Shakespeare's First Folio Part 252

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Flo. O Perdita: what haue we twaine forgot?

'Pray you a word

Cam. What I doe next, shall be to tell the King Of this escape, and whither they are bound; Wherein, my hope is, I shall so preuaile, To force him after: in whose company I shall re-view Sicilia; for whose sight, I haue a Womans Longing

Flo. Fortune speed vs: Thus we set on (Camillo) to th' Sea-side

Cam. The swifter speed, the better.


Aut. I vnderstand the businesse, I heare it: to haue an open eare, a quick eye, and a nimble hand, is necessary for a Cut-purse; a good Nose is requisite also, to smell out worke for th' other Sences. I see this is the time that the vniust man doth thriue. What an exchange had this been, without boot? What a boot is here, with this exchange?

Sure the G.o.ds doe this yeere conniue at vs, and we may doe any thing extempore. The Prince himselfe is about a peece of Iniquitie (stealing away from his Father, with his Clog at his heeles:) if I thought it were a peece of honestie to acquaint the King withall, I would not do't: I hold it the more knauerie to conceale it; and therein am I constant to my Profession.

Enter Clowne and Shepheard.

Aside, aside, here is more matter for a hot braine: Euery Lanes end, euery Shop, Church, Session, Hanging, yeelds a carefull man worke

Clowne. See, see: what a man you are now? there is no other way, but to tell the King she's a Changeling, and none of your flesh and blood

Shep. Nay, but heare me

Clow. Nay; but heare me

Shep. Goe too then

Clow. She being none of your flesh and blood, your flesh and blood ha's not offended the King, and so your flesh and blood is not to be punish'd by him. Shew those things you found about her (those secret things, all but what she ha's with her:) This being done, let the Law goe whistle: I warrant you

Shep. I will tell the King all, euery word, yea, and his Sonnes prancks too; who, I may say, is no honest man, neither to his Father, nor to me, to goe about to make me the Kings Brother in Law

Clow. Indeed Brother in Law was the farthest off you could haue beene to him, and then your Blood had beene the dearer, by I know how much an ounce

Aut. Very wisely (Puppies.) Shep. Well: let vs to the King: there is that in this Farth.e.l.l, will make him scratch his Beard

Aut. I know not what impediment this Complaint may be to the flight of my Master

Clo. 'Pray heartily he be at' Pallace

Aut. Though I am not naturally honest, I am so sometimes by chance: Let me pocket vp my Pedlers excrement.

How now (Rustiques) whither are you bound?

Shep. To th' Pallace (and it like your Wors.h.i.+p.) Aut. Your Affaires there? what? with whom? the Condition of that Farth.e.l.l? the place of your dwelling?

your names? your ages? of what hauing? breeding, and any thing that is fitting to be knowne, discouer?

Clo. We are but plaine fellowes, Sir

Aut. A Lye; you are rough, and hayrie: Let me haue no lying; it becomes none but Trades-men, and they often giue vs (Souldiers) the Lye, but wee pay them for it with stamped Coyne, not stabbing Steele, therefore they doe not giue vs the Lye

Clo. Your Wors.h.i.+p had like to haue giuen vs one, if you had not taken your selfe with the manner

Shep. Are you a Courtier, and't like you Sir?

Aut. Whether it like me, or no, I am a Courtier. Seest thou not the ayre of the Court, in these enfoldings? Hath not my gate in it, the measure of the Court? Receiues not thy Nose Court-Odour from me? Reflect I not on thy Basenesse, Court-Contempt? Think'st thou, for that I insinuate, at toaze from thee thy Businesse, I am therefore no Courtier? I am Courtier Capape; and one that will eyther push-on, or pluck-back, thy Businesse there: whereupon I command thee to open thy Affaire

Shep. My Businesse, Sir, is to the King

Aut. What Aduocate ha'st thou to him?

Shep. I know not (and't like you.) Clo. Aduocate's the Court-word for a Pheazant: say you haue none

Shep. None, Sir: I haue no Pheazant c.o.c.k, nor Hen

Aut. How blessed are we, that are not simple men?

Yet Nature might haue made me as these are, Therefore I will not disdaine

Clo. This cannot be but a great Courtier

Shep. His Garments are rich, but he weares them not handsomely

Clo. He seemes to be the more n.o.ble, in being fantasticall: A great man, Ile warrant; I know by the picking on's Teeth

Aut. The Farth.e.l.l there? What's i'th' Farth.e.l.l?

Wherefore that Box?

Shep. Sir, there lyes such Secrets in this Farth.e.l.l and Box, which none must know but the King, and which hee shall know within this houre, if I may come to th' speech of him

Aut. Age, thou hast lost thy labour

Shep. Why Sir?

Aut. The King is not at the Pallace, he is gone aboord a new s.h.i.+p, to purge Melancholy, and ayre himselfe: for if thou bee'st capable of things serious, thou must know the King is full of griefe

Shep. So 'tis said (Sir:) about his Sonne, that should haue marryed a Shepheards Daughter

Aut. If that Shepheard be not in hand-fast, let him flye; the Curses he shall haue, the Tortures he shall feele, will breake the back of Man, the heart of Monster

Clo. Thinke you so, Sir?

Aut. Not hee alone shall suffer what Wit can make heauie, and Vengeance bitter; but those that are Iermaine to him (though remou'd fiftie times) shall all come vnder the Hang-man: which, though it be great pitty, yet it is necessarie. An old Sheepe-whistling Rogue, a Ram-tender, to offer to haue his Daughter come into grace? Some say hee shall be ston'd: but that death is too soft for him (say I:) Draw our Throne into a Sheep-Coat? all deaths are too few, the sharpest too easie

Clo. Ha's the old-man ere a Sonne Sir (doe you heare) and't like you, Sir?

Aut. Hee ha's a Sonne: who shall be flayd aliue, then 'noynted ouer with Honey, set on the head of a Waspes Nest, then stand till he be three quarters and a dram dead: then recouer'd againe with Aquavite, or some other hot Infusion: then, raw as he is (and in the hotest day Prognostication proclaymes) shall he be set against a Brick-wall, (the Sunne looking with a South-ward eye vpon him; where hee is to behold him, with Flyes blown to death.) But what talke we of these Traitorly-Rascals, whose miseries are to be smil'd at, their offences being so capitall?

Tell me (for you seeme to be honest plaine men) what you haue to the King: being something gently consider'd, Ile bring you where he is aboord, tender your persons to his presence, whisper him in your behalfes; and if it be in man, besides the King, to effect your Suites, here is man shall doe it

Clow. He seemes to be of great authoritie: close with him, giue him Gold; and though Authoritie be a stubborne Beare, yet hee is oft led by the Nose with Gold: shew the in-side of your Purse to the out-side of his hand, and no more adoe. Remember ston'd, and flay'd aliue

Shep. And't please you (Sir) to vndertake the Businesse for vs, here is that Gold I haue: Ile make it as much more, and leaue this young man in, till I bring it you

Aut. After I haue done what I promised?

Shep. I Sir

Aut. Well, giue me the Moitie: Are you a partie in this Businesse?

Clow. In some sort, Sir: but though my case be a pittifull one, I hope I shall not be flayd out of it

Aut. Oh, that's the case of the Shepheards Sonne: hang him, hee'le be made an example

Clow. Comfort, good comfort: We must to the King, and shew our strange sights: he must know 'tis none of your Daughter, nor my Sister: wee are gone else. Sir, I will giue you as much as this old man do's, when the Businesse is performed, and remaine (as he sayes) your till it be brought you

Aut. I will trust you. Walke before toward the Seaside, goe on the right hand, I will but looke vpon the Hedge, and follow you

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