The People's Common Sense Medical Adviser in Plain English Part 168

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DESQUAMATIVE NEPHRITIS, Bright's Disease, in which epithelial cells escape with the urine.

DIABETES. Defined on page 835.

DIAGNOSIS. The determination of a disease by its symptoms or characteristics.

DIAGNOSTIC. The symptoms by which a disease is distinguished from others.

DIAPh.o.r.eTIC. Medicines which increase perspiration.

DIAPHRAGM. Defined on page 32.

DIATHESIS. Peculiarity of const.i.tution. Predisposition to certain diseases.

DIGESTION. The function by which food pa.s.sing along the alimentary ca.n.a.l is prepared for nutrition.

DILATATION. Increasing in size by Instruments or other agencies.

DILUENTS. Fluids which thin the blood or hold medicines in solution.

DIRECTOR. An instrument having a groove which directs the knife and protects underlying parts from injury.

DISINFECTANTS. Substances which arrest putrefaction.

DISLOCATION. The act of or state of, being forced from its proper situation.

DISTILLED. Separated by heat from other substances and collected by condensation.

DIURETICS. Medicines which increase the flow of urine.

DOUCHE. Dashes of water. An instrument for was.h.i.+ng the nasal membrane.

DRASTICS. Medicines which move the bowels harshly or frequently.

DROPSY. The acc.u.mulation of fluid In the cavities or cellular tissue of the body.

DUODENUM. The first portion of the intestines. Illus. page 44.

DURA MATER. A thick, fibrous membrane lining the skull.

DYSCRASIA. A bad condition of body.

DYSENTERY. A disease characterized by frequent, scanty and _b.l.o.o.d.y_ stools.

DYSMENORRHEA. Difficult or painful menstruation.

DYSPNOEA. Difficult breathing.


EAR, INTERNAL. Defined on page 110. Illus. page 109.

EARTHY PHOSPHATES. The white deposit in urine, composed of phosphoric acid and a base.

ECCHYMOSIS. Black or yellow spots produced by effused blood. Black eye Is an example.

ECLECTIC SCHOOL. See page 294.

ECRASEUR. An instrument which amputates by a loop of wire.

ECZEMATOUS. Of the nature of Eczema. See page 430.

EDEMA (OEDEMA). Puffiness of the skin from the acc.u.mulation of fluid.

General dropsy.

EFFLUVIA. Unpleasant odors or exhalations.

EFFUSION. The pouring out of blood or other fluid.

ELECTROLYSIS. Decomposing or modifying by the application of electricity.

ELIMINATED. Discharged, expelled.

EMACIATION. Leanness in flesh.

EMBRYO. The young of an animal at the beginning of its development in the womb.

EMETICS. Medicines which empty the stomach upwards.

EMMENAGOGUES. Medicines which favor or cause menstruation.

EMPIRICISM. Practicing medicine upon results of experience, generally by a person without a medical education.

ENCEPHALIC TEMPERAMENT. Defined on page 177.

ENDOCARDITIS. Inflammation of the lining membrane of the heart.

ENDOCARDIUM. The lining membrane of the heart

ENDOMETRLTLS. Disease of the lining membrane of the womb.

ENTERIC. Intestinal.

ENTERITIS. Inflammation of the mucous lining of the small intestines.

EPIDEMICS. Diseases which attack a number of persons at the name time: as yellow fever, small-pox, etc.

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