Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs Part 17

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They rob the widows' store, spite of their tears them wronging, Who like a thirsty land for sympathy are longing.

Is this felicity? is this magnificence?

Oh! what a sentence dire will G.o.d the Judge p.r.o.nounce Upon the day of doom, when from His throne so loudly It sounds, how shall they seem who strut and boast so proudly!

But thou who now thy G.o.d dost honour with whole heart, And never from His ways dost let thy feet depart, Shalt in the goodly throng, whom G.o.d with manna feedeth, With praise and honour clad, walk with Him where he leadeth.

In patience, then, possess thy soul a little while, Do right, and persevere and live all free from guile, Act that the fairest prize in yonder life be given Thee, from His gracious hand who rules in earth and heaven.

Whate'er on earth betide, from care remain all free, 'Twill fall out for thy good, as G.o.d the best may see; Rest thou a.s.sur'd, He will no wish of thine deny thee, With joy fulfil thy will, with every good supply thee.


I have deserv'd it, cease t' oppose The Lord's will, shall I never?

Thou bitter cup, thou heavy cross, Come hither to me ever!

From pain all free May never be He 'gainst the Lord who fighteth, As I each day, Who trod the way Wherein the world delighteth.

I'll bear the chastis.e.m.e.nt of G.o.d, A patient soul possessing, For born in sin, sin's path I trod, Aye ventur'd on transgressing, That pleasures vain I might attain, In wantonness time wasting, The gracious word Of G.o.d the Lord, As I ought, never tasting.

The road of G.o.d's commandments good I often have forsaken, And on the way that leads from G.o.d Am therefore overtaken By grief and smart, That pierce my heart; G.o.d's hand thus am I feeling, Who 'fore His throne To each his own Awards, in justice dealing.

For just and true is G.o.d above, We fail His goodness telling, A mother's truth, a father's love Alike in him are dwelling.

G.o.d's wrath, I ween, As oft hath been Ours, is not unrelenting.

Men steel their heart, Refuse t' impart Grace e'en to the repenting.

In sooth 'tis not the mind of G.o.d, His anger ever endeth, Return we, He removes the rod, And to the weary sendeth A sweet release, To mark doth cease, And visit our transgressing; His wrath He turns, And tow'rd us yearns, Gives after cursing blessing.

And so the Lord will deal with me, And every one behold it, And vindicate the right will He, My cause, He will uphold it.

Thy face so bright, Lord! to the light, From deepest pit will raise me, That ever I May heartily Thy truth exalt, and praise Thee.

Rejoice not o'er me, then, my foes, I lie not here for ever, My G.o.d will come ere ye suppose, And speedily deliver.

His holy hand Will make me stand, Firm and secure for ever; Good times to me And joy will He Give after stormy weather.

I am in need, yet scarce can speak Of real need and sorrow; When G.o.d my Light is, day must break And bring a glorious morrow, E'en in the night, While yet the might Of darkness much increaseth, And when this Light Dawns on my sight, Whate'er oppresses ceaseth.

The time will come, e'en now 'tis near, When I shall sing salvation, When he who lov'd to mock and jeer At me in tribulation, And bid me tell Where G.o.d doth dwell, Shall from G.o.d's face be driven With head cast down; To me a crown Of honour shall be given!


Ah! faithful G.o.d, compa.s.s'nate heart, Whose goodness never endeth, I know this bitter cross and smart Thy hand it is that sendeth!

Yea, Lord, I know this burden great Thou sendest not in wrath and hate, But 'tis in love appointed.

That ever is Thy way all-wise, Thy child in woe must languish, Thou whom Thou lovest, dost chastise, 'Fore joy Thou sendest anguish, Sink'st us to h.e.l.l, in woe we lie, And raisest us again on high, Thus with us fares it always.

Thou ever leadest wondrously Thy children dear who please Thee!

Would I have life? Then first must I E'en down to death abase me.

In honour who'd be raised on high, He self-abas'd on earth must lie As worthless dust and ashes.

On earth, Lord, Thy beloved Son Such sorrow had to try Him; Ere He could reach His glorious throne Ill men must crucify Him.

He pa.s.s'd through trouble, need, and woe, Nor shrunk He from death's cruel blow, To reach the joys of heaven.

Did then Thy good and holy Son Himself for us deliver, And I enslaved, sinful one, Shall I resist Thee ever?

Of patience aye the gla.s.s is He, And who His face desires to see Must in His footsteps follow.

How is it reason finds it hard, The truth so oft rejecteth, That Thou with favour dost regard E'en while Thy hand afflicteth?

How long doth oft the cross remain, How hardly can we love and pain Then reconcile together.

G.o.d of the Church! when fails my pow'r, Strength graciously then give me; And grant that nought in trial's hour Of faith may e'er deprive me.

Uphold me by Thy might, O Lord, Establish me then in Thy word, From murmuring deliver!

When I am weak, be Thou my stay, In faithfulness be near me, That I continually may pray, And call on Thee to hear me.

While yet a heart hopes and believes, And still in pray'r unceasing lives, Bold is it, and unvanquish'd.

In measure, Lord, apply the rod, Lest I sink altogether; Thou know'st how I can bear the load, How life's imperill'd ever, For neither steel nor stone am I, But sooner pa.s.s away and die, E'en than a fleeting vapour.

Ah! Jesus, who did'st stoop so low, Thy blood shed, life that giveth, The bitter cross full well dost know, And how the spirit grieveth When cross and heavy woe combine, So wilt Thou hear each cry of mine, When bitterly complaining.

I know Thou feelest sympathy When want and woe distress me, That Thou with help wilt visit me, And graciously wilt bless me.

Ah! strengthen Thou my feeble hand, And lead my feet where I may stand In safety--Come and save me!

Speak courage to my fainting heart, With comfort, Lord, support me.

Of weary souls the Rest Thou art, My Tow'r, where none can hurt me!

My Rock, where from the sun I hide, My Tent, where safely I abide When storms without are raging!

And as in love, while here I dwell, Thou suff'ring hast decreed me, Thy grace vouchsafe Thy child, Lord, still, In Thy green pastures lead me; That I in faith may patience gain, Through patience rich reward attain, When I've endur'd the trial.

Oh! Holy Ghost, of joy the Oil, Whom G.o.d from Heaven giveth, Refresh me, pour into my soul What heart and flesh reviveth.

Of glory, Thou the Spirit art, Know'st what in heav'n shall be my part Of grace, joy, consolation!

How fair 'twill be, ah! let me gaze Upon the life so glorious, That Thou wilt give to those who pa.s.s Through trials sore, victorious.

The earth with all its treasures fair Can never with this life compare, They pale and fade before it.

Thou'lt deal with me so graciously, I'll endless joy be tasting, For trials known to Thee and me Have glory everlasting.

Thou'lt wipe the tear-drop from mine eyes, To exultation turn my sighs, Lord! I believe it. Amen!


Father of mercies! G.o.d most high, Deign graciously to hear me, Thou say'st, "Knock at my door and cry, In time of need draw near me.

As urgently Thou long'st, to thee I'll come to help and raise thee, That with thy mouth, In very truth, Thou joyfully may'st praise me."

Commit to G.o.d, both morn and night, Thy ways, and doings ever; He knoweth how to guide thee right, And always will deliver.

To Him reveal Whate'er dost feel Thy heart to sorrow moveth; He is Thy Lord, Knows how to guard And s.h.i.+eld thee whom He loveth.

For His beloved child will care The faithful loving Father; Who righteous and believing are, He to His rest will gather.

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