Christ: The Way, the Truth, and the Life Part 22

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23. John viii. 12; and this will encourage the poor souls to go out to him with their darkness, when they see that he is sent as a Light and as the Truth, to clear up poor souls that walk in darkness and have no light. When they see that it is his place and office to help them, and consider that he is true to his trust, and true and faithful in all that was committed to him, it not only will embolden them to come forward to him, but it will strengthen their hope, and encourage them to wait on.

(4.) They would stay themselves on him as an all-sufficient helper, renouncing all other, crying out, that they will have no light but his light, and that they will seek no where else for light, but wait at his door, till he, who is the Sun of Righteousness, shall arise in their soul, and come with healing light in his wings.

(5.) They would by faith roll and cast their darkened souls, their confused case, their overwhelmed hearts on him, and leave them there; for he is the only physician; and the blind soul must be put in his hand, who can take away the film, and cause the scales fall off, and make light break into the soul and discover unto it its condition.

(6.) It would be useful and very steadable, in such a time of darkness, for the believer to be frequent in acting direct acts of faith on Christ; that is, be frequent in going to him as an all-sufficient Mediator, as the only refuge and shadow for a poor, weary, scorched soul, Isa. iv. 6. "And a man shall be as an hiding-place from the wind, and a covert from the tempest, as rivers of water in a dry place, as the shadow of a great rock in a weary land," Isa. x.x.xii. 2; "as one who is a strength to the needy in his distress, a refuge from the storm, a shadow from the heat," &c. Isa. xxv, 4. When the soul is thus overwhelmed with clouds, and doubteth of its interest in Christ, it would then put it out of doubt, by flying to him for refuge from the storm of G.o.d's indignation, and lay hold on him as he is freely offered in the gospel, and thus renew its grips of him as the offered all-sufficient Mediator, and frequent direct acts of faith will help at length to a reflex act.

The soul that is daily running to Christ, according to the covenant, with all its necessities, and laying hold on him as only able to help, will at length come to see that it hath believed on him, and is made welcome by him, and accepted through him. So that reiterated acts of faith on an offered cautioner and salvation, will dispel at length those clouds of darkness that trouble the soul.

7. Such souls would beware of making their bands stronger, and their darkness greater, by their folly and unwise carriage; for this cause they would beware,

(1.) To cry out in despondency of spirit as if there were no hope, and to conclude peremptorily, that they are cut off, and it is vain to wait any longer; for this course will but darken them the more, and multiply the clouds over their head.

(2.) To run away from Christ through unbelief and despair, for that will make their case yet worse.

(3.) To walk untenderly and not circ.u.mspectly; for the more sins appear, the less light will be had. O but souls would be tender in all their conversation at that time, and guard against the least sin or appearance of evil!

(4.) To fret and repine against G.o.d, because of that dispensation; for that will but entangle the soul more, and wreathe the yoke straiter about its neck, and put itself further out of case to be relieved and to receive light.

8. Such would do well not to limit the Holy One of Israel, but to wait with patience till his time come to speak in light to the soul, knowing that such as wait upon him shall never be ashamed, Isa. xlix. 23, because he waiteth to be gracious; and therefore blessed are all they that wait upon him, Isa. x.x.x. 18.

_Quest._ But what if for all this I get no outgate, but my distress and darkness rather grow upon my hand? _Ans._ That such a thing may be, I grant, the Lord thinking it fit. (1.) To exercise their faith, dependence, patience, hope, and desire more. (2.) And to discover more unto them their own weakness, faintings, faithfulness. (3.) To shew his absolute power and sovereignty. (4.) To make his grace and mercy more conspicuous and remarkable at length. And, (5.) to train them up in a way of dependence on him in the dark, and of leaning to him when walking in darkness, yea, and in a way of believing when they think they have no faith at all, and for other holy ends. Yet the soul would not despond, for there are several things that may serve to support and bear up the heart even in that case, as,

1. This is not their case alone, others have been in the like before, and many have had the like complaints in all ages, as is known to such as have been acquainted with exercised souls.

2. It may yield peace and comfort to know that they are about duty when looking to him, and depending upon him, and waiting for his light.

3. The promises made to such as wait for him may support the soul and yield comfort.

4. The distinct knowledge and uptaking of their condition, though it be comfortable and refres.h.i.+ng, yet it is not absolutely necessary. A soul may be a saved soul, though those clouds should continue to its dying day; and though, as long as they lived, they should never get a clear discovery of their gracious state, but spend their days in mourning, complaining, and crying out of darkness.

5. Such a soul should think that it is much that he is kept out of h.e.l.l so long; and sure, the thoughts of what he is, and of what he deserveth, may make him sober, and not to think much, though he reach not so high as to see his name written in the book of life.

6. They should know that full a.s.surance of hope and of faith is but rare: and even such as have it do not ordinarily keep it long; so that it should not much trouble them, if, after all their pains, they cannot win at it.

7. If they win to any real ground of hope, how small soever, they should think much of that; for many dear to Christ live long, and never know what so much is.

8. It is no small matter that they are not sinking in the gulf of inconsideration, and plagued with an indifferency in these matters, but are made to value Christ and an interest in him at such a rate.

9. Their going to Christ with all their wants, laying all on him, and their making that their daily exercise, may keep up their hearts from fainting, yea, and fill their souls with joy; for that is really the exercise of faith. And the great and gracious promises are made to such as believe, and not to such only as know they do believe. I grant such as know not that they do believe, cannot draw comfort from these promises; yet it is true that one may, by reflecting on the actings of his own soul, see and know that really he is going out to Christ, forsaking himself, casting his burden on him, waiting and depending upon him; when yet he will not say that he doth believe. And when he seeth this working of soul towards Christ, he is obliged to believe that he believeth, and thereupon rejoice in hope of the great promises. And however the very sight and knowledge of this acting and motion of soul may give them some comfort, though they shall not take it for faith, because it is the way of duty, and it is the thing the gospel calleth for, and because they cannot show an instance of anyone soul that did so, and perished. But the truth is, the right understanding of the nature of faith would clear many doubts, and prevent many questions.

I come to speak a little to the last case which I shall handle, which is,



This is a case that much troubleth the people of G.o.d,--they cannot get right and suitable thoughts of G.o.d, which they earnestly desire to have, nor know not how to win at them; and certain it is, he only who is the Truth, and came out of the bosom of the Father, can help here. Therefore for our use-making of him for this end, it would be remembered,

1. That the mind of man, through the fall, is nothing but a ma.s.s of ignorance and blindness; that "the understanding is darkened," Eph. iv.

17, 18; "and naturally we are in darkness," 1 John ii. 9, 11; "yea, under the power of darkness," Col. i. 13; and, which is more, our minds are naturally filled with prejudice against G.o.d, and enmity, through wickedness naturally residing there, and which the prince of the power of the air, the spirit which worketh in the children of disobedience, increaseth and stirreth up.

2. That this evil is not totally taken away, even in the G.o.dly, but helped only in part; for they see and know but in part, 1 Cor. xiii. 13.

3. That hence it cometh to pa.s.s, that through the working of corruption, the soul of a believer can sometimes win to no right thought of G.o.d at all; or at best to some very narrow and unsuitable conceptions of him and his ways; yea, sometimes, all the thoughts they can get of G.o.d are vain and idle, if not misshapen and blasphemous.

4. That as we are, we cannot see G.o.d; "for no man hath seen him," Matt.

xi. 27. John iv. 46; for he is an invisible G.o.d, 1 Tim. i. 17. Heb. xi.

27. "He dwelleth in light which no man can approach unto. Him no man hath seen, nor can see," 1 Tim. vi. 16. 1 John iv. 12.

5. That all that knowledge of G.o.d which is saving, is to be found in Christ, who is the "brightness of his glory, and the express image of his person," Heb. i. 2; "and the image of the invisible G.o.d," Col. i.

15; and is for this end come out from the bosom of the Father, that he might acquaint us with him, and with all his secrets, John i. 18. Matt.

xi. 27, so far as is needful for us to know. He is G.o.d incarnate, that in him we may see the invisible. Thus "G.o.d is manifest in the flesh," 1 Tim. iii. 16; "and the Word was made flesh, and dwelt among us," John i.


6. That therefore if we would see and know G.o.d, we must go to Christ, who is the temple in which G.o.d dwelleth and manifesteth his glory; and in and through him, must we see and conceive of G.o.d. The light that we get of the knowledge of the glory of G.o.d, must be in the face of Jesus Christ, 2 Cor. iv. 6; that is, in the manifestations that Christ hath made of himself, in his natures, offices, ordinances, works, dispensations of grace, mediate and immediate, &c. And thus doth G.o.d, who commanded the light to s.h.i.+ne out of darkness, "cause this light of the knowledge of his glory s.h.i.+ne into our hearts," viz. in the face of Jesus Christ, that is, in the dispensations of grace in the gospel, which is the glorious gospel of Christ, 2 Cor. iv. 4, and, as it were, the face of Jesus Christ; for as by the face a man is best known and distinguished from others, so Christ is visibly, and discernibly, and manifestly, seen and known, in and by the gospel dispensations; there are all the lineaments and draughts of the glory of G.o.d which we would know, lively and clearly to be seen.

So then, if we would make use of Christ for this end, that we may win to a right sight of G.o.d, and suitable conceptions of his glory, we would consider those things:

1. We would live under the sense and thorough conviction of the greatness and incomprehensibleness of G.o.d, as being every way past finding out; and also under the conviction of our own darkness and incapacity to conceive aright of him, even as to what he hath revealed of himself.

2. We would know, that what the works of creation and providence declare and preach forth of G.o.d, though it be sufficient to make heathens and others that do not improve the same to a right acknowledging of him, inexcusable, as Paul teacheth us, Rom. i. 20; yet all that is short of giving to us that saving knowledge of him, which must be had, and which is life eternal, John xvii. 2.

3. We would know, that what of G.o.d is to be found out by the works of creation and providence, is more distinctly seen in Christ and in the gospel. Here is a greater and more glorious discovery of G.o.d, and of his glorious attributes, his justice, power, wisdom, goodness, holiness, truth, &c. than can be found by the deepest diving naturalist, and most wise moral observer of Providence, that is not taught out of the gospel.

4. Yea, there is something of G.o.d to be seen in Christ, in the gospel, which can be observed in none of his works of, creation or common providence; there is the grace of G.o.d that bringeth salvation, that is made to appear only by the gospel, t.i.tus ii. 11; and there is a peculiar kindness and love of G.o.d towards man, which is only discovered by Christ in the gospel, t.i.tus iii. 4. There is that manifold wisdom of G.o.d, that mystery which was hid from the beginning of the world in G.o.d; that princ.i.p.alities and powers in heavenly places, the greatest and wisest of naturalists must learn by the church, wherein that is preached and proclaimed, by the dispensations of the gospel, Eph. iii. 9, 10. His mercy pardoning poor sinners, justice being satisfied, cannot be cleared by nature. Nature cannot unfold that mystery of justice and mercy, concurring to the salvation of a sinner--only the gospel can clear that riddle.

5. We would remember, that all the beams of that glory which are necessary and useful for us to know, are, to speak so, contracted in Christ, and there vailed, to the end that we may more steadily look upon them. We may go to our Brother, who is flesh of our flesh, and there, through the vail of his flesh, see and behold what otherwise was invisible. As we can look to the sun better s.h.i.+ning in a pail of water, than by looking up immediately; so can we behold G.o.d and his glory better in Christ, where there is a thin vail (to speak so) drawn over that otherwise blinding, yea, killing glory, than by looking to G.o.d without Christ; for, alas! we could not endure one glance of an immediate ray of divine glory: it would kill us outright.

6. We must then go to Christ, and there see G.o.d; for he who seeth him seeth the Father also, John xiv. 9. Particularly, we must go the face of Jesus Christ, that is, that whereby he hath made himself known, the n.o.ble contrivance of the glorious gospel, wherein all things are so carried on, as that G.o.d is glorified in his Son, in the salvation of poor sinners. The whole work of salvation is laid on Christ, and the Father is glorified in him, who is his Servant and his Chosen, whom he upholdeth and furnisheth for the work, Isa. xlii. 1,2. He is called the covenant itself. He is the undertaker in the covenant of redemption and in the covenant of grace; all is founded on him; all the good things of it are given out by him; all the grace by which we close with it, and accept of him according to it, is given by him. Now, in this gospel contrivance are all the lines of the glorious face of Christ to be seen; and in that face must we see and discern the glory of G.o.d, all the rays of which are centered in Christ, and there will we get a n.o.ble prospect of that glorious object. So that all such as would make use of Christ for this end, that they might come to have right and suitable thoughts and apprehensions of G.o.d, must be well acquainted with the whole draught and frame of the gospel; and so acquainted therewith, as to see Christ the substance, ground and all of it, and to see him in every part of it.

7. Whatever we know or learn of G.o.d by his works of creation and providence, in the world or about ourselves, we would bring it in here that it may receive a new tincture and a deeper impression. That is done, when we find and learn something of Christ there, and are brought nearer Christ thereby, and made thereby to discover something more of the glory of G.o.d in the face of Christ; or are made to understand better something of the revelation that is made of G.o.d in the gospel, or moved thereby to improve it better.

8. In all this matter, we must not go without our guide, lest we wander in this wilderness, and it prove a labyrinth to us. We must take Christ with us all along; he must teach us to understand his own face, and to read the glorious characters of that excellent glory which is to be seen in his face. He must be our interpreter, and teach us how to read this book, and how to understand what is written therein; he must give the discerning eye, and the understanding heart; even the spirit of wisdom and understanding, to take up the mysteries of G.o.d.

9. And for this cause, we should by faith lay hold upon the promises of the Spirit, whereby we may be made spiritual, and have our understandings enlightened more and more, to understand the mysterious characters of divine majesty and glory.

10. In all this exercise we should walk with fear, and carry with us impressions of the dreadful majesty and glory of G.o.d, that we may tremble and fear, and stand in awe, and read what we read of this glory of G.o.d in the face of Jesus Christ, this glorious Bible, with reverence and G.o.dly fear. And thus we may be helped to win to right and suitable thoughts of G.o.d; yet withal we should, for


Consider a few things further; as,

1. That we must not think to "search out the Almighty unto perfection,"

Job xi. 7.

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