Majo no Tabitabi Volume 1 Chapter 14

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Chapter 14: The Royal Kingdom of Celestellia

Part 1

As I advanced above the prairie with my broom, the flowers dashed as if opposing it. The gra.s.s that received the light of sun wilted away with a gentle sparkle and a sound similar to a burbling stream.

Taking a deep breath, I opened my eyes.

The opposite side of the gra.s.slands.

Located there was a country surrounded by walls.

Just how far does it spread out I wonder. I did think about circling around the walls with my broom, but it didn't feel like I would get back before the day darkened, so I gave up.

What's more, the gate was just before me, so there was no need to intentionally fly around it.

I advanced forward for a short time while enjoying the scenery, and then I descended from my broom.

The gate guard came out and silently bowed.

"h.e.l.lo and welcome, Witch-sama. Excuse me, but may I hear your name?"

This was the usual inspection for entering the country.

"It's Elaina."

"How long will you be staying?"

"I think I'll leave within three days."

"And your Witch's Name?"

"The Witch of Ashes."

"......Witch of Ashes?" The gate guard stared at me.

"Huh? What is it?" I think he became puzzled.

"Ah, no. It's nothing. Excuse me."

The gate guard, who had fixed his appearance, withdrew from my front.

It seems the questions ended with that. I payed one silver as a fee for entering the country and pa.s.sed through the gate.

"Welcome to the Royal Kingdom of Celestellia."

While receiving such words behind my back.

Part 2

I was put on guard because of its formal name, but the district before my eyes was overflowing with liveliness.

Royal Kingdom of Celestellia is still quite a strange name.

People were coming and going on the ground patterned like interwoven bricks. Happy-looking married couple with child in hands. Children chasing each other. The elderly having a stroll. Just about everyone was immersed in daily life.

I walked.

The tall buildings were lined up on each side of the road and ropes were going between them. Clothes hanging from the rope were sunbathing. It seems they were drying their laundry.

As I took a deep breath I felt a sweet fragrance. There was a vase by one of the windows. The beautiful flowers of various colors could be seen to be s.h.i.+ning.

A lovely town was spreading before me, seeming to make me lose my sense of time.

As I walked aimlessly around the district, there appeared one quite imposing building. On that building which was so big that made me think whether it was a Royal Palace, a clock tower was standing. It seemed that the site was quite large, and as it was obstructed by iron fences, I wasn't even able to draw near it.

I looked at the clock tower while strolling along the fence.

Then, I discovered the entrance.

‘Royal Magic Academy’

That's what was written on the gate, so it must be such a place.

So such inst.i.tution also exists....... there was nothing as kind as this in my country.

I'm quite envious for the kids of this country.

......I'm slightly interested about the interior.

Would it be fine to enter?

Should I just go in?

Let's go in.

I set my foot on its grounds.

"Hey, you. What do you think you are doing?"

Then after walking only a little, I was stopped.

My shoulders got firmly caught.

"Only authorized people can enter here. It is fine to look from the outside, but let's not go into the premises, okay?"

Turning around, there was a robust man standing there. He had swelling muscles and wore a tight suit. It appears he is a gatekeeper.



After dropping his sight to my chest, his att.i.tude underwent a complete change.

"Pardon me. So you are a Witch...... please forgive my impolite speech."

"It's okay."

I shook of his hands and started advancing towards the school once more──

"I'm sorry, but I'd rather you don't go inside."

I was stopped.

"Ah, so it's no use after all?"

"No use."

"Even for a Witch?"

"The order was to unconditionally keep outsiders from entering."

"Whose order was that?"

"It was the order of the n.o.ble Witch-sama who manages this academy."


"I'm told that it is in order to not let the knowledge about the ways of teaching leak out outside, because she can't bear the act of being imitated by foreign countries."

"Then, would it be fine if you just closed the gate?"

"We can't have that either. The n.o.ble Witch-sama is supposed to arrive at this school anytime now."


Reluctantly, I left.

Bad luck.

It's too early to search for an inn right now.

I continued to loiter around the country.

This country is enjoyable just by walking.


Looking up, there were brooms flying above every house. And they didn't seem to only be flying, but the men sitting on brooms were dropping something down while flying above the houses in zig-zag.

I realized that they were newspaper delivery men after I saw a person coming out onto a balcony and opening up a newspaper there.

As I walked down the main street, I arrived at a street with stalls.

Fruit stores, greengrocers, butchers, and so on were crowding the both sides of the road.

There also appeared to be the bakery-san. There was a "Freshly Baked" signboard on it. There's no lie greater than this. Because it was all crusty.

"Excuse me, bread please."

The granny with good spirit smiled gently.

"It's one copper."

I took out a copper coin from my purse and handed it over to her.

The granny grabbed one loaf and shoved it into the bag. ......Did you grab it with bare hands?

"Here you go. Thank you for buying."

"Yeah......thank you."

After accepting the bread, I strolled the stall street while biting into it. The bread that was clearly not freshly made was hard as a rock.

While walking with bread in hand, I got out of the street stall district.

Then, the figure of a Magician appeared once more. A man with large luggage tied to the broom was talking with the shopkeeper of a cafe.

"I want to deliver this to Amana-san's house on the western district. Transport it with caution, okay? Because it contains an important lunch in it."

"All righty!"

"Will it really......?"

The man gave the grimacing shopkeeper a backward glance and slowly rose up, then flew off to somewhere.

I see, so he's doing delivery by using broom.

It appears that the Magician population of this country is quite high.

I also understand the reason of there being an academy that taught Magic.

Not only delivering things like luggage and newspapers, there were also Magicians who transported people. They were flying in the sky while fastened in the luggage carrier of the broom. ──That said, it appears that transporting people alone was impossible, so they were working in pairs. It seems that one side was managing the operation of the broom, while other was lightening up the luggage carrier’s weight with Magic.

There were Magicians not just in the sky but also on the ground.

On the shoulder of the main street, there were those who entertained people by demonstrating Magic.

People who moved puppets with Magic and did drama plays.

People who offered excitement by singing while livening up the place with Magic (by producing things like snow).

Every Magician was lively.

By the way, there's something that has been on my mind.

I do think that it's a good thing that these Magicians were living full of smiles, but isn't that difficult?

So I decided to ask.

Asking about something you don't know is the most efficient path, right?

"Excuse me―"

I found a square of the district by chance.

I called out to the Magician woman (she didn't wear robe nor had brooch, so I figure she is a Mage) who was sitting on the bench and was reading a book.

"Hm? What is it?"

The woman looked at me with a gentle expression.

"I'm a traveler and there's something weighing on my mind. Can you inform me if you don't mind?"

"Oh my, what a lovely traveler." The woman giggled and revealed a smile. "So then, what is it? As long as it's something I know."

After pausing a little, I said.

"Don't the Magicians of this country find it difficult to fly in the skies?"

She bent her head. "Difficulty with flying......? No, there's nothing like that?"

"Even though such thing exists?"

I pointed my finger. In that direction was a rope going in between tall buildings. With clothes hanging on it.

As she looked at that, she muttered 'Ahh......'.

"Well, that's something made intentionally."


"Yes──There are a lot of Magicians in this country, right? So, it's hard to fly that way."


I don't get the meaning.

"Oh my. Was the explanation insufficient?"

"Please give me a bit more details."

She put the book beside her and said,

"When you are flying with broom, the more you are distant from earth the more tired you become right? So everyone wants to fly as low as possible."

"That's correct."

I a.s.sented to it.

"But if everyone flies at a low height, it will get congested. They might even plunge into the houses when trying to avoid a pa.s.sing by Magician. There being many Magicians brings about same level of risk."

Ah, I see.

"So, in order for them not to fly in between houses, it's being obstructed by ropes and clothes, right?"

She said with a smile.

"That's right. In this country, it was thought that Magicians should be considerate for the people who can't use Magic."

"......Were there no Magicians who complained about it?"

"Won't you understand that if you take a look at the state of this country?"

Part 3

Taking out my broom, I flew in the air.

It's not like I flew with some objective in mind. It's just that I felt like seeing the scenery from above as well.


In the sky, the scenery was quite different from the one on earth.

Roofs of various tinges like red, blue, light blue, or yellow were lined up at exactly same height. The blowing wind felt comfortable, and I thought it would've been really nice to admire it while lying on the roof.  

It might be good to search for an inn to stay at for today from here on.

I flew around at random.

Greeting pa.s.ser-by Magicians, returning waves to the kids who waved at me from the luggage carriers. While having a pleasant moments like that.

That reminds me.

In the country I visited before, didn't I abruptly collide with a girl all of a sudden. I wonder what she's doing alright now? Is she still undergoing training in order to become a Witch in her birthplace?


I stopped my broom. While forcibly stopping by broom, I stayed still in the sky.

Because I became sentimental after remembering about Saya-san...... of course it wasn't because of that.

Rather, it was because they appeared before my eyes that I remembered about her.

"Umm, what?"

A pair of boy and girl appeared in my direction as if to obstruct my flight.

Black pants, or rather, a skirt, worn underneath black mantle and white cutter s.h.i.+rt. A red necktie hanging from the neck.

If you looked at their chests, it would become clear that they were Mages.

"h.e.l.lo. You are the Witch of Ashes right?" the boy said.

"Ah, w-we are the students of Royal Magic Academy," the girl said.

Royal Magic Academy.

I see, so that academy that didn't let me in.

"And what business do the academy students have with me?"

"Umm...... Err, would you come with us without asking anything?"

The girl said such thing with hesitation.

It's extremely suspicious.

"For what reason?"

"No, as I said, without asking anything......"

"I refuse."

I gave immediate reply.

"Eeh! Why!?" The boy became excessively surprised.

"I don't really want to, so I refused."

Although my ident.i.ty was known, why do I have to go along with them? What's more, without asking anything? Doesn't that make it double suspicious?

No way, no way.

"Umm, but......"

"Let me hear the reason first. I’ll decide whether to follow you or not after that."

I resolutely said this to the girl who clearly seemed to be on the verge of fainting.

"That's...... impossible."

"Then, it's impossible for me as well."

The boy b.u.t.ted into the conversation. "Please somehow! I beg you, Miss Witch of Ashes! Please follow us without asking for a reason!"

"Again, I said I wouldn't if you don't tell me the reason, didn't I? You are persistent."


I feel like we weren't making any progress.

The conversation would just continue without change if we keep it going  like this.

Shall I escape?

Let's do it.

As I changed the direction of my broom, "Ah, I'm sorry. I remembered an urgent business," I told a lie.

Then, on the side opposite of them──


I tried to advance towards the opposite side.

However, the Magicians once again obstructed my path. In addition, they were several men and women with entirely different getup than the other two.

Oh no, what's happening? It became more and more ridiculous.

As I looked left and right, I saw people with the same appearance gathering near me one after another.

I was quickly surrounded. By the mysterious student group.

They were about twenty in number.

"Hey, you guys. Let's play with cooperation from now on." "That's right" "If all of us do it, we will catch her, probably." "Un." "Understood." "Don't monopolize the achievement." "Same goes for you."

The students moved slowly.

While I was in a state of complete unawareness, there was just one thing I clearly understood──At this rate, I'll be caught.

I have no idea what would happen if I was caught.


I slowly descended my broom slowly, and then,


Hitting the broom, I did a fast takeoff.

While holding the tricorne in one hand so that it wouldn't be blown away by the broom that suddenly dashed into the sky with full power, I flew about above the district.

In short, I escaped.

Looking back, I saw the students shouting something while coming towards me.

Thus, the curtains to the chase with unknown objective opened up just like this.

However, it appears that the difference between the ability of a Witch and Mages was, after all, too big.


Although they persistently chased after me, I saw the distance between us gradually grow bigger. It's also a just matter of time before I shake them off completely.

However, even if I shook them off, my movement was completely visible in this beautiful scenery. It would be quite obvious as to where I escaped.

So then, what should I do?

Let's do this.


I lowered my alt.i.tude, turned towards the horizontal direction, and flew slightly below the roofs of houses. I saw the ropes going between the houses. As I pa.s.sed through, the entangled clothes started to sway.

At this alt.i.tude, being obstructed by the roofs, I won't be seen from a distance.

If they lose me once, it should be difficult to discover me again.

Looking back, there were still several students persistently chasing me around. There were supposed to be about twenty in all, did others give up?

However, I realized that wasn't so as I turned to face forward.

There were shapes of several students on the path I was supposed to advance. They were facing towards this way and flying.


They antic.i.p.ated it. The students moved in scattered manner.

The advantage was theirs. Completely.

I turned my broom towards the right and entered the back alley. Since it had become like this, let's thoroughly escape.

After advancing for a bit, the exit became visible.


"Ah, found her!" The girl coming from that side blocked the exit and extended her hand towards me.

They also antic.i.p.ated this.

But, if it's just this much.

"Please get obediently cau──eh?"

When I got to one’s broom distance from her, I jumped down from the broom.

Then, after pa.s.sing right under her, I called back my broom and continued flying.

It is a technique called aerial breakaway.

On top of it being used as a surprise attack, it's also somehow cool so I use it once in a while.

Even after I dealt with the girl, my path was blocked and I was trapped from the both the front and back. I had planned to hide by flying at low alt.i.tude, however it seems my position was completely exposed.

In that case, thinking so, this time I ascended towards the sky.


After rising to a certain degree of height, I overlooked the townscape.

From among the houses, or perhaps from the road, I could see that the students who noticed my movement had gathered. Apparently a little fatigue seemed to be acc.u.mulating as their speed wasn't much.

I waited in the sky until they approached me.

Before long, one male student from directly besides me,


leaped at me while raising such strange voice.

I avoided him by lightly moving the broom


Again, the boy raised a strange voice while pa.s.sing by me.

As if that was a signal, this time, the students from every side made their move all at once. Their number──I counted up to ten and then gave up since it was bothersome, it was probably everyone who surrounded me at the beginning.

It seems their composure already didn't let them speak human words, and the voice escaping from their mouths were nothing but strange.







Like that.

I composed myself and avoided the rus.h.i.+ng students. To the right, left, above, and below, sometimes even while turning around.

Anyhow, I continued to avoid.

They didn't start attacking me, so I didn't take out my staff either and simply continued to stick with just avoiding them.







"I-It's hopeless......"

I don't know just how long that continued.

Before I noticed, the students' movements became slow, and eventually no one was coming toward me.

It seems it was already their limit.

They all gathered in the same spot,

"I can't do it anymore......" Someone from them said while being out of breath.

"I-I'm about to die......" Someone said with a blue face.

While maintaining a calm tone to the end,

"Everyone, just what is your goal? What is it you want from me?"

I asked them a question.

However, there came no answer. But only breathing escaped from their mouths.

"I think you should understand it plenty enough now that you won’t be able to catch me even if you form a group. Please just give up."

Although I tried saying that, they didn't return the words after all.

Without minding it, I added,

"So then, you guys, just who──"

ordered you? – I swallowed the words I was about to say.

Because I lost my words.

There appeared... a Witch.

Someone from the students was looking at the same thing as me and leaked a voice, "Ah, Sensei......" Caught by that voice, all the students fixed their appearances at once.

The girl who came approached us on a broom, faceing towards the out-of-breath students and spoke, while floating a truly wide smile.

"Good work everyone. How was it? Even after you tried to catch a Witch with all your might, you were no opponent to her, right? This is the difference between you and a Witch. Age doesn't have relation to it. Because the Witch of Ashes over there is so powerful that she can't even be compared with you──"

Hair, black as the dead of night. And a matching dark robe and a tricorne. s.h.i.+nning on her chest, was a star-shaped brooch.

She who hasn't changed a bit in the past three years smiled at me.

That person was my teacher.

"It's been a while. Elaina."

It was Fran-sensei.

Part 4

"I'm sorry, Elaina. I'll explain the full details myself──but first, shall we go to the academy?"

Fran-sensei said apologetically while guiding me and the students to the Royal Magic Academy.

Refusing her request wasn't even a choice. After all, there were mountain of things I wanted to talk about with her.

Perhaps the appearance of the twenty frail Magicians gathered up and flying together looked quite like migratory birds.

While I blankly stared at Fran-sensei's back and thought things like, 'she hasn't changed at all, huh, how old is she now I wonder', before I noticed, we had arrived at the academy.

Then, Fran-sensei spoke while coming down from the broom on the academy grounds.

"Everyone, today's extracurricular lesson has ended with this. That's enough for today──I hope you submit your thoughts about today at morning tomorrow."

"Yeees!", "Thank you very much!" After giving quite spiritless responses, the students dispersed.

It appeared they were quite tired, as some where unsteadily flying in the sky, while others gave up on it and were returning home by foot.

Fran-sensei revealed a smile in such situation.

"Oh my. Did you torment them too much, Elaina?"

"Is it my fault?"

"It's not my fault either."

"......You are acting as a teacher at this academy, Fran-sensei?"

"Yes. I was invited by the King-sama of this country a little earlier than when I trained you."

"............" First time hearing it. "That means you left school for a whole year? You are lucky you didn't get yourself fired."

"Yes. Well, it's because I'm not usually in charge of the lessons. Occasionally like this, I give extracurricular to just interested parties, or give guidance to teachers, that's my specialty. Besides──"

Fran-sensei, while looking at me,

"When I told them I taught Magic to you, all the teachers understood it."

And added that.

Huh? How come?

"To me, you say?"

"Yes. If the other party wasn't you, I might perhaps have been fired."

"Although I'm not supposed to be such an outrageous person."

"I wonder about that."

She said in her usual smile.


"Well, come inside. There are lots of things I want to talk about with you."

She said and pointed at the academy building behind her.

My feelings were the same.

The inside of the building was extremely modest.

Desk and chairs were lined up at equal intervals in square rooms. In front of them was a large blackboard. There were no useless ornaments on it.

Similar landscapes were lined up on one side of the corridor.

On the opposite side was a window. The vast academy grounds could be seen from here.

"You see, this academy was originally a place where they taught normal scholars.h.i.+p."

Then I was told, "But the new school buildings are being newly established──So as this place became unnecessary, they let us use it as an academy that taught both Magic and scholars.h.i.+p."

"The students who tried to catch me...... are also students from here, right?"

Sensei nodded.

"Yes. As a part of the extracurricular lesson, I asked them to bring you to me without letting you know about the circ.u.mstances, or even forcibly drag you here."

"......Why did you do such a thing?"

"You won’t get it unless I tell you?"

"I wouldn't."


After staying silent for a short while, Fran-sensei hit my shoulders with both hands,

"Because I wanted to meet you."

And said so in a tiny voice, as if whispering.


I felt gloomy feelings being born inside of me.

I thought this person was sly. If you tell me something like that, I can't get mad anymore.

I changed the topic.

"Why did you notice that I came to this district?"

"You tried to enter the academy on a whim didn't you?"


A huge gate could be seen outside the window. I was certainly stopped there by a robust man.

Fran-sensei followed my sight and nodded.

"That's right. The gatekeeper told me when I returned to academy. "A young Witch with ashen hair tried to enter here. She might be a spy from a foreign country." – Is what he said."

"A spy......"

That was quite a leap in logic......

"I realized it the moment I heard about your characteristics. "Aah, that's undoubtedly Elaina," I thought. I then swiftly went to the gate guard and confirmed whether you had really entered the country."

We came to the end of a corridor.

Fran-sensei turned around the corner and went upstairs. I also followed her.

"There was indeed your name in the country entry records. You came to this country this morning, right?"


I nodded.

"......My apprentice came to this country. After realizing that, I couldn't contain myself. So I decided to search for you──by using the students."


"When I returned to the academy, it was just in time to do extracurricular lessons for just the most prominent students. So, I gave the students the following instructions."

After climbing the stairs, what appeared was a single door.

Fran-sensei touched and opened it. Perhaps the fitting was bad as it gave an unpleasant creaking sound.

"There is a Witch of Ashes in this country. Bring that Witch here without telling her of the circ.u.mstances. Or, if you are even able to forcibly drag her here, then I'll raise your grades──"

"Why did you use such roundabout ways......"

Wouldn't it be fine if she just normally searched?

Sensei released a sigh and spoke.

"Don't you think it's close to impossible to search for you in this vast country by myself?"

Then, as she stood next to the opened door,

"Now, come in."

She said.

While urged, I pa.s.sed by her and entered inside

It appeared to be a room that served as both reception and a study room.

In the middle of it was a sofa across the table. Opposite of it was a desk, and various doc.u.ments and books were piled up on it without order.

I heard the door behind me closing. Again, it was an unpleasant sound.

"What's wrong? Sit down." Sensei pa.s.sed before me and went towards the sofa.

"Ah, okay."

I sat on the sofa in a way to face Fran-sensei. It was soft.

"I was really surprised when I discovered that you came to this country, you know? Although I knew that you became a traveler."

......? Oh?

"You knew it?"

“Yes. Of course I knew."

"I don't believe I've talked with Fran-sensei about becoming a traveler."

To begin with, I’ve just met her for the first time in several years.

The people who know about me becoming a traveler only include my parents and the residents of the Peaceful Country of Robetta. Fran-sensei knowing about it is really strange.

Fran-sensei told to me who was bewildered,

"Elaina, do you still remember what I told you when the training was over?"

──Goodbye, Elaina. I will come to visit again someday. Please look forward to it.

No, well, she certainly said that, but...

She revealed an impish smile. "I had business so I went to Robetta once more in the year following training. Then, Elaina's parents told me, "She left on a journey"."

"So you met with mother?"

"Yes──she was really worried about you. If you pa.s.s close to your birthplace, please visit home once."

"I plan to do so."

However, I have come quite far from it, so meeting them once more is still a thing of future.

"Then that's good."

Then, Fran-sensei paused for a bit,

"That reminds me, Elaina, why did you think of becoming a traveler? Was it your mother's influence after all?"

She asked me.


Why did mother appear here? I inclined my head.

"No, that's not it...... I read the novel called "Nike's Tales of Adventure" as a child. It had the biggest influence on me."

"............Oh." Fran-sensei raised her eyebrows just a little, "Hmm...... I see," and started to ponder on something.

That was a strange reaction.

"Um, what is it?"

Fran-sensei shook her head towards my question.

"No, it's nothing──rather than that, "Nike's Tales of Adventure" was it? You have a nice taste. That book is also my favorite."

"Ufufu. I have read it so many times that I can recite all five volumes of short stories from my memory."

I boasted.

"Oh my. ......By the way, which was your favorite story? My favorite was the last story "Apprentice Witch Foula"."

"......! That's also my favorite."

If I remember correctly, that story was about a Witch Nike visiting a certain country and taking an Apprentice Witch girl called Foula as an apprentice and raising her to be a Witch.

At the end of that story, Nike abandoned her way of life as a Witch spent her life in a rural area as a simple woman. Then, Foula, who had become a Witch, became a new traveler──that was the content of that story.

"Apprentice Witch Foula, by the way, could be talking about me."

Fran-sensei said something strange.

"What are you saying?"

"Now, I wonder what indeed." Ufufu, Fran-sensei smiled. ""Nike's Tales of Adventure" is a masterpiece, and is greatly popular even in this country."

"But, it's quite an old novel, right?"

"Good works live long."

"......That's true."

As an old fan, there's nothing as delightful as that.

If something, personally advertizing "Nike's Tales of Adventure" as a link to my journey might be good. ......It would probably fall into a setback due to budgetary reasons.

"That reminds me."

Breaking my thought process, Fran-sensei said abruptly, "Elaina, when do you plan to leave this country?"

"......I was thinking of departing on the morning the day after tomorrow."

"Day after tomorrow huh?"


I can't stay for too long, after all.

──All the more if Fran-sensei is here.

"Do you have plans tomorrow? Is there something you have to do?"

"Tomorrow? No, nothing in particular......"

"Then, do you have free time?" Fran-sensei nibbled.

What is it?

While being slightly in a loss, "Well, I do have...... free time." I replied so. I don't mean that there is nothing to do, but it wouldn't be mistake either to say that I don’t have a free time because I'm just going sightseeing.

"That's good."

Fran-sensei smiled.

"What's the matter?"

"Well, there's something I want your help with tomorrow."

"Ah, okay. I don't mind──What is it you need help with?"

"I want you to help me with guiding the students."


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About Majo no Tabitabi Volume 1 Chapter 14 novel

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