The World English Bible (WEB) Part 145

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Baptize means to immerse in, or wash with something, usually water.

Baptism in the Holy Spirit, fire, the Body of Christ, and suffering are also mentioned in the New Testament, along with baptism in water.

Baptism is not just to cleanse the body, but as an outward sign of an inward spiritual cleansing and commitment. Baptism is a sign of repentance, as practiced by John the Baptizer, and of faith in Jesus Christ, as practiced by Jesus' disciples.


A bath is a liquid measure of about 22 liters, 5.8 U. S. gallons, or 4.8 imperial gallons.


A batos is a liquid measure of about 39.5 liters, 10.4 U. S. gallons, or 8.7 imperial gallons.


Beersheba is Hebrew for "well of the oath" or "well of the seven." A city in Israel.


Look! See! Wow! Notice this! Lo!


A cherub is a kind of angel with wings and hands that is a.s.sociated with the throne room of G.o.d and guardian duty. See Ezekiel 10.


Cherubim means more than one cherub or a mighty cherub.


A choenix is a dry volume measure that is a little more than a liter (which is a little more than a quart). A choenix was the daily ration of grain for a soldier in some armies.


a woman who is united to a man for the purpose of providing him with s.e.xual pleasure and children, but not being honored as a full partner in marriage; a second-cla.s.s wife. In Old Testament times (and in some places now), it was the custom of middle-eastern kings, chiefs, and wealthy men to mary multiple wives and concubines, but G.o.d commanded the Kings of Israel not to do so (Deuteronomy 17:17) and Jesus encouraged people to either remain single or marry as G.o.d originally intended: one man married to one woman (Matthew 19:3-12; 1 Corinthians 7:1-13).


A cor is a dry measure of about 391 liters, 103 U. S. gallons, or 86 imperial gallons.


Corban is a Hebrew word for an offering devoted to G.o.d.


Crucify means to execute someone by nailing them to a cross with metal spikes. Their hands are stretched out on the crossbeam with spikes driven through their wrists or hands. Their feet or ankles are attached to a cross with a metal spike. The weight of the victim's body tends to force the air out of his lungs. To raise up to breathe, the victim has to put weight on the wounds, and use a lot of strength. The victim is nailed to the cross while the cross is on the ground, then the cross is raised up and dropped into a hole, thus jarring the wounds. Before crucifiction, the victim was usually whipped with a Roman cat of nine tails, which had bits of gla.s.s and metal tied to its ends. This caused chunks of flesh to be removed and open wounds to be placed against the raw wood of the cross. The victim was made to carry the heavy crossbeam of his cross from the place of judgment to the place of crucifixion, but often was physically unable after the scourging, so another person would be pressed into involuntary service to carry the cross for him. Roman crucifixion was generally done totally naked to maximize both shame and discomfort. Eventually, the pain, weakness, dehydration, and exhaustion of the muscles needed to breathe make breathing impossible, and the victim suffocates.


A cubit is a unit of linear measure, from the elbow to the tip of the longest finger of a man. This unit is commonly converted to 0.46 meters or 18 inches, although that varies with height of the man doing the measurement. There is also a "long" cubit that is longer than a regular cubit by a handbreadth. (Ezekiel 43:13)


c.u.mmin is an aromatic seed from c.u.minum cyminum, resembling caraway in flavor and appearance. It is used as a spice.


Darnel is a weed gra.s.s (probably bearded darnel or Lolium temulentum) that looks very much like wheat until it is mature, when the seeds reveal a great difference. Darnel seeds aren't good for much except as chicken feed or to burn to prevent the spread of this weed.


denarii: plural form of denarius, a silver Roman coin worth about a days wages for a laborer.


A denarius is a silver Roman coin worth about a day's wages for an agricultural laborer. A denarius was worth 1/25th of a Roman aureus.


The word "devil" comes from the Greek "diabolos," which means "one to slander; a liar." "Devil" is used to refer to a fallen angel, also called "Satan," who works to steal, kill, destroy, and do evil. The devil's doom is certain, and it is only a matter of time before he is thrown into the Lake of Fire, never to escape.


A didrachma is a Greek silver coin worth 2 drachmas, about as much as 2 Roman denarii, or about 2 days wages. It was commonly used to pay the half-shekel temple tax.


part of a spinning wheel used for twisting threads.


A drachma is a Greek silver coin worth about one Roman denarius, or about a day's wages for an agricultural laborer.


El-Elohe-Israel means "G.o.d, the G.o.d of Israel" or "The G.o.d of Israel is mighty."


An ephah is a measure of volume of about 22 liters, 5.8 U. S. gallons, 4.8 imperial gallons, or a bit more than half a bushel.


Gehenna is one word used for h.e.l.l. It comes from the Hebrew Gey-Hinnom, literally "valley of Hinnom." This word originated as the name for a place south of the old city of Jerusalem where the city's rubbish was burned. At one time, live babies were thrown crying into the fire under the arms of the idol, Moloch, to die there. This place was so despised by the people after the righteous King Josiah abolished this hideous practice that it was made into a garbage heap. Bodies of diseased animals and executed criminals were thrown there and burned.

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