Temptation: Satisfaction Part 12

Temptation: Satisfaction -

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"What would you like to drink?" I asked.

"There's a bottle of Crown Amba.s.sador Lager in the bar fridge. Grab that and a couple of" I love how he just a.s.sumes what I like and don't like. a.s.sumption or not, he normally gets it right. I found the lager he was referring to as he set up the plate of seafood and chips on the coffee table. I smiled at his laid back-sit on the floor-approach to fish an' chips.

I opened the fancy looking bottle. I would normally sink a stubby when consuming beer, but this particular ale looked very, and was probably meant to be consumed from a gla.s.s. I poured us both a gla.s.s, tilting it as I poured. I remembered seeing this technique on TV. Apparently it reduces the froth on the surface. We sat down on the floor on either side of the coffee table, thoroughly enjoying our fish and chip picnic. He dipped his prawn in the sauce and consumed the entire thing.

"You just ate the tail!" I screwed up my face at him and he laughed.

"Yes, you are supposed to."


"Here, try it." He picked up another prawn, gently dipped it in the sauce and moved it to my mouth. I bit down on it and consumed the first half; he smirked as if to say that was pathetic.

"What? I have a small mouth." I defensively chomped the second piece from his fingers. Yum, the tail is actually really crunchy. He smiled and licked them.

"You have a magnificent mouth, Ms. Summers."

"As do you, Mr. Clark."

"I want your mouth now, Ms. Summers."

"You are going to have to wait, Mr. Clark. It is currently occupied."

"Then un-occupy it."

My body began to react to his intense and wanting stare. "No, I'm hungry."

"So am I. I'm hungry for you."

"I'm enjoying your seafood and sauce." I selected a piece of calamari and dipped, then licked off the sauce and dipped it again, teasing him with my seductive display.

"You just double dipped." He crossed his arms. Oh you are one of those are you?

"Yes, I know, I can't help it. I like sauce."

"Do you like my sauce?" His cheeky game face momentarily appeared before he pulled it back in again. I took hold of the small dish containing the tartare and poked my finger in it. I swirled it around then put it in my mouth and very slowly pulled it back out again, licking my lips when I was done.

"I do like your sauce."

"I make another really good sauce you know?" I bet you do. He smirked, forked a piece of snapper and downed it with a long swig of beer. I followed his choices.

"Really? What do you dip in that sauce?" I loved his ability to be able to play this game with me.

"It's not for dipping my love." Not for dipping, ay? We both selected a couple more chips.

"How do you eat it then?" I popped a chip into my mouth and raised my curious eyebrow at him.

"You savour it." Savour it? I'll savour you in a minute.

"And how do you make your sauce, Mr. Clark?" My mouth was beginning to parch at the very thought of his sauce making abilities.

"I make it with love, with pa.s.sion, and I only make it for one person."

I was biting the inside of my bottom lip, antic.i.p.ating the consumption of him and his sauce. "Will you make it for me?" I ask with a demure smile.

He lifted his finger and signalled for me to go to him. "Only you." I s.n.a.t.c.hed my gla.s.s and drank the last of the beer, in the hope it would douse the fiery burn that had formed in my mouth and throat. Then, I dropped down on all fours and crawled around the table to his side, climbing into his lap.

"I want you to make the best sauce you have ever made."

"Anything for you, my love." He seized my mouth, confirming that it was only his lips that could extinguish the fire within me, and as his tongue explored every inch, the burning I felt for him subsided and was replaced with a pure delightful lull. I laced my hands through his hair, s.h.i.+fting a few strands away from his forehead. His cut was healing over nicely, so I kissed it, and trailed a few more kisses down the side of his face. As I got closer to his mouth, my kisses became more impatient and needy. I desperately fumbled with the b.u.t.tons on his s.h.i.+rt, eagerly removing it and exposing his delectably smooth chest. Holy f.u.c.k, this sight floors me every time. Already my p.u.s.s.y was responding by lusciously pulsing and moistening in preparation for him to enter me. My b.r.e.a.s.t.s were also reacting with a sensational firmness as he pulled my lemon coloured cotton blouse over my head, exposing them within my bra. I went to a.s.sist him with my bra's removal, but he firmly moved my hands away and took control of its undoing himself, unleas.h.i.+ng my b.r.e.a.s.t.s for him to devour with his mouth. Oh, Mr. Clark, you and your truly mind-blowing mouth. I whimpered as he tongued my nipples, one at a time, and I moaned unashamedly when he grasped my shoulders and leaned me back, allowing him to trail his tongue from my neck to my navel.

He gripped me tightly, stood up, and began to unb.u.t.ton my denim capris as I panted from his oral exploration of my chest. I stepped out of them after they fell to the ground. Then he scooped me into his arms and gently laid me back on the sofa. We paused momentarily, and looked deep into each other's eyes. Here we were at the beginning of our relations.h.i.+p, freshly discovering each other and the burning pa.s.sion that came with that process. It was not only hot, but exciting and new. However, the exchange of looks and feelings between us defied normality, because what progressed more dominantly was admiration, acceptance and comfort-comfort that a couple who had been together for many years would display. It blew me away, the level of connection we shared. It was just inconceivable. And as if he was thinking the same thing, he lightly kissed the tip of my nose and slowly stood back.

I sat up and watched him with delight as he unb.u.t.toned his jeans and removed them, exposing his highly desirable body, a body I both wanted and needed as close to my own as much as humanly possible.

"Bryce, you render me speechless." He dropped to his knees, opened my legs, and slid me forward on to his ready and waiting erection; making me exhale in relief that we were again joined as one. Our eyes watched each other's intently as he slowly thrust his pelvis back and forth. I could feel every inch of him as he glided in and out, satisfying the yearning sensation within me. I put my arms on his shoulders and pulled him in for a kiss, he obliged bringing me onto him as far as I could go, forcing me to gasp aloud as his length reached farther inside me than ever before.

He stopped moving and held me completely still, allowing me to engulf him entirely. It was utterly raw and pure. And savouring each other by mouth and eye contact only added to this s.e.xually precious moment. Our motionlessness seemed to last a long time and the antic.i.p.ation of when he would resume his pelvic thrusts was killing me.

I pleaded with him. "Please, Bryce."

"No, Hunny. I don't want my c.o.c.k to leave you."

"I know, my love, but you'll be inside me of me again." I smiled seductively at him, but I could feel felt his doubt. "You will, I promise. Now please, give me your b.l.o.o.d.y sauce." He smirked, and began thrusting until I was vocalising my climax, forcing him to collapse on my chest and rest his head on my shoulder. I held him there until our breathing returned to normal. "You'll be back, Bryce. You belong inside of me."


Both of us were up bright and early the next day. Bryce had cooked me breakfast in bed accompanied with roses and a gorgeous little gold and diamond ring with a star on it. He had placed the ring around my knife and fork and waited patiently until I had made the discovery. It hadn't taken me long because the diamonds had caught the light, sparkling brightly and revealing the ring's hiding place. I picked the ring up to inspect it.

"It's to remind you of me when we are apart." He seemed a bit shy. I'm not sure if it was because of the ring itself or the fact he was giving it to me for a specific purpose. This gift of jewellery seemed very different from the other two.

"It's beautiful, Bryce. I love it, but I really don't need anything to remind me of you, you are permanently tattooed on my heart and in my mind." He seemed happy with my response and the shyness he possessed moments ago vanished. "Thank you, it means a lot to me." I put it on and found that it fit perfectly causing me to smile even more. "So, Mr Astrology Teacher Clark, what is this star called?" I asked, batting my eyes at him.

"Ms. Summers, this is a very special star. It's known as the Brylexis" I giggled and he shrugged his shoulders. Oh my goodness he is just perfect. The Brylexis! He's combined our names to form a star just for the two of us. Now I'm the one in need of medical a.s.sistance for heart failure, because he just made my heart well and truly stop.

"Oh Bryce, that's so beautiful." I got up on the bed, crawled across it and placed a soft peck on his lips. "Thank you. I love it."

"You're welcome, Hunny." He held me tightly, and I could tell he didn't want to let go. I didn't want him to either, but ahead of me was one of the most difficult and exhausting days I would ever endure. I had to step out of this wonderful romantic world, and back into reality to face it. He pressed his lips firmly on the top of my head then released me. "Now, I have a few things in my office to take care of...So I'll let you get ready, my love." I watched him leave the room, then fell back onto the bed holding my hand up with the ring glistening beautifully on my finger. I shook my head in disbelief, and then headed for the shower.

The welcoming hot water ran over my body as I thought about what the next few hours would hold for me. Of course I was nervous, apprehensive, and anger fuelled, but as a result of Bryce's revelation yesterday, I now possessed a sheen of clarity. The pictures were fool-proof, they were what they were, and Rick could not deny them, not that he would because he confessed in the first place. I guess all I wanted to discuss with him was why he couldn't have come to me first, before having a f.u.c.king affair and to tell him to pack his s.h.i.+t and get the h.e.l.l out of our house until we sorted it out.

I dried myself off and got dressed in a pair of jeans, knee high black boots, and a tight grey tank top. There was no real need for makeup, so I only applied a gloss for my dry and overly kissed lips. Looking around the room, it dawned on me as to just how at home I had made myself, or more to the point, how at home Bryce had made me in his apartment. I loved it here but there was no place for my children. So I was saddened at not knowing when I'd be back to stay. Don't worry about that, Alexis, you will sort everything out. I sighed disappointedly and walked out of the room dragging my small suitcase behind me.

It was just after 8 a.m. when I walked into Bryce's office. He was at his desk buried under a pile of paper work.

"Wow, the price you pay for a few days away." He looked up and c.o.c.ked his head to the side. I loved the signs he displayed when I had a positive effect on him, they were a clear indication that the little things that made me who I was, were what he liked and appreciated the most.

"A price well worth it, Hunny. Are you ready to go?"

I pouted. "No, but I have to. On a more pleasant note, I will see you in less the 24 hours."

"It's not soon enough." He looked a bit flat, it was probably a combination of me leaving and the extensive amount of business he had to attend to. I walked over to his desk and sat my a.r.s.e on top of it squas.h.i.+ng his paper pile.

"Maybe you could sneak in through my bedroom window tonight?" This suggestion seemed to cheer him up, he raised his eyebrows and I could see he was definitely contemplating it.

His phone buzzed, interrupting our top secret rendezvous. He hit speaker "Yes, Abigail?"

"Mr. Clark, you wanted me to notify you if Mr. Summers entered the building. Well, he has and is on his way up now. Do you want him stopped?" My eyes widened, and I instinctively jumped off the desk, taking a few steps toward the door. I think my initial intention was to lock it, but that would have been ridiculous. Why has he come here? I don't want to see him here, then again I have Bryce as support. No Alexis, you don't need Bryce to hold your hand. Regardless, he's here now so you might as well deal with it. I turned to Bryce and shook my head indicating to let him come.

"No Abigail, it's fine. Thank you for letting me know." We both stared at each other, even he looked anxious. "Do you want me to stay here or wait in the apartment?" He asked, concern etched across his face.

"Stay here. Oh, unless you want to wait in the apartment?"

"No, Hunny, I want to be here with you."

"Okay." I started pacing the office in small steps.

"Alexis," he got up from his desk, "just remember I love you more than life itself. We belong together and there is nothing I wouldn't do, nothing..." The door flung open and Rick came barging into the room. When he saw me, he stopped his raging bull facade and calmed down, almost switching personalities instantly. He purposely walked toward me, taking no notice of his surroundings or the fact that he had just entered Bryce's office uninvited. Rick was not an arrogant man, he was usually quite humble. I wouldn't exactly call him placid or subdued, but he would normally be reserved and respectable. These were qualities that most men didn't possess, they were qualities that had attracted me to him and as it seemed now, they were qualities he did not own anymore.

"Alexis, Babe, we need to talk."

"Don't Babe me. You gave up that right."

"Maybe? Maybe not?" I looked at him stunned. Maybe not? Are you for real? He moved toward Bryce, I think he did it to deliberately place himself between the two of us. "Your time is up, Bryce." What? He'd been in the room only seconds and I could not fathom his att.i.tude, let alone what he was saying. My volcano of bubbling rage was now at the point of eruption.

"His time is up? I can't believe you, Rick. Is this just a game to you? It has nothing to do with time or him. Do you think that after spending one week with Bryce, I would forgive you for cheating on me? One year, let alone one week would not be long enough for me to ever forgive you." The tears started to well in my eyes, but I refused to let them fall. Instead, I screamed at him with all the anger I had in me, allowing the lava of fury to spill out. I didn't hold back, I didn't want to. "I can understand the f.u.c.king temptation of another, Rick, believe me I can...But to screw her, then lie, and cover it up for five years is just unforgiveable. You are a lying, deceitful piece of s.h.i.+t, and I can no longer stand being in the same room as you. You should have had the decency to come to me before f.u.c.king her if you wanted to break it off. After all you and I have been through, you should have at least done that." I kept my eyes fixed on his. I wanted him to see what a pathetic excuse for a husband I really thought he was.

"Alexis, it's not what you think Babe. Let me explain." He was still speaking in an arrogant, flat and obnoxious tone, even after what I had just said to him. At that point Bryce moved from behind his desk, I don't know if it was the fact he didn't like to hear Rick call me Babe, or if it was because he wanted to get closer to me. I'm guessing it was probably both.

"Okay, Rick, explain to me why you chose a little wh.o.r.e over me? Come on, I'd like to hear it." I put my hand up to my ear then crossed my arms in front of my chest. He took a step in my direction, which made me take one away. "Don't even think about it Rick, stay the f.u.c.k away from me."

"I didn't cheat on you." Oh for f.u.c.k's sake. Really Rick? Does he really think I am that naive and stupid? I actually felt pity for him, pity at the fact he was grasping at straws. My anger subsided only momentarily, and I dropped my head in my hands.

"Rick, just stop lying. I have pictures, proof that you cheated." I walked over to Bryce's desk, picked up the folder and shoved it into his chest. "You might lie, but they don't."

He opened it up, but what followed was a slight expression of relief which confounded me completely.

"It's not what it looks like." Oh please! "Claire is obsessive and crazy. She was fixated with me and wouldn't take no for an answer. Lexi, she set this whole thing up. Look." He eagerly pulled some smaller pictures out of his pocket and handed them to me "Here are all the pictures taken that day, not just the ones she gave this d.i.c.khead." He gestured to Bryce without looking at him. I reluctantly took the photos he was offering, it wasn't that I believed him, I was just curious as to the story he was trying to conjure up. The first picture was of her waiting in his office on her own, then of Rick walking in. The one after that was the same one I had, where her arms were around his neck and his on her hips. I looked up confused at him.

"They are the same Rick, how does this prove she set you up?" He nodded to the photos.

"Just keep looking," he said casually. The following one showed Rick with his hands on her hips but pus.h.i.+ng her away from him. In this one you could actually see his face and it was not happy. The one after that was where he was holding her face while they were kissing, but what followed that one showed Rick pus.h.i.+ng her face away in disgust. The photos after that pretty much showed her leaving with that satisfied look on her face, and Rick being angry and distraught. My legs gave way from beneath me and I fell onto the sofa. Bryce came round to my side and took the photos from me so that he could a.s.sess Rick's claim for himself.

"I don't get it, Rick." I was now more confused than ever.

"She is sick, Lexi. She came to me five years ago with the exact same photos she gave him, and then she threatened to show you them and tell you we were sleeping together. I managed to persuade her it was not worth it as life would then become quite difficult. After all, her parents are your parent's close friends. She chose to give up and leave quietly, but before doing so, I requested copies of all the photos in return for me helping her find another job. You see, Babe? I didn't cheat on you, I never would. I love you, I always have, and I always will." I was completely lost. The clarity I had felt this morning had now pretty much flown out the window, and instead a murky, cloudy, puddle of awhat the f.u.c.k' had replaced it. Rick touched my arm, making me flinch.

"Don't touch me." I looked at Bryce, and the colour had completely drained from his face. "I don't understand, Rick. Why would you lie? Why lie knowing I would leave to be with Bryce? Especially after I confessed to kissing him, I don't f.u.c.king get it." I started to cry, there was no way of stopping it now. "Why did you lie, Rick? You broke my heart. I don't understand why you would do that." It dawned on me his intention was to trick me. He hadn't been with someone else, instead I was the one who has now cheated on him, completely cheated, not just a kiss and some touching. What has he done? What have I done? I screamed at him, "Why? Why would you do that? Why would you trick me?" He put his hands up as if to say calm down, but I didn't want to calm down. I wanted to know why I was standing in this room, being told by my husband he had tricked me into cheating on him. It was ludicrous.

"Okay, I lied for two reasons, Lex. One, because deep down I felt you needed to go off and get this fling-or whatever you want to call it with Bryce-off your chest, and two, because he offered me five million dollars to let you spend a week with him." I blinked and shook my head. Surely I didn't just hear that right. I turned to Bryce, and the look of complete panic he met me with confirmed what Rick had just said. He started to walk toward me, but I put my hand up to indicate that he should stop.

I couldn't speak, I couldn't breathe. My head was throbbing, and my chest was aching. I'm fairly sure at that very moment my heart had broken in two, and the unbearable pain I felt from it breaking surged right through me, paralysing my body. I tried to talk but I only gasped. The voice that had been inside only moments ago had abandoned me. I closed my eyes and turned around, willing myself to find that voice again and uncover what strength I had left in me, if any at all. They set me up, both of them. The only two men I have ever loved conspired and schemed so that they both could get what they wanted. I was a p.a.w.n, a play thing. I'm a wh.o.r.e, a f.u.c.king wh.o.r.e.

I turned back to face them and directed my first question and a.s.sault at Bryce. Just looking at him was excruciating. I knew he was the type of man who got what he wanted, but to pay money to get me? Surely, this was not true. I needed to hear him tell me it wasn't true.

"You paid to have a week with me?" Please say no.

He looked miserable but still kept calm. "Yes, Alexis." Oh G.o.d.

"You paid to have a week with me, like I'm some wh.o.r.e?"

He shook his head and walked over to me, placing his hands on my shoulders. My face was soaked, and the hurt I was now filled with was immense.

"No Hunny, it wasn't like that. I would never treat you like a wh.o.r.e." I knocked his arms away from me.

"But you did Bryce. You did the moment you offered my husband five f.u.c.king million dollars to sleep with me. Did you know he never cheated on me?" Please say no. I don't think I can remain conscious if the answer is yes.

"No, Alexis, definitely not, I promise you. Claire had told Lucy they were in love, but she had done the right thing by breaking it off because he had kids. We believed her, I can't f.u.c.king believe we trusted her."

"You believed the stupid b.i.t.c.h because you wanted to and that gave you the ultimate weapon to seal your deal and pay for my services."

"Alexis, stop referring to yourself as a wh.o.r.e." He was now getting angry at me. How dare he. "Alexis, it's not about the money, it never was. I would give it all up just to be with you. If the week we just shared proved anything, it had to have proved that."

"The week we just shared Bryce, was based on a lie. A big, fat, disgusting lie." I was about to lose control. I felt hot and slightly dizzy, so composed myself before I walked away from him and closer to Rick.

"And you, you accepted his five million dollars?"

"It wasn't about that, Lexi."

Bryce interrupted. "Then why ring me yesterday asking when it was going to be transferred?" Transferred? He has the five million dollars in his bank account already? I can't believe this, this is not real.

"I accepted it because you, you arrogant f.u.c.k, deserved to be five million dollars poorer. It was going to be the icing on the cake when after one measly week she found out about your deal and then left you for being such an obnoxious son of a b.i.t.c.h."

I'm not hearing this. I have to get out of here. I couldn't stay in this room with the two of them any longer.

"I can't do this, I can't be here." I went to turn and leave but I had no bearing on which direction I needed to go. I think I did an entire 360 degree turn and still couldn't figure out which way to leave.

"Alexis, come home, and we'll talk it out, just the two of us." Come home? I composed myself and my sense of direction and looked him in the eyes.

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