Gold Dust Part 15

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This may seem even more difficult, for it so often appears to us as if others were actuated by malice.

But how often it is only the result of temperament, pride, thoughtlessness; seeking their own pleasure without a thought of the harm they are doing me; then why be unhappy about it? I need only to be on my guard.

Never stand in the way of others (when it is not the case of a duty to be fulfilled), and if they sometimes are an obstacle in yours, remove them gently, but do not harm them.

Yielding, submitting, retiring, giving up, this should be our conduct towards the members of our family, and those we call our friends.

The more facility you give them for doing what they think right, the more you enter into the feelings they have of their own importance, leaving them a free course of action, so much the more will you be likely to be useful to them, and retain your own peace of mind.

It is astonis.h.i.+ng how those we never press open their hearts to us!

Do not try to examine too minutely the actions of others, or the motives that actuate them; if they are wanting in tact, appear not to notice it, or, better still, try to think they have made a mistake.

The best remedy for the dislike we feel towards any one is to endeavor to try to do them a little good every day; the best cure for their dislike to us is to try to speak kindly of them.

Are those around you wicked? be cautious, but do not lose heart; G.o.d will not let them harm you.

How easy for G.o.d to stay the consequences of slander and calumny!

G.o.d is the s.h.i.+eld, interposing between others, circ.u.mstances, and myself.


This does not imply self-complacency, self-indulgence, self-justification, but simply encouragement, strength, and fort.i.tude.

_Encouragement_ in some wearisome, monotonous, unrecognized work, with a thought like this: "G.o.d is watching me, and wishes me to do this." This labor occupies my mind, perfects my soul, and s.h.i.+elds me from mischief.

Encouragement such as this, in the midst of sadness and isolation, when no one thinks of us, or gives us the smallest token of sympathy, "Is not my duty sufficient for me? G.o.d requires it of me, and it will lead me to heaven."

_Strength_ to rise again after some failure, some humiliating fault, some depressing weakness; rise again lovingly, confidingly, and with the thought, "Never mind, it is a good FATHER, a kind Master, with Whom I have to deal." Confess your sin, humble yourself, and while awaiting the a.s.surance of pardon go on with your daily work with the same zeal as before.

_Fort.i.tude_ against the desertion and forgetfulness of others.

We have two things to fortify us,--_Prayer and Labor_.

One to cheer us,--_Devotion_.

These remedies are always at hand.



Resting always in His presence, like a little child, or even a beggar, who knowing nothing is due to him, still asks, loves, and awaits, feeling sure that hour by hour, in proportion to our need, G.o.d will provide all that is needful, and even over and above what is absolutely necessary. Live peacefully under the protection of Divine Providence; the more you feel your insignificance, weakness, sickness, misery, the more right you have to the pity and love of G.o.d.

Only _pray_ fervently; let your prayer be thoughtful and reverent, sweet and full of hope. The poor have nothing left to them but _prayer_; but that prayer, so humble, so pleading, ascends to G.o.d, and is listened to with Fatherly love!

Do not have a number of varied prayers, but let the "Our FATHER" be ever on your lips and in your heart.

Love to repeat to G.o.d the prayer that CHRIST Himself has taught, and for His sake is always accepted.

Look upon yourself as a hired servant of G.o.d, to whom He has promised a rich reward at the end of the day He calls _life_; each morning hold yourself in readiness to obey all His commands, in the way He wills, and with the means He appoints.

The command may not always come _direct_ from the Master; it would be too sweet to hear only G.o.d'S Voice: but He sends it by means of His amba.s.sadors; these go by the names of _superiors_, _equals_, _inferiors_, sometimes _enemies_.

Each has received the mission (without knowing it) to make you holy; one by subduing your independence, another by crus.h.i.+ng your pride, a third by spurring your slothfulness.

They will, though fulfilling G.o.d'S command, do it each in his own way, sometimes roughly, sometimes maliciously, sometimes in a way hard to bear ... what does it matter, so long as you feel that all you do, all you suffer, is the will of G.o.d?

Do your duty as well as you can, as you understand it, as it is given to you; say sometimes to G.o.d, "My Master, art Thou satisfied with me?" and then, in spite of ennui, fatigue, repugnance, go on with it faithfully to the end.

Then, whether praise or blame be yours, you will, good faithful servant, at least have peace.


Look upon yourself as the servant of all, but without ostentation, or their having any knowledge of it.

Repeat to yourself sometimes the words of the Blessed Virgin Mary: "Behold the handmaid of the LORD," and those of our LORD, "I came not to be ministered unto, but to minister;" and then act towards others as if you were their slave, warning, aiding, listening; abashed at what they do for you, and always seeming pleased at anything they may require you to do for them.

Oh! if you knew the full meaning of these words, all they signify of reward in heaven, of joy and peace on earth, how you would love them!

Oh! if you would only make them the rule of your life and conduct, how happy you would be yourself, and how happy you would make others!

Happy in the approval of conscience, that whispers, "You have done as CHRIST would have done."

Happy in the thought of the reward promised to those who give even a cup of cold water in the name of JESUS CHRIST; happy in the a.s.surance that G.o.d will do for you what you have done for others.

Oh! what matters then ingrat.i.tude, forgetfulness, contempt, and scorn?

They will pain, no doubt, but will have no power to sadden or discourage.

Precious counsel, inspired by CHRIST Himself, I bless you for all the good you have done me!

When first those words found entrance to my heart, they brought with them _peace_ and _strength_ to stand against _deception_, _desertion_, _discouragement_ and the _resolute will_ to live a life more devoted to G.o.d, more united to Him, more contented, and ever pressing onward towards heaven. Once more, I bless you!

Precious counsels, enlighten, guide, and lead me.



O JESU! in the midst of glory forget not the sadness upon earth!

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