The Paston Letters Volume Vi Part 6

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day Novembr', anno xix.

[Footnote 26-2: [From Paston MSS., B.M.]]

[Footnote 26-3: 'Wer I lothe' has been crossed through, and 'thatt will abide' written over.]

[Footnote 26-4: Blanks in MSS.]



Mr. Thomas Pasche of Wynsowr toke the astate and retorne to the Dean and Colage of Wynsowr _infra Castrum_.

And one ----[27-2] Holme, atornay off corte, is recognis (?) and was at stat takyn.

Robert Walsch off Colby j. myl. et di' fro Blyklyng is steward.

Here folow revys of Knapton:--

Fro M. xvij. till xviij^o, Martyn Smyth.

F[ro] M. xviij. till xix^o, Roberd Fraunk (?), his place bonde.

Fro M. xix. till xx^o, Thomas Frank, his place fre.

[Footnote 27-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This is a paper of memoranda in the handwriting of William Paston, endorsed 'A mater tochyng Knapton for my fee.']

[Footnote 27-2: Blank in MS.]



[Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 25]

Receyved at Cressingham, the Thirsday nex aftyr Seynt Edmund[27-4] at the corte ther v_li._ x_s._ by the handes of me, John Paston, Sqwyer.

Wherof payed to my modyr for costys don up on the berying of Walter Paston, and whyll he lay sek, and for the hyer of a man comyng with the seyd Water fro Oxenford xx_d._

xxix_s._ xj_d._

Item, payed to William Gybson for j. horse sadyll and brydyll lent to Water Paston by the seyd William, xvj_s._

Item, gevyn the seyd man comyng fro Oxenford with the seyd Water by the handys of J. Paston, xx_d._

Item, payed for dyvers thynges whyll Water Paston lay sek, iiij_d._

Item, for the costes of John Paston rydyng to kepe the coort at Cressingham, _anno supradicto_, whych was iiij. dayes in doing, for the styward mygh not be ther at the day prefyxid, iij_s._ iiij_d._

[Footnote 27-3: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This paper is in the handwriting of John Paston the younger. The reference to the burial of Walter Paston proves it to be of the year 1479.]

[Footnote 27-4: St. Edmund's Day is the 20th November. The Thursday after it in 1479 was the 25th.]

[[the seyd Water fro Oxenford _spelling "Water" unchanged_

Item, payed to William Gybson ... xvj_s._ _"s." in plain (non-italic) type_]]



_To my ryght worchepfull modyr, Margaret Paston, at Seynt Peter of Hundgate._

[Sidenote: 1479 / NOV.]

Ryght worchepfull modyr, aftyr all dwtes of humble recomendacyon, as lowly as I can, I beseche yow of your dayly blyssyng and preyeres. And, moder, John Clement, berer heroff, can tell yow, the mor pite is, if it pleasyd G.o.d, that my brodyr is beryed in the Whyghte Fryers at London; whych I thought shold not have ben, for I supposyd that he wold have ben beryed at Bromholme, and that causyd me so sone to ryd to London to have purveyd hys brynging hom, and if it had ben hys wylle to have leyn at Bromholm, I had purposyd all the wey as I have redyn to have brought hom my grauntdame[28-2] and hym to gedyrs; but that purpose is voyd as now.

But thys I thynke to do when I com to London to spek with my Lord Chamberleyn,[28-3] and to wynne by hys meanys my Lord of Ely,[28-4] if I can; and if I may by eny of ther meanys cause the Kyng to take my servyse and my quarrell to gedyrs, I wyll, and I thynk that Sir George Brown, Sir Jamys Radclyff, and other of myn aqueyntance, whyche wayte most upon the Kyng, and lye nyghtly in hys chamber, wyll put to ther good wyllys. Thys is my wey as yet. And, modyr, I beseche yow, as ye may get or send eny messengers, to send me yowr avyse and my cosyn Lomeners to John Leeis hows, taylere, with in Ludgate. I have myche more to wryght, but myn empty hed wyll not let me remembre it.

Also, modyr, I prey that my brodyr Edmond may ryd to Marlyngforthe, Oxenhed, Paston, Crowmer, and Caster, and all thes maners to entre in my name, and to lete the tenants of Oxenhed and Marlyngfor know that I sent no word to hym to take no mony of theym but ther attornement; wherfor he wyll not, tyll he her fro me ayen, axe hem non, but lete hym comand theym to pay to servaunts of myn oncles, nor to hymsylff, nor to non othyr to hys use, in peyne of payment ayen to me. I thynk if ther shold be eny money axid in my name, peraventure it wold make my Lady of Norfolk ayenst me, and cause hyr to thynk I dellt more contrary to hyr plesure than dyd my brodyr, whom G.o.d pardon of Hys gret mercy. I have sent to entre at Stansted and at Orwellbery, and I have wretyn a bylle to Anne Montgomery and Jane Rodon to make my Lady of Norffolk, if it wyll be.

Your sone and humble servaunt,


[Footnote 28-1: [From Fenn, ii. 280.] Sir John Paston died in London on the 15th November 1479, as Fenn informs us. I presume he had some authority for the precise date, which I have not seen.

The inquisition _post mortem_ is not now to be found; but the writ to the Escheator still exists, and is dated 30 Nov., 19 Edw. IV.

This letter refers not only to the burial of Sir John Paston, but also to the death of his grandmother Agnes. The year was one of great mortality.]

[Footnote 28-2: Agnes, widow of William Paston the Judge.]

[Footnote 28-3: William, Lord Hastings.]

[Footnote 28-4: John Morton, afterwards Archbishop of Canterbury, and Cardinal, etc.]



_To the ryght worchypfull John Paston, Squyer, yn haste._

[Sidenote: 1479 / NOV. 28]

My Master Paston, I recomaunde me to yow, preyyng G.o.d to have mercy on my master your brother sowle, to whom ye ar heyre, and also to my mastras your grauntdam. Wherfore be th'avyse of my mastras your carful moder, your brothere Edmund, on Sunday next before Sent Andrew, rod to Marlyngforth, and before alle the tenauntez, examynid on James, kepere ther for Will. Paston, where he was the weke next before Sent Andrew, and there he seyd that he was not at Marlingforth from the Monday unto the Thorday at evyn, and soo there was no man there but your brothers man at the tyme of his decese; so be that your brothere dyyd sesid, and your brothere E. bad your man kepe possession to your behoffe, and warned the tenauntez to pay noo man, til ye hadde spoke them. So mesemyth that ys a remyttir to your old taylyd t.i.tell; comon with your concell. Forther, at afternoon he was at Oxned to understande how they had doo, and Peris kepyd your brotheres possession at that tyme; and your oncle his man was not there, but he a.s.syned anothere pore man to be ther. Whethere that contynuid the possession of W. Paston or not be remembrid, &c.

And after the decese, &c., W. Paston sent the man that kepyd possession to fore to entre and kepe possession, wheche was noo warent be tha poyntment, for ye stande at your liberte as for ony apoyntment or comunycacion hadde before, and soo men seme it wer good for yow to stande at large til ye here more; yf ye myght have my Lord Chamberleyns good faver and lords.h.i.+p, it were ryght expedyent. As for my Lord of Ely, dele not wyth hym be owr avyse, for he woll move for trete, and elles be displesid. Your brother Edmund sent to John Wymond, and he sent word he wolle be a mene of trete, but wold take noo parte, and as I sopose that was be Heydons avyse; for your uncle sent to me to be with hym, and also the same man rodd to Heydon and Wymondham, &c. The brenger of this letter can tell, for he was with your brothere E. at these placez.

Forther, my mastras your moder gretyth yow well, and sendyth yow her blessyng, requiryng yow to come oute of that here [_air_] alsone as ye may; and your brothere E. comaundid hym to yow, and he doth hys dylygens, and parte for yow full well and saddely yn many behalvys, and hath brought my maistras your wife to Topcrofte on Friday last, and they fare all well there; and he yntendith to see my Master Fitz Water, whech lythe at Freton, ner Long Stratton. And G.o.d be your gide yn all your maters, and brenge yow sone home.

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