Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases -
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unity, emphasis, and coherence
unmodulated, cold, and expressionless
unphilosophical, unsystematic, and discursive
unscrupulous, heartless, and hypocritical
unwholesome, bewildering, and unprofitable
unworldly, peaceable, and philosophical
upright, kind-hearted, and blameless
urgent, tumultuous, and incomprehensible
vague, impalpable, and incongruous
vanities, stupidities, and falsehoods
venerable, patriotic, and virtuous
verities, certainties, and realities
vigilant, inveterate, and unresting [inveterate = long established]
vigorous, subtle, and comprehensive
violent, sinister, and rebellious
virtue, genius, and charm
visionary, fraudulent, and empirical
vital, formidable, and dominant
vivid, comprehensible, and striking
vulgarity, ignorance, and misapprehension
waddling, perspiring, and breathless
want, worry, and woe
wasteful, indolent, and evasive
watchful, suspicious, and timid
wealth, position, and influence
wearied, despondent, and bewildered
weight, size, and solidity
well-proportioned, logical, and sane
whimsical, fantastic, and impracticable
wholesome, beautiful, and righteous
wicked, pernicious, and degrading
wild, confused, and dizzy
wilful, wanton, and deliberate
will, energy, and self-control
wisdom, patriotism, and justice
wit, fancy, and imagination
worthless, broken, and defeated
wretchedness, deformity, and malice
wrinkled, careworn, and pale
able, skilful, thorough, and genuine
absolute, complete, unqualified, and final
accurate, precise, exact, and truthful
active, alert, vigorous, and industrious