The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 39

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Yevyn the vj. daye of Februarii, anno R. R. H. vij. xviij^o.

And all this to be perfurmyd and put in surte after our avise. And we devise that he that shall have the land, shall paie to th' other at Halwemes come twelvemonyth, ten mark, besides the seid C_li._, because th'arrerages have ben long in the tenauntes handes.



[Footnote 169-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



_To my cousyn Master William Paston._

[Sidenote: 1503 / SEPT. 6]

Cousyn Paston, I recommaunde me unto you, and have received your letter, by the which I have undrestand of the deth of my cousyn your fadre, whose soule Jesu a.s.soile. I wol counsaile and exhorte you to take it as wel and as paciently as ye can, seeyng that we al be mortal and borne to dey. And where as ye desire to have a letter _ad colligendum_, after myne advise ye shal doo wel to be here with me at Michaelmas next commyng, and at your then commyng I shalbe glad to doo you the best confort and helpe that I can; counsailing that ye in the meane tyme doo not entremedyll in any wise with th'admynystring of any parte of your faders goodes, nor with the receiving of his debtes, for divers causes, as at your comyng hudre ye shal knowe more.

The meane season, loke that ye be of as confortable chere as ye can, exhorting my lady, your modre in lawe,[170-2] to be in like wise, to whom I pray you to have me recommendyd. Thus fare ye hertily wel.

From London, the vj^th day of Septembre.



[Footnote 170-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] The writer of this letter was William Warham, who was first Bishop of London, and afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury. According to the signature, he was Bishop-elect of London at the time it was written, but we are persuaded that it is a slip of the pen. He was elected Bishop of London in 1502, and was consecrated on the 5th October; but it is clear from the preceding No. that Sir John Paston was alive as late as the beginning of February 1503. In the year 1503, however, Warham was translated to Canterbury. The bull for his translation was issued on the 29th November 1503, but doubtless he was elected some time before; and it is quite intelligible how, being actually Bishop of London, he should have written 'Elect of London' in place of 'Elect of Canterbury.' Moreover, the allusion to the business of the administration agrees entirely with this supposition.]

[Footnote 170-2: Agnes, widow of John Hervey, Esq. of Thurley, Beds, etc. _See_ p. 166, Note 1.]



[Sidenote: 1503, or later (?)]

Your pore servaunt and bedeman, John Kendale, be secheth your good and gracious masterschepp, at the reverence of G.o.d and in the wey of charyte, to remembre that my maister your fader, on whos soule G.o.d have mercy, had fro me x. acres of free londe that I bout of the executours of Nicholas Pekeryng of Filby for xx. marc paid on j. day, to pay to executours of Edmonde Norman for purchase of ij. partes of Holm Halle, somtyme Edmonde Norman.

Also my seide maister, your fader, had fro John Kendale the croppe of the seide x. acres londe, sowen with barly and peson, wherof v. acres were weel somerlayde[171-2] to the seid barly, the whiche croppe the seide John Kendale schulde a made worth to hym iiij_li._ xiij_s._ iiij_d._, althow ther had be but xx. quarteres barly growyng on viij.

acres and half of londe, that is to seyn up on an acre ij. quarter, iiij. busshelz, and the half acre in avayle, besyde j. acre and an half of peson, for the seide John Kendale solde his malt at Ormesby mad of the barly growyng the same yer that the foreseid croppe was taken fro hym, for iiij_s._ viij_d._ a quartere; and so he myght a solde the same and meche more if he had had it.

Also my seid maister, your fader, hath caused the foreseid John Kendale to a foreborne the ferme of the seide x. acres of londe be the s.p.a.ce of ix. yer, be the yer xvj_s._ & viij_d._, that is, the ferme of j. acre xx_d._, wherof the somme conteyneth vij_li._ x_s._ beside j. yer receyved of Hagh.[172-1]

[Footnote 171-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] If this pet.i.tion was addressed to any member of the Paston family, I should think it must have been William Paston, the son of the later Sir John. That would make the date at least as late as the year 1503, when his father died. If it was either of the two Sir Johns, 'my master your father' would be John Paston, Esquire, who died in 1466. But Nicholas Pickering of Filby is said to have been buried in the steeple of Filby church in the year 1466, and it is evident that 'my master your father' survived him more than nine years.

Edmund Norman, whose executors are here spoken of, died as far back as 1444. Blomefield says he was seised of two parts of the manor of Filby, but does not mention him as being also owner of two parts of Holm Hale. The two parts of Filby were afterwards held in trust by Sir John Fastolf; but William Pickering and Cecily, his wife, were lords of the whole manor and settled it on John Paston, who released it to Nicholas Pickering in 1450.--Blomefield, xi. 218, 221.]

[Footnote 171-2: Kept fallow for some time previous to sowing.]

[Footnote 172-1: Here the MS. ends abruptly.]



[Sidenote: 1504 / DEC. 10]

Receipt given by Thomas Bradbury, alderman of London, to William Paston, Esq. of Norfolk, 10th Dec. 1504, for 5 in full payment of half a year's rent.

[Footnote 172-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]



_To the ryght worschypfull Master Roger Darsy and Master Gylys Alyngton, beyng at the Jeorge, in Lumberd Strett, be thys delyveryd in hast._

[Sidenote: 1506 / JAN. 17]

Ryght worschypfull masters, I recomend me un to you, certyfying you that the Kynges Grace and the Kyng of Castyle mett this day at thre of the cloke, apon Cleworth Greyn, ij. mylle owt of Wyndesower, and ther the Kyng reseyvyd hym in the goodlyest maner that ever I sawe, and ech of them enbracyd oder in armys.

To schew you the Kynges aparell of Yngland, thus it was:--hys hors of bay, trappyd with nedyll warke; a gown of purpuyr velvyt, a cheyn with a joerge of dyamondes, and a hood of purpuyr velvyt, whych he put not of at the mettyng of the seyd Kyng of Castylle; hys hatt and hys bonett he avalyd, and the Kyng of Castylle in cas lyke. And the Kyng of Castyll rod apon [a] sorellyd hoby, whych the Kyng gave un to hym; hys apparell was all blak, a gown of blak velvytt, a blak hood, a blak hatt, and hys hors harnes of blake velvytt.

To schew you of the Kynges company, my Lord Harry of Stafforth[173-1]

rod in a gown of cloth of tuyssew, tukkyd, furryd with sabulles, a hatt of goldsmyth worke, and full of stons, dyamondes, and rubys, rydyng apon a sorellyd courser bardyd with a bayrd of goldsmythes wark, with rosys and draguns red.

And my Lord Markas[173-2] rydyng apon a bald sorelyd hors, with a deyp trapper full of long ta.s.sels of gold of Venys, and apon the crowper of hys hors a whytt fedyr, with a cott apon hys bak, the body goldsmyths wark, the slevys of cremysyne velvyt, with letters of gold.

My Lord of Kent[173-3] apon a sorelyd hors, bald, the harnes of Venys gold, with a deyp frynges of half zerd of lengh. My Lord of Kent cott was on barr of cloth of gold, an oder of cremysyn velvyt, pyrlyd with a demy manche cut of by the elbowe. Thyes be the lords that bare the bruyt.

Sir Hew Waghan apon a bay hors trappyd with cremysyn velvyt full of gylt bels, a gown of blak velvyt, and a cheyn of gold, bawdryk wys, worth v.

hondreth pownd.

Thys be the sperys: Master Sant John apon a blak hors, with harnes of cloth of gold with ta.s.selles of plunkytt and whytt, a cott of plunkytt and whytt, the body of goldsmyths werk, the s[l]evys full of spanguls.

John Carr and William Parr cotts lyke, the horsys gray, of Parr trappyd with cremysyn velvyt with ta.s.selles of gold, and bels gylt. Carr hors bay with an Almayn harnes of sylver, an ynch brod of betyn sylver, both the cottes of goldsmythes wark the bodys, the slevys on stryp of syllver, the oder gylt.

Edward Nevell apon a gray hors trappyd with blak velveyt full of small belles, hys cott the on half of greyn velvyt, the oder of whytt cloth of gold; thyse to the rutters of the spers, with oder dyvers well appontyd.

On the Kyng of Castylles party, the Lord Chamberlayn cheyff, I can not tell hys name as yett; hys apparell was sad, and so was all the resydeu of hys company with clokes of sad tawnye blake, gardyd, sum with velvyt and sum with sarsnyt, not pa.s.syng a dosyn in nowmber. It is sayd ther is many by hynd, wych with the Queyn of Castyll, wych schall c.u.m apon Teyusday.

When the Kyng rod forth to Wyndesouer Castyle, the Kyng rode apon the ryght hand the Kynges of Castylle, how be it the Kynges Grace offeryd hym to take hym apon the ryght hand, the whych he refussyd. And at the lyghtyng the Kyng of Castylle was of hys hors a good s.p.a.ce or owr Kyng was a lyght; and then the Kynges Grace offeryd to take hym by the arm, the whych he wold not, bot toke the Kyng by the arme, and so went to the Kynges of Castylle chamber, whych is the rychestly hangyd that ever I sawe; vij. chambers to geder hangyd with cloth of arras wroght with gold as thyk as cowd be; and as for iij. beds of astate, no kyng Crystyned can schew sych iij.

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