Shakespeare's First Folio Part 657

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Eno. Our great Nauies rig'd

Eros. For Italy and Caesar, more Domitius, My Lord desires you presently: my Newes I might haue told heareafter

Eno. 'Twillbe naught, but let it be: bring me to Anthony

Eros. Come Sir,


Enter Agrippa, Mecenas, and Caesar.

Caes Contemning Rome he ha's done all this, & more In Alexandria: heere's the manner of't: I'th' Market-place on a Tribunall siluer'd, Cleopatra and himselfe in Chaires of Gold Were publikely enthron'd: at the feet, sat Caesarion whom they call my Fathers Sonne, And all the vnlawfull issue, that their l.u.s.t Since then hath made betweene them. Vnto her, He gaue the stablishment of Egypt, made her Of lower Syria, Cyprus, Lydia, absolute Queene

Mece. This in the publike eye?

Caesar. I'th' common shew place, where they exercise, His Sonnes. .h.i.ther proclaimed the King of Kings, Great Media, Parthia, and Armenia He gaue to Alexander. To Ptolomy he a.s.sign'd, Syria, Silicia, and Phoenetia: she In th' abiliments of the G.o.ddesse Isis That day appeer'd, and oft before gaue audience, As 'tis reported so

Mece. Let Rome be thus inform'd

Agri. Who queazie with his insolence already, Will their good thoughts call from him

Caesar. The people knowes it, And haue now receiu'd his accusations

Agri. Who does he accuse?

Caesar. Caesar, and that hauing in Cicilie s.e.xtus Pompeius spoil'd, we had not rated him His part o'th' Isle. Then does he say, he lent me Some s.h.i.+pping vnrestor'd. Lastly, he frets That Lepidus of the Triumpherate, should be depos'd, And being that, we detaine all his Reuenue

Agri. Sir, this should be answer'd

Caesar. 'Tis done already, and the Messenger gone: I haue told him Lepidus was growne too cruell, That he his high Authority abus'd, And did deserue his change: for what I haue conquer'd, I grant him part: but then in his Armenia, And other of his conquer'd Kingdoms, I demand the like Mec. Hee'l neuer yeeld to that

Caes Nor must not then be yeelded to in this.

Enter Octauia with her Traine.

Octa. Haile Caesar, and my L[ord]. haile most deere Caesar

Caesar. That euer I should call thee Cast-away

Octa. You haue not call'd me so, nor haue you cause

Caes Why haue you stoln vpon vs thus? you come not Like Caesars Sister, The wife of Anthony Should haue an Army for an Vsher, and The neighes of Horse to tell of her approach, Long ere she did appeare. The trees by'th' way Should haue borne men, and expectation fainted, Longing for what it had not. Nay, the dust Should haue ascended to the Roofe of Heauen, Rais'd by your populous Troopes: But you are come A Market-maid to Rome, and haue preuented The ostentation of our loue; which left vnshewne, Is often left vnlou'd: we should haue met you By Sea, and Land, supplying euery Stage With an augmented greeting

Octa. Good my Lord, To come thus was I not constrain'd, but did it On my free-will. My Lord Marke Anthony, Hearing that you prepar'd for Warre, acquainted My greeued eare withall: whereon I begg'd His pardon for returne

Caes Which soone he granted, Being an abstract 'tweene his l.u.s.t, and him

Octa. Do not say so, my Lord

Caes I haue eyes vpon him, And his affaires come to me on the wind: wher is he now?

Octa. My Lord, in Athens

Caesar. No my most wronged Sister, Cleopatra Hath nodded him to her. He hath giuen his Empire Vp to a Wh.o.r.e, who now are leuying The Kings o'th' earth for Warre. He hath a.s.sembled, Bochus the King of Lybia, Archilaus Of Cappadocia, Philadelphos King Of Paphlagonia: the Thracian King Adullas, King Manchus of Arabia, King of Pont, Herod of Iewry, Mithridates King Of Comageat, Polemen and Amintas, The Kings of Mede, and Licoania, With a more larger List of Scepters

Octa. Aye me most wretched, That haue my heart parted betwixt two Friends, That does afflict each other

Caes Welcom hither: your Letters did with-holde our breaking forth Till we perceiu'd both how you were wrong led, And we in negligent danger: cheere your heart, Be you not troubled with the time, which driues O're your content, these strong necessities, But let determin'd things to destinie Hold vnbewayl'd their way. Welcome to Rome, Nothing more deere to me: You are abus'd Beyond the marke of thought: and the high G.o.ds To do you Iustice, makes his Ministers Of vs, and those that loue you. Best of comfort, And euer welcom to vs

Agrip. Welcome Lady

Mec. Welcome deere Madam, Each heart in Rome does loue and pitty you, Onely th' adulterous Anthony, most large In his abhominations, turnes you off, And giues his potent Regiment to a Trull That noyses it against vs

Octa. Is it so sir?

Caes Most certaine: Sister welcome: pray you Be euer knowne to patience. My deer'st Sister.


Enter Cleopatra, and En.o.barbus.

Cleo. I will be euen with thee, doubt it not

Eno. But why, why, why?

Cleo. Thou hast forespoke my being in these warres, And say'st it is not fit

Eno. Well: is it, is it

Cleo. If not, denounc'd against vs, why should not we be there in person

En.o.b. Well, I could reply: if wee should serue with Horse and Mares together, the Horse were meerly lost: the Mares would beare a Soldiour and his Horse

Cleo. What is't you say?

En.o.b. Your presence needs must puzle Anthony, Take from his heart, take from his Braine, from's time, What should not then be spar'd. He is already Traduc'd for Leuity, and 'tis said in Rome, That Photinus an Eunuch, and your Maides Mannage this warre

Cleo. Sinke Rome, and their tongues rot That speake against vs. A Charge we beare i'th' Warre, And as the president of my Kingdome will Appeare there for a man. Speake not against it, I will not stay behinde.

Enter Anthony and Camidias.

Eno. Nay I haue done, here comes the Emperor

Ant. Is it not strange Camidius, That from Tarientum, and Brandusium, He could so quickly cut the Ionian Sea, And take in Troine. You haue heard on't (Sweet?) Cleo. Celerity is neuer more admir'd, Then by the negligent

Ant. A good rebuke, Which might haue well becom'd the best of men To taunt at slacknesse. Camidius, wee Will fight with him by Sea

Cleo. By Sea, what else?

Cam. Why will my Lord, do so?

Ant. For that he dares vs too't

En.o.b. So hath my Lord, dar'd him to single fight

Cam. I, and to wage this Battell at Pharsalia, Where Caesar fought with Pompey. But these offers Which serue not for his vantage, he shakes off, And so should you

En.o.b. Your s.h.i.+ppes are not well mann'd, Your Marriners are Militers, Reapers, people Ingrost by swift Impresse. In Caesars Fleete, Are those, that often haue 'gainst Pompey fought, Their s.h.i.+ppes are yare, yours heauy: no disgrace Shall fall you for refusing him at Sea, Being prepar'd for Land

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