cave in. He walked around to the front of the car and stepped up onto the bonnet. Oh f.u.c.k, no. I threw my hands over my mouth as he lifted off the ground. The sound the bonnet made as it bowed, vibrated right through me. I was horrified and extremely f.u.c.king turned on at the same time, but he just smirked.

"Bryce Edward Clark, stop! You are ruining your car, and stop smirking it's not funny." He took another step and placed his hands on the roof eyeing me disobediently, then scaled the windscreen with his feet. I felt myself moving backwards along the roof as he hunted me down. I had nowhere left to go, so I laid back completely and put my hands over my face. "I can't believe you are doing this."

"Believe it, Hunny." He lifted my pelvis while on his knees and entered me once more. Oh, s.h.i.+t. Hot s.e.x on the roof of a 1.6 million dollar Lamborghini Reventon, it doesn't get much better than this. I still had my hands over my face when he leaned forward and removed them, pinning them down on the roof above my head. "Don't hide, Ms. Summers, I want to see your face as we dent this f.u.c.ker." My mouth fell open and I raised my head ever so slightly. He pushed harder and harder, and the noise of the roof panel as it buckled in and out got louder and louder. He was loving it, and so was I but for different reasons I suspect. We climaxed together and he groaned like never before. I cried out with him then relaxed every part of my body as it rested on the newly-f.u.c.ked Reventon. He lowered himself on top of me and kissed my cheek.

"You just f.u.c.ked your car, Bryce, you do realise that don't you?"

"I just f.u.c.ked on my car, and it was well worth it." I laughed and shook my head at him. "Are you telling me you didn't enjoy that, Hunny?"

"Of course I did, very much, but I'd hate to hear how much that session just cost you. You're crazy." He smiled mischievously at me.

"So, Alexis, you think you can beat me on four wheels."

"I don't think Bryce, I know."

"You are on, Sweetheart." He jumped off the roof and put his arms out for me to follow. I took the plunge and he caught me.

We retrieved our clothing and headed up to his apartment. "I've got a few things to do in the office first. Ring the hotel's kitchen and choose something for dinner okay? I should only be half an hour to an hour at most."

"Okay." I said. He kissed my forehead and headed into his office. Hmmm...Dinner, maybe I could cook him something? I went to the fridge and opened the door. Let's see...A few things jumped out at me: parmesan, eggs, cream, garlic and pancetta. I hope he has fettuccini. I went to the pantry. Holy s.h.i.+t, he has everything. It was like a mini Coles Supermarket in there, his pantry was bigger than my kitchen alone. I grabbed the packet of dry fettuccini pasta and the rest of the ingredients I had found in the fridge.

He had an iPod plugged into a speaker jack on the bench top, so I thought I'd switch it on. Suddenly, I heard him yelling from his office. I froze and my heart started to pound, I'd never heard him speak this way. I slowly crept up to the office door and put my ear to it.

"It's not f.u.c.king good enough, do you hear me."

"Yes." Gareth was in his office too.

"I'm serious, Gareth, I'm sick of this s.h.i.+t. I don't want to hurt you, but when you do this you give me no choice." f.u.c.k. Hurt him? No choice? What's he talking about. "You need to f.u.c.king keep on top of this, or so help me G.o.d, I will have you locked up." Locked up? Locked up where? My heart was well and truly beating now, and I knew whatever they were discussing was very serious and very private.

"Bryce, I'm sorry. I'll try better, I promise."

"You'll do more than try, Gareth. I will not risk anyone I love being hurt, it's not only Lucy and me anymore, there's Alexander and Alexis now. Don't look at me like that, Gareth, you take your meds and tell Scott he doesn't control you." Scott, who the f.u.c.k is Scott, and what meds? I walked back to the kitchen. I had been right, there was more to Gareth than what I thought. I had to know what was going on especially if Bryce was worried about my safety.

I started to dice up the pancetta, as visions of Gareth being yelled at by Bryce flashed through my head. Music Alexis, put on some music. I turned on the iPod and flicked through the songs, Edge of Seventeen by Stevie Nicks, I love this song. I pressed play and the guitar kicked in. I started singing along and dancing around the kitchen in my own little world. I often did this when I was cooking as it was a welcome distraction from the daunting task. Unlike Bryce, I didn't actually enjoy cooking the majority of the time. Let's just say I had to be in a certain mood to enjoy it, like now, I was looking forward to cooking him something for a change. And, it just so happens, the music was now also distracting me from returning to the problem that was Gareth.

The pot was on the stove, and the pasta was boiling away. I whisked the eggs together with a small amount of cream. I seasoned it and set it aside, singing along quite loudly. I then crushed the garlic and added it to a pan with the pancetta to fry it off. The song finished as I was chopping up the parsley, and aGo Your Own Way' started up. Hmmm, he's a Fleetwood fan! I like his style. Derrr Alexis, you like more than just his astyle'. I drained the pasta and put it aside, then cut the crusty bread into star shapes. He gives me hearts, I give him stars! I placed them on a plate, smiled to myself, and then added the cooked pasta to the pan together with the egg mixture and parmesan cheese, tossing it for only a couple of minutes on low heat. I dished it up on a plate and sprinkled it with the parsley, while dancing around singing to myself. I looked up to see where we should eat and that's when I noticed Bryce standing at the door watching me. Oh my G.o.d. How embarra.s.sing. Not only have I desecrated his immaculate kitchen, I have sung and danced through the entire spectacle and he has now bared witness to it. I was frozen and wanted to disappear in a cloud of smoke. That was not an option though, unfortunately, so all I could manage was, "Hey, I cooked."

He slowly walked over to where I was standing, cupped my face, and kissed me. I really do love it when he does that. I gently flapped my hands in the air, as they were covered in egg mixture and cheese, and I didn't want to get him dirty.

"You, my love, are an angel. Have I ever told you that?"

"Yes, right after I sucked your c.o.c.k for the first time." We both started laughing.

"Where would you like to eat, Bryce?" He rose his s.e.xy eyebrow. "I'm serious, you insatiable man." He kissed me again and then pointed to the dining table. He went to the fridge to grab a bottle of wine while I placed the plates down on the table. When he returned, he noticed my plate of stars and smiled. He picked one up and admired it. I cued my student voice again. "So, Mr Astrology Teacher Clark, what is that star called?"

"This, my dear, is the most precious star of them all, and is known as athe Alexis'."

I beamed at him. He put it down next to his plate and grabbed another one.

"Are you not going to eat athe Alexis'?"

"No, she is too precious to eat."

"She will go mouldy then."

"I won't let her." I shook my head as I began to eat. My cooking was nothing in comparison to what he usually conjured up, but I was confident he wouldn't spit it out, or at least I hoped he wouldn't. I screwed up my face as he popped in his first mouthful, and then raised my eyebrows in antic.i.p.ation of his evaluation. "What, Hunny? It's lovely, thank you." I let out a huge sigh of relief.

"So, did you get your work done?" I asked, with the intention of finding out why he had yelled at Gareth.

"No, not really. I was interrupted."

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