The Russian Garland, Being Russian Folk Tales Part 10

The Russian Garland, Being Russian Folk Tales -

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When they entered the kingdom, Ivashka said: "Hearken, Sila Tsarevich, I will be your servant, and when you enter the royal halls, salute King Salom humbly: then he will ask you whence you came, and whose son you are, what is your name and business. Tell him everything and conceal nothing; but say that you are come to sue for his daughter's hand; he will give her to you with great joy." So Sila Tsarevich went into the palace, and, as soon as Prince Salom saw him, he went himself to meet him, took him by his white hands, led him into the marble halls, and asked him: "Fair youth, from what country do you come, whose son are you, what is your name, and what is your business?" "I am from the kingdom of my father the Tsar Chotei," replied Sila; "my name is Sila Tsarevich, and I am come to sue for your daughter, the beautiful Queen Truda."

King Salom was overjoyed that the son of such a renowned Tsar should be his son-in-law, and immediately ordered his daughter to prepare for the wedding. And when the day for the marriage came, the King commanded all his princes and boyars to a.s.semble in the palace; and they all went in procession to the church, and Sila Tsarevich was married to the fair Queen Truda. Then they returned to the palace, seated themselves at table, and feasted and made merry. When the time came to retire to rest, Ivashka took Sila aside and whispered to him: "Hark, ye, Sila Tsarevich, when you go to rest, beware lest you speak a word to your bride or you will not remain alive, and your head will be stuck on the last stake. She will in every way try to make you embrace her, but attend to what I say."

Then Sila Tsarevich enquired why he warned him thus, and Ivashka replied: "She is in league with an evil Spirit, who comes to her every night in the shape of a man, but flies through the air in the shape of a six-headed dragon; now, if she lays her hand upon your breast and presses it, jump up and beat her with a stick until all her strength is gone. I will meanwhile remain on watch at the door of your apartment."

When Sila Tsarevich heard this, he went with his wife to rest, and Queen Truda tried in every way to get him to kiss her, but Sila lay quite still and spoke not a word. Then Truda laid her hand upon his breast and pressed him so hard that he could scarcely breathe. But up jumped Sila Tsarevich and seized the stick which Ivashka had laid there ready for him, and fell to beating her as hard as he could. On a sudden there arose a storm, and a six-headed dragon came flying into the room and was going to devour Sila Tsarevich, but Ivashka seized a sharp sword and attacked the dragon, and they fought three hours, and Ivashka struck off two of the dragon's heads, whereupon the monster flew away. Then Ivashka desired Sila Tsarevich to go to sleep and fear nothing. Sila obeyed him, laid himself down, and fell asleep.

Early in the morning King Salom went to be informed whether his dear son still lived, and when he heard that Sila was alive and well, the King rejoiced, since he was the first who had been saved from his daughter; and he instantly ordered Sila to be called, and the whole day was spent in merrymaking.

The following night Ivashka gave Sila Tsarevich the same caution as before, not to speak a word to his wife, and he placed himself on watch at the door. Then it fell out as before, and when Sila Tsarevich began to beat the Queen, on a sudden the dragon came flying in, and was going to devour Sila Tsarevich. But Ivashka rushed from behind the door, sword in hand, and fought with the dragon and struck off two more of his heads. Then the dragon flew away, and Sila Tsarevich lay down to sleep. Early in the morning the King commanded Sila to be invited, and they spent this day in the same pleasures as before. The third night the same happened again, and Ivashka cut off the last two heads of the dragon, and he burnt all the heads and strewed the ashes in the fields.

Thus time pa.s.sed on, and Sila Tsarevich lived with his father-in-law a whole year, without speaking to his wife or gaining her love. Then Ivashka told him one day to go to King Salom and ask permission to return to his native country. So Sila went to the King, who dismissed him, and gave him two squadrons of his army to accompany him as an escort. Then Sila took leave of his father-in-law, and set out with his wife on their journey to his own country.

When they had gone half-way, Ivashka told Sila Tsarevich to halt and pitch his tent. So Sila obeyed, and ordered the tent to be put up. The next day Ivashka laid pieces of wood in front of Sila's tent and set fire to them. Then he led Queen Truda out of the tent, unsheathed his sword, and cut her in twain. Sila Tsarevich shuddered with terror and began to weep; but Ivashka said: "Weep not, she will come to life again." And presently all sorts of evil things came forth from the body, and Ivashka threw them all into the fire. Then he said to Sila Tsarevich: "See you not the evil spirits which troubled your wife? She is now relieved from them." And, so saying, he laid the parts of Truda's body together, sprinkled them with the water of life, and the Queen was instantly sound and whole as before. Then said Ivashka: "Now, farewell, Sila Tsarevich, you will find that your wife loves you truly, but you will never see me more." And so saying he vanished.

Sila Tsarevich ordered the tent to be struck, and journeyed on to his native country. And when he came to the place where his s.h.i.+p was waiting for him, he went on board with the fair Queen Truda, dismissed the escort which accompanied him, and set sail. And on arriving at his own kingdom, he was welcomed with salvos of cannon, and Tsar Chotei came out of his palace and took him and the beautiful Queen Truda by their lily-white hands, led them into the marble halls, placed them at table, and they feasted and made merry. Sila Tsarevich lived with his father two years; then he returned to the kingdom of King Salom, received from him the crown, and ruled over the country with his Queen Truda in great love and happiness.


In a certain country lived a Tsar named Kartaus, who had twelve knights, and the Tsar had a chief over these knights, Prince Lasar Lasarevich. Prince Lasar and his wife, the Princess Epistimia, lived for seventy years and had no child; and they began, with tears, to sigh for one to cheer their old age, and to pray for their souls after death.

At length their wish was granted, and they had a son, whom Prince Lasar named Yaroslav. The little fellow had a rosy face, blonde hair, and bright eyes. His parents were overjoyed and made a great feast.

When Yaroslav was fifteen years old he went often to the Tsar's Court and played with the children of princes and boyars. Then the princes counselled together, and went to the Tsar and said: "Our lord and sovereign, grant us your imperial favour: your Majesty has a knight, Prince Lasar, whose son Yaroslav comes to your imperial Court and plays with our children; but his sports are mischievous, for whenever he takes anyone by the head, the head falls off, and this causes us great trouble and grief. Now, O Tsar, show us your favour, and either send Yaroslav out of your kingdom or grant us leave to depart, for live we cannot with Yaroslav."

Then the Tsar Kartaus immediately sent for Prince Lasar, told him the complaints the princes and n.o.bles had made of Yaroslav, and commanded that he should leave the kingdom. When Lasar heard this command, he rode away sorrowfully, with his head hanging lower than his shoulders.

Now Yaroslav came to meet his father, bowed to the ground, and said: "Long years of happiness to my lord and father! Why ride you so sorrowfully, my lord? Have you received an unkind word from the Tsar?"

Prince Lasar answered: "My dear child Yaroslav, I have indeed received a cruel order from the Tsar. Other children are a joy to their father from their youth up, a support in his old age, and the guardian of his memory when dead. Not so, alas! with you, my son. You go to the Tsar's Court and play mischievous tricks with the children of the princes and boyars, and they have complained to the Tsar Kartaus, and he has banished you from the kingdom."

At this Yaroslav laughed and said: "My lord and father, grieve not for me that I am banished. I have only one trouble: I am now fifteen years old, and have never been able to find in your stables a good horse that might serve me for ever and aye." Then they went into the marble halls, and Yaroslav Lasarevich begged permission of his father and mother to travel about the world, to see men and to be seen. So his parents at length consented, and gave him twenty lads, and fifty skilful builders, to build a marble palace on the sea coast. These builders erected the palace in three days, and sent a messenger to Prince Lasar and the Princess Epistimia, to tell them that the splendid palace was ready. Then Yaroslav took leave of his parents, and Prince Lasar and his wife wept bitterly at parting with their son, and gave him their blessing.

So Yaroslav Lasarevich rode until he came to the marble palace on the seash.o.r.e. His father and mother offered him gold, silver, jewels, horses, and attendants, but Yaroslav would have none of these: he took with him only an old horse, a Tcherkess saddle, a snaffle-bit, a blanket, and a leather whip. Thus came Yaroslav to his marble palace on the seash.o.r.e, threw the blanket over him, placed the saddle under his head, and stretched himself out to sleep. Early the next morning Yaroslav arose, went out to walk on the seash.o.r.e, and shot a number of wild geese, swans, and ducks. Upon these he fed, and lived thus one, two, and three months. Then he went upon a road which was so broad that a shot could not reach across it, and so deep that it went to the ears of a brave steed. Yaroslav looked at the road, and said to himself: "Who travels this road, a great army or a stout knight?" It happened that an old man came riding up to him on his grey horse, and he dismounted and threw himself down with his face to the ground, saying: "Long life and happiness to you, Yaroslav Lasarevich! How goes it with you, my lord? and how comes it that you are in this desert spot?" "What is your name, old brother?" said Yaroslav. The man replied: "My name is Ivashka, master, and my horse is called Alotyagilei. I am a great shot and a mighty wrestler in the host of knights." "But how do you know my name?" replied Yaroslav. Ivashka answered: "My Lord, I am an old servant of your father, and have tended his horses in the fields for three-and-thirty years, and I come to your father once every year to receive my wages. Thus it is that I know you." Yaroslav answered: "I am going to the chase, and am wandering about in the open fields. He who has not tasted the bitter, does not relish the sweet. While still a young boy I ran about in the courtyard, and played with the children of the princes and boyars. But when I seize anyone by the head, his head falls off, and, when I take him by the hand, his hand falls off. This was not agreeable to the Tsar, and he banished me from his kingdom; but this punishment was nothing in comparison to another greater grief which pains me sorely.

I am already fifteen years old, but can find no horse in my father's stable that might serve me for life." Then said Ivashka: "My lord, Yaroslav Lasarevich, I have a horse, which is called Podlas: he must be caught, and he will serve you for ever and a day. If you do not catch him now you never will." "But how can I see the horse, brother Ivashka?" Ivashka answered: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, you can see this steed early in the morning, when I take the horses to the sea to drink, but if, when you see him, you do not seize him on the spot, you never will." Thereupon Yaroslav Lasarevich went into his marble palace, laid the horse-cloth under him, and the Tcherkess saddle and the bit under his head, and stretched himself out to sleep. The next morning he rose early, went into the field, and took the bridle, the Tcherkess saddle, and the leather whip with him. He concealed himself under an oak tree; and presently saw Ivashka driving the horses to the sea to water, and, as he gazed upon the sea, he observed that where a steed drank, the waves foamed and roared fearfully. Above the oak tree screamed the eagles, and on the mountains roared the lions, and no one could approach the spot. Yaroslav wondered greatly, and when the horse came to stand opposite him, he leaped out from the oak and struck him with the back of his hand. The horse fell on his knees, and he seized him by his mane and said: "My trusty steed, who shall ride on you if not I your master?" Then he threw the bridle over him, put the Tcherkess saddle on his back, and rode to the marble palace, and Ivashka followed. Then said he to Ivashka: "What name shall I give this horse?" "How, my lord, shall a servant know better than his master to name such a horse?" So Yaroslav named him Uroshtch Veschei; and he said to Ivashka: "Ride to my father, Prince Lasar, and tell him I am well and have found a trusty steed." Then Yaroslav Lasarevich rode off upon his good horse to Ivan the Russian knight, and behind him followed Ivashka at full gallop till he was lost to sight.

Ivashka returned to the kingdom of Kartaus, to Yaroslav's father and mother, and carried the tidings that he was well. The parents rejoiced greatly to hear of their son, and dismissed Ivashka with rich presents. But Yaroslav Lasarevich rode on and on, for two and for three months, until at last he came to a field where an immense army lay slain. Then he cried with a loud voice: "Is there here no man still alive?" Immediately a man stood up and said: "My lord, Yaroslav Lasarevich, whom dost thou seek?" "I want a living man," said Yaroslav; and then he enquired to whom the army belonged, and who had slain it. "The army," replied the man, "belonged to Feodul the Dragon Tsar, and it has been slain by Prince Ivan the Russian knight, who sued for the hand of Feodul's daughter, the Princess Kandaula Feodulavna; and, as he would not give her of his free will, Ivan sought to take her by force." Thereupon Yaroslav asked how far distant this Russian knight was; and the man replied: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, he has gone too far for you to reach him; ride round the army, and you will see the footsteps of Prince Ivan." So Yaroslav rode round the army, and saw the tracks of the bounding of the steed; for wherever he had struck his hoofs, large heaps of earth were thrown up. He followed the track until he came to another slain army: here he cried with a loud voice: "Is there not one living man here who has survived the battle?" Then up rose a man and said: "My lord, Yaroslav Lasarevich, one steed is better than another, and one youth another."

Yaroslav rode on, and he rode for one, two, and three months; when at length he came to an open country, where he descried a white tent and beside it a goodly steed, before which corn was poured out upon a white linen cloth. Yaroslav dismounted and led his horse to feed, and his horse drove the other way. Then Yaroslav entered the tent, where a comely youth lay fast asleep: he drew his sword, and was on the point of slaying him when he bethought himself that it would bring no honour to slay a sleeping man; so he lay down in the tent, on the other side, near Prince Ivan. When Ivan awoke he went out of the tent, and saw that his steed was driven away, and was grazing in the open fields, whilst a strange horse ate the corn. Then he returned to the tent and saw a youth lying fast asleep. Prince Ivan looked fiercely at him; but suddenly reflected that he should have little honour from killing a man asleep. So he cried: "Stand up, man, and save yourself. Why have you put your horse to feed on another's corn, and lain down to sleep in another's tent? For this you must answer with your life." Then Yaroslav awoke, and Prince Ivan asked him his name, whence he came, and who his parents were. "I am from the kingdom of Kartaus," answered Yaroslav, "the son of Prince Lasar and the Princess Epistimia and my name is Yaroslav. Your steed has not been driven away by me, but by my horse, and good folk are not used to meet strangers with uncivil speech, but rather to treat them with hospitality. If you have a gla.s.s of water, give it to me, for I am your guest." "You are young," said Ivan, "and it befits me not to fetch your water; bring it to me rather." "You pluck the bird before you have caught it," replied the other, "and blame a youth ere you have tried him." Then said Prince Ivan: "I am the prince of princes, and the knight of knights, and you are a cossack." "Ay, indeed!" replied Yaroslav, "you are prince in your tent; but let us meet in the open field and we are equals."

Prince Ivan saw that he had no coward to deal with: he took a golden flask, fetched some cold water, and gave it to Yaroslav to drink. Then they mounted their horses and rode into the open country. And when they began to fight, Yaroslav struck Prince Ivan with the b.u.t.t of his lance and hurled him to the ground: then he whirled round his horse, put the point of his lance to Ivan's breast, and said: "Prince Ivan, wilt thou live or die?" And Ivan answered: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, be to me my elder brother--spare my life!"

Then Yaroslav dismounted, took Prince Ivan, the Russian knight, by his hand and embraced him, calling him his younger brother; whereupon they mounted their steeds, rode off to the tent, and fell to feasting and making merry. And Yaroslav said: "My lord brother, Prince Ivan, as I was wandering in the open country I came upon two slain armies." To which Ivan replied: "Brother Yaroslav, the first army, of the Tsar Feodul, I slew when he refused to give me his daughter Kandaula in marriage; and I am resolved to carry her off by force, for I hear there is no such beauty in the world. To-morrow I shall fight the last battle with him, and thou shall be witness of my valour." The next morning Prince Ivan rose early, saddled his steed, and rode to the kingdom of Feodul, the Dragon Tsar; and Yaroslav went on foot, and concealed himself under an oak tree to witness the fight. Then Prince Ivan called upon the Tsar with a loud voice, and Feodul ordered the trumpets to sound, and an army of a hundred thousand men to a.s.semble.

The Tsar Feodul rode against Prince Ivan, and before and behind him rode an innumerable host of squires and knights. Ivan grasped his s.h.i.+eld with one hand and his lance with the other. As the falcon swoops upon the geese, swans, and ducks, even so did Prince Ivan fall upon that terrible army; and his steed trod to the ground twice as many as he himself slew. He destroyed the whole host, sparing only the lives of the old men and boys, who could not resist; and he took the Tsar Feodul prisoner, and put him to death. Then he hastened to his kingdom and carried off the Princess Kandaula. He took her by her white hands, kissed her on her soft lips, and led her into his tent.

Soon after Yaroslav Lasarevich also arrived, and they all fell to feasting and making merry.

When Yaroslav went out of the tent Ivan said: "My beloved Princess, tell me, is there in the world a fairer one than thou art, or a braver knight than my brother Yaroslav Lasarevich? I have gone far and wide and have not found thine equal." "Nay," replied the Princess, "there are yet fairer than I am. In the open fields is a white tent, in which dwell the daughters of the Tsar Bogrigor. The eldest is named Prodora, the second Tivobriga, and the youngest Legia: they are ten times fairer than I; compared to them I am as night to day. Whilst with my parents I was still fair, but now I am wasted with sorrow. And on the road to the kingdom of India there is a knight, in the dominions of Tsar Dalmat, named Ivashka Whitemantle Saracen's-cap. I have heard from my father that for three-and-thirty years he has guarded the kingdom of India, and that no traveller or knight rides past, no animal runs by, and no bird flies past; I know no one braver than he, for I have never before heard of the valour of Yaroslav Lasarevich."

Now Yaroslav overheard these words, and his chivalrous heart could not brook it. He saddled his steed, embraced Ivan the Russian knight, and the Princess Kandaula, and rode off towards the kingdom of the Tsar Dalmat, to engage in fight with Ivashka Whitemantle. He had journeyed for some time, when he bethought himself that he was bound on an enterprise of life and death, without having taken leave of his father and mother. So he turned and rode till he came to the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, where he encountered Prince Daniil the White, at the head of three thousand men, who boasted that he would subdue the kingdom of Kartaus, take prisoners the Tsar himself, Prince Lasar, and the twelve knights, and carry them off to his own country. Yaroslav rode straight to the city, and there beheld Prince Lasar a.s.sembling an army for battle. Then dismounting from his horse, he threw himself with his face to the ground and said: "Long life to my lord and father! How fares it with thee? Wherefore so sad, my lord?" And Prince Lasar answered: "My dear son, whence art thou come like a sunbeam to cheer me? How can I help grieving? Prince Daniil has invaded our dominion with an immense army and threatens to seize it and carry off the Tsar and me and the twelve knights prisoners." Then spoke Yaroslav Lasarevich: "My lord and father, give me the s.h.i.+eld, and lance, and I will go out to fight the enemy." But Prince Lasar answered: "My son, how canst thou combat such a host, who hast never been in battle? The cries of the Tartars will terrify thee, and they will slay thee!"

"Teach not the goose to swim, father," answered Yaroslav, "nor a knight's son to fight with Tartars! Only give me what I demand, and fear nought."

Like a falcon darting upon geese and swans, Yaroslav fell upon the armies of Prince Daniil the White; and he hewed down not so many as his horse trampled under his hoofs, and he took Daniil prisoner.

Yaroslav made him pledge his word never again to set foot in the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus--he nor his children, nor his children's children; adding that if he fell again into his hands he should die a miserable death. Then Yaroslav sent him back to his own country, and rode into the city. Then Tsar Kartaus came out to meet him, and Yaroslav threw himself with his face to the ground and said: "Long years of happiness to thee, my liege Tsar Kartaus!" "Sir Yaroslav Lasarevich," answered Kartaus, "I have wronged thee in banis.h.i.+ng thee from my kingdom. Abide here and choose the best city and the fairest villages. My treasures are open to thee--take what thou desirest, and thy place is at my side." Yaroslav answered: "O Tsar, I am wont to rove about, to seek adventure and to fight." So, after he had eaten salt and bread with the Tsar and with his parents, he took leave of them all and rode forth.

And Yaroslav rode one, two, and three months, till at length he came to a plain, on which was pitched a white tent, wherein sat the three fair daughters of the Tsar Bogrigor, of whose beauty there was not the like in the wide world; and they were busy at their work. Yaroslav stepped into the tent, and was so amazed at the sight, that he forgot to pray to the ikons of the Saints. Then he took the eldest daughter, Prodora, by the hand, and desiring the others to leave the tent, said: "My gentle and beautiful Princess Prodora Bogrigorovna, is there in the world a fairer maiden than thou, or a braver knight than I?" And Prodora answered: "Sir Yaroslav Lasarevich, how can you call me fair?

In the city of Dobri lives the daughter of the Tsar Vorcholomei, the Princess Anastasia, compared to her we are like night to day. On the way to the Indian kingdom of the Tsar Dalmat is a knight named Ivashka Whitemantle Saracen's-cap, and I have heard from my father that he is very powerful, and has guarded the kingdom of India for three-and-thirty years; no one him on foot or horse, no animal runs, no bird flies past. But what a brave knight art thou indeed to drive us maidens from the tent!" At this Yaroslav was angered: he bowed the head of the Princess and struck it off with his sword. Then he took the second Princess, Tivobriga, by the hand and said: "Gentle princess, is there a more beautiful maiden in the world than thou, or a braver knight than I?" And she answered as the eldest had done; so he struck off her head in like manner. Then he took the third sister Legia by the hand and asked her the same question as her sisters. And Legia answered: "Sir Yaroslav, I am neither beautiful nor good. When I was with my father and mother I was so, but now I am wasted and no longer handsome." Then she likewise told him of the Princess Anastasia, the daughter of the Tsar Vorcholomei, and of the knight Ivashka. "Fairest lady," replied Yaroslav, "thou has comforted me with thy gentle words."

Then he went out of the tent, took leave of Legia, mounted his steed, and rode off to the kingdom of India, to see the Tsar Dalmat and Ivashka Whitemantle. And he rode on for one, two and three months; and when he came near the city, there upon the plain stood Ivashka, leaning upon a lance, with a Saracen's cap on his head and a white mantle around him. Yaroslav rode up to him, struck off his cap with his whip, and said: "Lie down and sleep, there is no need to stand!"

"Who art thou?" inquired Ivashka; "what is thy name, and whence comest thou?" Yaroslav answered: "I am come from the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, and my name is Yaroslav: I am preparing to journey to the kingdom of India to pay my respects to the Tsar Dalmat." But Ivashka answered: "Never has man or animal pa.s.sed this way, and thinkest thou to do so? First let us go into the plain and try the prowess of our arms!" The two knights made a furious onset; and after a long fight Yaroslav thrust his lance at Ivashka's heart, and threw him from the saddle; and Ivashka fell upon the ground like a sheaf of oats, and Yaroslav slew him on the spot.

Then Yaroslav rode on his way to the kingdom of India, and on arriving at the city he went straight to the Tsar Dalmat; and, entering the palace, he made his obeisance and said: "Long years of happiness to thee, O Tsar, to thy family, and all thy princes and boyars! Take me into thy service!" Then said Dalmat: "Man, whence comest thou, and what is thy name, and whose son art thou?" So Yaroslav told him, and the Tsar said: "Which way hast thou come, by land or by water?"

Yaroslav replied: "By land," and the Tsar said: "I have a knight who dwells upon the open plains, and has guarded my kingdom for three-and-thirty years; no man or animal has ever pa.s.sed him, on horse, foot, or wing; and how hast thou ridden past?" Yaroslav answered: "I have vanquished this man, O Tsar; but I knew not that he belonged to thee."

On hearing this the Tsar was terrified, and thought to himself: "If he has slain such a knight he can easily conquer my kingdom, and he only wants to rob me of my throne." This thought made him sorrowful, and he commanded all honour to be shown to Yaroslav Lasarevich, and gave him drink from his own goblet. Then Yaroslav observed that the Tsar feared him: he went out of the castle, saddled his steed, and rode away out of the kingdom. Tsar Dalmat was rejoiced to be freed from Yaroslav, and ordered the gates to be closed fast behind him.

Yaroslav now resolved to go to the city of Dobri to witness the beauty of the Princess Anastasia, and he rode on for one, two, and three months. Then he bethought himself: "I have come to a strange country, perhaps to marry this Princess, or meet death without having my parents' blessing."

And with that, away he rode to the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, which he found conquered, and laid waste with fire and sword. There remained one solitary hut standing, in which dwelt a one-eyed old man. Yaroslav stepped into the hut, bowed to the man, and said: "Old brother, what has happened to this kingdom?" The man answered: "Brave knight, whence art thou come, and what is thy name?" But Yaroslav replied: "Knowest thou me not? I was born in this kingdom, the son of Prince Lasar, and my name is Yaroslav." On hearing this the old man fell to the earth, and said with tears: "Since thou hast been gone, long time has pa.s.sed.

Daniil the White returned, and with him five times a hundred thousand men; he fell upon this kingdom, laid it waste with fire and sword, and slew a hundred thousand brave warriors. Five millions of the common folk, with all the priests and monks, he burnt in the open fields, slew twelve thousand infants, took prisoners the Tsar Kartaus with his twelve knights, and put to death the Tsarina and thy mother, the Princess Epistimia. I am the only one left alive, and have lain nine days here half-dead with fear."

Yaroslav wept when he heard this, and mounting his steed, commended himself to the Saints, and rode to seek the Tsar Daniil the White. He came to the city at noon without being seen, except by some little boys playing in the streets: and he asked them where the Tsar Kartaus was, as he wished to give him alms; so they showed him the prison. At the gate a guard was standing, but Yaroslav struck him down, and broke open the doors. On entering the prison, he saw Kartaus, his father Lasar, and the twelve knights, all blinded; at which cruel sight he fell to the ground, and with tears exclaimed: "Long life to thee, O Tsar, to thee my father, and to you brave knights!" Then answered Kartaus: "I hear thy voice but cannot see thy face. Whence comest thou, what is thy name, and whose son art thou?" So Yaroslav told him who he was; but Kartaus replied: "Fellow, away! and mock me not."

"Father," replied Yaroslav, "I am indeed Yaroslav, and come to relieve you." "Lie not, fellow!" said Kartaus; "if Yaroslav had been alive we should not sit here in prison and suffer such a cruel fate; but I should have been reigning in my kingdom with Prince Lasar and my twelve knights. But since Yaroslav is dead we are punished for our sins, and sit here in sightless solitude. If, however, you are really the true Yaroslav Lasarevich, ride, I pray thee, beyond the Still Waters and the Warm Sea, to the city of Shtchetin, where rules the Tsar Fires.h.i.+eld. Slay him, and take some drops of his blood; and when you return, anoint our eyes with it and we shall then see and shall believe you."

Yaroslav made his obeisance to the Tsar, mounted his horse, and rode forth. But the boys in the streets had observed him, and they told it to their fathers, who said to Daniil the White: "O Prince, there has been in our city a brave warrior; his horse was like a lion, and he was armed from head to foot, and he rode away from the prison where Tsar Kartaus and his companions are confined." Instantly Prince Daniil sent his servant Mursa to enquire who had been in the prison. And when he came there he found the doors standing open, and the guard slain; then, entering the doors, he said: "O Tsar Kartaus, tell me who has been with you here? Prince Daniil sends me to inquire." And Kartaus answered: "My good fellow how can we tell who was here? A man was in the prison who called himself Yaroslav, but we recognized not his voice."

Then Mursa returned to Prince Daniil, and told him what Kartaus had said; and forthwith Prince Daniil ordered the trumpets to sound and the drums to beat; and a host of Tartars a.s.sembled around him to the number of two hundred and fifty thousand men. And he commanded thirty hors.e.m.e.n to pursue and take Yaroslav and to bring him before him. So they went in pursuit, and after riding for some time they descried Yaroslav asleep under an oak tree, and his horse standing beside him.

The horse perceived that the Tartars were in pursuit of his master, and neighed loudly. Thereat Yaroslav awoke, and seeing the knights afar, he mounted his steed and rode off, exclaiming: "First catch the wind on the wide plains and then look to catch me!"

So saying he vanished from their sight, and rode beyond the Still Waters and the Warm Seas to the Podolish Horde, to the city of Shtchetin. Then the Tartars took counsel together what they should say to the Prince, and they resolved to pretend that they had not seen Yaroslav.

Yaroslav Lasarevich arrived in half a year at the city of Shtchetin, before which lay the remains of an army slain, and in the midst the head of a knight as big as a large hillock. Then Yaroslav rode round this army, and cried with a loud voice: "Is there not here one living man?" And the Knight's head said: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, whom seekest thou?" At this Yaroslav marvelled greatly; but the Head spoke again: "Wonder not, but tell me whither thou ridest, and what thou seekest."

Then Yaroslav asked: "But who art thou? In what kingdom dost thou dwell, and who are thy father and mother?" And the Head answered: "I am a knight of the Sadonic kingdom, son of the Tsar Prochos, and my name is Raslanei." And Yaroslav said: "Whose armies lie here slain?"

"These hosts belong to the Tsar Fires.h.i.+eld," replied Raslanei, "and a year has not pa.s.sed since I came here and slew them. The cause of the war was that the Tsar had seized upon towns belonging to my father.

But tell me, Yaroslav, how far are you journeying?" Then said Yaroslav: "I am riding to the city of Shtchetin to slay the Tsar Fires.h.i.+eld." But the Head answered: "Sooner will you be slain yourself! I was indeed a powerful knight, feared by all Tsars and knights; at my birth I was six feet tall, and as stout as a man could compa.s.s. When I was ten years old no wild beast, no man on foot, or knight on horse, could stand before me. Now you see how I am grown: my body is sixty feet long, twelve feet between the shoulders, and a feathered shaft can lie between my eyebrows. My head is as big as a brewer's vat; my arms are twenty feet long, and I could not stand my ground against the Tsar. The Tsar is strong, and has a mighty host; sword and scimitar wound him not; fire does not burn, water does not drown him. Yet I have a sword which can wound him, but unluckily I could not wield it, and he struck me down. Nevertheless, I will do you good service, and give you counsel; when you come to the city of Shtchetin and the Tsar Fires.h.i.+eld sees and questions you, answer that you desire to serve him. Then he will bid you follow him; do so, and serve him faithfully, and when he goes out to the chase, accompany him. Then remind him of me, and he will grow sad, but tell him you can get the sword which lies under my head. He will not believe you, but pledge your word, and as soon as you can, come to me, I will lift my head and give you the sword."

Then Yaroslav made his bow, mounted his steed and rode to Shtchetin; and, as he approached the city, the Tsar perceived and accosted him.

Yaroslav dismounted, and falling with his face to the ground, said: "Long years of happiness to thee, O Tsar! Take me, I pray, into thy service." Then the Tsar asked him whence he came, whose son he was, and what was his name. Yaroslav replied: "I have roamed far and wide, and now seek the service of a good lord and master; I was born in the kingdom of the Tsar Kartaus, the son of Prince Lasar, and my name is Yaroslav." Then said the Tsar: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, ride into my city--I want followers." So Yaroslav rode into the city.

One day the Tsar rode out to the chase, and took with him the boyars and knights, and Yaroslav was among them. When they approached the Knight's Head, Yaroslav stood and marvelled at the sight. Then said the Tsar: "Why standest thou there, Yaroslav?" And Yaroslav answered: "O Tsar, I see here a great army lie slain, and this Knight's Head, under which rests a trusty sword." The Tsar sighed and answered: "This Knight has destroyed my army, and I slew him; his sword lies under his head, and I cannot get it. No sword can wound me, no fire burn, no water drown me; this sword alone has the power to slay me."

Then said Yaroslav: "O Tsar, permit me to bring thee the sword." And the Tsar replied: "Do this service and I will set thee above all my knights; but if thou talkest idly, thou shalt be safe neither in water, nor under the earth, nor among the rocks." And so saying, the Tsar returned into the city, and Yaroslav rode up to the Knight's Head and said: "Sir Knight's Head, I trust to thy love and friends.h.i.+p to fulfil thy promise and give me up this sword; for I have given my word to the Tsar to take it to him, and shall die a cruel death if I perform not my promise." But the Knight's Head answered not a word.

Then Yaroslav dismounted from his good steed, fell on his knees before him, and said: "Sir Raslanei, let me die not thus in vain--give me, I pray, the sword from under thee."

Thereupon the Knight Raslanei raised himself, and Yaroslav took the sword, bowed to the Knight's Head, and mounting his steed, rode off to the city of Shtchetin. And on the way he said to himself: "Hitherto I have been victorious over Tsars and knights, but now indeed I am forced to bend before a Knight's Head, and entreat him to give me a sword!"

Raslanei heard this, and cried with a loud voice: "Ho, Sir Knight!

return!" So Yaroslav turned round, and went back to the Head; and the Head reproached him, saying: "Thy sword could not touch my helm." Then Yaroslav fell on the ground and said: "Sir Knight Raslanei, pardon me for having offended thee!" And the Knight's Head answered: "Yaroslav Lasarevich, thy youth and want of understanding have made thee speak thus. Thou hast taken my sword indeed; but even with this thou mayest still lose thy life; nevertheless, I wish thee well, and will teach thee understanding. When thou comest to the city, and the Tsar sees thee, he will descend from his throne for joy, welcome thee in the midst of his Court, and give thee gold and silver and precious stones.

Then deal him a single blow upon his head with the sword; but beware of striking a second blow, or he will revive and kill thee."

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