Harnessing Your Emotions Part 4

Harnessing Your Emotions -

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This escapism has happened since the beginning of time. In the Garden of Eden, when Adam disobeyed the Lord, G.o.d came to him and said, "Adam, what did you do?" Adam answered, "It's not my fault, Lord, it's that woman woman You gave me." (See Genesis 3:8-12.) Adam pa.s.sed You gave me." (See Genesis 3:8-12.) Adam pa.s.sed the buck to his wife. He blamed his actions and reactions on his wife. wife. "Lord, it's what other people did that made me do wrong. Eve made me eat of this tree." But that wasn't true. Adam had a choice. Then he tried to put the blame on G.o.d. "Lord, if "Lord, it's what other people did that made me do wrong. Eve made me eat of this tree." But that wasn't true. Adam had a choice. Then he tried to put the blame on G.o.d. "Lord, if You You hadn't given me this woman, this never would have happened." hadn't given me this woman, this never would have happened."

People do the same thing today. "G.o.d, if You You hadn't put me into this family, I would never have had these problems. G.o.d, if hadn't put me into this family, I would never have had these problems. G.o.d, if You You hadn't given me this wife, or husband, or parents, I never would have ended up with these emotional scars." hadn't given me this wife, or husband, or parents, I never would have ended up with these emotional scars."

It's not what other people have done to us that causes us to react the way we do - it's the way we think. It's that image we have on the inside of us that makes us act and react the way we do.

I believe the Bible differs dramatically with psychology in the a.s.sessment of who is responsible for our negative emotions. Psychology places the blame on everyone else. The Bible holds us accountable for our own thoughts, words, and deeds, because we have the power to control them. If that weren't so, G.o.d would be totally unjust to hold us responsible. Instead, He should judge everyone else for the things that take place in our lives.

* The Second Failure: Self-Dependence The second failure of psychology is that it tries to improve a person's self-image by finding something positive they can focus on. I think a lot of Christians go along with that idea, thinking it is the right thing to do.

For instance, take the area of child training. Say your child is suffering rejection at school. The other kids don't like them because they may be overweight, ugly, or just different. So they develop a poor self-image. Their grades go down and they show signs of depression. How to you respond to that situation?

Some Christian psychologists will say, "Find something positive about your child, something they can excel at, like sports. Find something they do well, and when they do well at it, praise them for it. Find something they can feel good about so they will develop a good good self-image." self-image."

I understand that principle, and I agree that to a large degree it works. Basically, that is the premise of all psychology. It tries to find something to make people feel good about themselves by focusing on one area of their lives in which they can succeed.

You are probably thinking, Well, what's wrong with that? Well, what's wrong with that? I think the thing that's wrong with that is that regardless of what area people may succeed in, regardless of how they may prosper and do well in some area of endeavor, they are eventually going to fail. When they do, that failure will literally knock the props out from under them. It's okay to encourage your child in a sport they are good at. Children need our encouragement. But if their whole ident.i.ty is wrapped up in their success at that sport, what is going to happen when they have an off day or lose a game? How are you going to tell someone to keep a stiff upper lip or improve their self-image when the very I think the thing that's wrong with that is that regardless of what area people may succeed in, regardless of how they may prosper and do well in some area of endeavor, they are eventually going to fail. When they do, that failure will literally knock the props out from under them. It's okay to encourage your child in a sport they are good at. Children need our encouragement. But if their whole ident.i.ty is wrapped up in their success at that sport, what is going to happen when they have an off day or lose a game? How are you going to tell someone to keep a stiff upper lip or improve their self-image when the very thing thing they put their confidence in is shaken? they put their confidence in is shaken?

Some people who have great talents or abilities in one area may be able to go for a long period of time in success. But that success is deceptive because it just makes them dependent upon themselves. Their joy, their emotions, their peace, their stability, and their self-image is dependent upon continual success, and that is not the way G.o.d made us to be. Our confidence and our self-image must be centered around G.o.d's Word.

The Danger of Self-Dependence Woe is me for my hurt! my wound is grievous: but I said, Truly this is a grief, and I must bear it.

Jeremiah 10:19 The prophet Jeremiah lamented over the terrible things that had happened to the nation of Israel. Known as "the weeping prophet," he grieved over Israel's punishment and the judgment G.o.d had brought upon them. He wept and travailed, crying out in anguish, "Lord, it's so so terrible, what has happened to Your chosen people, the nation of Israel." But in the midst of his lamentation he began to justify and glorify G.o.d by saying, "Lord, You are just in bringing these terrible calamities upon us because we rebelled against You and turned away from You." terrible, what has happened to Your chosen people, the nation of Israel." But in the midst of his lamentation he began to justify and glorify G.o.d by saying, "Lord, You are just in bringing these terrible calamities upon us because we rebelled against You and turned away from You."

Then Jeremiah makes this statement, O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps O Lord, I know that the way of man is not in himself: it is not in man that walketh to direct his steps (Jeremiah 10:23). (Jeremiah 10:23).

Here he hits right at the very heart of one of the things that causes people not to accept G.o.d's direction - they become self-dependent. They get to thinking that self self can do it. They become self-satisfied and self-sufficient. They begin to count on their own resources rather than trusting themselves completely to G.o.d's will and wisdom, to His strength and ability. can do it. They become self-satisfied and self-sufficient. They begin to count on their own resources rather than trusting themselves completely to G.o.d's will and wisdom, to His strength and ability.

When Jeremiah says that it is not in man to direct his own steps, he means that G.o.d did not create human beings with their own internal guidance system. He created us to depend upon His guidance so we can have His direction flowing through us. We are actually supposed to be remote-controlled by G.o.d.

The Lord made us so we could choose our own way. We have that choice. But the best choice a person can make is to say, "Father, I just don't trust myself. I am not self-dependent, self-reliant, or self-sufficient. I need You, Lord. Without You I am nothing."

This thought is repeated many times in the New Testament. In John 15:5 Jesus said, Without me ye can do nothing. Without me ye can do nothing. In other words, "Without Me in your life, you're a big zero with the circle knocked off of it." That is the exact opposite of what psychology tells people, In other words, "Without Me in your life, you're a big zero with the circle knocked off of it." That is the exact opposite of what psychology tells people, "Look, you're a great person. You need to feel good about yourself. Look what you can do." In Luke 9:23 Jesus went on to say, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me. Here He was saying, "Unless you die to yourself, crucify yourself daily, and take up your cross and follow Me, you cannot be My disciple." Jesus taught self-denial. Here He was saying, "Unless you die to yourself, crucify yourself daily, and take up your cross and follow Me, you cannot be My disciple." Jesus taught self-denial.

So did Paul. In 1 Corinthians 15:31 he wrote, I die daily. I die daily. In Galatians 2:20 he went on to explain, In Galatians 2:20 he went on to explain, I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of G.o.d, who loved me, and gave himself for me. I am crucified with Christ: nevertheless I live; yet not I, but Christ liveth in me: and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by the faith of the Son of G.o.d, who loved me, and gave himself for me. Paul recognized that in himself he was nothing. In Romans 7:18 he confessed, Paul recognized that in himself he was nothing. In Romans 7:18 he confessed, I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing. I know that in me (that is, in my flesh) dwelleth no good thing.

Now all these scriptures are completely contrary to psychology. Psychology goes to great lengths to get people to feel good about themselves by developing a positive self-image. It builds on the foundation of self. It knows that if people feel guilty, filthy, unjust, and unworthy, that negative self-image will reproduce itself in their inward emotions and outward actions. So psychology's answer is always to make excuses for all personal failures.

For example, it will tell a h.o.m.os.e.xual, "You didn't choose to be this way, you were born this way. It's your genes. You are this way because you were mistreated as a child, or you had a weak father figure." First, it places the blame on someone else. Secondly, it tries to get the person to feel better by saying, "It's not really wrong to be as you are. After all, it's just an alternate lifestyle."

This is actually the motivation behind the whole h.o.m.os.e.xual movement. h.o.m.os.e.xuals are not asking for tolerance. They are wanting approval to lift their self-esteem. It is based on the psychological principle of forcing society to accept h.o.m.os.e.xuals to a greater degree by stressing the fact that they should be free to be who they are. In other they are. In other words, society has the problem, not the person who is gay. words, society has the problem, not the person who is gay.

So, in order to be "cool," society today basically allows a person to be h.o.m.os.e.xual. It does not bring judgment on them or any of the things they do. As a result, the h.o.m.os.e.xual is free to function openly, and woe be to anyone who tries to discriminate against them.

They may be "out of the closet" in that sense, but they are fighting the emotional stress that goes along with being and doing something wrong. They are fighting guilt brought on by their sinful lifestyle; but rather than taking it to the Lord and asking for the forgiveness and cleansing G.o.d has to offer, they try to force society to go beyond simple tolerance to acceptance. They want people to say, "There is nothing wrong with h.o.m.os.e.xuality. It is no longer a sin." That is why they fight so violently. It's not because physically they're being treated so terribly, it's because emotionally they are trying to gain acceptance thinking that will help them deal with their problem. And psychology is right there to support them by a.s.suring them there is nothing wrong with them - the fault lies with society.

Feeling Good or Facing G.o.d

Thou shalt not lie with mankind, as with womankind: it is abomination.

Leviticus 18:22 According to the Bible, h.o.m.os.e.xuality is wrong. It is an abomination to G.o.d. The answer G.o.d gives to a h.o.m.os.e.xual is to become a new person in Christ. is wrong. It is an abomination to G.o.d. The answer G.o.d gives to a h.o.m.os.e.xual is to become a new person in Christ.

h.o.m.os.e.xuals don't need to feel good about themselves. Now that is a startling statement to some people, but it is true scripturally. Psychology's viewpoint is, "Any lifestyle you choose to follow is okay." I have even heard radio counselors make that statement to people who are into b.e.s.t.i.a.lity. There are basically no limits to some psychologists. To them, what people do with their bodies doesn't matter, as long as they feel good about it. But that's wrong. There are certain things people ought to feel rotten about.

When psychologists give a person that kind of counsel, it's not an answer to their problems. It's just like putting a Band-Aid on an amputated arm. It's not going to stop the bleeding, nor is it going to take away the pain.

For the wrath of G.o.d is revealed from heaven against all unG.o.dliness and unrighteousness of men, who hold the truth in unrighteousness; Because that which may be known of G.o.d is manifest in them; for G.o.d hath shewed it unto them.

For the invisible things from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and G.o.dhead; so that they are without excuse.

Romans 1:18-20 Every person has an intuitive knowledge from G.o.d of what's right and wrong. Those who engage in sin numb themselves to it for the moment, but when they get quiet they hear that still, small voice on the inside, saying, "You're wrong; you're wrong." That may make them feel bad about themselves, but there is a positive benefit to it - it can lead to G.o.dly repentance, which leads to freedom.

Psychology tries to numb people to a conviction of right and wrong by doing away with standards, which is very detrimental. We are seeing that multiplied many times over in our society today. There are just not many standards of right and wrong left. Everything is negotiable - even the consequences to sin are negotiable - and that is damaging. It deadens people to the conviction of the Holy Spirit, though not completely - they still have that still, small voice on the inside. But as long as they are told that what they are doing is perfectly okay, they can feel justified and soothe their conscience.

But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons, By means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron.

1 Timothy 4:1,2 NASB NASB Their conscience may be seared as with a hot iron, but that conviction still causes conflict within them. They instinctively know there is something wrong.

Denial of Right and Wrong And he said to them all, If any man will come after me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow me.

For whosoever will save his life shall lose it: but whosoever will lose his life for my sake, the same shall save it.

Luke 9:23,24 One of the buzz words psychology often uses is denial. denial. If a person doesn't acknowledge personal emotional problems, psychologists will say that individual is in denial. But actually, psychology teaches denial. It teaches people to deny that there is a right and a wrong standard. Denial teaches them to refuse to confront their sins, because it has no forgiveness to offer them. There is no way psychology can bring people to a total reconciliation and an internal peace, because it does not recognize G.o.d's power to forgive. So psychology is actually in denial of the real problem - sin, who is to blame for it - the person, and what the real solution to it is - forgiveness and deliverance through Jesus Christ. If a person doesn't acknowledge personal emotional problems, psychologists will say that individual is in denial. But actually, psychology teaches denial. It teaches people to deny that there is a right and a wrong standard. Denial teaches them to refuse to confront their sins, because it has no forgiveness to offer them. There is no way psychology can bring people to a total reconciliation and an internal peace, because it does not recognize G.o.d's power to forgive. So psychology is actually in denial of the real problem - sin, who is to blame for it - the person, and what the real solution to it is - forgiveness and deliverance through Jesus Christ.

As we have seen from the Scriptures, there is a benefit to feeling bad about yourself. That's when you realize you can't do anything without the Lord. You need to know that. You need to know that, like Paul, in your flesh there is no good thing. You need to die to yourself. You need to get to where you hate your sin and the misery it ultimately causes you and those around you. Until you reach that point, you cannot be Jesus' disciple. That's not just what I say or even what Paul said, it's what Jesus said. (Read Luke 9:23,24 again.) That's when you realize you can't do anything without the Lord. You need to know that. You need to know that, like Paul, in your flesh there is no good thing. You need to die to yourself. You need to get to where you hate your sin and the misery it ultimately causes you and those around you. Until you reach that point, you cannot be Jesus' disciple. That's not just what I say or even what Paul said, it's what Jesus said. (Read Luke 9:23,24 again.) The Blessedness of Low Self-Esteem For ye see your calling, brethren, how that not many wise men after the flesh, not many mighty, not many n.o.ble, are called: But G.o.d hath chosen the foolish things of the world to confound the wise; and G.o.d hath chosen the weak things of the world to confound the things which are mighty; And base things of the world, and things which are despised, hath G.o.d chosen, yea, and things which are not, to bring to nought things that are: That no flesh should glory in his presence.

1 Corinthians 1:26-29 Most psychologists would blow up at the idea that people need to have a low opinion of themselves. "You're teaching people poor self-esteem," they would say. My answer is, "Look at what Paul said in the first chapter of 1 Corinthians."

Poor old Paul didn't have the benefit of modern-day psychology. He said that G.o.d deliberately chooses those who are not mighty or n.o.ble, but foolish, weak, despised, and nothing in their own eyes. That is exactly opposite of what psychology teaches today. How does this fit into the message of positive self-esteem?

Keep in mind that the image or the perception we have of ourselves affects our actions and our emotions. We cannot operate differently from the way we think. (See Proverbs 23:7.) So how does this low self-esteem square with that concept?

Here the Bible teaches us that we need to see ourselves as nothing, as despised, and as incapable of doing things on our own. Why? Because it is not in the way of a man to direct his own steps. (See Jeremiah 10:23.) We must have a total distrust in ourselves. Yet, if we feel that way, if that is the image we have of ourselves, how can we ever have good emotional health? The answer is that we have to quit trying to act like something we're not, and instead actually become what we are - something brand new.

If you are suffering from a low self-esteem, be encouraged! When Jesus comes into your life, you become a new person. This is the answer for the Christian, Christian, and only for the Christian. There is no way to obtain emotional health without a total transformation through the power of G.o.d. and only for the Christian. There is no way to obtain emotional health without a total transformation through the power of G.o.d.

So the two-fold failure of psychology is first to deny guilt and second to find your source in self instead of G.o.d. This perpetuates the lie that there is no G.o.d to be accountable to, which means there are no absolutes of right and wrong to feel guilty about. Their "sin" becomes "a problem," which is solved by positive thinking and s.h.i.+fting blame to others. G.o.d, on the other hand, wipes sin out through the blood of Jesus Christ when you acknowledge your sin as sin, turn from it, and ask Him to forgive you and cleanse you. When your source is G.o.d and not yourself, you can be free from sin and enjoy the life of blessing G.o.d has for you.

Chapter 5

A New Person Person.

Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are pa.s.sed away; behold, all things are become new.

2 Corinthians 5:17 G.o.d does not intend for a rebellious, sinful person to feel good and have great emotional health. If you are not living a life submitted to G.o.d and under His control and power, you are not going to feel good about yourself. You should should feel bad. Hopefully, your feelings will drive you to the place of saying, "G.o.d, I need You. Forgive me. Come into my life and save me from sin and death." feel bad. Hopefully, your feelings will drive you to the place of saying, "G.o.d, I need You. Forgive me. Come into my life and save me from sin and death."

The Lord is the answer, and the way to receive that answer is by coming to Him through His Son Jesus and becoming a new person in Christ.

Psychology is doing a tremendous amount of damage by directing people to cope without G.o.d. We aren't supposed to cope without G.o.d. G.o.d is the answer for our emotions. There is no pill that can ever mean to us what G.o.d means to us. If we can take a pill to numb ourselves and get rid of our depression and discouragement, something's wrong. We need either to get our body healed or our thinking straight.

G.o.d never intended for a pill to do what the Gos-pill was designed to do!

The Two Men

Put off concerning the former conversation the old man, which is corrupt according to deceitful l.u.s.ts; And be renewed in the spirit of your mind; And that ye put on the new man, which after G.o.d is created in righteousness and true holiness.

Ephesians 4:22-24 If you are a Christian, you have become a totally brand-new person. Now that doesn't mean your old person person ceases to exist; it means your old ceases to exist; it means your old nature nature ceases to exist. You are no longer, by nature, a child of the devil, but all of your old feelings, your old emotions, and your old perceptions about yourself are still in your mind. Your new spirit is the new man within you who is different from your old man. ceases to exist. You are no longer, by nature, a child of the devil, but all of your old feelings, your old emotions, and your old perceptions about yourself are still in your mind. Your new spirit is the new man within you who is different from your old man.

When we are born again, we still have this old part of us that was controlled by wrong att.i.tudes. The Bible calls that old part the "old man." But we also have a brand-new person on the inside. That's what the Bible calls our "new man."

That very simple terminology is used in many different places in Scripture. We have already read Ephesians 4:23, which tells us to be renewed in the spirit of our mind. The verse before it says that we should put off the "old man." Then the next verse after it says that we are to put on the "new man," which is created in righteousness and true holiness. So right there in just three verses the Bible uses the terminology "old man," referring to everything negative about us before we got born again, and "new man," referring to who we have become in Christ. It shows that there are now two different personalities on the inside of us.

Here is the answer to our apparent problem. I said earlier that the way we view ourselves - our mental image we have on the inside - determines our actions and our emotions on the outside. Yet the Bible teaches us that we need to see ourselves as nothing in order for G.o.d to use us. So if that is the image we have of ourselves, how can we ever have emotional joy and peace? We can have those things because within each of us there is a new person in Christ.

If you are a Christian, you are a new person in Christ, and that's something to feel good about. But you still have this other self, this old self, this old man within you that is base, despised, weak, and nothing. You need to recognize that in that old self you don't have the power to govern your life. You aren't smart enough to make the best choices. You need to disdain that and die to it. You need to constantly reject your old selfish att.i.tudes, feelings, and emotions to find your new ident.i.ty in Christ.

There are actually two yous: the new, born-again you, and the old unregenerate you - the new man and the old man. You should feel good about the new man. As you begin to see who you are in Christ, that revelation should give you joy, peace, confidence, and security. But at the same time, you must recognize that the old man is not G.o.dly and cannot be trusted. It should not be propped up and improved.

Few people have a real mental picture, image, or revelation of who they are in Christ. Most of us continue to think about ourselves in the emotional or mental realm, which the Bible calls the soulish part of us. Most of us think that is the real us, but it's not.

The truth is, there's a new you on the inside, and you've got to get into G.o.d's Word and find out who you are in Christ. Then you can begin to feel good about that new part of yourself. That's the part of you that is saved. That's the only part of you that is worth thinking good about.

Psychology doesn't have this option. Most psychologists don't believe that anyone can become a new person. They would ridicule this idea, saying, "What you're talking about is a dual personality. That's schizophrenic!"

A Dual Personality

Although I don't have the clinical terminology to debate with psychologists on this subject, I will agree with them on one point. Yes, I do have a dual personality. There is a born-again me, and there is a part of me that is not born again, is corrupt, and has wrong thoughts and att.i.tudes. I'm not going to get better in that area, so there's no point in trying to improve it.

Many people have a wrong understanding about salvation. They don't understand that when they are saved there is a part of them that is completely new, a part that is holy and pure and no longer subject to corruption. Instead, they think salvation is simply bringing their old self to the Lord, confessing that they have sinned, and letting G.o.d forgive them, cleanse them, and point them in the right direction, saying, "Now, go and do it right this time." They think salvation is like a new beginning or a new start with the same old self living within them.

That is a terrible concept of salvation! Furthermore, it's incorrect.

If all G.o.d did was forgive me of my past sins, pick me up, dust me off, and kind of point me in the right direction without changing me on the inside, then I would be bound to fail again. I would blow my second chance just as I did my first chance. That's not salvation - that's misery.

Yet that's the way many Christians see salvation. I know people who honestly made a commitment to the Lord and are born again, but they don't understand it properly. They're out there on their own, trying to live for G.o.d in their own energy and ability, trying to live a good life instead of a bad life, just as they were doing before they were saved. And they're winding up frustrated to the max. They actually think they can live for the Lord in the flesh, which is another Bible term for the old man. Some people think that the fleshly part of them is actually going to get better and better as they continue to walk with the Lord.

They see themselves improving in their flesh when the Bible teaches that the flesh never improves. It's still the old personality with all of the desires and emotions that go with it.

Actually, as Christians mature they should get to where they depend less and less on the flesh, deny the flesh more and more, and let that new person they have become in Christ live through them. As Paul said in Galatians 2:20, "I am crucified with Christ. I live, yet it's not me. I'm alive, but it's not really me. It's not that old me. It's not the part I used to consider me. It's not the old man, but the new man - the one in whom Christ lives. So the life I now live, I live by the faith of the Son of G.o.d, who loved me and gave Himself for me."

Christ in You

G.o.d would make known what is the riches of the glory of this mystery among the Gentiles; which is Christ in you, the hope of glory.

Colossians 1:27 Paul had a revelation of who he was in Christ. He recognized that there was a new man living within him. He knew that it wasn't him living for G.o.d, but it was G.o.d living through him. He knew there was a new Paul that was in union with Christ, which he literally called Christ in him. Because that union was so strong, he could refer to the born-again part of him and say, "It's not me; it's Christ living through me."

That's the att.i.tude every Christian ought to have. When some people first get born again, they see themselves as weak and totally dependent upon G.o.d. But as they grow in the Lord, they actually think they should become more independent. They think they should be strong enough that they don't have to call upon G.o.d and ask Him for help. They think they should be so spiritually mature that they are able to do everything for themselves. That is a totally wrong concept.

The truth is, as we grow in the Lord, we ought to become more and more aware of our weaknesses and our frailties in the old man and more and more dependent upon the new, born-again life G.o.d has placed on the inside of us.

If a person doesn't understand this truth, they actually become dependent upon self, self, which is basically the same att.i.tude psychology has today. That's the reasoning behind all the self-help groups, which are so popular, even churches are organizing them. That whole concept flies in the face of true Christianity. Self can't really help self. All self can help is someone else who is totally dest.i.tute and has no one else to turn to whatsoever. A self-help group may help you help someone who is living in the gutter, but compared to what G.o.d intends for you, self cannot help you. which is basically the same att.i.tude psychology has today. That's the reasoning behind all the self-help groups, which are so popular, even churches are organizing them. That whole concept flies in the face of true Christianity. Self can't really help self. All self can help is someone else who is totally dest.i.tute and has no one else to turn to whatsoever. A self-help group may help you help someone who is living in the gutter, but compared to what G.o.d intends for you, self cannot help you.

Imagine yourself standing in a mud puddle trying to get your feet clean. You lift one foot up and clean it off, but then to raise the other foot, you have to stick the clean one back down in the mud. It's an endless process, and a frustrating, un.o.btainable goal to try to get both feet clean that way. Yet that is exactly the way self-help groups work. They may help you to a degree. You may get dry from alcohol, for example, but you aren't going to get delivered delivered from it. from it.

"I'm an Alcoholic"

One time I was on a television program with a very famous actress. She had become an alcoholic, gone through a treatment center, got dried out, and was now talking about her deliverance. It sounded good on camera, but I was with her and her husband for two days behind the scenes. I can tell you that that woman was still an alcoholic. Well, that's not the proper terminology. She was still addicted; she just wasn't addicted to alcohol. She didn't drink alcohol anymore, but she had to have cases of caffeine-free diet Dr. Pepper around at all times. There was never a waking moment when she was without a gla.s.s of Dr. Pepper in her hand.

This woman was no longer an alcoholic, but she still had the mentality of an alcoholic. She was still an addict. She talked constantly about the struggle she was going through. She was a victim. She was never delivered. She didn't know who she was in Christ, yet there she was on a Christian television network saying she was a Christian.

Behind the scenes, I talked to her and her husband, who was a fanatical born-again Christian. He truly loved G.o.d and we had a great time together. But in private this woman would say, "You know, my salvation experience was getting dried out in the treatment center. My husband talks about being born again, but I've never had that happen to me."

Yet there she was portraying herself as a Christian. I believe all she did was get some self-help, and the Christian host couldn't distinguish between that and genuine salvation. She was no longer on the bottle, but she was still addicted emotionally. She wasn't free, because she still had the same old spirit ruling and reigning within her.

A New Spirit

Many Christians don't really understand what it means to be born again. The true salvation experience is where you come to the Lord with nothing in yourself to depend upon. You aren't trying to clean yourself up; you ask G.o.d to do it for you. You cry out, "G.o.d, save me." Then the Lord saves you, but not by just winding your old self up and giving you a new start. If He did that, you would never make it. Instead, He takes away that old, dead spirit on the inside of you - the old spirit that corrupted your old man and taught it to hate and do all kinds of sinful things -then puts within you a brand-new spirit, one that is exactly as He is.

If you have received the Spirit of G.o.d, then you have His life, His nature, and His ability on the inside of you. From the time you receive Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit comes to live in your new holy spirit, you have the ability to live the Christian life as a new creature. You should see yourself as a new person in Christ and begin to let that new person rule and reign.

If you don't have a good mental picture of yourself as a new person in Christ, you will continue to operate the way you used to before you were saved. That is what many Christians do. Lots of people come to the Lord and are genuinely born again, but because they don't know who they are in Christ, they continue to operate on the old information that was given to them. It's like a computer - it is going to continue to function under the programming that's in it until it is reprogrammed.

Reprogramming Your Old Mind

When you are born again, you need to get rid of the old information. You need to reprogram yourself by seeing yourself as a brand-new person in Christ.

I once heard Kenneth Hagin say that before he was born again, if he ever had a natural talent, it was the ability to pick a lock. He never saw a lock he couldn't pick. Because of his ability, if the people he ran around with wanted to break in and steal something, they would always get him to pick the lock and let them in.

Right after he got born again, some of his friends asked him to pick a lock so they could go in some place and steal something. Brother Hagin said that he didn't understand everything about the Christian life, but one revelation he had was 2 Corinthians 5:17, which told him he was a new creature. He knew he was a different person. He wasn't looking at himself anymore with that same old image. He didn't have the old mental picture of himself as a person who picked locks. He now saw himself as a new being, created in the image of G.o.d.

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