Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases -
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Protracted to a vexatious length
Proud schemes for aggrandizement
Provocative of bitter hostility
Pruned of their excrescences and grotesque extremes [excrescences = abnormal growth, such as a wart]
Purged of glaringly offensive features
Pursued to a vicious extent
Questioned and tested in the crucible of experience
Quickened into a stabbing suspicion
Quickness to conceive and courage to execute
Quite dest.i.tute of resources
Quixotically generous about money
Radiantly and transparently happy
Railed at the world
Rare candor and flexibility of mind
Rare fidelity of purpose and achievement
Rarely brought to pa.s.s
Reeling headlong in luxury and sensuality
Regarded with sincere abhorrence
Regulated by the fixed rules of good-breeding
Religious rights and ceremonies
Reluctant to appear in so equivocal a character
Render null and void
Rent by internal contentions
Repugnant alike to reason and conscience
Resigned to growing infirmities
Resist a common adversary
Resting on some collateral circ.u.mstance
Rhetorical and ambitious diction
Rich and exuberant complexities
Rigid and exact boundaries
Rooted in immeasurable error and falsity
Roused to tumultuous activity
Rude and blind criticism
Sadly counterbalanced by numerous faults
Said with epigrammatic point [epigrammatic = terse and witty]
Salutary in the extreme
Salutary tonic of a free current of public criticism
Sanity and quietness of soul
Scorned as an impracticable theory
Scornful of petty calculations
Screen themselves from punishment
Scrupulous and chivalrous loyalty
See with eagle glance through conventionalisms
Seem to savor of paradox
Seize the auspicious moment
Self-centered anxiety and preoccupation