Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases -
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Fit closely together as the close-set stones of a building
Fix'd like a beacon-tower above the waves of a tempest
Flame like a flag unfurled
Flap loose and slack like a drooping sail
Flashed with the brilliancy of a well-cut jewel
Fled like sweet dreams
Fleet as an arrow
Flitted like a sylph on wings
Flowers as soft as thoughts of budding love
Fluent as a rill, that wanders silver-footed down a hill
Fluid as thought
Fluttered like gilded b.u.t.terflies in giddy mazes
Fragile as a spider's web
Free as the air, from zone to zone I flew
Free as the winds that caress
Fresh and unworn as the sea that breaks languidly beside them
Fresh as a jewel found but yesterday
Fresh as the first beam glittering on a sail
Frightened like a child in the dark
Full-throated as the sea
Furious as eagles
Gazed like a star into the morning light
Glaring like noontide
Gleam like a diamond on a dancing girl
Glistening like threads of gold
Glitter like a swarm of fire-flies tangled in a silver braid
Glittering like an aigrette of stars [aigrette = ornamental tuft of upright plumes]
Gone astray as a sheep that is lost
Gone like a glow on the cloud at the close of day
Gone like tenants that quit without warning
Gorgeous as the hues of heaven
Grazing through a circulating library as contentedly as cattle in a fresh meadow
Great scarlet poppies lay in drifts and heaps, like bodies fallen there in vain a.s.sault
Hair as harsh as tropical gra.s.s and gray as ashes
Hangs like a blue thread loosen'd from the sky
Hard, sharp, and glittering as a sword
Harnessed men, like beasts of burden, drew it to the river-side
Haunts you like the memory of some former happiness
He began to laugh with that sibilant laugh which resembles the hiss of a serpent [sibilant = producing a hissing sound]
He bent upon the lightning page like some rapt poet o'er his rhyme
He bolted down the stairs like a hare
He clatters like a windmill
He danced like a man in a swarm of hornets
He fell as falls some forest lion, fighting well
He fell down on my threshold like a wounded stag
He had acted exactly like an automaton
He lay as straight as a mummy