Snubby Nose And Tippy Toes Part 7

Snubby Nose And Tippy Toes -

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Bushy-Tail called back,

"Where they have gone to n.o.body knows, I'll find Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes."

Bunny and Susan said, "We are glad to get out of the merry-go-round, but we must send word to Grandpa Grumbles not to let Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes out. Who will carry the message?"

The First Little Bear said, "It is so far to go."

The Second Little Bear said, "I am all out of breath."

The Third Little Bear said, "Oh wait 'till to-morrow."

Now, will you believe it? The Seventeen Little Bears sat on their seventeen little stools as though, nothing had happened!

Bunny and Susan got ready to go out in the rain. They took their raincoats and caps and umbrellas. They went to Grandpa Grumbles' house.

The Seventeen Little Bears said in a sing-song way,

"We really are not quite polite, We're selfish as can be, We sit on stools around the fire, Just singing merrily!"


When Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes rode home with Grandpa Grumbles in his green cotton umbrella they sang a merry song,

"Oh, ho! It is fun to go riding along, Singing and whistling a right merry song."

The umbrella came to the chimney of Grandpa Grumbles' house. It began to close up a little.

"Help, help!" cried Snubby Nose, "we shall be squeezed to death!"

Tippy Toes sat very still. He made himself as small as possible.

Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Down my chimney every one goes, How we shall travel the umbrella knows!"

Then whisk! Before they could wink an eyelash they were safely down the chimney.

Snubby Nose cried and he screamed and he howled!

Tippy Toes danced this way, and he danced that way, and said, "Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, how I enjoyed the ride!"

Grandpa Grumbles said,

"Off to bed when the merry winds blow, So back up the chimney old Grandpa can go."

Snubby Nose said, "You are not going to leave us alone in this house are you?" Then he cried and he screamed and he howled!

Tippy Toes danced this way, and danced that way, and before they could say another word, whisk! up the chimney old Grandpa Grumbles was off and away. He went off to ride in his green cotton umbrella.

Tippy Toes kissed Snubby Nose and led him before the mirror, singing,

"Who will visit us to-day?"

The mirror answered,

"Bushy-Tail is on his way."

Snubby Nose said, "What fun it is to have the mirror talk. Come, let us bolt the doors and windows. We will not let Bushy-Tail in."

They danced again before the mirror and sang,

"We're locked in safely, that we know,"

The mirror said,

"Down the chimney he can go."

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes said, "Oh" and "Ah," and "Oh" and "Ah." "We never thought of the chimney! What shall we do with the chimney?"

They built a roaring fire, and none too soon, for they could hear the "patter, patter, patter" of feet upon the roof.

Bushy-Tail climbed down from the roof. He looked in at the window and said, "Please let me in, please let me in."

Snubby Nose and Tippy Toes sat as still as they could in their little chairs by the fire and never winked an eyelash.

Bushy-Tail said, "Let me in or I will come down the chimney, fire or no fire."

Then Snubby Nose coughed and Tippy Toes sneezed.

Bushy-Tail climbed the roof once more. Out came the smoke in great puffs. He gave it up and then went away down the path growling every step of the way.

All this time Bunny and Susan were coming nearer every minute. They said, "What if we should meet Bushy-Tail?"

In less time than it takes to tell it, Bushy-Tail came down the bend of the road scolding and waving his beautiful tail to and fro.

He howled, "Bring out Snubby Nose, bring out Tippy Toes or _I will eat you up_."

I do not know what in the world would have happened if Grandpa Grumbles had not come sailing along just then. He came sailing down in his green cotton umbrella and said, looking hard at Bushy-Tail,

"Jump inside and have a ride, There's room for you and me beside."

Bushy-Tail jumped into the umbrella. He was pleased you may be sure.

They rode away, and away, and away, over houses, over tree-tops, and over a big blue lake. Then they began to sail slowly down, down, down.

Bushy-Tail said, "Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, don't land us in the lake! Oh, Grandpa Grumbles, look out what you are doing!"

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