You've Already Got It Part 7

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"Not Tonight!" Tonight!"

One Wednesday evening, a h.o.m.os.e.xual man we'd been dealing with several weeks in preparation for deliverance came to the mid-week service. He'd brought with him another h.o.m.os.e.xual who needed to be delivered too. He told me, "I'm ready to be delivered tonight!"

I answered, "Not tonight.""Why not?"

"Because it's just me by myself. The a.s.sociate pastor is gone to a conference." We were the ones casting demons out of people.

He answered, "I'm not leaving this place with these demons!""And I'm not casting them out!"

He looked right at me and declared, "You'd better do something, because I'm not leaving with them."

I had no idea what to do, so I got Jamie. She wasn't my wife yet, but we were prayer partners. She'd never seen a demon cast out of someone before. In fact, she wasn't even baptized in the Holy Spirit yet! But Jamie went with me into the back room of that church.

This room had windows on two sides and chairs stacked on top of each other all along the wall. I started talking to this guy and saying, "I'm not doing this."

He answered, "You'd better plead the blood!" That's another weird concept we were taught. We had to "plead the blood" to keep the demons from coming out of them and entering us. It's totally inaccurate!

I started praying, "Father, I don't know what to do!" Immediately, this guy fell to the ground, started barking like a dog, writhing like a snake, and throwing chairs up against the windows. The other demonized fellow climbed up on top of a stack of ten chairs. Jamie stood there praying as fast and furious as she could!

Super Simple I didn't know what to do, so I started asking the demons their names. "What's your name? In the name of Jesus, tell me your name!" Without going into all of the details, we had elaborate systems for naming and talking to them. All kinds of demonic manifestations happened.

These demons were making a fool of me. They'd manifest, name themselves, and leave before another started manifesting. In desperation, I prayed, "O G.o.d, help me!" The Lord simply reminded me of where He'd commanded the evil spirits to shut up and come out. (Mark 1:25.) I thought, Well, that'd be good. Well, that'd be good. So I declared "In the name of Jesus, I command all of you to shut up and come out of this man!" and-boom-he instantly stopped. So I declared "In the name of Jesus, I command all of you to shut up and come out of this man!" and-boom-he instantly stopped.

This guy fell to the floor and appeared to be dead. But when I rolled him over, he was wors.h.i.+ping G.o.d, saying, "Thank You, Jesus! I'm free! They're gone. Thank You!" He'd been totally set free. We suspect that at least ten demons left this man.

I thought to myself, That was super simple compared to what we normally do! compared to what we normally do! We had grown accustomed to talking to them, asking their names, and doing all this other stuff. I just resolved right then, "I've been giving the devil too much place." I'd been thinking I had to plead the blood, have at least two people present, etc., etc., etc. But it wasn't any of that stuff! I just spoke in faith and- We had grown accustomed to talking to them, asking their names, and doing all this other stuff. I just resolved right then, "I've been giving the devil too much place." I'd been thinking I had to plead the blood, have at least two people present, etc., etc., etc. But it wasn't any of that stuff! I just spoke in faith and- boom-they were gone. As I studied the Word, my boldness grew as I discovered that this was how Jesus did it.

Physically Attached During that period of time, I inadvertently put too much of my focus on the devil. Since there were so many people coming to us for deliverance and so much demonic stuff happening, we were constantly talking about Satan. 1 found myself spending more time speaking to the devil in "prayer" than G.o.d (back then I'd pray two to four hours a day). I knew something had to be wrong with that.

Many people today are into this weird type of "spiritual warfare." Their whole "prayer life" is wrapped up in binding and rebuking the devil. In the process, they're constantly addressing and talking to Satan during their prayer time more than they talk to G.o.d. Something's wrong with that!

During this same time, I was trying to open Arlington Christian Center in Arlington, Texas. We rented a building that had previously been a fraternity house. We were going to turn this facility into a place where we could house and minister to people with demonic problems. We painted it and were in the process of cleaning it out.

One evening, I led an all-night prayer meeting there with my church. Everyone else had already come, prayed, and gone, so I was left in that building by myself. As I continued to pray, something in that room began to choke me. I didn't see anything, but I was physically being choked and beaten. Demons physically attacked me!

"What Do You Mean?"

I ran out of that building, locked the door behind me, and jumped in my car. After backing out of the driveway, I was just about to peel rubber and hightail it out of there when the Lord spoke to me. He asked, "Where are you going?"

I responded, "G.o.d, I'm getting out of here. There are demons in that building!"

He calmly continued, "In Ephesians 6, all of the armor you use against the devil is for the front. There's no armor for the back."

Although I asked Him, "What do You mean?" I already knew in my heart. He meant that I couldn't turn my back on the devil. I had to face him. But I went ahead and asked Him again anyway, saying, "Lord, what do You mean? You wouldn't want me to go back in that house, would You?" Silence.

The Lord won't argue with you. He'll just make a statement and let you decide what you're going to do with it. This was about two or three o'clock in the morning. After sitting in that car for a while, I finally pulled back into the driveway, turned the engine off, and went back in. I locked myself in that house and fought those demonic powers until six in the morning. Afterwards, the house was clear, and the demons were gone!

During that time, I also had a number of dreams where Satan would physically attack me. After waking up and thinking, It's only a dream, a dream, I'd go to the bathroom and find myself bleeding. I definitely experienced some demonic manifestations! I'd go to the bathroom and find myself bleeding. I definitely experienced some demonic manifestations!

Too Much Credit!

Some people would say, "That's because the devil is powerful, and you were messing with his territory." No, I was giving Satan too much importance in my life with all the time I spent binding and rebuking, learning about, and focusing my attention on him. The Lord showed me that I had glorified the devil and given him more power than he actually had. I immediately repented and decided that the best defense is a good offense. So I started being constant and bold in praising and wors.h.i.+ping G.o.d. I believed that if I kept my focus on the Lord, it would totally destroy Satan's inroad into my life.

It's now over thirty years later, and I've never had another demonic manifestation like that. I've had devils manifest around me in people, like when I'm casting them out of someone. (I even have some taped. You can hear the non-human voices and screams coming out of folks.) But I've never had to physically fight a demon since. The only reason it happened then was because I had empowered the devil through my own fear and the undue emphasis I was placing upon him in my life.

This happens over and over again in the Body of Christ today. We've given Satan too much credit. He is a factor, going around seeking whom he may devour, but the only reason the devil can actually do something to someone is because they empower him through their fear. Much of what is being taught as "spiritual warfare" today is ascribing to the devil more power and authority than he really has.

"Spiritual warfare" conferences that ascribe to the devil great power and talk about having to bind ruling princ.i.p.alities over places before anything positive can happen are presenting ideas that are contrary to G.o.d's Word. Satan has zero power and zero authority. All he has is deception. But these false concepts are actually causing many Christians to yield to and empower the devil!


The Triumphant Procession.

And you, being dead in your sins and the uncirc.u.mcision of your flesh, hath he quickened together with him, having forgiven you all; Blotting out the handwriting of ordinances that was against us, which was contrary to us, and took it out of the way, nailing it to his cross; And having spoiled princ.i.p.alities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it. And having spoiled princ.i.p.alities and powers, he made a shew of them openly, triumphing over them in it.Colossians 2:13-15, emphasis mine

[image]foe." It's not talking about fruit and meat that spoils and turns rotten. This kind of "spoil" is from the venue of conquest. It's conquering an enemy and taking everything from them.

Satan, princ.i.p.alities, and all other demonic powers have been spoiled. Through the Cross and Resurrection, Jesus Christ stripped the devil of all power and authority. The first Adam may have surrendered it at the Fall, but the last Adam took it back at the Resurrection. Now Satan has no power or authority. His only weapon is deception. If you yield to the devil's lies, he'll use your power and authority against you!

Show is the same Greek word we get "exhibition" and "exhibit" from. In other words, G.o.d exhibited-made an exhibition out of-Satan. is the same Greek word we get "exhibition" and "exhibit" from. In other words, G.o.d exhibited-made an exhibition out of-Satan.

In high school biology, you probably had to catch insects and other things. You'd kill them, mount them, and then write what they were underneath. There they were, impaled by a pin that held them to a piece of poster board. You called it an "exhibit."

That's how I see the devil: impaled, nailed to the cross with the very same spikes that once held Jesus! He's an exhibit-completely stripped of anything of value. Jesus Christ has made a show-an exhibition-of Satan!

The Victory Parade The phrase translated "triumphing over them" literally refers to the triumphant procession (Col. 2:15). The Romans had a custom of parading the spoils of war and the conquered foe in front of the people after coming home from a conquest. When they went out to fight an enemy, if they conquered, they'd return and have this glorious victory parade. If they didn't win, they wouldn't have this "triumphant procession."

The Roman citizens knew that if they didn't have this parade, the enemy who had been terrorizing them wasn't yet defeated. They'd still be anxious and worry about his return. Their side might have won a great battle, but if they hadn't completely conquered the opposing general or king and had this parade, then the Roman populace would live under constant fear that he might once again marshal his forces against them.

But when they conquered the enemy, the Romans would take this opposing general or king and parade him-dead or alive-to the people. If he was dead, they'd show his severed head and lifeless body. However, they usually preferred to capture him alive. They'd totally strip him of all armor, kingly garments, and jewelry that made him appear strong and important. Completely naked and humiliated, they'd tie him to a horse or chariot. He'd either walk or be dragged through the streets. They'd also cut off both thumbs and big toes so he'd never again be able to hold a sword or stand in battle. In this manner, the Romans paraded their conquered foes.

This triumphant procession showed all the Roman citizens that their enemy had been vanquished. It totally defused all fear that this guy might ever be able to mount another campaign against them. The parade displayed him in such a way that the common people would mock him, beat him, and spit upon him. The purpose of the parade was to completely remove their fear.

The Scripture plainly declares that this is what Jesus did to the devil. He absolutely defeated him at every turn. Christ destroyed "him that had the power of death, that is, the devil" so that He could "deliver them who through fear of death were all their lifetime subject to bondage" (Heb. 2:14, 15). Notice that it's the fear of death that opens the door to bondage. Satan has no power of his own now. He can only come against you with deception. But Jesus has delivered us.

Have You Missed It?

There's been a victory parade-a triumphant procession! The devil has been paraded through the Scriptures and shown to be an absolute zero with the rim knocked off. He's a nothing!

The problem is that most of the Body of Christ has missed the parade-especially among the "spiritual warfare" people. Satan is alive and there is a battle being waged, but it's not in the heaven-lies with demonic beings who have awesome power and great authority. All the devil has is his tremendous ability to lie and deceive. Don't glorify Satan! Don't ascribe to him power he doesn't really have! Stand against his lies and believe the truth. Focus your attention on G.o.d, not demons. The true battle is in your head. Therefore, remember the parade!

Many "spiritual warfare" people think that you must do all these things before you can go into an area and effectively preach the Gospel. You have to do "spiritual mapping" and discover what unG.o.dly things have happened in the past to create "spiritual strongholds." Then you must send in "intercessors" that spend months, years, and decades praying, rebuking, and binding demonic powers so that the Word of G.o.d can finally have an impact. Wrong, wrong, wrong!

There is zero precedent for this in the Word of G.o.d! You can't find it anywhere in the New Testament. It's absolutely wrong!

Yes, there are demonic powers. Yes, there is a hierarchy of demons. Yes, they are a.s.signed to specific places. But, no, no, that's not how you deal with them! It's a wrong application to preach that the reason more people aren't being born again and set free is because we haven't prayed and done enough "spiritual warfare." that's not how you deal with them! It's a wrong application to preach that the reason more people aren't being born again and set free is because we haven't prayed and done enough "spiritual warfare."

Jesus never sent anyone in advance to pray bind the devil, and prepare a place so that the Word of G.o.d could go forth. He did send His disciples ahead to let people know He was coming. They also did miracles and drew folks to hear Him. But neither Jesus, Peter, nor Paul ever sent believers ahead of them just to pray and do these other things. It's absolutely wrong. (I deal more completely with this in my teaching ent.i.tled A Better Way to Pray.) Better Way to Pray.)

Old Testament vs. vs. the New the New In the Old Testament, you'll find different examples of individuals praying for certain cities and specific people. Abraham interceded for the cities of Sodom and Gomorrah. (Gen. 18.) Moses interceded for his siblings and the children of Israel. (Num. 12, 14.) They pleaded for mercy with an angry G.o.d who wanted to execute judgment for sin. However, that's very different from today. (These things are also addressed in both Spiritual Authority Spiritual Authority and and The Believer's Authority.) The Believer's Authority.) There's a huge difference between what happened in the Old Testament and what happens now in the New. In the Old Covenant, Jesus had not yet made atonement for our sins. He hadn't yet gone to h.e.l.l for us and become our Eternal Intercessor. (Heb. 7:25.) Therefore, it was appropriate for these Old Testament saints to ask for mercy, because mercy wasn't yet totally given. It was being shown in measure, but like it was on credit and not the actual transaction. The atonement had not yet been made.

But on this side of the Cross, there's a huge difference in the way we relate to G.o.d. G.o.d is pouring out mercy and grace today, not wrath. (2 Cor. 5:19.) He's not imputing men's sins unto them. It's absolutely wrong to think that G.o.d is angry at us because of sin and that He's ready to judge this nation. It's incorrect to believe that G.o.d is about to unleash judgment unless we repent and the intercessors unite to beg and plead with Him to stay His wrath. Jesus Christ already atoned for all sin. He is the Intercessor to end all of that kind of intercession!

There is a G.o.dly type of intercession today It's simply saying, "Father, I know that You're a good G.o.d. You love us. You would've spared Sodom and Gomorrah if there would have only been ten righteous people. There are more than ten righteous people in this country I know that all of these so-called 'prophecies' saying that unless we repent You're going to send doom, gloom, and destruction aren't from You. Thank You, Father, that You don't want to judge us."

Don't misunderstand me-there are consequences for sin. When people hate G.o.d and quit seeking Him, they become mean and selfish. Crime and problems escalate. Tragedies and terrorist attacks happen, but that's just sowing and reaping. Sowing bad seeds and reaping a negative harvest is different than G.o.d sending His wrath. G.o.d's not bringing judgment on people in this day and age. A time is coming when He will, and He'll be just in doing so. But during the Church Age, He's releasing mercy and grace.

New Testament Intercession Testament Intercession A New Testament intercessor recognizes that G.o.d has turned from His wrath because of the atoning work of Jesus Christ.

There's now no need to beg Him for mercy the way Moses did. (Ex. 32:12.) Jesus atoned not only for our sins but for the sins of the entire world. G.o.d has turned from His wrath and is now extending mercy and grace to all people everywhere.

It's wrong for a born-again believer to stand there and tell G.o.d to repent like Moses did. Moses wasn't wrong, because at the time G.o.d was pouring out His wrath. However, we're living in a New Covenant.

"G.o.d was in Christ, reconciling the world unto himself, not imputing their unto them" (2 Cor. 5:19).

To pray, "O G.o.d, turn from Your fierce wrath. O G.o.d, pour out Your power. Please, move," is to deny the atonement and intercession of the Lord Jesus Christ.

There's a huge difference between the way intercession was done in the Old Testament and the way it's done in the New. Much of what's being taught today as "intercession" and "spiritual warfare" is absolutely an Old Testament mentality. It's anti-Christ. It's denying the truth that Jesus spoiled the devil of all power and authority. It's glorifying Satan. Basically, it's just people who missed the parade!

The Antidote for Deception True spiritual warfare is fought on a personal level. You resist the lies and deception of the devil. This is primarily done through knowing the truth.

"And ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free" (John 8:32).

Understanding the truth is the antidote for deception.

Deception's power and strength comes from the fact that you don't know you're deceived. But once you realize the proper standard-the truth-deception immediately loses its power.

If someone was terrorizing and threatening to kill you, you'd be afraid. However, if I showed you that person's corpse, your fear would immediately leave. Once you knew the truth of their demise, their threats would no longer intimidate you.

G.o.d's Word is truth. John 17:17.) I take G.o.d's Word and meditate on it. Through the Word, I love G.o.d and commune with Him. I also fellows.h.i.+p with the Lord's people and stay positive by constantly seeking Him. These are just some practical ways I personally wage spiritual warfare. The best defense is a good offense!

Praise is a very powerful weapon against the devil! It literally drives him out. He can't stand to be around the praise and wors.h.i.+p of G.o.d. Once every couple of months, I'll rebuke and bind the devil over something, but it's not because he has this awesome power coming against me. It's just that the battle in my mind-my thoughts-has become so intense that I verbalize my resistance, saying, "I rebuke these thoughts in Jesus' name. Satan, you have zero right and zero power over me!" But most of the time, I don't ever have to say anything out loud. I just counter the lies that come my way with truth and continue in constant praise.

This might not be aggressive enough at first if you've been dominated by the devil for a long time. If you're demonized and are trying to come out of it, you might need to emphasize, rebuke, and speak things aloud more. However, once you're free, it's fairly easy to keep that freedom just by staying in the truth.

Send in the Truth!

I used to just rebuke demons in other people when they came to me. But I've come to realize that if I cast a demon out of someone on my faith alone, I'm actually doing them a disservice. (Matt. 12:43-45.) Those evil spirits will just come back on them again if they don't know, understand, and apply the truth against the lies they once believed.

The best way to deliver someone is to tell them the truth. Instruct them in the Word of G.o.d. Teach them about the triumphant procession and their victory in Jesus. Help them understand G.o.d's promises concerning their problem, and encourage them to diligently apply this truth to their thoughts. I could give you hundreds of testimonies of people who heard me preach the truth of G.o.d's Word and were set free from demons without my even so much as rebuking a devil. I'm talking about severe demonizations-people who were non-functional or even doped up and in a mental ward-being completely delivered because they simply listened to the truth and received it in their hearts. They were set free without my even praying for them!

There are other times when I do cast demons out of people. Sometimes Satan has ingrained certain lies so deeply into someone's thinking that they still need another person to pray and rebuke it even though they've seen and embraced the truth. That's why I often cast demons out of people when praying over sickness, depression, and the like. The demons leave and the people get free. But I always impart some truth to them to use for their protection and to keep the devil from coming back in again.

I wage spiritual warfare over a city or a country by sending in the truth! I do that by sharing G.o.d's Word through television, radio, tapes, CDs, books, videos, and the Internet. As people hear the truth, their hearts open and become more receptive to the Gospel. Then, I also go in-or send others who have been trained-to preach and teach the Word in person. True spiritual warfare is bringing the truth of G.o.d's Word to people!


Proclaim the Word!

Paul is a great example of true spiritual warfare. In Acts 19, the apostle ministered in the city of Ephesus. While there, he experienced much opposition. In fact, Paul considered leaving town, but the Lord told him to stay and build up the believers. Later in Church history, Ephesus became one of the most active and important centers of Christianity. However, despite fierce opposition, Scripture never records Paul ever leading the believers to gather together to intercede, do spiritual warfare, and rebuke the demonic princ.i.p.alities over the city.

At the time, Ephesus was known for the pagan G.o.ddess "Diana of the Ephesians." Her majestic and ornate temple was considered one of the wonders of the world. Legend said that her image fell directly from heaven into this temple. That's why devotees from throughout all of Asia came to Ephesus to wors.h.i.+p.

Yet Paul never organized the believers to rebuke Diana of the Ephesians. He never invoked them to do "spiritual warfare" against her. What did he do instead? Paul preached the truth. He countered their wrong conceptions and taught the people G.o.d's Word. Through boldly preaching the Gospel, Paul broke the power of Diana and saw mult.i.tudes in the city receive the Lord Jesus Christ.

That's the scriptural method: preach G.o.d's Word! This is exactly what Paul advised Timothy to do as the young man pastored the growing Ephesian church that his beloved mentor had planted.

All scripture is given by inspiration of G.o.d, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of G.o.d may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. scripture is given by inspiration of G.o.d, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness: That the man of G.o.d may be perfect, thoroughly furnished unto all good works. 1 1 charge thee therefore before G.o.d, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; he instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine. charge thee therefore before G.o.d, and the Lord Jesus Christ, who shall judge the quick and the dead at his appearing and his kingdom; Preach the word; he instant in season, out of season; reprove, rebuke, exhort with all longsuffering and doctrine.2 Timothy 3:16 - 4:2, emphasis mine

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