Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 171

Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases -

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Magnanimous indifference to meticulous niceties

Making the ear greedy to remark offense

Marching down to posterity with divine honors

Marked out for some strange and preternatural doom


Mawkishly effeminate sentiment

Memories plucked from wood and field

Memory was busy at his heart

Merged in a sentiment of unutterable sadness and compa.s.sion

Microscopic minuteness of eye

Misgivings of grave kinds

Mockery crept into her tone

Molded by the austere hand of adversity

Moments of utter idleness and insipidity

Moods of malicious reaction and vindictive recoil

Morn, in yellow and white, came broadening out of the mountains

Mumble only jargon of dotage

My body is too frail for its moods


Nature seemed to revel in unwonted contrasts [unwonted = unusual]

New ambitions pressed upon his fancy

New dreams began to take wing in his imagination

Night after night the skies were wine-blue and bubbling with stars

Night lightly in the open world, with its stars and dews and perfumes

Nights of fathomless blackness

No mark of trick or artifice

n.o.ble and sublime patience

Nursed by brooding thought


Obsessed with the modishness of the hour

Occasional flashes of tenderness and love

Oddly disappointing and fickle

One gracious fact emerges here

One long torture of soul

One of the golden twilights which transfigure the world

Oppressed and disheartened by an all-pervading desolation

Oppressed with a confused sense of c.u.mbrous material [c.u.mbrous = c.u.mbersome]

Outweighing years of sorrow and bitterness

Over and over the paroxysms of grief and longing submerged her

Overhung and overspread with ivy

Overshadowed by a vague depression


Pale and vague desolation

Pallor of reflected glories

Palpitating with rage and wounded sensibility

Panting after distinction

Peace brooded over all

Pelted with an interminable torrent of words

Penetrate beneath the surface to the core

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About Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases Part 171 novel

You're reading Fifteen Thousand Useful Phrases by Author(s): Grenville Kleiser. This novel has been translated and updated at and has already 684 views. And it would be great if you choose to read and follow your favorite novel on our website. We promise you that we'll bring you the latest novels, a novel list updates everyday and free. is a very smart website for reading novels online, friendly on mobile. If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at [email protected] or just simply leave your comment so we'll know how to make you happy.