Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs Part 25

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Thy glory and delight!

Thy saving health and sure defence!

He keeps and guides thee right.

Why do thy cares both night and day Grieve thee so bitterly?

Upon thy G.o.d thy burden lay, Who gave thy life to thee.

Hath He not all the weary way From youth till now thee led, Oft chas'd misfortune's clouds away That gather'd o'er thy head?

In all His rule no oversight Can happen, no mistakes; Whate'er He does or leaves is right, A happy issue takes.

Let Him work who doth all things well, Nor with Him interfere, And so thou shalt in glory dwell, And peace enjoy while here.


How can it be, my highest Light!

That as before Thy face so bright All things must pale and vanish, That my poor feeble flesh and blood Can summon a courageous mood To meet Thee, and fear banish?

But dust and ashes what am I?

My body what but gra.s.s so dry?

What good the life I'm living?

What can I with my utmost pow'r?

What have I, Lord! from hour to hour But what Thyself art giving?

I am a poor and feeble worm, A straw, the lightest pa.s.sing storm Could drive away before it.

When Thou Thy hand, that all doth stay, Dost on me e'er so lightly lay, I know not how t' endure it.

Lord! I am nought, but Thou art He Who art all--all belongs to Thee, And live and move I ever In Thee--if Thou me terrifi'st, No store of grace to help suppli'st I can recover never.

I am unjust, but true Thy heart, I evil am--Thou holy art, This thought should shame be giving, That I in such an evil stand, Should from Thy mild paternal hand, The least good be receiving.

Nought else but ill from infancy Up e'en till now I've done to Thee, In sin was I begotten; And didst Thou not in faithfulness My sin remit, and me release, Lost were I and forgotten.

Let boasting then be far from me, What is Thy due I render Thee, To Thee alone be glory!

O Christ! may while I live below My spirit, and what thence may flow, With reverence adore Thee.

And if aught hath been done by me That is well done, it came from Thee, My pow'r could do it never.

Thee thanks and honour, Lord! I bring, All my life long Thy praise I'll sing, And tell Thy glory ever.


After clouds we see the sun, Joy we feel when grief is gone, After bitter pain and sore Cometh consolation's hour.

Then my soul that sank before, Even down to h.e.l.l's dark door, To the heav'nly choir doth soar.

He 'fore whom the world shall flee, In my spirit comforts me, With His high and mighty hand, Tears me from the h.e.l.lish band.

With the love to me He shows, Swells my heart and overflows, And my blood with rapture glows.

Did I e'er 'neath sorrow bend?

Did my heart grief ever rend?

Have I e'er been vexed sore?

Satan e'er fool'd me before?

Aye--but henceforth am I free, Faithfully thou s.h.i.+eldest me, My salvation comes from Thee!

What thou mean'st, my bitter foe!

By thy deeds tow'rds me I know; Truly thou with all thy pow'r Seek'st me ever to devour.

Had I too much trusted thee, Then had'st thou, ere I could see, In thy snares entangled me.

All the guile I know full well That in thy bad heart doth dwell; Thou my G.o.d malign'st to me, Turn'st His praise to obloquy; Speaketh out His loving heart, Keeps He silence on His part, All He doth dost thou pervert.

If I hope and look for good, If I'm in a joyous mood, From my mind thou driv'st away Every good thought--and dost say: "G.o.d doth far from thee abide, Riseth high misfortune's tide Round thee now on every side."

Hence depart! thou lying mouth, Here is G.o.d's own ground in truth, For the face of G.o.d is here, And the beauteous light and clear Of His favour, here doth rise, All His word and counsel wise, Op'd are now before mine eyes.

G.o.d lets none in sadness stay, He with shame drives none away, Who themselves up to Him give, With the whole heart to Him cleave, Who their cares on Him aye cast, And hope in Him--joy at last, For the soul and body taste.

Though it comes not as we will, Just to-day--yet be thou still, For perchance to-morrow may Be the bright and joyous day.

G.o.d's time comes with measur'd step, When it comes His word He'll keep And joy's harvest we shall reap.

Ah! how often did I think, As my feet began to sink 'Neath the heavy load of care, In the mire of blank despair, Now there is no hope for me, Rest for me there cannot be Till I enter death's dark sea.

But my G.o.d put forth His pow'r To avert and to restore, That I ne'er enough can tell What His arm hath done so well; When no path I could descry, When no help to guide was nigh, Help G.o.d sent me from on high.

When I timid and perplex'd Often have my spirit vex'd, Sleepless toss'd thro' all the night, Sick at heart when dawn'd the light, When heart fail'd me utterly, Hast Thou then appear'd to me, Turning my captivity.

Now as long as here I roam, Have on earth a house and home, 'Fore mine eyes continually Shall this thing of wonder be.

All my life long shall I bring Offerings of thanks, and sing Songs of praise to G.o.d my King.

Every grief and every smart, By th'eternal Father's heart Ever yet appointed me, Or that may hereafter be Chosen for me, all my days From His gracious hand always, I'll receive with joy and praise.

I will tread woe's bitter path, I will onward go to death, I into the grave will go, Still my heart with joy shall glow.

Whom the Highest will raise high, Whom th' Almighty standeth nigh, Ne'er can perish utterly.


The Lord, the earth who ruleth, And with His hand controlleth, Whose goodness never endeth, He watcheth me and tendeth.

As long as He is near me With every gift He'll cheer me, Of fulness overflowing The riches aye bestowing.

By pastures green He leads me, With gladness there He feeds me, From purest springs revives me, In need He counsel gives me.

And when the soul is fearful Through grievous thoughts and careful, He comfort giveth ever And knows how to deliver.

My steps aright He leadeth, And what to do me guideth, And for His name's sake glorious O'er fear makes me victorious.

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