The Paston Letters Volume V Part 15

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[Sidenote: 1470 / JULY 15]

I grete yow well and send yow G.o.ddes blissyng and myne, letyng yow wete that your fermours have brought me a gret bille of reparacion, the which I send yow, with lx_s._ in mony. I wold have had the residue of the mony of them, and they said it was your agrement that this reparacion shuld be do and alowed now at this payment, and so I coud get no more mony of them. And they say that the parson[79-2] was prevy to the reparacion. If ye were thus agreed and woll have the reparacion examined ye may send word; but I wold ye shuld purvey for your self as hastely as ye may, and come home and take heed to your owne and to myn therto, otherwise thanne ye have do bifore this, bothe for my profite and for yours, or ellis I shall purvey for my self otherwise in hast, so that I trust shall be more ease and avayle for me and non ease nor profite to yow in tyme to come. I have litell help nor comfort of non of yow yet, G.o.d geve me grase to have heraftir. I wold ye shuld a.s.say whedir it be more profitable for yow to serve me thanne for to serve such masters as ye have servid afore this, and that ye fynde mooste profitable theraftir do in tyme to come. Ye have a.s.sayed the werld resonabilly, ye shall knowe your self the bettir heraftir. I pray G.o.d we may be in quyete and in rest with oure own from hens forth. My power is nat so good as I wold it were for your sake and other; and if it were, we shuld not longe be in daungere. G.o.d brynge us oute of it; who have yow in His kepynge. Wretyn with onhertes ease the Monday next aftir Relike Sonday.

By your Modir.

[Footnote 79-1: [From Paston MSS., B.M.] This letter, although subscribed 'By your mother,' is neither signed nor addressed. It is, however, undoubtedly from Margaret Paston to her son Sir John.

It is written in Pampyng's hand, and seems to be of the same year as his own letter immediately preceding, which is dated on the same day.]

[Footnote 79-2: Sir Thomas Howes.]



_. . . . . Paston, &c._

[Sidenote: 1470 / AUG. 5]

Brother, I comand me to yow, &c. . . .[80-2] Also telle John Pampyng that the mayde at the Bulle at Cludeys at Westminster sent me on a tyme by hym to the Moor a rynge of goolde to a tookne, whyche I hadde not off hym. Wherffor I wolle he scholde sende it hyedre, ffor sche most have itt ageyn, or ellys v_s._, ffor it was not hyrrys. Item, I praye yow be redye; the mater qwykennythe bothe ffor yowe and yowres as well as ffor us and howrys.

As ffor tydynges, my Lorde Erchebysshop[80-3] is at the Moor, but ther is beleffte with hym dyverse off the Kynges servantes, and as I understond he hathe lysence to tarry ther tyll he be sente ffor. Ther be many ffolkes uppe in the northe, soo that Percy[80-4] is not able to recyst them; and soo the Kynge hathe sente ffor hys ffeeodmen to koom to hym, for he woll goo to putt them downe. And soom seye that the Kynge sholde come ageyn to London, and that in haste, and as it is sayde Cortenayes be londyd in Devenschyr, and ther rewle.

Item, that the Lordes Clarance and Warwyk woll a.s.saye to londe in Inglonde evyrye daye, as ffolkes ffeer.

I praye yow late not John Mylsent be longe ffrom me, with as moche as can be gaderyd: and also that ye wryght to me off all thynges that I have wretyn to yow ffor, so that I may have answer off every thynge.

Other thynges Bacheler Walter, berer heroff, schall informe yow.

Wretyn at London, the Sondaye nexte beffor Seynt Lawrence Daye.[81-1]

Also my brother Edmonde is not yet remembryd. He hathe not to lyff with, thynk on hym, &c.


[Footnote 80-1: [From Fenn, ii. 46.] This letter, as it will be seen from the contents, was written at the period just before the restoration of Henry VI.]

[Footnote 80-2: Here follows an order about searching for some writings, etc.--F.]

[Footnote 80-3: This must mean George Neville, Archbishop of York, and brother to the Earl of Warwick, who seems to have been suspected by the King, and left at the Moor as a kind of state prisoner.--F.]

[Footnote 80-4: Henry Percy, who was restored to the Earldom of Northumberland this year on its surrender by John Nevill, Lord Montague. _See_ No. 743.]

[Footnote 81-1: St. Laurence's day is the 10th of August.]

[[... Bacheler Walter, berer heroff, schall informe yow.

_final . missing or invisible_]]



[Sidenote: 1470 / AUG. 7]

Indenture, dated London, 7th Aug., 10 Edw. IV., whereby Sir John Paston puts in p.a.w.n to Ric. Rawlyn of London, grocer, 2 chargers and 4 potengers, weighing 11 lb. 1 oz. silver, for 20, till Whitsunday following.

[Footnote 81-2: [From Add. Charter 17,250, B.M.]]

[[weighing 11 lb. 1 oz. silver _period in "oz." missing_]]



[Sidenote: 1470]

1470, 10 Aug., 10 Edw. IV., at Eshher. Undertaking in English by John Paston, Esq., son of John Paston, Esq., who was one of the feoffees and executors of Sir John Fastolf, that whereas Bishop Waynflete, also one of the feoffees, and now sole executor, has taken upon him to perform the will of the said Sir John, so far forth as it may be performed (it being in most substance not yet performed, and his property wasted and devoured), out of his manors and lands in Ess.e.x, Surrey, Norfolk, Suffolk, and the city of Norwich, he (the said John Paston) will do true and faithful service to the said Bishop, and will be aiding and a.s.sisting to him and Magdalen College, in order that the lands may be let to their greatest profit, he being rewarded by the Bishop, to show his very good will to the due performing of Fastolf's will; and that before the Feast of All Saints next he will deliver up to the said Bishop all charters, deeds, evidences, rentals, accounts, etc., pertaining to any of the said manors, excepting such as concern solely the manor of Castre, which by covenant of the said Bishop with Sir John Paston, Knight, brother of the said John Paston, Squire, must remain with the same Sir John.

[Footnote 81-3: The following abstract, like some others preceding, is taken from Mr. Macray's Report to the Historical MSS. Commission on the Records of Magdalen College, Oxford.]

[[1470, 10 Aug., 10 Edw. IV., at Eshher.

_spelling unchanged_]]




[Sidenote: 1470]

1. Account of payments to Robert Spery, servant of Vyol, and others, for working at the Frerys[82-2] in June and July; also for varnish, lead, earthen pans, yellow ochre, oil, bristles to make brushes, etc., for painter's work.

_Endorsed_: 'Vialles byll comprisid in the iij. rolles of stuff and werkmans.h.i.+p to A. P.[82-3] place and the Freris, which, as Clargynet understondith, is paid to Viall.'

'Memorandum: j. copy of this bill remayneth amonges the billes of werkmans.h.i.+p at the White Freres and Baretts place, and a noder among the billes of plate and Vialles plegis.'

2. 'Bill indented,' 15th Aug. 10 Edw. IV., between William Paston, Esq., and Thomas Vyall of Norwich, painter, relative to the pledging of certain coral beads and plate to the former, for 5.

3. Account of sums owing to one Vyall for certain persons 'at the Freris,' during August, September, and October. Total, 32_s._ 10_d._

_Endorsed_: 'Viall's reckoning written in the roll of the Freris werke not paid, and must be allowed of the 5 that was lent to Viall not yet content again.'

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