The Koran Part 85

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And all of varied hues that He hath created for you over the earth: verily, in this are signs for those who remember.

And He it is who hath subjected the sea to you, that ye may eat of its fresh fish, and take forth from it ornaments to wear-thou seest the s.h.i.+ps ploughing its billows-and that ye may go in quest of his bounties, and that ye might give thanks.

And He hath thrown firm mountains on the earth, least it move with you; and rivers and paths for your guidance,

And way marks. By the stars too are men guided.

Shall He then who hath created be as he who hath not created? Will ye not consider?

And if ye would reckon up the favours of G.o.d, ye could not count them. Aye!

G.o.d is right Gracious, Merciful!

And G.o.d knoweth what ye conceal, and what ye bring to light,

While the G.o.ds whom they call on beside G.o.d, create nothing, but are themselves created:

Dead are they, lifeless! and they know not

When they shall be raised!

Your G.o.d is the one G.o.d: and they who believe not in a future life, have hearts given to denial, and are men of pride:-

Beyond a doubt G.o.d knoweth what they conceal and what they manifest:-

He truly loveth not the men of pride.

For when it is said to them, "What is this your Lord hath sent down?" they say, "Fables of the ancients,"-

That on the day of resurrection they may bear their own entire burden, and the burden of those whom they, in their ignorance, misled. Shall it not be a grievous burden for them?

They who were before them did plot of old. But G.o.d attacked their building at its foundation the roof fell on them from above; and, whence they looked not for it, punishment overtook them:4

On the day of resurrection, too, will He shame them. He will say, "Where are the G.o.ds ye a.s.sociated with me, the subjects of your disputes?" They to whom "the knowledge" hath been given will say, Verily, this day shall shame and evil fall upon the infidels.

The sinners against their own souls whom the angels shall cause to die will proffer the submission, "No evil have we done." Nay! G.o.d knoweth what ye have wrought:

Enter ye therefore the gates of h.e.l.l to remain therein for ever: and horrid the abiding place of the haughty ones!

But to those who have feared G.o.d it shall be said, "What is this that your Lord hath awarded?" They shall say, "That which is best. To those who do good, a good reward in this present world; but better the mansion of the next, and right pleasant the abode of the G.o.d-fearing!"

Gardens of Eden into which they shall enter; rivers shall flow beneath their shades; all they wish for shall they find therein! Thus G.o.d rewardeth those who fear Him;

To whom, as righteous persons, the angels shall say, when they receive their souls, "Peace be on you! Enter Paradise as the meed of your labours."

What can the infidels expect but that the angels of death come upon them, or that a sentence of thy Lord take effect? Thus did they who flourished before them. G.o.d was not unjust to them, but to their ownselves were they unjust;

And the ill which they had done recoiled upon them, and that which they had scoffed at encompa.s.sed them round about.

They who have joined other G.o.ds with G.o.d say, "Had He pleased, neither we nor our fathers had wors.h.i.+pped aught but him; nor should we, apart from him, have forbidden aught." Thus acted they who were before them. Yet is the duty of the apostles other than public preaching?

And to every people have we sent an apostle saying:-Wors.h.i.+p G.o.d and turn away from Taghout.5 Some of them there were whom G.o.d guided, and there were others decreed to err. But go through the land and see what hath been the end of those who treated my apostles as liars!

If thou art anxious for their guidance, know that G.o.d will not guide him whom He would lead astray, neither shall they have any helpers.

And they swear by G.o.d with their most sacred oath that "G.o.d will never raise him who once is dead." Nay, but on Him is a promise binding, though most men know it not,-

That He may clear up to them the subject of their disputes, and that the infidels may know that they are liars.

Our word to a thing when we will it, is but to say, "Be," and it is.6

And as to those who when oppressed have fled their country for the sake of G.o.d, we will surely provide them a goodly abode in this world, but greater the reward of the next life, did they but know it

They who bear ills with patience and put their trust in the Lord!

None have we sent before thee but men inspired ask of those who have Books of Monition,7 if ye know it not-

With proofs of their mission and Scriptures: and to thee have we sent down this Book of Monition that thou mayest make clear to men what hath been sent down to them, and that they may ponder it.

What! Are they then who have plotted mischiefs, sure that G.o.d will not cause the earth to cleave under them? or that a chastis.e.m.e.nt will not come upon them whence they looked not for it?

Or that He will not seize upon them in their comings and goings, while they shall not be able to resist him?

Or that he will not seize them with some slowly wasting scourge? But verily your Lord is Good, Gracious.

Have they not seen how everything which G.o.d hath created turneth its shadow right and left, prostrating itself before G.o.d in all abas.e.m.e.nt?

And all in the Heavens and all on the Earth, each thing that moveth, and the very angels, prostrate them in adoration before G.o.d, and are free from pride;

They fear their Lord who is above them, and do what they are bidden:

For G.o.d hath said, "Take not to yourselves two G.o.ds, for He is one G.o.d: me, therefore! yea, me revere!

All in the Heavens and in the Earth is His! His due unceasing service! Will ye then fear any other than G.o.d?

And all your blessings are a.s.suredly from G.o.d: then, when trouble befalleth you, to Him ye turn for help:

Then when He relieveth you of the trouble, lo! some of you join a.s.sociates with your Lord:-

To prove how thankless are they for our gifts! Enjoy yourselves then: but in the end ye shall know the truth.

And for idols, of which they know nothing, they set apart a share of our bounties! By G.o.d ye shall be called to account for your devices!

And they ascribe daughters unto G.o.d! Glory be to Him! But they desire them not for themselves:8

For when the birth of a daughter is announced to any one of them, dark shadows settle on his face, and he is sad:

He hideth him from the people because of the ill tidings: shall he keep it with disgrace or bury it in the dust?9 Are not their judgments wrong?

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