Taboo and Genetics Part 8

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8. Wallace, Alfred Russel. Narrative of Travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 541 pp. Reeve & Co., London, 1853.

9. Williams, Thomas, and Calvert, James. Fiji and the Fijians. 551 pp.

Appleton. N.Y., 1859.

10. Ploss, Dr Hermann H. Das Weib. 2 vols. Th. Grieben's Verlag.

Leipzig, 1885.

11. Greiger, Ostiranische Kultur. Erlangen, 1882. Quoted from Folkways [6], p. 513.

12. Robertson Smith, W. Religion of the Semites. 508 pp. A. & C. Black.

Edinburgh, 1894.

13. Thompson, R.C. Semitic Magic. 286 pp. Luzac & Co. London, 1908.

14. Ellis, A.B. Ts.h.i.+-speaking Peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa.

343 pp. Chapman & Hall. London, 1887.

15. Powers, Stephen. Tribes of California. Contributions to North American Ethnology, Third Volume. Was.h.i.+ngton, 1877.

16. Morice, Rev. Father A.G. The Canadian Denes. Annual Archeological Report, 1905. Toronto, 1906. Quoted from Frazer, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul.

17. Dawson, James. Australian Aborigines. 111 pp., with Appendix. George Robertson. Melbourne, Sydney, and Adelaide, 1881. Citation from Latin note to Chap. XII.

18. Tregear, Edward. The Maoris of New Zealand. Journal of the Anthropological Inst.i.tute, v. xix, 1889.

19. Armit, Capt. W.E. Customs of the Australian Aborigines. Jour. Anthr.

Inst., ix, 1880, p. 459. See also [18].

20. Ridley, W. Report on Australian Languages and Traditions. Jour.

Anthr. Inst., ii, 1872.

21. Roscoe, Rev. John. Manners and Customs of the Baganda. Jour. Anthr, Inst., x.x.xii, 1902.

22. Zend-Avesta. Sacred Books of the East Series. Oxford 1880, 1883.

23. Leviticus xii.

24. Ellis, A.B. Ewe-speaking Peoples of the Slave Coast of West Africa.

Chapman & Hall. London, 1890. 331 pp.

25. Dall, W.H. Alaska and Its Resources. 627 pp. Lee & Shepard. Boston, 1870.

26. Biddulph, Maj. J. Tribes of the Hindoo Koosh. 164 pp. Gov't.

Printing Office. Calcutta, 1880.

27. Frazer, J.G. The Golden Bough: Part II, Taboo and the Perils of the Soul. 446 pp. Macmillan. London, 1911.

28. Webster, Hutton. Primitive Secret Societies. 227 pp. Macmillan.

N.Y., 1908.

29. Guppy, H.B. The Solomon Islands and Their Natives. 384 pp. Swan Sonnenschein & Co. London, 1887.

30. Melville, H. The Marquesas Islands. 285 pp. John Murray. London, 1846.

31. Taylor, Rev. Richard. Te Ika A Maui, or New Zealand and Its Inhabitants. 713 pp. 2d. ed. Macintosh. London, 1870.

32. Shooter, Rev. Joseph. The Kaffirs of Natal and the Zulu Country. 403 pp. E. Stanford. London, 1857.

33. Jones, Rev. Peter. History of the Ojibway Indians. 217 pp. A.W.

Bennett. London, 1861.

34. Featherman, A. Social History of the Races of Mankind. 5 vols.

Trubner & Co. London, 1881.

35. Ellis, Rev. Wm. Polynesian Researches. 4 vols. G. Bohn. London, 1853.

36. Bishop, Mrs Isabella Bird. Korea and Her Neighbours. 480 pp. Fleming H. Revell Co. N.Y., 1898.

37. Somerville, Lieut. Boyle T. The New Hebrides. Jour. Anthr. Inst., xxiii, 1894.

38. Hall, G. Stanley. Adolescence. 2 vols. Appleton, N.Y., 1904.

39. Musters, G.C. At Home with the Patagoniana. 340 pp. J. Murray.

London, 1873.

40. Hearne, Samuel. A Journey from Prince of Wales's Fort in Hudson's Bay to the Northern Ocean. Publications of the Champlain Society, No. 6.

London, 1795.

41. Low, Hugh. Sarawak. 416 pp. Richard Bentley. London, 1848.

42. Codrington, Rev. R.H. The Melanesians. 419 pp. Oxford, 1891.

43. Romilly, Hugh Hastings. The Western Pacific and New Guinea, 2d. ed., 284 pp. John Murray. London, 1887.

44. Sproat, G.M. Scenes and Studies of Savage Life. 317 pp. Smith, Elder & Co. London, 1868.

45. Wissler, Clark. The American Indian. 435 pp. D.C. McMurtrie. N.Y., 1917.

46. Lawes, W.G. Ethnographical Notes on the Motu, Koitapu, and Koiari Tribes of New Guinea. Jour. Anthr. Inst., viii, 1879.

47. Callaway, Rev. Canon Henry. Religious System of the Amazulu. 448 pp.

Trubner & Co. London, 1870.

48. Crooke, W. Popular Religion and Folklore of Northern India. 2 vols.

Archibald Constable & Co. Westminster, 1896.

49. Crawley, A.E. s.e.xual Taboo. Journ. Anthr. Inst., xxiv, 1895.

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