Paul Gerhardt's Spiritual Songs Part 13

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Good friends like to staves are ever, Whereon men lean as they go, That the weak one can deliver, When he slides and lieth low: Sad his case who such ne'er knoweth, Who through life all friendless goeth, Weary is his lonely way, When he falls, to help who stay?

Gracious Saviour! let it please Thee, Be my Friend in every hour, Be my Friend, till death release me, Be my faithful Staff of pow'r!

When Thou to Thyself wilt bind me, Then a heart Thou soon wilt find me, By Thy Holy Spirit fir'd With good thoughts to me inspir'd.


O G.o.d, my Father! thanks to Thee I bring with deep humility, That Thou Thine anger endest, And that Thy Son, Our Joy and Crown, Into the world Thou sendest.

He hath appear'd, His precious blood Hath poured forth in such a flood, That all our sins it washes.

Who to Him cleaves, He soon relieves Of burdens, and refreshes.

I come, Lord! as the best I may, Take me into the band, I pray, Of those who are forgiven, Who through this blood Are just and good, And shall be bless'd in heaven.

Oh! let mine eye and hand of faith This n.o.ble pledge keep without scath, Away from me ne'er casting; And let this light Lead me aright, To the light everlasting.

The mansion of my soul prepare, Cast out whate'er is evil there, And build in me Thy dwelling: Thy grace so free Reveal to me, My soul with Thy love filling.

All things are mine when I have Thee, Thou void of gifts canst never be; A thousand ways Thou knowest On earth to keep Thy feeble sheep; Enough Thou aye bestowest.

Grant that I in my station here Thee in Thy word may ever fear, So guide what things concern me, That found in me True faith may be, And may with truth adorn me.

And give me a contented mind, For when with G.o.dliness combin'd, Great gain thence ever floweth.

Then what of good It pleaseth G.o.d To give, great peace bestoweth.

The little that by G.o.d's great grace The righteous as his portion has, To honour more commendeth, Than all the gold The world doth hold, And with proud spirit spendeth.

The faithful, Lord, to Thee are known, Thou art their Joy, and they Thine own, To shame thou putt'st them never; Comes scarcity, Their bread from Thee They find in all lands ever.

G.o.d loveth him who fears and cleaves To Him, sees that no mischance grieves, In his ways joyeth ever; And if he slide, G.o.d doth abide, Doth bless him and deliver.

G.o.d's eye is upon all who wait And hope in Him both soon and late, In all need to deliver, E'en in the hour When to devour Death threatens them for ever.

Lord, Thou canst only gracious be, Thou givest all to know and see Thy goodness and Thy favour, Who with their mouth And heart in truth Own Thee their only Saviour.

Make Her[9] Thy care especially, Whom Thou as monarch hast rais'd high This land and nation over; With rest and peace The land, Lord! bless, The throne with blessings cover.

Preserve, Lord! our dear native land In Thine embrace and mighty hand; Protect us all together From error's voice, From enemies, From fire and plague deliver.

All whom I love, keep every day, Let all the hosts of h.e.l.l away From young and old be driven!

Here, may we be In time by Thee Preserv'd, and there in heaven!

[9]For obvious reasons the original has been slightly altered. The German is, Insonderheit nimm wohl in acht Den Fursten, &c.


O Jesus Christ! my fairest Light, Who in Thy soul dost love me, I ne'er can tell it, nor its height Mete, 'tis so high above me, Grant that my heart may warm to Thee, With ardent love ne'er ceasing, Thee embracing, And as Thy property, Cleave to Thee, ever gazing.

Grant that an idol in me may Dwell e'en a moment never, Grant me to make Thy love, I pray, My crown and prize for ever!

Cast all things out, take all away, That Thee and me would sever, So that ever By Thy love, my pow'rs may Be kindled, and cool never!

How friendly, blessed, sweet, and fair Is Thy love, Jesus ever!

While this remains, distress and care Can grieve my spirit never.

Then let me only think of Thee, Be seeing, hearing, feeling, Loving, telling Of Thee, and Thy great love to me Oh! be Thou more revealing!

Oh! that this greatest, highest good, I might for aye be tasting!

Oh! that in me this n.o.ble blood Might glow to everlasting!

Help me to watch, Lord! day and night, This blessed treasure s.h.i.+elding From unyielding Foes, who 'gainst us the might Of Satan's realm are wielding!

My Saviour! Thou in love to me Hast down to death descended, And like a murd'rer on the tree And thief hast been suspended, Spit on, despis'd and wounded sore, The wounds which Thee have riven, May it even To me at the heart's core With love to feel be given.

The blood that hath been shed by Thee Is good and precious ever, My heart is wicked desp'rately, Hard as a millstone nether.

Ah! let the virtue of Thy blood My flinty heart be bending, Entrance finding; And may Thy love, life's flood Through all my veins be sending.

Oh! were my heart op'd to receive The blood-drops that were falling From Thee, wrung by my sin that eve In agony appalling!

Oh! that the fountains of mine eyes Were op'd, and with much sighing, And sore crying, Gush'd forth, as tears and sighs Of men in love who're dying.

Oh! that I as a little child With weeping eyes might trace Thee, E'en till Thy heart with love was fill'd And Thine arms did embrace me.

And until Thou Thy heart to me With sweet love flowing over, Should'st discover, And we united be, Thy goodness for my cover.

Ah! draw me, Saviour! after Thee, And so shall I be hasting, I run, and in my heart shall be Thy love with rapture tasting; The gracious words from Thee I'll hear Sweet comfort shall give ever; Me deliver From sin, and every fear, These shall o'ercome me never.

My Comfort, Treasure, Health, and Light, My Life and Saviour tender!

Ah! take me for Thy portion quite As I myself surrender!

There's nought but pain apart from Thee, I nought but gall discover, Earth all over, Nought ever comforts me, No balm can me recover.

But Thou the Rest most blessed art, In Thee are joys eternal.

Grant, Jesus! grant that my poor heart Feed in Thy pastures vernal!

Be Thou the flame that burns in me, My Balsam, ease that giveth, And relieveth Pain that here constantly Makes me heave sighs, and grieveth.

Ah! fairest one, what faileth me In Thy great love, of blessing?

It is my sun that lightens me, My well-spring, me refres.h.i.+ng!

My sweetest wine, my heav'nly bread, My cov'ring when before Thee, And my glory, My s.h.i.+eld in hour of need, My house that riseth o'er me!

Ah! dearest love, why was I born, If Thou my soul forsakest?

If Thou withdraw'st, I'm all forlorn, All good from me Thou takest.

O may I seek Thee as my guest, With all my best endeavour Keep Thee ever; And when I Thee arrest, Let Thee go from me never.

I've been belov'd by Thee for aye, To follow Thou did'st move me; Before I good could e'er essay, E'en then did Thy heart love me: Ah! n.o.ble Rock! Thy love below May it for ever guide me, And beside me Be it where'er I go, To aid whate'er betide me.

And may Thy love adorn my place, Where'er my lot Thou'rt casting; And if I wander from Thy ways, To bring me back be hasting.

And let me ever counsel wise, Good works from Thee be learning, From sin turning, And when from falls I rise, Come back to Thee with yearning!

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