The Rover Boys on a Hunt Part 22

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Making as little noise as possible, the other lads followed Gif back into the woods and then along a snow-laden trail skirting the clearing.

Less than two minutes' walk brought the young hunters to a spot where were located a series of rough rocks, and here Gif motioned for his companions to halt.

"I think you will find the rabbits in the hollow just on the other side of these rocks," he whispered. "Now get you guns ready before you show yourselves."

Slowly and cautiously they mounted the rocks and then lay down in the snow on top. They peered into the hollow below, and presently made out the forms of at least a dozen rabbits running to and fro, evidently trying to find something among the trees and bushes opposite that would be fit to eat.

"We might as well fire all at the same time," said Jack. "Because after the first shot those bunnies will do their best to get to cover."

It was quickly decided that some of the hunters should shoot at the rabbits directly ahead, while others were to shoot at those to the right or to the left.

It must be admitted that Fred and Andy were trembling with excitement, and Randy was also agitated. The others were quite calm, or else they did not allow their real feelings to show. It was decided that Jack should give the order to fire.

"All right," said the oldest Rover boy. "Now take aim, and when I say three, shoot."

There were several seconds of silence during which all of the young hunters got in readiness to shoot. Then, while they were still aiming their weapons, one of the rabbits suddenly stopped running around and sat upright, directly facing them, with his long ears pointed skyward.

"Quick!" exclaimed Jack excitedly. "They see us! One--two--three! Fire!"

The six shotguns spoke almost as one piece, and as the reports echoed across the clearing and through the woods, several of the rabbits were seen to leap into the air and then fall back lifeless. Several others were seriously wounded, and these were speedily put out of their misery by a second shot from Gif and Spouter.

"Hurrah! Seven rabbits!" exclaimed Fred, running forward. "That's what I call a pretty good start."

"Come on, let us go after the others! Leave these where they are," cried Jack, and plunged into the wood where he had seen several of the rabbits seeking refuge. He managed to bring down one of them, and Randy brought down another. The others got away.

"Nine rabbits is by no means a bad haul," was Gif's comment, after the boys had brought the dead game together.

"Enough for a splendid potpie, and then some," came from Spouter.

"Do you suppose we can get any more?" exclaimed Andy. He was quite certain he had brought down one of the bunnies.

"We can try, Andy," answered Gif. "It isn't late yet, and the snow isn't so deep but what it might be deeper."

Having divided the rabbits between them, so that each lad might carry some of the game, they moved forward, across the little clearing, and then through the woods for the best part of a quarter of a mile. During that time they saw several squirrels, but were unable to get a shot at the frisky animals.

"A squirrel is as quick as they make 'em," declared Gif. "You've got to act like lightning to catch 'em."

By this time it was snowing so heavily that all concluded it would be a wise move to return to Cedar Lodge. The wind was rising, shaking the tops of the trees violently and causing a strange moaning sound through the thickets which was anything but pleasant.

"I'd hate to be caught out here all alone and in the darkness," remarked Randy to Fred, as they trudged along.

"Would give a fellow the creeps, wouldn't it?" was the reply.

As they continued on their way they kept their eyes wide open for the possible appearance of more game. But no animals showed themselves, nor did they see any birds circling through the snow, which seemed every moment to be coming down thicker than ever.

"If this snow continues and the wind keeps on rising, we'll have a regular blizzard before morning," announced Gif.

"Don't say a word about the wind," panted Andy, who had dropped a few paces behind, "My nose and my ears are almost frozen."

"Well, thank goodness, Andy, we're not very far from the Lodge. You'll soon be able to warm up."

They were still deep in the woods when from a distance they heard a peculiar whistle twice repeated.

"That's Jed Wallop's whistle," announced Gif. "He must have just come in."

He whistled in return, and presently they came out at a point where the cedars fringed the clearing in the midst of which was located the bungalow. They saw Jed Wallop standing outside the little stable and waved their hands to him, and he waved in return.

"Thought you might have gone out huntin'," announced Wallop, when they came up. "Had some luck, too, I see."

"Nine rabbits," said Fred, a bit proudly.

"Good enough! I guess that means some good, old-fas.h.i.+oned rabbit stew to-night," and Jed Wallop grinned.

He had not seen Gif's note, and so the lads explained the situation, to which the man listened with much concern.

"Well, by gum! what do you know about that?" he e.j.a.c.u.l.a.t.ed. "I certain did mix it when I give you them directions. I might o' told you about turnin' to the left when it come to the road past this lodge. You see, I got all twisted up in my mind as soon as I heard about my cousin, Tim Doolittle, bein' hurt."

"That's just the way I figured it, Jed," answered Gif. "However, as we got here at last it doesn't matter."

"Goin' to have a pretty good fall o' snow, boys;" and Jed Wallop looked anxiously at the sky.

"Do you think we shall be snowed in?" questioned Randy.

"Might be--if the storm keeps up long enough. But you got plenty o'

provisions, ain't you?"

"Oh, we've got enough to last us for a week or ten days," answered Gif.

"Then I guess you'll be all right. But say! maybe you fellers would like me to stay here with you?" continued Jed Wallop. "Not but wot you're big enough to take care of yourselves."

"We'll get along all right, Jed. Don't worry," answered Gif.

"Then I'll be a-takin' the team and gettin' over to my own place,"

announced the man. "And I won't lose no time, nuther. I don't want to git stuck on the road with Mary and John. They are a purty good team, but they are apt to loose heart if the wind gits to blowin' too strong agin 'em."

"How is your cousin getting along?" questioned Jack kindly.

"Oh, he's a-doin' tolerable. I took him over to our Uncle Joe's, you know, and the women folks over there will give him the best o' care."

The boys a.s.sisted Jed Wallop to hook up the team to the boxsled, and in a few minutes more the man was off with a crack of his whip, which sent the team away at a fairly respectable pace.

"Now, have a good time!" he called back to the boys. "And don't shoot all the game in the State."

"When will you be back?" sang out Spouter.

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