Shakespeare's First Folio Part 347

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Draw men, for all this priuiledged place, Blew Coats to Tawny Coats. Priest, beware your Beard, I meane to tugge it, and to cuffe you soundly.

Vnder my feet I stampe thy Cardinalls Hat: In spight of Pope, or dignities of Church, Here by the Cheekes Ile drag thee vp and downe

Winch. Gloster, thou wilt answere this before the Pope

Glost. Winchester Goose, I cry, a Rope, a Rope.

Now beat them hence, why doe you let them stay?

Thee Ile chase hence, thou Wolfe in Sheepes array.

Out Tawney-Coates, out Scarlet Hypocrite.

Here Glosters men beat out the Cardinalls men, and enter in the hurly-burly the Maior of London, and his Officers.

Maior. Fye Lords, that you being supreme Magistrates, Thus contumeliously should breake the Peace

Glost. Peace Maior, thou know'st little of my wrongs: Here's Beauford, that regards nor G.o.d nor King, Hath here distrayn'd the Tower to his vse

Winch. Here's Gloster, a Foe to Citizens, One that still motions Warre, and neuer Peace, O're-charging your free Purses with large Fines; That seekes to ouerthrow Religion, Because he is Protector of the Realme; And would haue Armour here out of the Tower, To Crowne himselfe King, and suppresse the Prince

Glost. I will not answer thee with words, but blowes.

Here they skirmish againe.

Maior. Naught rests for me, in this tumultuous strife, But to make open Proclamation.

Come Officer, as lowd as e're thou canst, cry: All manner of men, a.s.sembled here in Armes this day, against G.o.ds Peace and the Kings, wee charge and command you, in his Highnesse Name, to repayre to your seuerall dwelling places, and not to weare, handle, or vse any Sword, Weapon, or Dagger hence-forward, vpon paine of death

Glost. Cardinall, Ile be no breaker of the Law: But we shall meet, and breake our minds at large

Winch. Gloster, wee'le meet to thy cost, be sure: Thy heart-blood I will haue for this dayes worke

Maior. Ile call for Clubs, if you will not away: This Cardinall's more haughtie then the Deuill

Glost. Maior farewell: thou doo'st but what thou may'st

Winch. Abhominable Gloster, guard thy Head, For I intend to haue it ere long.


Maior. See the Coast clear'd, and then we will depart.

Good G.o.d, these n.o.bles should such stomacks beare, I my selfe fight not once in fortie yeere.


Enter the Master Gunner of Orleance, and his Boy.

M.Gunner. Sirrha, thou know'st how Orleance is besieg'd, And how the English haue the Suburbs wonne

Boy. Father I know, and oft haue shot at them, How e're vnfortunate, I miss'd my ayme

M.Gunner. But now thou shalt not. Be thou rul'd by me: Chiefe Master Gunner am I of this Towne, Something I must doe to procure me grace: The Princes espyals haue informed me, How the English, in the Suburbs close entrencht, Went through a secret Grate of Iron Barres, In yonder Tower, to ouer-peere the Citie, And thence discouer, how with most aduantage They may vex vs with Shot or with a.s.sault.

To intercept this inconuenience, A Peece of Ordnance 'gainst it I haue plac'd, And euen these three dayes haue I watcht, If I could see them. Now doe thou watch, For I can stay no longer.

If thou spy'st any, runne and bring me word, And thou shalt finde me at the Gouernors.


Boy. Father, I warrant you, take you no care, Ile neuer trouble you, if I may spye them.


Enter Salisbury and Talbot on the Turrets, with others.

Salisb. Talbot, my life, my ioy, againe return'd?

How wert thou handled, being Prisoner?

Or by what meanes got's thou to be releas'd?

Discourse I prethee on this Turrets top

Talbot. The Earle of Bedford had a Prisoner, Call'd the braue Lord Ponton de Santrayle, For him was I exchang'd, and ransom'd.

But with a baser man of Armes by farre, Once in contempt they would haue barter'd me: Which I disdaining, scorn'd, and craued death, Rather then I would be so pil'd esteem'd: In fine, redeem'd I was as I desir'd.

But O, the trecherous Falstaffe wounds my heart, Whom with my bare fists I would execute, If I now had him brought into my power

Salisb. Yet tell'st thou not, how thou wert entertain'd

Tal. With scoffes and scornes, and contumelious taunts, In open Market-place produc't they me, To be a publique spectacle to all: Here, sayd they, is the Terror of the French, The Scar-Crow that affrights our Children so.

Then broke I from the Officers that led me, And with my nayles digg'd stones out of the ground, To hurle at the beholders of my shame.

My grisly countenance made others flye, None durst come neere, for feare of suddaine death.

In Iron Walls they deem'd me not secure: So great feare of my Name 'mongst them were spread, That they suppos'd I could rend Barres of Steele, And spurne in pieces Posts of Adamant.

Wherefore a guard of chosen Shot I had, That walkt about me euery Minute while: And if I did but stirre out of my Bed, Ready they were to shoot me to the heart.

Enter the Boy with a Linstock.

Salisb. I grieue to heare what torments you endur'd, But we will be reueng'd sufficiently.

Now it is Supper time in Orleance: Here, through this Grate, I count each one, And view the Frenchmen how they fortifie: Let vs looke in, the sight will much delight thee: Sir Thomas Gargraue, and Sir William Glansdale, Let me haue your expresse opinions, Where is best place to make our Batt'ry next?

Gargraue. I thinke at the North Gate, for there stands Lords

Glansdale. And I heere, at the Bulwarke of the Bridge

Talb. For ought I see, this Citie must be famisht, Or with light Skirmishes enfeebled.

Here they shot, and Salisbury falls downe.

Salisb. O Lord haue mercy on vs, wretched sinners

Gargraue. O Lord haue mercy on me, wofull man

Talb. What chance is this, that suddenly hath crost vs?

Speake Salisbury; at least, if thou canst, speake: How far'st thou, Mirror of all Martiall men?

One of thy Eyes, and thy Cheekes side struck off?

Accursed Tower, accursed fatall Hand, That hath contriu'd this wofull Tragedie.

In thirteene Battailes, Salisbury o'recame: Henry the Fift he first trayn'd to the Warres.

Whil'st any Trumpe did sound, or Drum struck vp, His Sword did ne're leaue striking in the field.

Yet liu'st thou Salisbury? though thy speech doth fayle, One Eye thou hast to looke to Heauen for grace.

The Sunne with one Eye vieweth all the World.

Heauen be thou gracious to none aliue, If Salisbury wants mercy at thy hands.

Beare hence his Body, I will helpe to bury it.

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