Frank Merriwell's Athletes Part 58

Frank Merriwell's Athletes -

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"You have not won it."

"Haven't? I think you are mistaken. Didn't you see--"

"I saw the fellow get on Firebrand's back and stay there a short time, but that was all."

"That was enough."

"He did not break the broncho."

"I didn't bet that he would. I bet he would ride any horse on the ranch, and he has done it. The money is mine."

"Pecos Pete would have broken the animal. Merriwell must do that before the money is yours."

"Not much," smiled Frank, who came up in time to overhear the man's words. "I heard the terms of the wager, and Hodge wins. He bet I could ride the horse, and I will leave it to anybody present if I did not do so. I did not agree to break the creature, and I did not try. That's all."

"You didn't ride long enough."

"No time was stipulated. I will leave it to the men here if I did not ride long enough to prove that I could ride the animal."

"Yes! yes! yes!" was the shout that went up.

"And I shall pay the money to Mr. Hodge," said Bill Rodney. "He won it all right, or Mr. Merriwell won it fer him."

He gave the money to Bart, and the cowboys cheered.

With an angry exclamation, Indian Charlie turned and walked away.


Frank was the hero of Rodney's ranch. He had caused two great sensations, one by his encounter with Indian Charlie, and the other by his skill in riding the broncho.

Sadie Rodney congratulated him, offering him her hand.

Inza fancied Sadie held to Frank's hand in a manner that was extremely significant, and she did not like it at all.

From a distance Indian Charlie saw this, and again he ground his teeth.

"She is stuck on that fellow!" he thought. "I can see that. She thinks him something wonderful, and I stand no show with her now. Wait! I am not done with him. My opportunity may come before the tournament is over."

Then he withdrew to think up some manner in which he could "do up"


Frank was dripping with perspiration, and the party of "tenderfeet"

withdrew to the shelter of the veranda, where they sat in hammocks and easy-chairs, while they refreshed themselves with cooling drinks.

With the next party that arrived at the ranch was a mother and her two daughters, and one or more females continued to come in with every party that appeared after that.

By eleven o'clock in the forenoon several hundred people had a.s.sembled, and the "tenderfeet" were not backward in entertaining the prettiest of the girls who were there.

A big picnic dinner was served, and all the guests received something to eat.

The sports were to begin immediately after dinner, but the cowboys had amused themselves during the forenoon by numerous tricks and games of their own, besides telling stories and discussing the remarkable youngster from the East who had ridden Firebrand.

Indian Charlie held aloof. He was still angry and had not given over his determination to "fix" Frank.

"He will take a hand in the sports this afternoon," thought Charlie.

"Then my time will come. He had better look out!"

He did not wish to injure Frank in an underhand way, but he had found the boy from the East could more than take care of himself when given a fair show.

"If I had not seen that Sadie Rodney is stuck on him, I don't know as I should care so much," thought Charlie.

He tried to chat with Sadie, but she shunned him, which simply added to his rage. Then he watched for his chance to find her alone.

He found it.

"I wish to speak with you, Sadie," he said, hurrying to her side.

"Miss Rodney, if you please," she said, rather sharply.

"Oh, all right!" grated Charlie. "You have permitted me to call you by your given name at times in the past."

"I may have permitted it without being at all pleased by such familiarity."

Charlie's face flushed.

"Something has happened to change you," he grated, "and I know what it is."


"You used to think I was not such a bad fellow."

"Perhaps I did not know you as well as I know you now."

"It was not that. You did not know some one else."


"Yes, you did not know this tenderfoot with the swelled head."

"Who is the tenderfoot with the swelled head?"

"Frank Merriwell."

"Oh, I don't know! He seems to be all right."

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