Gold Dust Part 9

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Under this t.i.tle we commence a series of short counsels for each day of the week, which will be as a friendly whisper, the voice of a Guardian Angel, inspiring, as occasion presents itself, some good action, some self-denial, some little sacrifice.

We recommend that it should be placed on the writing-table, in the book we most frequently turn to, or wherever it is most likely to meet the eye.

What is so often the one thing wanting to some devout person devoted to doing good? Simply to be _reminded_.



Be good-natured, benevolent, keep up a cheerful expression of countenance, even when alone.

That clumsiness, those brusque, rude manners, let them pa.s.s without notice.

When wishes contrary to your own prevail, yield without ill-humor, or even showing your effort; you will give pleasure, and thus be pleased yourself.

Try to please, to console, to amuse, to bestow, to thank, to help. That is all in itself so good!

Try to do some good to the souls of others! An earnest word, some encouragement, a prayer softly breathed.

Overcome your dislike and aversion to certain persons; do not shun them, on the contrary go and meet them. G.o.d goes before you.

Be courteous even to the troublesome individual who is always in your way.

G.o.d sends him to you.

Forgive at once. Do you believe harm was intended? If so, is it not the greater merit?

Do not refuse your alms, only let your motives be pure; and in giving, give as to G.o.d.

Do not judge the guilty harshly; pity, and pray for them.

Why imagine evil intentions against yourself? cannot you see how the thought troubles and disquiets you?

Check the ironical smile hovering about your lips; you will grieve the object of it. Why cause any one pain?

Lend yourself to all. G.o.d will not suffer you to be taken advantage of if you are prompted by the spirit of Charity.



Never separate yourself from G.o.d. How sweet it is to live always near those who love us!

You cannot see G.o.d, but He is there; just as if some friend were separated from you by a curtain, which does not prevent his seeing you, and which at any moment may unfold and disclose him to your view.

When the soul is unstained by sin, and if we remain still and recollected, we can perceive G.o.d'S presence in the heart, just as we see daylight penetrating a room. We may not be always conscious of this Presence, but imperceptibly it influences all our actions. Oh! however heavy may be the burden you have to bear, does it not at once become light beneath the gaze of that FATHER'S eye?

The thought of G.o.d is never wearisome; why not always cherish it? Go on, without trembling, beneath the Eye of G.o.d; never fear to smile, love, hope, and enjoy all that makes life sweet.

G.o.d rejoices in our pleasures as a mother in the joys of her child.

What is contrary to G.o.d'S Will, grieves Him, and does you harm, that alone you need fear,--the thought that will stain your soul; the wish that troubles your heart; that unwholesome action, that will weaken your intellect, and destroy your peace.

Never long for what G.o.d sees fit to deny.

G.o.d, beside you, will repair your blunders, provide means whereby you may atone for that sinful action by one more virtuous, wipe away the tears caused by some unmerited reproof or unkind word.

You have only to close your eyes for a moment, examine yourself, and softly murmur, "LORD, help me!"

Can you not hear G.o.d'S Voice speaking to you? What! when He says: _Bear this, I am here to aid thee_; you will refuse?

He says: _Continue another half-hour the work that wearies thee_; and you would stop?

He says: _Do not that_; and you do it?

He says: _Let us tread together the path of obedience_; and you answer: No?



Do not be afraid of that word _Renunciation_. To you, perhaps, it only means, weariness, restraint, ennui.

But it means also, love, perfection, sanctification.

Who cannot renounce, cannot love.

Who cannot renounce, cannot become perfect.

Who cannot renounce, cannot be made holy.

_Self-renunciation_ means devotion to our duty, going on with it in spite of difficulties, disgust, ennui, want of success.

_Self-renunciation_ is self-sacrifice, under whatever form it presents itself,--_prayer_, _labor_, _love_ ... all that would be an obstacle, not merely to its accomplishment, but its perfection.

_Self-renunciation_ is to root out all that enc.u.mbers the heart, all that impedes the free action of the Holy Spirit within--longings after an imaginary perfection or well-being, unreal sentiments that trouble us in prayer, in work, in slumber, that fascinate us, but the result of which is to destroy all real application.

_Self-renunciation_ is to resist all the allurements of the senses, that would only give pleasure to self, and satisfy the conscience, by whispering, "_It is no sin._" _Self-renunciation_, in short, is destroying, even at the risk of much heart-rending, all in our heart, mind, imagination, that could be displeasing to G.o.d.

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