The Paston Letters Volume Iii Part 38

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Item, xvij. spones, of ij. sortes, weiyng xviij. unces.

Item, iiij. platers, weiyng iiij^xx xiiij. unces.

Item, vj. disshes, weiyng iiij^xx xiiij. unces.

Item, iiij. sausers, weiyng xviij. unces.

Item, j. candilstik, withoute sokettes, weiyng xviij. unces.

Summa, CCCCx. unces.

_M^d of xlvj. unces gold and ij^ml. Dxxv. unces of silver plate taken from Bermondesey._

[Sidenote: _Sold by John Yong of London._]

{In primis, a peson[173.1] of gold, it fayleth v. balles, weiyng xxiij. unces gold.

{Item, j. paire basons, beyng[173.2] bothe weiyng v^xx ij. unces.

{Item, j. paire ewers, beyng[173.2] bothe weiyng xlv. unces.

{Item, j. paire of newe flagons, cheyned, everyche weiyng lxxiiij. unces--vij^xx xiij. unces.

{Item, iiij. platers, parcell of ix. platers not sortely, weiyng in all x^xx ix. unces; so iche weieth xxiij. unces. Soo the weight of the same iiij. platers, iiij^xx xij. unces.

{Item, xij. disshes, weiyng in all ix^xx ix. unces.

{Item, xij. sausers, weiyng in all iiij^xx xvij. unces.

Summa unciarum argenti, DClxxiij. unc', et de auro, xxiij. unc'.

Item, j. cup of golde, with an ewer, weiyng xxiij. unces.

Item, ij. spiceplates, weiyng bothe iiij^xx xij. unces.

Item, ij. olde chargeours, of oon sorte, weiyng iiij^xx viij. unces.

Item, j. grete plater, weiyng x.x.xviij. unces.

Item, v. olde disshes, weiyng in alle lxxvj. unces.

Item, v. sausers, weiyng xxix. unces.

Item, ij. quart pottes, weiyng liiij. unces.

Item, ix. platers, weiyng xvj^xx iij. unces.

Item, a flat pece, playne, of silver, weiyng xvj. unces.

Item, a quart pot, of silver, with gilt verges, weiyng xxvj. unces.

Item, an holowe basyn, of silver, weiyng xxviij. unces.

Summa unciarum de auro, xxiij. unc'; et de argento, DCClxx. unc'.

Item, ij. stondyng cuppes, gilt, of oon sorte, iche weiyng xxiiij.

unces--lxviij. unces.

Item, vj. gobelettes, uncovered, weiyng xxiij. unces et di.

Item, j. layer, weiyng xxiiij. unces.

Item, j. saltsaler, gilt, weiyng x.x.xiiij. unces.

Item, ij. lesse chargeours, weiyng lxx. unces.

Item, v. platers, not sortely, parcell of ix. platers, weiyng in all x^xx ix. unces; so iche plater weyeth by estymacion xxiij. unces.

So the weight of v. platers, Cxv. unces.

Summa, CCCx.x.xiiij. unces di.

Item, j. saltsaler, gilt, with a cover, weiyng x.x.xj. unces.

Item, iiij. peces, gilt, with ij. coveres, weiyng lxxiiij. unces.

Item, vj. Parys cuppes, of silver, of the Monethes, with lowe fete, the bordures gilt, weiyng iiij^xx x. unces.

Item, j. white stondyng cuppe, with a cover of silver, weiyng xij.

unces di.

Item, j. knoppe, for a covere, gilt, weiyng j. unce.

Item, j. flagon, of silver and gilt, accordyng with the olde inventarie, weiyng x^xx xviij unces.

Item, anothir flagon, of the same sorte and of the same weight, x^xx xviij. unces.

Summa, DCxliiij. unces di.

Item, j. paire of olde flagons, iij. pyntes, fayleth j. stopell, weiyng iiij^xx x. unces.

Item, j. grete sawser, weiyng vj. unces di.

Item, ij. olde cruettes, weiyng vj. unces.

[Footnote 172.1: A small tablet with a representation of the Crucifixion on it, presented to be kissed during the ma.s.s.]

[Footnote 172.2: Blank in MS.]

[Footnote 173.1: An instrument in the form of a staff, with b.a.l.l.s or crockets, used for weighing, before scales were employed for that purpose.]

[Footnote 173.2: The word 'beyng' in these two places seems to have been altered to 'weyng,' which was unnecessary.]

[[Item, ij. cruettes, oon lakkyng a lydde, weiyng viij. unces.

_text has "weiyhg"_]]

[[Item, j. paire ewers _period (full stop) invisible_]]




That the last day of Octobre, the yere of the reyne of King Henri the Sixt, Sir John Fastolf, Knyght, hath lefte in his warderope at Castre, this stuffe of clothys, and othir harnays that followith, that is to wete:--

[Footnote 174.1: [From Archaeologia, xxi. 252.] This roll and the preceding are both printed in the Archaeologia from transcripts made by Blomefield, the Norfolk historian, for his friend Sir Andrew Fountaine. The original of this second roll we have not met with.]

_Togae remanenciae hoc tempore in Garderoba Domini._

First, a goune of clothe of golde, with side slevis, sirples wise.

Item, j. nothir gowne of clothe of golde, with streyght slevys, and lynyd withe blak clothe.

Item, halfe a gowne of red felwett.

Item, j. gowne of blewe felwett upon felwet longe furrid withe martyrs, and perfold[174.2] of the same, slevys sengle.

C. Item, j. gowne, clothe of grene, of iij. yerds.

Item, j. side scarlet gownys, not lynyd.

Item, j. rede gowne, of my Lorde Coromale[174.3] is lyverey, lyned.

Item, j. chymere[174.4] cloke of blewe satayne, lynyd with blake silke.

Item, iij. quarters of scarlet for a gowne, di. quarter of the same.

Item, j. broken gowne of sangweyne, graynyd with the slevys.

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