The Koran Part 96

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And most of them believe not in G.o.d, without also joining other deities with Him.

What! Are they sure that the overwhelming chastis.e.m.e.nt of G.o.d shall not come upon them, or that that Hour shall not come upon them suddenly, while they are unaware?

SAY: This is my way: resting on a clear proof, I call you to G.o.d, I and whoso followeth me: and glory be to G.o.d! I am not one of those who add other deities to Him.

Never before thee have we sent any but men, chosen out of the people of the cities, to whom we made revelations. Will they not journey through the land, and see what hath been the end of those who were before them? But the mansions of the next life shall be better for those who fear G.o.d. Will they not then comprehend?

When at last the Apostles lost all hope, and deemed that they were reckoned as liars, our aid reached them, and we delivered whom we would; but our vengeance was not averted from the wicked.

Certainly in their histories is an example for men of understanding. This is no new tale of fiction, but a confirmation of previous scriptures, and an explanation of all things, and guidance and mercy to those who believe.


1 See Sura lxviii. p. 32. In no other Sura beside this is one subject treated of throughout. It was recited to the first eight of the Ansars who were converted, and clearly proves that Muhammad must have been in confidential intercourse with learned Jews.

2 The word Koran is here used in the same sense as Sura.

3 Muhammad was either unaware of the previous dream mentioned, Gen. x.x.xvii.

7, or it by in silence.

4 The captious and unbelieving Koreisch.

5 Wir mussten denn zuerst das Leben einbussen. Wahl. Ullm. Maracci.

6 Lit. your minds have made a thing seem pleasant to you.

7 According to Gen. x.x.xvii. 24, the well or pit had "no water in it.

8 Some take the Arabic Boshra as the proper name of the person who accompanied the drawer of water.

9 The apparition of his father, who said, "Hereafter shall the names of thy brethren, engraven on precious stones, s.h.i.+ne on the breast of the High Priest. Shall thine be blotted out?" Tr. Sotah, fol. 36. Comp. Weil, Legenden, p. 109, n.

10 Lit. that he be imprisoned.

11 An infant in the cradle. Sepher Hadjascher, as below on v. 31.

12 Instead of their food, through surprise at his beauty. Seph. Hadj. in Midr. Jalkut. See also Midr. Abkhir, ib. ch. 146.

13 It is curious to observe how Muhammad, in this and the following verse, puts his own doctrine and convictions into the mouth of Joseph.

14 Satan induced Joseph to place his confidence in man, rather than in G.o.d alone, in punishment of which sin the imprisonment was continued. Thus Midr.

Rabba. Gen. Par. 89. Midr. Jalkut, ib. ch. 147.

15 In Gen. xli. 14, Joseph is released from prison before the interpretation of the dreams. But the Koran makes him decline to quit it till his character is cleared.

16 According to Gen. xli. 39, Pharaoh of his own accord sets Joseph over his house and land.

17 For the king to bestow.

18 Thus we read in Mid. Rab. on Gen. Par. 91, "Jacob said to them, Enter ye not all by one gate." See also Midr. Jalkut, ch. 148.

19 Thus also, in the Sepher Hadjaschar, Joseph first discovers himself to Benjamin, in opposition to Gen. xlv. 1.

20 Comp. Gen. xlii. 9.

21 Joseph is said by the Muhammadan commentators to have stolen an idol of gold belonging to his mother's father, which he broke, that he might not wors.h.i.+p it. But this comment, as well as the text of the Koran, is probably based upon some such tradition as that of Midr. Rabba, Par. 92, "He is a thief and the son of a thief" (Comp. Gen. x.x.xi. 19)-spoken of Benjamin.

22 That is, that Joseph was still alive. Thus Midr. Tanchumah on Gen. xlii.


23 Comp. Gen. xxvii. 27.

24 Joseph's mother had long been dead. See Gen. x.x.xv. 19. But the object of Muhammad was probably to bring the event into strict accordance with the prediction of the dream. Gen. x.x.xvii. 10. Some, however, suppose that Bilhah is here meant, and her appearance before Joseph is also a.s.serted to be the fulfilment of the dream by some of the Rabbins. Comp. Raschi on Gen. x.x.xvii.


25 Lit. This is of the announcements of the things unseen (by thee, Muhammad). Compare the manner in which the story of the Creation and of Moses in the mount is introduced. Sura x.x.xviii. 70; xxviii. 45. Mr. Muir thinks that Muhammad must at this period, while recasting and working up these materials, have entered upon a course of wilful dissimulation and deceit (although the end would justify to him the means employed) in claiming inspiration for them.


MECCA.-85 Verses

In the Name of G.o.d, the Compa.s.sionate, the Merciful

HA. MIM. The Revelation (sending down) of the Book is from G.o.d the Almighty, the All-knowing,1

Forgiver of sin, and receiver of penitence,-vehement in chastis.e.m.e.nt,

Long-suffering! There is no G.o.d but He: to Him shall be the final gathering.

None but infidels gainsay the signs of G.o.d: but let not their prosperity in the land deceive thee.

The people of Noah, and the confederates after them, have brought the charge of imposture before these Meccans: each nation schemed against their apostle to lay violent hold on him, and disputed with vain words to refute the truth.

Therefore did I lay violent hold on them; and how great was my chastis.e.m.e.nt!

Thus is it that thy Lord's sentence, that inmates shall they be of the fire, was accomplished upon the infidels.

They who bear the throne2 and they who encircle it, celebrate the praise of their Lord and believe in Him, and implore forgiveness for the believers:-"O our Lord! thou embracest all things in mercy and knowledge; forgive, therefore, those who turn to thee and follow thy path; keep them from the pains of h.e.l.l:

O our Lord! and bring them into the Gardens of Eden which thou hast promised to them, and to the righteous ones of their fathers and their wives and their children; for thou art the All-mighty, the All-wise:

And keep them from evil: for on him hast thou mercy whom on that day thou shalt keep from evil;" and this will be the great felicity.

But to the infidels shall a voice cry, "Surely the hatred of G.o.d is more grievous than your hatred of yourselves, when ye were called to the faith, and remained unbelievers."

They shall say, "Twice, O our Lord, hast thou given us death, and twice hast thou given us life:3 and we acknowledge our sins: is there no way to escape?"

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