A History of Rome During the Later Republic and Early Principate Part 13

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NIESE, B.--_Das sogenannte Licinisch-s.e.xtische Ackergesetz_ (Hermes, xxiii., 1888).

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PETER, C. _Geschichte Roms_. 4te verbesserte Aufl. Halle-a.-S., 1881.

POEHLMANN, R.--_Geschichte des antiken Kommunismus und Sozialismus_.

Munchen, 1893-1900.

RAMSAY, W. M.--_The Cities and Bishoprics of Phrygia_. Oxford, 1895-7.

REIN, W.--_Das Criminalrecht der Romer von Romulus bis auf Justinia.n.u.s_, Leipzig, 1844.

REINACH, TH.--_Mithridate Eupator, roi du Pont_. Paris, 1890.

RICHTER, O.--_Topographie der Stadt Rom_. 2te Aufl. Munchen, 1901.

RUDORFF, A.A.F.--_Das Ackergesetz des Sp. Thorius wiederhergestellt und erlautert_ (Zeitschr. fur geschichtliche Rechtswissenschaft. Bd. x.

Berlin, 1839).

SCHAEFER, A.--On Orosius, v., 9, 6 (_Mamertium oppidum_) (Jahrbucher fur cla.s.sische Philologie, 1873, p. 71).

----On Plutarch, _Ti. Gracch_. II ([Greek: _Mallios kai phoulbios_]) (ibid.).

SCHMIDT, J.--_Zama_ (Rheinisches Museum fur Philologie. N. F. Bd.

xliv., 1889, p. 397).

SMITH, W. and WILKINS, A.S.--_Frumentariae Leges_ (Smith, Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 3rd. ed., i. p. 877. London, 1890).

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190. Leipzig, 1897).

STEINWENDER, TH.--_Die Romische Burgerschaft in ihrem Verhaltniss zum Heere_. Danzig, 1888.

STRACHAN-DAVIDSON, J.L.--_Appian, Civil Wars_. Book i., edited with notes and map. Oxford, 1902.

SUMMERS, W.C.--_C. Sall.u.s.ti Crispi Jugurtha_, edited with introduction, notes and index. Cambridge, 1902.

THeDENAT, H.--_Ergastulum_ (Daremberg-Saglio, Dictionnaire des Antiquites Grecques et Romaines).

TISSOT, C.--_Geographie comparee de la province Romaine d'Afrique_.

Tome i., Paris, 1884. Tome ii. (ouvrage publie d'apres le ma.n.u.scrit de l'auteur avec des notes, des additions et un atlas par Salomon Reinach), 1888.

UNDERHILL, G.E.--_Plutarch's Lives of the Gracchi_, edited, with introduction, notes and indices. Oxford, 1892.

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[1] The average, or at least the most powerful, type of a race is stamped on its history. It is perhaps needless to say that no generalisations on character apply to all its individual members.

[2] Even the h.e.l.lenes of the West are only a partial exception. It is true that their cities clung to the coast; but the vast inland possessions of states like Sybaris are scarcely paralleled elsewhere in the history of Greek colonisation.

[3] The Latin colony of Aquileia was settled in the former year (Liv.

xl. 34 Vellei. 1. 15), the Roman colony of Auximum in the latter (Vellei. l.c.).

[4] Cic. _de Leg. Agr_. ii. 27. 73 Est operae pretium diligentiam majorum recordari, qui colonias sic idoneis in locis contra suspicionem periculi collocarunt, ut esse non oppida Italiae, sed propugnacula imperii viderentur.

[5] Liv. xxvii. 38; x.x.xvi. 3; cf. Marquardt _Staatsverwaltung_ 1. p. 51.

[6] The Roman citizen, who entered his name for a Latin colony, suffered the derogation of _caput_ which was known to the later jurists as _capitis deminutio minor_ and expressed the loss of _civitas_ (Gaius i.

161; iii. 56). That a fine was the alternative of enrolment, hence conceived as voluntary, we are told by Cicero (_pro Caec_. 33. 98 Aut sua voluntate aut legis multa profecti sunt: quam multam si sufferre voluissent, manere in civitate potuissent. Cf. _pro Domo_ 30. 78 Qui cives Romani in colonias Latinas proficiscebantur, fieri non poterant Latini, nisi erant auctores acti nomenque dederant).

[7] Liv. x.x.xix. 23.

[8] Liv. x.x.xvii. 4.

[9] Liv. xlii. 32 Multi voluntate nomina dabant, quia locupletes videbant, qui priore Macedonico bello, aut adversus Antiochum in Asia, stipendia fecerant.

[10] For the a.s.signations _viritim_ in the times of the Kings see Varro _R.R_. i. 10 (Romulus); Cic. _de Rep_. ii. 14. 26 (Numa); Liv. 1. 46 (Servius Tullius). That the Ca.s.sian distribution was to be [Greek: _kat andra_] is stated by Dionysius (viii. 72, 73). On the whole subject see Mommsen in C.I.L. i. p. 75. He has made out a good case for the land thus a.s.signed being known by the technical name of _virita.n.u.s ager_. See Festus p. 373; Siculus Flaccus p. 154 Lachm. We shall find that this was the form of distribution effected by the Gracchi.

[11] For the settlement in the land of the Volsci see Liv. v. 24; for that made by M. Curius in the Sabine territory, Colum. i. praef. 14; [Victor] _de Vir. Ill_. 33.

[12] Cato ap. Varr. _R.R_. i. 2. 7 Ager Gallicus Roma.n.u.s vocatur, qui viritim cis Ariminum datus est ultra agrum Picentium; cf. Cic. _Brut_.

14. 57; _de Senect_. 4. 11; Val. Max. v. 4. 5.

[13] Liv. xlii. 4 (173 B.C.); cf. xli. 16.

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