Lost Temple Chapter 84

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Translator: churnie

Not edited

Because of what they did last time, the sealed land of the Golden Dragon has been ruined along with the maze that blocked others from entering in the front, so they didn't have that messy blocking things this time, it was easy to walk in again.

Firstly, Water Dragons led the water stream and washed away the gravel and silt around the sealed land, what was exposed to everyone then was the energy barrier which sealed the Golden Dragon.

The last time because of the dim light, everyone didn't carefully check the location of the sealed land. This time with the help of the Water Dragon Borruns, the sealed land was cleared from the ruins, so this time they were able to see the situation under the energy barrier.

In the round altar-like place, that should be the Golden Dragon which body was pierced by four large chains, firmly locked on the altar, its scales fall off and dying.

The fiery fire dragon who saw the scene in front of him roared, everyone just felt that the temperature around them rising, the volcano on the bottom of the sea seemed to respond to the wrath of the dragon and began to erupt several times.

Anyone who saw the cruel scene of the golden dragon being tortured in front of them couldn't bear to see, let alone the dragon race. Even last time the calm-known Wind Dragon Vega Storm almost burst out his energy, not to mention the impulsive character like Fire Dragon Barakas?

“Calm down!!!” The guns in Abatton's hand hit the dragon in the head: “Do you want to kill them all?”

The force was not really light, smas.h.i.+ng the fire dragon a few steps back till his body was stabilized. However thanks to this, the Fire Dragon Barakas finally calmed down a little, took a look around, because unable to bear the heat of the magma, the Light and Shadow City people began to defend themselves, the fire dragon who rarely bow his head whispered a word: “I'm sorry.”

“It doesn't matter, let's hurry up and find a way to save him.” Cold Wave replied, having been to Thousands Demon Temple, he knew that the Golden Dragon was the self-consciousness of the main brain system. With his own thinking, this Golden Dragon was no longer an ordinary NPC, but a living person. Seeing that he was tortured like this, Cold Wave also couldn't bear it.

“If you blindly break the energy barrier, the four chains of perfusion energy will hang him in an instant.” Abaddon pointed to the chain that ran through the body of the Golden Dragon.

“What should we do?” The Water Dragons was also anxious.

“Don't worry, I'll always help you.” Gently stroking the soft seblue hair, the fallen angel said: “With the energy of the four of you, control the chains and suppress your energy at the moment you open the seal, pull the chain out of the Golden Dragon's body, should it be possible?”

“No problem! Even if we put on our lives, we will do it!” Fire Dragon Barakas said.

“What's the use of your life? Can you not eat again?” The fallen angel retorted and looked at the other ‘s black face with satisfaction, he then turned his head to Black Scorpion Scarred Mark and others and continued, “Do you have the confidence to shoot the feather arrow on the chain at the same time that the energy barrier is destroyed?”

Black Scorpion Scarred Mark visually measured the distance of the chain, it was about 400 yards, for the archers like him, there was no difficulty, the only thing to pay attention to was the timing, once the shot was taken early or late, the Golden Dragon would die.

“There should be no problem.” Six Ways of Reincarnation and I Don't Love ChangEr nodded and promised, Desert Sand Eagle who held the javelin in his hand nodded seriously.

“That's good, for a while, you guys pour all of your energy into their weapons, and then with the weapons as medium, control it the moment it touches the chain!” Abaddon briefly a.s.signed, then he picked up the lightning-shape scepter of the King of G.o.d: “As for the task of unsealing the energy barrier, leave it to me.”

“Wait!” As if Black Scorpion Scarred Mark recalled something, he held Abaddon's arm. “Aren't you a fallen angel? Will you be okay touching the magic of the divine system in this way?”

“Haha…” The fallen angel laughed and didn't answer, the result was imaginable, as a dark faction he couldn't compete with the power of the King of G.o.d, but… saving the Golden Dragon was Borruns' wish…

“You wear this.” Decisively pulled out a pair of white gloves, Black Mark handed it up, this was the isolation glove that the Lich Ludwig gave him when he was in Resiutta a long time ago, wearing this to contact with divine spells will not be harmed.

Didn't know if this glove has any effect on the spells laid by the King of G.o.d, but with one more layer of protection, you could feel a little more secure.

“Thank you…” Abaddon took the isolation gloves and put it on, then he held the lightning-shape scepter and walked to the front of the energy barrier, Black Scorpion Scarred Mark, Six Ways of Reincarnation, I Don't Love ChangEr and Desert Sand Eagle got into position. Behind them stood separately, The Wind Dragon Vega Storm, The Water Dragon Borruns, The Fire Dragon Barakas and The Earth Dragon Antalus.

The look on the faces of the eight people were exceptionally serious, as soon as the battle was made, the weapons in their hands determined the fate of the Golden Dragon..

“Okay, I am going to start!” Abbadon held up the lightning-shape scepter in his hand and began to recite the spell.

“The end of the road to the extinction

The punishment of the Crown of Thorns

Praise my king

To rise the darkness is the honor of the people

To rise the fetter as the freedom of the wind

To rise the reincarnation of the crown-less King…”

The scepter in the hands of the fallen angel flashed a giant snake-like silver lightning, the violent energy hit everyone's body, so they could hardly open their eyes. Probably affected by the energy, the hands of the fallen angel holding the scepter began to bleed, the white gloves were stained with blood and his five facial features were slightly distorted, but the hand holding the scepter was not loosened.

  ”Blocking the Word of the Church”

Cutting off the kindness with maliciousness

I would like to express my humble wishes

Wake up

– The Supreme Dragon! “

As the spell completed, the outer layer of the light barrier, broken into pieces like the broken gla.s.s. At the same time, three feather arrows and a javelin stab the chain locked in the dragon.

The four elements of energy of the earth, water, fire, and wind, bursting off the red, yellow, blue and white dazzling light, wrapped the four chains tightly for a moment, then slowly but steadily pulled the chain an inch away from the Golden Dragon's body. Finally, the four chains were separated from the body of the Golden Dragon. Everyone's breath tightened in the chest finally spit out.

The four giant dragons that consumed too much energy were like the fallen angel who were previously harmed by divine energy, fainted on the ground. But at this time, those four chains which were like dying poisonous snakes attacked the golden dragon with no resistance.

“!!!” Before the screaming had been blurted out, a white light temporarily blinded the eyes. When the recovery came, those four chains were lying on the ground harmlessly, there was obviously no threat, the golden dragon was still lying in place, the weak undulations of his body showed that he was still breathing.

When everyone was at a loss, a system prompted: “Congratulations to the players of the Light and Shadow City successfully completing the main mission of rescuing the Golden Dragon, after the Lost Temple succeed in Angel race and the Demon race, a new hidden dragon race appeared. The system will be automatically updated, the players are required to go offline within three minutes, this update is expected to be seven days.”

The Light and Shadow City people looked at each other, this d.a.m.n system! They were desperately trying to complete the mission, it turned out to be to start the race mission! Not to mention a little bit of benefits, it was simply making wedding dress for others to marry*! ! ! The angry people gritted their teeth and the system kicked them out of the game interface before they could say anything.

(T/n: 为他人作嫁衣裳 Making wedding dress for others to marry is a seven-character poem, written by Qin Yuyu in the Tang Dynasty. Literally meant: giving others a wedding dress and watching people marry happily. The deeper meaning is: that when you are busy, you don't get any benefit, but it's a good thing for others).

“Hua~~~~~~” With a long sigh of relief, Black Scorpion Scarred Mark climbing up from the game capsule, the long and intense fighting made him a little tired.

Just about to speak, a zoomed face in front of his eyes made him jumping in fright: “What are you doing, Randy!” Frightened he pressed his hands against his chest, so he was easily calming down his heart that was beating out of shocked, Black Scorpion Scarred Mark looked at Randy and grumbled.

“Master, look, look!” Randy did not care at all, instead he sent the things in his hands to Black Scorpion Scarred Mark —— It was a miniature version of the Golden Dragon, probably only the size of a kitten, the golden wings were gathered up, cutely leaned on Randy's arms.

………………Black Scorpion Scarred Mark silent for a moment, then suddenly shouted: “Silence!!!!! Silence!!!”

“What's wrong?” Falling To The Silence who just climbed out of the game capsule ran over in a hurry.

“He…he…he…” Black Scorpion Scarred Mark pointed to the little dragon in Randy's hands of Randy, incoherently talked.

“Oh.” Compared to the panic of Black Scorpion Scarred Mark's panicky, Falling To The Silence seemed indifferent.

“Randy is abducting the Golden Dragon!” Black Scorpion Scarred Mark took a deep breath and finally found his language function that he once lost.

“Oh.” Falling To The Silence still being indifferent.

“That is Lost Temple's main brain!” Black Scorpion Scarred Mark added a sentence unwillingly.

“Oh.” The other party remained indifferent.

“I said…” Black Scorpion Scarred Mark finally reacted, he dangerously narrowed his eyes and glanced back and forth between Randy and Silence's faces. “Are you guys colluded beforehand?”

“Cough…” Randy coughed and blushed, obviously he hadn't learned to lie in front of his master.

“Well, leaving a consciousness body with an independent thinking in the game, those group of people are not at ease after all, it is better to let them think that they have failed during the mission, so that the self-consciousness of the main brain is damaged. Anyway, without Xiao Huang(little yellow), the operation of Lost Temple will not be affected.” Knowing that himself in the wrong, Falling To The Silence gave a rarely long list of explanation.

“Xiao Huang?” Even the name given was getting better… You guys kept me in the dark bring me suffering! The veins on Black Scorpion Scarred Mark's temples bounced…

“Uh… that, master…” Randy was holding the little dragon in his arms and carefully popping his head out of the brain machine: “His Majesty Lucifer asked me to tell you, thank you,and please take good care of him…”

“d.a.m.n! You are all colluded so well!!!!!! Hey… let go… let me go…” Black Scorpion Scarred Mark's underlying anger was finally broke out.

The roar toward the sky hadn't yet come out and completely vented out, it suddenly stopped halfway, there was a smile in the corner of Falling To The Silence's mouth, one hand firmly held Black Scorpion Scarred Mark's backside and he other hand made a gesture at Randy.

The latter readily following good advice, holding the little dragon and immediately hid in the machine —— they used to said to the children : do not look at improper things, do not look at improper thing, do not look at improper thing…

What? You want to ask them what happened? Heheheh~~~~~~~

Who knows…..


The author wants to say something:

The slavery has end, after a long time i have been beaten seriously, thanks to everyone who accompanied me to the end, without you there wouldn't be this writings~~~~~~ Finally, I would like to ask everyone's opinions, is everyone planning to continue to watch the outside world (the extra chapter)? Or are you still hoping me to begin rewriting/editing the text? Please leave a message, give us a piece of advice.

The Translator wants to say something:

I'm done~~~~~~ ?

Finally finish translating by my self… Thank you google, bing, yabla, baidu, my short-term editor, my site admin, and READERS…. It has been more than a year to finish this novel….still lack so many things, you have to understand because it's all machine-ing. English and Chinese were neither my mother language. I just can kowtow to you in apologize.

Watch drama King's Avatar on WeTv apps (free, with wifi/data) this is a Game Online drama from a game online novel, the novel consist of ±1800 chapters, yes..more than thousands chapters, if you watch it, it's like making your imagination came true, they fight and talked inside the game like this Lost Temple, and my little wish is that Tencent will also produce Lost Temple into live action drama ? so that i can watch the fighting scene in the game. Not a problem with the ban, brotherhood/bromance is okay.

The last is for those who posting this novel translation in their site to gain money, without even contributing a little effort to this translation, i know you guys existed, G.o.d bless you. it's a messy translation anyway. just for my fun and my thirst of Online Game novels.


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